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Name: Charles Leandon F.

Ubaldo                                                Date:

Year and Section: BSA 1st-year 1C                                                 Subject:

Laboratory Exercise No. 4

Digestive System: Structure and Function

1.  Draw the digestive system ruminants (cattle, carabao, goat, sheep) of any specie. Label and
indicate the functions of each part.

2.  Draw the digestive system of monogastric animals (swine, horse, rabbit) of any specie. Label
and indicate the functions of each part.

3.  Draw the digestive system of poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, quail) of any specie. Label and
indicate the functions of each part.

4.  Generalization (Minimum of 100 words: Answer this question in generalization.)

a.   What did you learn in conducting this laboratory activity?

The learning that I learn in conducting this laboratory activity is the digestive system of animals
takes in food, breaks it down into the nutrients and energy your body needs, and then gets rid of the
waste. Most of your digestive system is a long tube that runs from your mouth to your rectum. This
"tube" includes your esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Your digestive system also includes organs
that help digestion, such as the pancreas and liver.

The major parts of the digestive system of animals are the mouth and esophagus it takes in
food, breaks it into small pieces, and moistens it with saliva, the esophagus pushes it to your stomach.
The food churns in the stomach and mixes with stomach acid. As the food dissolves, your body begins to
absorb the nutrients. The small intestine is a winding, tightly folded tube. It does most of the work of
digesting food and absorbing nutrients. The large intestine is the part of your food that is not absorbed
waste goes through the large intestine. Most of the water from your food is absorbed there. The waste
that is left is a stool it is pushed to the rectum. The rectum is a short tube at the end of the large
intestine. It connects your colon to your anus. The anus pushes stool out of the body. Liver, pancreas, and
gallbladder food and waste don't go through these organs. But these organs help your digestion.

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