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Faisa Rafi Ramadhan. G000204207

The education crisis has been seen lately, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, this can be
seen from the weak level of thinking of students who only get knowledge transfer, which means
that learning material is not only theoretical but also practical and exists in the lives of students.
This educational crisis must be the center of attention in the world of education, the solution is to
revamp the system and classroom learning, where this is the responsibility of the principal or the
head of the educational institution.
Leadership in an organization/institution has a very important role, because without leadership,
the goals of a well-planned educational institution will not be achieved, besides that good
leadership must be synergized with perfect and orderly management. And good leadership is
having a good character and being trusted by his subordinates/members, finally loyalty and
royalty will go hand in hand in the minds of his subordinates and members.
The fact shows that learning still uses a lot of teacher centered methods that are theoretical,
transfer knowledge, and are less related to the environment. 1 So that students get complete
knowledge, where learning is meaningful, not only in theory but in practice or in the daily lives
of students. This will be realized by improving the learning process, from teacher centered to
student centered.
Furthermore, to achieve this goal, management must apply good management in Islamic
education, especially formal and non-formal education. And educational management
institutions to fix the problem of the educational crisis, this is an improvement in the
management of the education, there must be development, with the management plan it is
possible if without a good leader or leadership, leadership and management in Islamic education
is very important to be realized in overcoming the problems of the Education crisis.

Abdul Rahmat dan Syaiful Kadir, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan dan Budaya Mutu, (Yogyakarta: Zahir
Publishing, 2017), hlm. 2
1. Leadership dan Management.
a). Definition.
Regarding the definition of leadership, there is no limit, but the meaning of leadership
arises from concepts, interpretations based on the situation needed.2 Leadership or leadership,
according to Wahyudi, is a person's ability to move, direct, as well as influence the mindset, the
way each member works to behave. independent in working, especially in making decisions for
the sake of accelerating the achievement of the goals that have been set. Furthermore, according
to Catwell, leadership is an individual behavior that creates a new structure in an interaction in a
social system by changing the goals, configurations, procedures, inputs, processes and outputs of
the system. According to Abdul Abdul Rahmat and Syaiful Kadir, leadership is a behavior that
exists in a person to interact with the environment and participate in it to achieve his life goals.
Leadership according to Robert G. Owens is defined as "Leadership involves intentionally
exercising influence on the behavior of others people". In line with the opinion of Billick B. and
Peterson, J.A. which defines as follows: “Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence
the behavior and actions of others to achieve an intended purpose” 3
Nawawi and Martini: the ability/intelligence to encourage a number of people (two or
more people) to work together in carrying out activities that are directed at a common goal. 4
Gibson, is an attempt to use the type of non-coercive influence (concoersive) to motivate people
through communication in order to achieve certain goals. So, the common thread can be drawn
from several definitions of the figures, that leadership/leadership is someone who is able to
influence a person/subordinates/members to carry out an activity/to achieve the vision and
mission of an organization/institution/institution that they lead.
Educational institutions will succeed or fail largely determined by their leaders, and
leaders in leading must be balanced (balance leadership)5. Furthermore, the leader considers
other colleagues as not subordinates, but relationships (Leadership Relationally) 6 The leadership
that the leader has will have a major influence on the achievement of educational goals. 7 The
following types of leadership according to Isjoni are divided into 2 (two), including participatory
leadership and the second being free:

