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Jessica Hurtado

Dr. Patience Akpan-Obong

OGL 350

April 8, 2022

Paper 4

As a Mexican American female in a small town, I have always been in the minority

group. I grew up learning all about how the United States is a vast melting pot overflowing with

culture; however, my perspective was so small. Therefore, my friends were a lot like me, or at

least they tried to understand me. And of course, there were distinct cultural conflicts that I

encountered because my parents did not know the traditions in American schools, and they did

not speak English. So, while I was not a foreigner in the United States, my parents were, and it

made my experience adapting to the culture my friends had confusing when I was younger. But

it did not stop me from enjoying the experience, and I learned to integrate myself into the culture

while embracing my own as I grew up. The cultural conflict came when I moved out of my

small-town bubble. While I thought I was so culturally aware, moving to Phoenix introduced a

new perspective on the number of people, cultures, and religions. I am grateful for this because I

am learning more about people and their backgrounds to understand them better and lead. One of

the fantastic people I met is named Joshua Goode, an African American dad and activist.

Joshua Goode, a proud Hispanic and African American male, was born and raised in

Phoenix, Arizona, and has also moved on to raise his own family in the heart of Phoenix. While

many people choose to escape their hometowns to explore the adventure outside of their familiar

habitat, Goode had an excellent set of leaders and family in Phoenix who inspired him to do the

same thing for others as they did for him. As a person who values education and history, Josh

decided to pursue an education to become a teacher and has dedicated many hours to the fruition

and development of middle school minds. Additionally, Josh is involved in extracurricular

programs such as the Arizona Association of Student Councils and sports programs for his

middle-school students and neighboring high school team. Beyond the achievements in his

career, Goode is dedicated to advocating for his community by demonstrating how not all black

fathers match their haunting stereotypes.

When I googled the definition of culture, it shared that culture was the arts and other

manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. When I asked Josh what

culture meant to him, he described it as the traditions and customs that people assimilate into

based on their environments. This was the first question I asked because I wanted to ensure that I

understood the perspective of his other answers. I believe that when people join a dive into a new

culture, how they perceive culture molds how they will receive it. By Goode's definition, I was

able to determine that he is the kind of person who would try to understand a new culture and

invite visitors to experience the beauty of his culture. Goode is immensely proud of his culture;

however, the most held misconception is that his culture is uneducated and dangerous. But, to

prove others wrong, Josh has used his passion for photography as an outlet to create content that

demonstrates the true beauty of his culture: intelligence, courage, and resilience. His method of

connecting with others with unfamiliar cultures is a form of cultural integration that makes a

difference in diversity in organizations.

Family plays a significant role in a person's culture; therefore, it was essential to know

how Josh values his family. In his response to my question, he described a family as a group of

voluntary or involuntary people you choose to surround yourself with to help you build a sense

of community. His family influences this definition because they have set an example for him

and encouraged him to be himself and those who choose to be in his everyday life. Through his

photography, Josh has raised money and awareness for organizations that help black fathers be

the best for their children. This project and advocacy would not have been possible without the

involvement and motivation of the men in his life. Additionally, Josh shared that his family

values are respect and service to others. This is essential to diversity because the values that he

holds himself and his family accountable influence how he treats the people in his community.

Plus, part of promoting a diverse culture and organization involves respecting others and their

beliefs and traditions and trying to help others integrate into an unfamiliar environment. One

value that Josh has made a priority for his family is education. While it has always been an

unspoken value, Josh believes that his family's effort to break the cycle of low-level education is

why he has been able to accomplish all that he has. As a father of two, he also sees how his

commitment to education will demonstrate to his kids how education is the key to many closed

doors. Even with his busy schedule, Josh is currently working towards his master's degree to

pursue a career in counseling for kids.

My favorite part of the discussion with Josh was about the discrimination and prejudice

he has encountered. As Josh's friend, I have seen him accomplish beautiful things and work

effortlessly for his community and students. However, I have also seen people in his community

bring down his culture. This is a form of deculturation, which is extremely sad because all he

wants is to represent his culture accurately. However, part of integrating into a new culture

involves the courage to stand up for your beliefs even when the receiving community does not

agree. Despite the discrimination he has faced and will face, he continues to honor his value of

respecting others. This value has helped Josh make decisions that demonstrate why his work is

essential. In organizations, not everyone will see eye-to-eye, but it is crucial to receive other

perspectives with curiosity and respect because it promotes growth and development.

Joshua's culture has had a significant impact on his success and, in a way, has inspired his

passions. Because of the values instilled in him by his family, he can stand up for what he

believes in—standing up for what he believes in benefits him and his family, his culture, and his

community. After my conversation with Josh, he is honored to represent such a beautiful culture

and will continue to advocate for minorities to portray to others the beauty that is commonly

overshadowed by prejudice and stereotypes. The fascinating thing about culture is that it is a

unique blend of knowledge and history from our environments. We can use our culture to create

more welcoming and diverse organizations with this perspective. There cannot be a blend of

cultures without conflict; however, the right leadership style can guide groups to a resolution. I

also asked Josh to define success for me, and he said it is what brings a person happiness and

fulfillment that is more diverse than career or status. Similarly, organizations can achieve

ultimate success through a perfect blend of culture and diversity.



Akpan-Obong, P. (2022) A/V lesson on Acculturation. OGL 350, Arizona State Univeristy.


“Culture Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-

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