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Opposites, eg: hot- cold

Emotions eg : happy , angry, sad

Then some punjabi heritage items : like well - how people got water in earlier times


Food items - like gulabjamun, halwa, Malik di roti , sarson da saag

1 episode could be on Gurh (jaggery) kaise nikalata hai from sugarcane


1. Alphabets
Mehr gets a letter and box from Nani. But, its written in Gurumukhi. So she cant read. She
takes it to Zuzu, he smiles seeing the letter. He teach Zora and Mehr the alphabets. Then she
reads the letter which reads ‘Happy Birthday’ As a gift pops out of the box.
2. Opposites-
Zora and Zuzu have gone to a Park. But, they get separated and lost. Zora calls up Zuzu, he is
explaining directions over phone as Zora navigates through park by going left and right, up
and down etc. As they reunite and head home.
3. Farming-
Zora opens a can of noodles and finds that it has gone spoilt. Meanwhile Mrs. Singh cooks
him some delicious Tomato soup. But he makes a face as he wants Noodles only. Zuzu
explains that he should respect food as it comes from the farms. As they create a small farm
in backyard. Zuzu teaches him about preparing the soil, sowing seeds, watering and then
gathering the yield.
4. Diwali sweets-
Diwali is here. All the friends have come home. They see a plate full of sweets that they
never saw before. Zuzu explains them one by one. As they enjoy the sweets till their
stomachs full.
5. Jaggery Nani-
Zora’s Nani has come with a magical item which Zora has taken liking to. It’s Jaggery. Zora
gets curious about it. Zuzu takes a miniature kitchen set and demonstrates the jaggery
making process to Zora.

6. Animals-
Zora and Zuzu are in a zoo. Where they meet different animals. Zuzu
7. Planets-
There’s a fancy dress competition. And everyone has to dress up as a planet they like. But,
everyone comes dressed like a moon. Zuzu facepalms. As Zuzu helps them dress up in a
song, planet by planet in Punjabi.
8. Birds-
Zora and Zuzu are on a picnic with friends. Wherer Mehr’s favorite hankerchief gets taken
away by a bird. Zuzu hands everyone a binocular. As they describe the birds that they see.
Zuzu gives them their name in Punjabi. Finally, they spot the bird, which took away Mehr’s

9. Flowers-
Its mother’s day. Zora and Mehr want to surprise mother with flowers. So they go to the
florist. But, they are out of stock. Zuzu suggests going to the nursery and making a bouquet
of their own. While doing so, they learn about the flower names in Punjabi.

10. Insects-

11. Shapes-

12. Up and Down, Left and Right

13. Colors
14. Parts of Human Body

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