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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

My role will be to assess the current organizational structure of WCK and

collaborate with others to have a sustainable strategy for successful execution to meet the
demands of future needs. Additionally, my role would entail gathering collaboration to
make sure there's a leader who can advocate and have the "political savvy" (Perusall,
2022) to deter unnecessary obstacles that prevent WCK from supporting these crisis
events. Lastly, establishing a platform where they can share stories to inspire others to
advocate, volunteer, or support in any means to create awareness of the work WCK is
providing globally.

With increased disasters occurring yearly, an organization like WCK is crucial to

ensure those impacted are not forgotten or waiting for a logistical solution while working
through the bureaucracy. Unlike many organizations focused on humanitarian efforts,
WCK is not hampered by financial or political implications because it's an autonomous
organization capable of providing immediate hunger relief to those in crisis.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

WCK’s practices and beliefs in their training and promotion within the culture are
another reason why they have found success in their organization. I want to explain
further the idea of promoting within the organization, as it differs from other
organizations in their similar industry or focus. WCK's concept is to immediately
expedite the chefs in the area to start feeding the people so they do not go hungry. During
this process, the chefs and other organizers are finding ways to help the community by
showing them how to utilize the local ingredients to sustain food availability during these
times of distress. From this, they connect with local chefs or find new talent willing to
help continue these practices, which is how they promote within the organization. It's
repurposing the human capital.

WCK also has numerous local advocates who can work with the local
municipalities to address any issues that may arise from the logistics or distribution of the
services. Unlike other humanitarian organizations that are bound or have to succumb to
bureaucratic policies, WCK can work directly with the locals to provide immediate
support. The immediacy is possible because WCK promotes egalitarianism because the
volunteers and "employees are an integral part of the decision-making process" (Perusall,
2022). As much as a successful organization like WCK makes all the efforts to centralize
the decision-making process, they are not only able to maintain the volunteers' and
employees' satisfaction, but it also creates loyalty. This practice also encourages trust and
accountability to ensure the mission of WCK is alive and well.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

An alternative course of action regarding World Central Kitchen regarding human

resources would be to consider human needs. Another course of action is to consider
Pink's three drives with models of motivation at work. They are "autonomy (people want
to have control over their work); mastery (people want to get better at what they do);
purpose (people want to be part of something bigger than themselves) (Perusall, 2022).
Human needs are about not making assumptions that those working for the organization
believe in WCK's purpose, there will be a point where even those passionate will need
recognition and a show of appreciation.

Additionally, similar to human needs, how can WCK inspire those who continue
the need to be reminded of the benefit of immediate help WCK provides? How can WCK
elevate these individuals close to believing and role modeling Pink's three drives? The
challenge is geared more towards local authorities willing to receive the help but not
always sustaining the efforts to support the local communities once WCK removes itself.
Despite the number of human resources WCK initially provides during times of crisis, the
responsibility will be for those remaining, the locals and their leaders, to continue the
efforts. The question remains, how can WCK persuade and ensure the passion and drive
that brings everyone together continues while the communities are rebuilding?

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

I would continue to maintain the human capital investments WCK is making as it

has proven effective. In one of these processes, WCK ensures those hired or promoted
within the community receive the proper training from professional chefs. The training
provides confidence and insights to look beyond what's in front of them, learning how to
use readily available ingredients. Often whether it's natural or human-driven, during any

crisis, the struggle has been the locals not knowing how to use limited ingredients to
create healthy, nutritious meals.

WCK continues to build its organization with the support of many donors who
also believe in its mission. However, it will be vital for WCK to maintain relationships
with these individuals and groups, so their purpose continues to align with WCK and
provide financial support. A suggestion would be to invite the sponsors and donors to the
locations and allow them to be involved in connecting with the locals. Nothing is better
than being present and immersed in the cause you're supporting. These on-site
experiences will also bridge any gaps or doubts about the work WCK is doing,
solidifying the confidence and trust in the organization.


Perusall. (n.d.). Retrieved August 25, 2022, from


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