Djunawir Syafar, Teori Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (TADBIR: Jurnal
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Vol. 5, No. 1, Februari 2017), hlm. 154
Abdul Rahmat dan Syaiful Kadir, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan dan Budaya Mutu, (Yogyakarta: Zahir
Publishing, 2017), hlm. 26-28.
Nawawi Hadari dan Martini M, Kepemimpinan yang Efektif, (Yogyakarta: UGM Press, 1995), hlm.9-10.
Sheryl Boris Schacter dan Sondra Langer, Balance Leadership, (New York: Teachers College Press,
2006), hlm. 23.
Scott Eacott, Educational Leadership Relationally: A Theory and Methodology for Educational
Leadership, Management and Administration, (North Sydney: Sense Publishers, 2015), hlm. 57.
Leny Marlina, Tipe-Tipe Kepemimpinan Dalam Manajemen Pendidikan, (Jurnal TA’DIB, Vol. 18, No.
02, November 2013), hlm. 227.
1) Participatory.
Participatory leadership provides members to take the initiative and solve problems
together and foster a sense of responsibility for members for a project/activity, even though in
the end the person in charge of decisions is the leader.
2) Free
Free leadership here fully gives responsibility for decisions, projects or activities to
members/under him without any intense and joint escort. Here the leader understands that his
members/subordinates are capable and know what to do.8
Furthermore, the definition of management, following the definition by the figures, first
by Marry Parker Follet, states "Management is the art of getting work done through other
people". This shows that a manager is tasked with organizing and directing others to achieve
organizational goals.9
Hersey and Blanchaed "Management as cooperation through people or groups to achieve
organizational goals". Fredick Winslow Tylor “Management is knowing exactly what to do and
then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”
Furthermore, management is a science that has an important role in people's lives.
Besides that, management also discusses how the form of the leadership system applies in an
agency, what goals the agency wants to achieve and how the form of business or method will be
followed in order to achieve that goal.10
So the common thread can be drawn, that management is the art of completing projects,
activities with an epic collaboration and understanding what you want to do and then doing it in
an effective and efficient way. Islam regulates that we all carry out activities to be carried out in
a neat, correct, orderly and orderly manner. And must follow the process properly and in an
orderly manner.11 Furthermore, the difference between leadership (leadership) and management.
Here's a chart chart of the differences:
1. Doing Innovation. Doing Administration.
2. Build what required. Take care of what is it.
3. Focus on the culprit. Focus on system & Structure.
4. Build trust. Supervise
5. View in general & thorough. See in detail.
Ushansyah, Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (Ittihad Jurnal Kopertais Wilayah XI
Kalimantan Volume 14, No. 26 Oktober 2016), hlm. 58-59
Undang Ahmad Kamaluding dan Muhammad Alfan, Etika Manajemen Islam, (Bandung: Pustaka Setia,
1994), hlm. 27
Elvi Rahmi, Leadership-Manajerialship dalam Pendidikan Islam, (Jurnal Tadris, Vol. 13, No. 2,
Desember 2018), DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v13i2.1674, hlm. 220.
Didin Hafidudin dan Hendri Tanjung, Manajemen Syariah dalam Praktik, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2003),
hlm. 3.
6. Choose what's right conducted. Doing everything with Correct.
The chart above shows a leader must have a perfect management, not only as a leader,
but also also accompanied by perfect management. That's why a leader must also have perfect
management, leader and management cannot arise independently, but must be synergistic.
b. Urgency.
The urgency of leaders and management in Islamic education is here to foster a good
culture in educational institutions, help create a good Governance and project completion system
with effective and efficient.12 Leadership in an organization/institution has a very important role,
because without leadership, then the organizational goals that have been carefully planned will
not achieved, besides that good leadership must be synergized with perfect management.
Furthermore, a good institution is to have a good organizational flow system (management), and
that is certainly with the existence of a leadership figure in the organization, because the leader is
decisive, because the driving motor.13
c. East and West Theory
The following is the theory of education from the east and west, where from the east here
referring to the verse of the Qur'an QS. Ali Imran: 10:

َ ‫ولٓ ِٕٮ‬
‫ك هُمۡ َوقُ ۡو ُد‬ ٰ ُ‫اِ َّن الَّ ِذ ۡي َن َكفَر ُۡوا لَ ۡن تُ ۡغنِ َى َع ۡنهُمۡ اَمۡ َوالُهُمۡ َواَل ۤ اَ ۡواَل ُدهُمۡ ِّم َن هّٰللا ِ َش ۡيـــًٔا‌ ؕ َوا‬
ِ ۙ َّ‫الن‬
“Verily, those who disbelieve, their wealth and their children will not be of any use against (the
punishment of) Allah. And they are (become) fuel for the fire of hell.”

In this verse it explains that we are the best person and carry out the mandate as a leader,
which means that The leader is he who is admirable, forbidding evil, and believing in Allah
S.W.T. QS. Al Ahzab: 21:
‫ان ي ۡرجُوا هّٰللا و ۡالي ۡوم ااۡل ٰ خر و َذ َكر هّٰللا‬ ‫هّٰللا‬
َ َ َ َ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ ‫ان لَ ُكمۡ فِ ۡى َرس ُۡو ِل ِ اُ ۡس َوةٌ َح َسنَةٌ لِّ َم ۡن َك‬
َ ‫لَقَ ۡد َك‬
‫َكثِ ۡيرًا‬
“Indeed, there is in the Messenger of Allah a good role model for you (ie) for those who hope for
(the mercy of) Allah and (the coming of) the Day of Judgment and who remember Allah much”.
This verse explains that the ideal and proper leader being a role model is like the prophet
Muhammad SAW, where he His Majesty has the characteristics of Shidiq, Amanah, Tabligh,

