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The Giver – School schedule

a./pp. Who? Where? What? ?

chapter 1 Jonas Community Telling us the whole

Lilly Home Talking at the dining
Parents Home About their day.
Chapter 2 Father/Parents Kitchen Baby Gabriel
Talks about his
Talk about the
chapter 3 Father/parents Home The father brought
Gabriel home
Gabriel has light
colored eyes (rare
like Jonas)
Sis likes the bby
The appl Jonas
threw changed
Chapter 4 Asher House of Jonas searched
Asher (found him at
the house of the old)
Fiona The old Fiona is with him Edna (a
They took care of birthmother)
the elders was released
Jonas helped Larissa
(they talked about
the release of
The Giver – School schedule


1: -why is somebody "in Training" getting released for learning how to do something he needs
to know for his job but doing it wrong?


1: Talk about the differences between “the Givers”- and our World.

- Separated in Community’s (We don’t have “community visits”)

- In the “The Givers” World the rules are more strict (Somebody in Training is
getting released for doing something wrong p. 1)
- We don’t have this so called “release”.
- They have these Speakers everywhere, we don’t.
- In the real world Doctors try to save every life, but in their world babies who are
too fragile are being released.
- In Germany we can have as many kids as we like (in other countries not) and it
doesn’t matter which gender they are.
- The kids are assigned
- We don’t have to apologies (or a public apology)
- The ceremonies of the (year)
- They don’t have animals
- Their s/o’s* are assigned (They don’t get to choose who they love)
- Slightly different vocabulary
- Telling of feelings (-> ritual)
After Chapter 4
- They aren’t allowed to see each other naked
- They are assigned their jobs
- [Age isn’t important/ A “Birthday” isn’t celebrated (after the ceremonies of the
- They don’t have “Teenage period” (They work after 12)
- Have to do (compulsory) volunteer work (to get a job, if they don’t they have to
redo that)
- They are released when they’ve grown old instead of dying
The Giver – School schedule

*s/o= significant

2: What do we know about Jonas?

- Nearly twelve years old
- Boy
- Has a family with a sister and two parents (his mother is some kind of Judge and
his father is a nurturer)
- He is “afraid” of the ceremony of twelves. More like worried
- A good friend of his is named Asher
- He likes to tell his feelings to his family in the evening (respects the rituals)
- Doesn’t know what animals are
- Respect for the rules
- Careful with his words
- He is a student
After Chapter4
- He sees Changes in things (like the apple)
- Has a friend named Fiona (likes her)
- Worries about other people (He is worried about Asher because he has no real
- Jonas had “a bear” as comfort item (plush)
- Has pale eyes
- Did volunteer work in different places (he can only get his job if he did enough

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