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1. Admins are equipped with knowledge on maintenance management.
2. Admins set rules and ordinance on maintaining the integrity and image of the
3. Admins practiced and prioritized workshop and training are for the organizarion and
4. Implements non-conformance system for staff.
5. Communication tools are implements for staff for easier communication.

B. Reliability
1. Imposed revision for maintenance plan at least twice a year.
2. Legal plans and regulations mandated for the safety of the school and the people.
3. Consults with building management and other stakeholders.
4. Communication maintained and reached to organization and staffs
5. Provide system for measuring at tracking the level service and competence
C. Responsiveness
1. Give respond on resolving maintenance problems and complaints.
2. Provide friendly and professional relationship to the organization and its employee
3. Provide organization and staffs opportunity to speak.
D. Assurance
1. Implements preventive maintenance plan and evaluates maintenance system
implementation periodically.
2. Implements regulations that will allow employees to grow to their position.
3. Stands for the safety and security of the assets.
4. Asserts and assess one’s improvement.
5. Provide funds for maintenance and emergencies.


6. Staff equip with adequate office maintenance facilities and equipment.
7. Institution set rule regarding as personnel grooming and uniform.
8. Workshop and training are practice periodically.
9. Implements non-conformance system for staff.
10. Communication tools are implements for staff for easier communication.

F. Reliability
6. Imposed revision for maintenance plan at least twice a year.
7. Legal plans and regulations mandated for employees.
8. Organization consults with building management or end user.
9. Communication between management staff is going well.
10. Provide system for measuring at tracking the level service provided.
G. Responsiveness
4. Give respond on resolving maintenance problems and complaints.
5. Provide friendly and professional.
H. Assurance
6. Implements preventive maintenance plan and evaluates maintenance system
implementation periodically.
7. Develops one’s organization improvement.

Physical Facilities

A. Building
1. Does the building maintain its physical condition and free from crakes, leakage,
seepage, dampness?
2. Does the buildings roofing, walls, floors and rooms are periodically checked?
How often?
3. Does the building has adequate rooms?
4. Does the buildings has adequate faculty, stockrooms?
5. Does the building have good thermal comfort?
6. Is building had adequate visual comfort?
7. Does the building imposed safety and security to fire, lighting, accident,
infections insects, and crime level?
8. Does the building consist of regulated and functioned safety alarms?
9. Does the building had accessibility for connecting, fire exits, and staircase?
10. Does the building maintains quality of air, water, and noise?
11. Does the building had adequate garbage bins and companies of sanitary rooms?
12. Does the building includes proper drainage and sewage?
13. Does the building provides safe drinking water and sanitations and adequate
supply of electricity?
14. Does the building promotes good landscaping which promotes visual comfort to
the people?
15. Does the building had parking areas are adequate for personnel and student?
B. Equipment


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