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Name: Nicole Bobis Date:February 10, 2021

Section: BSEE3D

1. Explain the importance of this phase (Decide) of the Design Sprint.

The goal of the decide is to ensure that the strongest solution come’s on top in the
fastest way possible. The main objective of the design sprint is producing an
innovative product or service in a better and fastest way.

2. Discuss each of the following activities:

a. Art Museum
Is putting the solution sketches to the wall in a one long row with masking tape.
b. Heat Map
Is a word looking at all solution in silents and by using that stickers to mark
interesting parts this is a unlimited voting dots.
 Read your sprint questions.
 Review all the sketches silently and put that stickers beside every part you
think would best solve your sprint questions.
 Put 2-3 dots to the idea that “wows” you
 Anyone who has questions may write it in a pos-it and simply stick it below the
c. Speed Critique
Your gonna pick and discuss the highlight of each solution and used sticky notes
to captured ideas.
 The facilitator will only discuss the highlights of each solution using your notes
earlier (2 mins max per concept).
 Basing from the heat map, focus the discussion on areas with multiple votes.
 Ensure the answer each questionbut do not reveal the identity of the sketcher.
 At the end of each concept presentation, ask the group “Did anyone vote on
this for a different reason that what I explained?”.
d. Straw Poll
Each person chooses one solution and votes sure it with the dot sticker.
 For 5 mins, each person silently chooses which “concept” best address the 2-
year goal and sprint questions.
 Write in a post it the concept title and reason of your vote but do not show to
 All at once, each person should place one large dots sticker to register his or
her (nonbinding) vote.
 Everyone should explain their vote for 1 mins base on your post it.
e. Supervote
The decider makes the final decision with you guest it more stickers.
 The decider will be given 2 large dot stickers with his/her initials.
 For 5 mins, the decider may choose one concept plus one feature to
 The group will prototype and test he solutions the decider chooses.

3. Why do we need to do storyboarding prior to prototyping? Please elaborate your

The Storyboard method unifies the entire Design Sprint team on
the prototype concept and helps the group make critical decisions during
the prototyping process. A Storyboard maps out each step of the experience that you
want to test and clarifies the pieces you need to prototype.

4. How do we execute storyboarding?

Think of how customers normally encounter your product or service. Keep your
opening scene simple: web search, magazine article, store shelf, etc.
Finish the Opening and Ending first. Have an Ideal Ending Move existing sketches to
the storyboard when you can. Draw in post -its when you can’t, but never insert
brand new idea. Include just enough details to help the team prototype (Less is
More). The finished story should be 6 to 8 steps.

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