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The most prominent effect of the Internet is that it has strengthened democracy

To begin with

online investigative journalism plays a big part in

to become politically active

Plays a major role in… in…

Prominent 显眼的
outlets 输出
misbehavior 不端行为
bribe 贿赂
municipal park 市政的
demolish 打破/拆除

Play a big part in...

Play a major role in…/and in…

Each have their own advantages and disadvantages

Help to develop my intellectual abilities

in the long run

The cut and thrust 争锋相对

open-minded person
discussion-based classes
introverted 内向的

Regardless of whether or not they are qualified academics

I have even heard that some people insert incorrect facts into online databases as a
mischievous joke

Relying too heavily

‘Mischievous 淘气的/恶作剧的
Encyclopedia 百科全书
Insightful 深刻见解的

My own experience as a student demonstrates convincing evidence of this

Set themselves apart from their peers

With only a slight amount of care and effort

Compelling 令人信服的
‘Diligence 勤奋
Assessment 评估

Set sb. apart from sb.

A slight amount of

Our lives are full of unplanned emergencies

We suffered a lot of emotional trauma

When things go wrong

I wanted nothing more than to go home and unwind

Traumatic 精神创伤的
Oftentimes 时常地
Unwind 放松/解开

Automobiles are one of the biggest sources of deadly greenhouse gases, which are
the main cause of global warming.

Commute 通勤
Rail networks
A handful of

Getting in touch with nature

Tropical 热带的
Pristine 原始的
‘Plethora 过多/大量
Cuisine 菜肴
Indigenous 本土的
Venue 场所
Vendor 小贩
Worthwhile 有益的
Tantalizing 诱人的

As leisure travel has become more and more popular, hotel operators have started to
charge increasingly high costs for accommodation.
Single occupancy rates are fairly uncommon nowadays, so sharing a room with a
friend is good way to cut costs.
Accommodation 住宿
Cut costs
Prioritize 优先处理

It is preferable to prioritize environmental issues

While the situation looked dire at first

more pressing concern

paraphernalia 随身用具/全部产品
recent budget cuts
in times of economic trouble
in exchange for
deal with the looming crisis
Looming 迫近的
Dire 急迫的

many people in my life who have endured the same problems

My children will have very different experiences than I have had
My generation enjoys a lot of leisure time, which makes our lives more fulfilling and
enables us to pursue our passions.
Dreamed of being a business executive
Contribute to longer life spans

Minority 少数
Homemaker 家庭主妇

Youngsters are prone to spending their money on products that are mostly useless
and which they soon tire of

They resisted the urge to spend

He could have avoided the situation by emulating their frugal behavior.

Frugal 节俭的
Youngsters 年轻人
worldliness 世俗
tremendous 巨大的
conservative 保守的
‘bankruptcy 破产
humiliating 丢脸的
bypass 搭桥
They have a limited set of contacts as their social circles have expanded very little
since childhood.

generally misanthropic in nature

While he started high school as a straight-A student

he later began to watch a lot of movies which gave him the impression that
consuming vast quantities of illegal narcotics was amusing and desirable behavior

We are not always able to live up to the ideals presented to us

The type of role-models we might emulate, though, depends on what programs we

choose to consume, as both positive and negative messages are being shown all the


Lucrative 利润丰厚的

help people to relax and find serenity, two things which are both in short supply in
today’s hectic world

Not everyone is able to afford a gym membership

Streets are too crowded for casual walking

I would choose to convert some of our concrete and steel surroundings to beautiful
parks and green spaces

run around
Brisk walk 轻盈的步履

The advent of televised entertainment
Individuals can enjoy spirited discussions about the wide array of current events and
world affairs

Banal office gossip 平淡庸俗八卦之事

Basis 基础

I am a person who values family above all else

Set my mind at ease

We have enjoyed food from more than a dozen different national cuisines

Recreation 娱乐
Cosmopolitan 全球各国的

A stroke of luck, in contrast, is generally perceived to be a one-time event

His company later grew from a single employee to include a staff of dozens.

Perseverant 坚持不懈的

He loves basketball and that school is known for its on-court success.
These teams can generate money for their schools through corporate sponsorships,
ticket sales, licensing and broadcast agreements.

Precarious 不稳定的
Pragmatic 实用的

While other say to cut sugar in order to shed pounds

Throughout history
Cutting out heavily processed foods

In the proper proportions

Burning calories and fat

Shed 去除

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