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Lesson 1: Introduction to Globalization  Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors

in developed nations to invest in developing

Globalization  Corporations have greater flexibility to operate
across borders
 used to describe the increasing  Global mass media ties the world together
connectedness and interdependence of world Increased flow of communications allows vital
cultures and economies. information to be shared between individuals
 used to describe how trade and technology and corporations around the world
have made the world into a more connected  Greater ease and speed of transportation for
and interdependent place. goods and people
 refers to the trend toward countries joining  Reduction of likelihood of war between
together economically, through education, developed nations
society, and politics, and viewing themselves  Increases in environmental protection in
not only through their national identity but also developed nations.
as part of the world as a whole.
Disadvantages of GLOBALIZATION
When did GLOBALIZATION begin?
 Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs
 Many scholars say it started with Columbus’s from developed to developing nations as
voyage to the New World in 1492. corporations seek out the cheapest labor
 The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade  Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in
routes across China, Central Asia, and the one nation effecting all nations
Mediterranean used between 50 B.C.E. and  Corporate influence of nation-states far
250 C.E. is perhaps the most well-known early exceeds that of civil society organizations and
example. average individuals
 As with future globalizing booms, new  Threat that controls of world media by a
technologies played a key role in the Silk Road handful of corporations will limit cultural
trade. expression
o Advances in metallurgy led to the  Greater chance of reactions for globalization
creation of coins being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural
o advances in transportation led to the heritage
building of roads connecting the major  Greater risk of diseases being transported
empires of the day unintentionally between nations
o increased agricultural production
meant more food could be trafficked Types of GLOBALIZATION
between locales.
 Economic
 Along with Chinese silk, Roman glass, and
o Countries that trade with many others
Arabian spices, ideas such as Buddhist beliefs
and have few trade barriers are
and the secrets of papermaking also spread
economically globalized.
via these tendrils of trade.
 Social
 These types of exchanges were accelerated in
o A measure of how easily information
the Age of Exploration when European
explorers seeking new sea routes to the spices and ideas pass between people in
and silks of Asia bumped into the Americas their own country and between
instead. different countries (includes access to
internet and social media networks).
 Technology played an important role in the
maritime trade routes that flourished between  Political
old and newly discovered continents. o The amount of political co-operation
 New ship designs and the creation of the there is between countries.
magnetic compass were key to the explorers’ Causes of Globalization
 Trade and idea exchange now extended to a 1. Improved Communications
previously unconnected part of the world,  The development of communication
where ships carrying plants, animals, and technologies such as internet, email and
Spanish silver between the Old World and the mobile phones have been vital to the
New also carried Christian missionaries/ growth of globalization because they help
MNCs to operate throughout the world.
Advantages of GLOBALIZATION  The development of satellite TV channels
such as BBC and CNN have also provided
 Increased free trade between nations
worldwide marketing avenues for the
concept and products of globalization.
2. Improved Transport domestic economies have become
 The development of refrigerated and cohesive, leading to an
container transport, bulk shipping and improvement in their
improved air transport has allowed the performances.
easy mass movement of goods throughout  International trade

the world. This assists globalization.
Free Trade Agreements
o considered to be an impact of
 MNCs and rich capitalist countries have globalization. It refers to the
always promoted global free trade as a exchange of goods and services
way of increasing their own wealth and between different countries, and it
influence. International organizations such has also helped countries to
as the World Trade Organization and the specialize in products which they
IMF also promote free trade. have a comparative advantage in.
4. Global Banking This is an economic theory that
 Modern communication technologies allow refers to an economy's ability to
vast amounts of capital to flow freely and produce goods and services at a
instantly throughout the world. lower opportunity cost than its
 The equivalent of up to $US1.3 trillion is trade partners.
traded each day through international  International Finance
stock exchanges in cities such as New o Money can be transferred at a
York, London, and Tokyo.
faster rate between countries
5. The Growth of MNCs
compared to goods, services, and
 The rapid growth of big MNCs such as
people, making international
Microsoft, McDonalds and Nike are a
finance one of the primary
cause as well as a consequence of
features of a global economy.
globalization. The investment of MNCs in
International finance consists of
farms, mines and factories across the
topics like currency exchange
world is a major part of globalization.
rates and monetary policy.
 Globalization allows MNCs to produce
 Global Investment
goods and services and to sell products on
a massive scale throughout the world. o This refers to an investment
strategy that is not constrained by
geographical boundaries. Global
Lesson 2: The Structures of Globalization investment mainly takes place via
foreign direct investment (FDI).

