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Which path do you

choose? Short or long?
• You are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend’s
house. There are two roads to get there. One
is a straight path which takes you there
quickly, but is very plain and boring. The
other is curvy and full of wonderful sights on
the way, but it takes quite a while to reach
your loved one’s house.
2. What color combination
do you choose?
• On the way, you see two rose bushes.
One is full of red roses. You decide to
pick 20 roses for your
3. Which action do you take?
Ask the maid or do it yourself ?
• You finally get to your
boyfriend/girlfriend’s house. You ring
the bell and the maid answers. You can
ask the maid to please get your loved
one, or you may go get them yourself.
4. Where do you put the
roses? Bed or window?
• Now, you go up to your
girlfriend/boyfriends room. No one is
there. You can leave the roses by the
window still, or on the bed.
5. Is he/she awake or
• Later, its time for bed. You and your
loved one go to sleep in separate
rooms. You wake up in the morning,
and go to your boyfriend/girlfriend’s
room to check up on him/her.
6. Which road do you
choose? Short or long?
• It’s time to go home now, and you start
to head back. You can take either road
home now. The plain, boring one that
gets you home fast; or the curvy, sight-
filled road that you can just casually take
your time with.
Cultural Variations and
Social Differences (Gender)
Katherine Tan-Alcantara
Gender and Gender Roles
• How do gender roles vary across
cultures according to a particular
culture’s beliefs and expectations
concerning men and women’s roles?
Gender and Gender Roles
• People play different roles in society
depending on age and occupation. There
are jobs that require a specific gender to
perform tasks while other jobs are open
to both men and women.
• Gender refers to social, cultural, and
psychological characteristics or traits
related to males and females based on
certain social contexts.
•It is different from sex, which
refers to the biological
characteristics that distinguish
a male from a female.
•Thus, sex makes a person
male or female, while gender
makes a person masculine or
•Gender roles refer to attitudes
and behaviors that the society
expects a person to exhibit based
on his or her sex.
• For example, in traditional Philippine
society, women are expected to be plain
housewives and take care of their
children, while men are expected to be
professionals and provide the needs of
their family.
• Another example is that society
expects women to be more emotional
and sensitive while men are expected
to be strong and capable of doing
things that women cannot do.
Gender Roles in Pre-
Colonial Philippine Society
Gender Roles in Pre-
Colonial Philippine Society
•Aside from being a
priestess, the babaylan was
also considered a healer and
Gender Roles in Philippine Society During
the Colonial Period
Gender Roles in Philippine Society During
the Colonial Period
• With the coming of the Spaniards and the introduction of
Catholicism, the babaylan lost their role in the religious life of the
community. This role was taken over by Catholic priests. Women
were relegated to doing household chores and taking care of
children. More often than not, young women were not sent to
school but instead trained to be good wives and mothers for their
future families. Some women were also forced to marry for
economic and political gain.
Gender Roles in Philippine Society During
the Colonial Period
• During the American period, women had more
freedom in society. They were allowed to study and
work in any field they wanted. They also adopted
American values. Men and women became equal in
the sense that it became acceptable for both
genders to have jobs and be educated.
Gender Roles in Philippine Society During
the Colonial Period
• Although men and women were able to maintain
their status in society during the Japanese period,
women were usually kept inside their houses to
protect them from abusive Japanese soldiers. Men
also became busy defending the country, with most
of them serving as soldiers.
Gender Roles in the current Philippine
• At present, Philippine society is more
open to allowing both men and women to
perform different tasks not based solely
on gender, but on an individual’s
capabilities and strengths.
Gender Roles in the current Philippine
• For example, fields like engineering,
architecture, and medicine, which are
often associated with men, have long been
open to women. Likewise, there are also
lots of male teachers, nurses,chefs, and
hairdressers nowadays.
My Biology, My Destiny
• Write 10 to 15-sentence paragraph describing how
your gender (male or female) may be the reason for
the kind of social person you are today. Highlight
the significant opportunities that have been afforded
you, as well as the constraints you constantly
encounter as you navigate the social world. In
addition, offer a personal assessment of the reasons
for these opportunities and constraints.

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