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“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”

Curso: Ingles IV

David Velayarce Saavedra Samira Zevallos Gonzales

The fact of working and studying at the same time can be very beneficial but

problematic for many students today. As a first point, I think that working and studying

at the same time makes us see our life with much more responsibility and in a certain

way we open our eyes, however, this can be a problem for some due to lack of time or

crossing schedules would harm our grades and performance in university. As a second

point we have that by doing both things we can gain work experience and yield much

more in the university that can help us in the future for our career, because we learn to

function in the workplace and as a last point I think that studying and working It will

allow us to be independent and in a certain way reduce the expenses of our studies. In

conclusion, working and studying at the same time is very favorable, but we must know

if it can fit into our schedule in a way that does not harm us, we must have our future

very well planned regarding these issues and we must choose the path that best suits


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