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Name: Glaysa Dicolano

What can you contribute to the attainment of the university's Vision Mission
and Objectives?

OLFU's vision and mission is to "improve man as man". At OLFU, they want all
students who study and graduate from university to experience growth.
As a student of Our Lady of the University of Fatima, I do not promise
anything, but I will do my best not only to improve myself, but also to be a
good example as a student for all OLFU students. I would like to encourage
them not to fight for their future alone when they are in this university, but to
enlist the help of their fellow students, professors and OLFU staff to fight for
their future. Some OLFU students have no intention of dedicating themselves
to their studies, waste their parents' money at bars, buy things they don't
really need, and act as fellow students to give other students proper advice.
Some people change their inappropriate behavior they have and what I
can contribute as a student may be a small act, but at this university, it will
be a big help to everyone to improve man as man.
As a nursing student, I want others to know that the university not only
improves human beings with the help of its staff, but also provides complete
facilities and teaches all students how to be clean and tidy. I want to OLFU
offers completeness in every course, making learning easy for professors and
students. The professors at this university will not only teach you about the
courses you have taken, but will also teach you how to become a
professional course you have taken and teach students the right way for
each student will also improve the inner vision of all OLFU students so they
can rise to the top.

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