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Richmeer Vincent Lepalim BSCE1-EC6 August 3, 2021

I’m afraid. I’m always afraid of something new coming into my life
whether its positive or negative. Perhaps I am expecting too less into what
effort and action I might do next. And now, a new chapter will be added to
the page of a book named my life. Despite the pandemic, I still can’t revise
the previous pages to agree on to what I really want. But now I’ll start a
new story entitled “College life, the Beginning”.
Up until now that classes are starting, I do still can’t believe that I’m
already a college student. And at this time, I surely expect much stress,
pressure and challenges from the subjects not only in English but in others
as well. Although I already experienced online class in senior high, I still
hope and expect considerations and patience from all of our subject
teachers knowing that some of us can’t afford to buy all the needs to cope
up perfectly like gadgets specifically laptops or desktop computers, a good
place to stay and especially good internet connection or data because this
is the most common problem of us students nowadays. Aside from being
stressed from the lessons, a bad internet connection hinders the success of
struggling students like myself. On the other hand, I expect our school,
Western Institute of Technology will guide and join my journey to become
a successful civil engineer someday. As for the subject itself, I expect much
deeper and complex lessons since I’m already college, but I also expect
more vocabularies and learnings that will enhance my weakness in
speaking, writing, and learning this universal language. I’m not actually
surprised that English is still considered to be one of our subjects in college
because English is one of the keys that will help us communicate to the
world. I just hope that our subject teacher, ma’am Eddie Marie Andarza will
nurture our skills, and also help us bring the best in ourselves in the world
of English throughout the whole semester.
To summarize what I’ve stated so far, I am honored to be still a part
of our exquisite and remarkable school, Western Institute of Technology,
as my home of learning and growing not only as a student but also a mere
person that only wants to discover, develop and elevate my skills in life and
in career.

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