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Experiment No.: 1

Objective: To calibrate copper constant thermocouple.


Calibration of given temperature measuring device is generally accomplished by

subjecting it to some established fixed point environment, Such as melting and boiling points
standard substance or by comparing its readings with those of some more accurate (secondary
Standard temperature sensor which itself has been calibrated. The latter is accomplished by

placing the two device in a constant temperature bath over desired range (allowing equilibrium
Accurate resistarnce thermometer
ofeach point), the necessary corrections determined
thermocouple or mercury in glass thermometer are generally useful as secondary standards

Primary temperature standards consists of fixed physical conditions ,

which are,

Oxygen point -182.97c

Steam point 100 C (At 760 mm of Hg)
Boiling point of Naphthalene = 218'c

Sulphur point ( liquid and vapour ) =444.6c

Silver point (solid and liquid ) = 960.8°C

Gold point (solid and liquid ) 1063 c

Interpolation between this fixed point is accomplished ( in the international temperature

scale ) by use of a platinum resistance thermometer for the range -182.97 "C to 630.5 C by
platinum- platinum rhodium thermocouple from 630.5'C to 1063 °C (Antimony point = - " c
is a secondary fixed point), and above 1063 "C (gold point) by an optical pyrometer.
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wnen two
diesimilar metal are joined at their ends to from two junctions and theIC S a
temperature difference between the two junctions ,an e.m.f. is developed in the circunt to
peltier and thomsan effect. The aa
magnitude of e.m.f. developed depends on the type of maternai
used tor Wires
difference of temperature between the

two junctions and absolute temperatureO

hot junction and cold
junction. The relation between temperature difference and e.m.. 15 n
by a equation of the form: Ev

e.m.f.= C (T-T,) - C; (T'-T,')

Where CI& C2 =constant
T Temperature of measuring junction.
T=Temperature of reference ( cold )junction.

The values of constant varies

depending on exact composition of the thermocouple . But
as the actual composition of the thermocouple wires is different than that for which calibration is
available the calibration of thermocouple is essential Comparison is generally made witih
reference to standard data.

Experimental set up:

The set up includes a D.C. micro-voltmeter , steam apparatus (Flask ) , Thermocouple to

be calibrated , Ice flask and the Electronic heater as shown in figure . The hot junction of
thermocouple as such should be at higher temperature than that of steam . The developed e.m.f.
is measured using D.C. micro- voltmeter The cold (reference) junction is kept in ice-water

mixture at 0°C. Precautions must be taken in preparing ice

water mixture
that ice is present

from top to bottom of the flask. If sufficient quantity of the ice is not present that in the bottom

may have water at 4 °C and this may cause error in calibration.

Thrmocouple junction should
be introduce to a reasonable depth to minimize the conduction losses. The
measuring junction is
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thusmaintained at fferent fixed temperatures and e.m.f. developed is noted. The exact stea

point temperature is úetermined by equation

t=( 100+0.0367) x (P-760) "C

Where P is the barometric pressure in mm. of mercury . From the standard calibration tables
values of the standard emf corresponding to above temperature are determined.

Results: Plot the calibration curve and discuss the results

Observation Table :

Room Temperature

Barometric pressure

Sr. Temperature of measuring Temperature of reference e.m.f. Generated

No. Junction Junction Observed Standard
-- --.

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