Global Economy
Global Economy in relation to emerging markets:
 refers to the interconnected worldwide
economic activities that take place Economic importance at a micro and macro
between multiple countries. level
 It refers to the exchange of goods and
services between different countries, and it  The increase in the world’s population has
has also helped countries to specialize in led to emerging markets growing
products which they have a comparative economically, making them one of the
advantage in. primary engines of world economic
growth. The growth and resilience shown
The global economy comprises several by emerging markets is a good sign for the
characteristics world economy. Before delving into the
next point, you need to understand the
 Globalization concept of microeconomics. It refers to the
o describes a process by which study of the behavior of households,
national and regional economies, individuals, and firms with respect to the
societies, and cultures have allocation of resources and decision-
become integrated through the making. In simpler terms, this branch of
global network of trade, economics studies how people make
communication, immigration, and decisions, what factors affect their
transportation. These decisions, and how these decisions affect
developments led to the advent of the price, demand, and supply of goods in
the global economy. Due to the the market.
global economy and globalization,
strongest empire in the world for most of
the period from700 a.d. to 1300 a.d.
Long-term world economic outlook  Three Waves·
 According to financial and economic o USA and Latin America (1780-
projections based on demographic trends 1850)
and capital productivity models, the GDP o East Europe (after WWI) Self-
in emerging market economies in 2019 are determination
likely to keep increasing at a positive rate. o Asia and Africa (after WWII),
According to an emerging markets later fall of communism of
economic forecast for 2019 conducted by Russian Empire and
Focus Economics, the economy is set to Yugoslavia(after 1989)
increase by 7.5% in India, 6.6% in
Philippines, 6.3% in China,5.3% in Market integration
Indonesia, 5.1% in Egypt, 4.9% in  occurs when prices among different
Malaysia, 3.8% in Peru and3.7% in locations correlated goods follow similar
Morocco. patterns over a long period of time.
The Global Interstate System Groups of prices often move proportionally
to each other and when this relation is
 Interactions by various political entities, very clear among different markets it is
but mostly states. Today the system is said that the markets are integrated.
global, but it has not always been the
case. Some parts of the world did not Global governance
know of other parts, much less interact.  is such a complex issue, international
organizations are highlighted because
they are the most visible symbols of global
International State System International System
 was born in Europe with the Treaty of  is one window into the broader
Westphalia in 1648, after the Thirty Years phenomenon of globalization. It is a very
War. With this treaty state sovereignty was crucial aspect of globalization since global
recognized for the first time. States begin interactions are heightened by the
to grow in power. Nationalism finally increased interdependence of states.
emerges with American and French
Revolutions, before then allegiance was International relations
paid to local affiliations, not abstractly to
 are facilitated by International
people never met before.
Organizations that promote global norms
Other International Actors and policies. The most prominent example
of this organization is United Nations.,
MNCs: Multinational Corporations
Lesson 3: A History of Global Politics: Creating
IGOs: Intergovernmental Organizations
on International Order
INGOs: International nongovernmental

Other individuals or groups that are politically

Global Politics
active but not necessarily recognized officially  also known as world politics, names both
(terrorists, nations, etc.) the discipline that studies the political and
Expansion of the Interstate System economic patterns of the world and the
field that is being studied.
 The state system expanded most rapidly  At the center of that field are the different
in last150 years, especially the last 50 processes of political globalization in
years. It started in Europe and spread to relation to questions of social power.
the rest of the world.  The discipline studies the relationships
 Europeans experienced fast between cities, nation-states, shell-states,
development necessary (tax systems and multinational corporations, non-
military power) to spread influence and governmental organizations, and
power around the world. Earlier they’re international organizations.
existed large empires in other parts of the  Current areas of discussion include
world. For example, China was the national and ethnic conflict regulation,
democracy and the politics of
national self-determination, globalization  League of Nations
and its relationship to democracy, conflict  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
and peace studies, comparative politics,  European Union (EU)
political economy, and the international  World Trade Organization (WTO)
political economy of the environment.  Group of Twenty (G20)
 One important area of global politics  International Criminal Court (ICC)
is contestation in the global political
sphere over legitimacy.

