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This chapter related the study of role of climate change in internal displacement in Mogadishu
Somalia in this chapter the researcher presents the study methodology. It consists of research
design, study area, target population, sample size, sampling procedure, research tool, data
analysis, ethical consideration and limitations of the study.


This study will be descriptive in design which means to describe the problem under
investigation. In this type of design, the researcher intends to describe the problem rather than to
analyze it.

The study will also be cross sectional in design. This type of design allows the researcher to
collect research data at one point in time.

The study will also be quantitative in design. In quantitative design, the researcher aims to
determine the problem numerically. This type of design doesn’t need to go deep into the details
of the problem.

3.2 Study area

Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia. Mogadishu locates in the southern part of Somalia. It
borders with Middle Shabelle in the east and north, it also borders with Lower Shabelle in the
west and Indian Ocean in the south. Mogadishu has seventeen districts including

There are a lot of famous places within Mogadishu including Villa Somalia, Adan Adde
International air port, Mogadishu seaport.
3.3 Target population

During data collection, the researcher will target IDPs in Mogadishu, Somalia. These groups will
be regarded as the target population for this type of study. The target population of this study will
be 110

3.4 Sample size

Slovene’s formula will be used in order to determine sample size.

n =N n= 86

1+N (e) 2

3.5 Sampling procedure

During sampling, no probability/purposive sampling will be used to selected participants from

the target population. In this type of sampling, the researcher is the one to who will decide who
participates the study and who will not. The target population will not have equal chance to
participate the study.

3.6 Data collection methods/data collection tool/data collection instrument/research

too/research instrument/research method

Closed questionnaire will be used to collect research data. Respondents will be briefed about the
study and its objective. The content of the questionnaire will be explained for them and will also
be requested to answer the questions as honest as possible.

3.7 Data analysis

Data will be analyzed using statistical package for social science - SPSS. Descriptive analysis
will be done and then frequency tables and charts will be used in order to present study results
for easy understanding.
3.8 Limitations of the study

During the study, here are some of the challenges that the researcher may encounter:

1. Lack of enough time and fund to make the research study.

2. Some respondents may refuse answering the questionnaire.
3. Security problems
4. Facing language barriers since some of the respondents may not know English
language and this needs to be translated in to their mother language
3.9 Ethical considerations

Respect: The researcher will respect respondents privacy when entering their private sphere and
when asking questions.

Confidentiality: the researcher will guarantee maximum confidentiality for the participants.
Their information will only be used for the purpose of the study.

Freedom to participate: participants will be informed that they are free to participate. They will
also be informed that they have the right to withdrawal.

Informed consent: consent will be secured from the participants after fully informing the nature,
potential risks and benefits of the study.

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