Theories of Global Politics Lesson 4: A World of Regions

 Realism  According to Edward D. man’s field and Helen

 Liberalism V. Milner state that economic and political
 Modernization Theory definitions of regions vary, but there are
 Dependency Theory certain basic features that everyone can agree
 Neoliberalism on.
 Universalism  Regions are “a group of countries located in
 Relativism the same geographically specified area" or
 Just War Theory are "an amalgamation of two regions or a
 Galtung’s Conflict Theory combination of more than two regions"
 Regionalization refers to regional
Why do we see these things differently? concentration of economic flows
 Regionalism is a political process
 The world view is influence by our
characterized by economic policy cooperation
thoughts, prejudices, and assumptions.
and coordination among countries
 Another wat of defining a theory is to sat
that it is a set of connected ideas and Countries respond economically and politically to
assumptions that attempts to explain why globalization in various ways. Some are large enough
something happens the way it does and to and have a lot of resources to dictate how they
predict what may happen in a given participate in processes of global integrations. Other
situation or set of circumstances counters, make up for their small size by taking
advantage of their strategic location. In most cases,
International Order
however, countries form a regional alliance for - as the
 The image of a peaceful, orderly world saying goes - there is strength in numbers.
where men and nations resolve their
differences without war, where the lion lies
down with the lamb, has haunted  the action, process, or result of combining or
humankind for millennia. uniting. "the threat of amalgamation with a
 Roman law expressed the gulf between competitor"
the ideal and the reality concisely by
contrasting the condition of man living Military Defense
under the unsaturable, the natural law, a
world of peace and harmony, with the  NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
human condition as it actually was under o Formed during the Cold War when
the is gentium, the law of nations, a several Western European countries
condition that included war and conflict. plus the United States agreed to
 The very creation of government at the protect Europe against the threat of
lowest level was the beginning of efforts to the Soviet Union
create order at least within a small area, to  WARSAW PACT
establish an order within which people o Soviet Union's regional Alliance
could live peacefully withgone another by consisting of the Eastern European
accepting a set of rules that shaped their countries under Soviet dominations.
relations with one another.
 There is the need to create rules that
enable neighboring societies to get along  OPEC- The Organization of the Petroleum
with one another. At the ultimate level, Exporting Countries
there was the desire to create a peaceful o Was established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq,
world order that would bring all the nations Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela
of the world into a peaceful, harmonious to regulate the production and sale of
relationship oil.
Major International Organizations  NAM - Non-Aligned Movement

 United Nations
o The presidents of Egypt, Ghana, India,  exercise leadership in global decision making
Indonesia, and Yugoslavia created this to sustain the open global trade and financial
in 1960 to pursue world peace and systems that have supported a half century of
international cooperation, human unparalleled economic development;
rights, national sovereignty, racial and  build connected infrastructure and collaborate
national equality, non-intervention, and on inclusive development to reduce
peaceful conflict resolution. inequalities within and across economies and
thus to strengthen support for pro-growth
Other Organizations policies; and • create regional mechanisms to
 ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian manage cross-border health, safety, and
Nations environmental issues better. The opportunities
o The Association of Southeast Asian are clear, which is why regional integration
Nations, or ASEAN, was established deserves a high priority in national
on 8 August1967 in Bangkok, policymaking. Yet the challenge of
Thailand, with the signing of the cooperation should not be underestimated; it
ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok will require trust, innovation, and compromise
Declaration) by the Founding Fathers —and, most likely, time. Policy makers at the
of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, highest levels appear committed to pushing
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and the regional agenda forward, but
Thailand. considerable leadership and energy are
needed to achieve results.
 NAFTA - North American Free Trade
o The North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) established a
free-trade zone in North America; it
was signed in 1992 by Canada,
Mexico, and the United States and
took effect on Jan.
 Rainforest Foundation
o to protect indigenous people of Brazil,
Guyana, Panama, and Peru.


 refers to formal economic cooperation and

economic arrangements of a group of
countries aimed at facilitating or enhancing
regional integration.

How regionalism can benefit Asia

Regional cooperation, effectively structured and

implemented, is a powerful new tool in Asia’s policy
arsenal. It can help Asia address regional challenges
as well as provide stronger foundations for its global
role. An integrated Asia can

 link the competitive strengths of its diverse

economies in order to boost their productivity
and sustain the region’s exceptional growth; •
connect the region’s capital markets to
enhance financial stability, reduce the cost of
capital, and improve opportunities for sharing
 cooperate in setting exchange rate and
macroeconomic policies in order to minimize
the effects of global and regional shocks and
to facilitate the resolution of global imbalances;
 pool the region’s foreign exchange reserves
to make more resources available for
investment and development;

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