Bashori, dkk. Peran Kepemimpinan di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (Prokurasi Edukasi Jurnal
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Vol. 2, No. 1, Desember 2020), hlm. 46.
Ushansyah, Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (Ittihad Jurnal Kopertais Wilayah XI
Kalimantan Volume 14, No. 26 Oktober 2016), hlm. 56
Fatonah. 14 Be a leader is a figure who has characteristics more or less like the Prophet though
not as a whole, where he has the nature of being honest, trustworthy, intelligent, and good at
Furthermore, Mujamil Qomar, argues "The position of leader is a special position
because, any organization leader is required have various advantages regarding knowledge,
behavior, attitudes, and skills than others.” The following are the characteristics of a leader:
1) Have sufficient knowledge and ability to control institution or organization.
2) Functioning his privileges that are more than others (Surah Al Baqarah: 247).
3) Understand the habits and language of the person he is responsible for (Surah Ibrahim: 4)
4) Have charisma or authority in front of humans or other people (Surah Huud: 91)
5) Be muamalah gently and affectionately towards his subordinates, so that others are
sympathetic to him (Surah Ali Imran: 159)
6) Consult with followers and ask for opinions and their experiences (Surah Ali Imran: 159)
7) Has power and influence that can rule and prevent because a leader must exercise control over
the work of members, correct mistakes, and invite them to do good and prevent evil (Surah Al-
Hajj: 41)
8) Willing to hear advice and not arrogant, because of advice from people We rarely get sincere
ones (Surah Al-Baqarah: 206)16

The theory from the west, Isjoni put forward the theory of leadership, he divided into 2
(two), including Charismatic Leadership andTransformational Leadership.
1) Charismatic leadership theory (Charismatic Leadership) Charismatic leaders have
characters including: having a vision, strong and clear, communicates the vision effectively,
demonstrates consistency and focus, recognizes strengths yourself and use it.
2) The theory of transformational leadership (Transformational Leadership)
Transformational leadership is built on leadership transactional, where transactional leadership is
a leader who guide/motivate its members towards the goals that have been determined by
explaining the terms of roles and duties. Next transformational leaders give consideration that is
individual. Intellectual stimulation and have a charismatic.17

Elvi Rahmi, Leadership-Manajerialship dalam Pendidikan Islam, (Jurnal Tadris, Vol. 13, No. 2,
Desember 2018), DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v13i2.1674, hlm. 223
Hoerul Ansori, Solusi Gaya Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam di Era Modern, (ALFAHIM Jurnal
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam), hlm. 74.
Ushansyah, Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (Ittihad Jurnal Kopertais Wilayah XI
Kalimantan Volume 14, No. 26 Oktober 2016), hlm. 55.
Ibid Hlm 58.
d. Leadership Skills
Wisdom and Wisdom are personalities and skills that must be possessed by a leader, then
in growing and improving things need to be honed, trained in the frictional dynamics of activities
that strengthen the skills of these students. Here are the skills a leader must have owned:
1) Visionary
Visionary is a skill in creating and actualize a realistic, credible, innovative and attractive
vision about the future of an organization that is followed.
2) Personal risk
The personal risk here is that the leader is willing to take high personal risk, bear large
costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision. This means that the leader must be big-
hearted and willing to sacrifice for the progress of an organization.
3) Sensitive
A leader must be sensitive to both the environment and its members. Where being
sensitive to the environment is being able to assess realistic constraints, opportunities, strengths,
environmental hazards and resources needed to make development. Next, be sensitive to member
is a leader must be perceptive (very understanding) to the abilities of others and responsive to the
needs and members' feelings.
4) Broad insight
A leader must know things about the organization and environment that is fostered so that
the progressivity of an organization continues take place.
5) Charisma
Provides vision and a sense of mission, instills pride, achieves respect and trust.
6) Communicative
Have the ability to master communication so that the steps persuasion of members takes
place easily.
7) Example
A leader is a pillar of belief and hope, where this makes a leader must be an example, and
always keep himself from things that discredit him.
8) No ego
Leaders must have emotional stability and high ego because various pressures and
temptations will be faced.18
2. Islamic Education

Moh. Agus Syairofi Syafi’, “Model Pengembangan Karakter Leadership Siswa: Studi Kasus Di SD
Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia Surabaya” (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 2018),
Islamic education here is more towards Islamic educational institutions, where In Islamic
educational institutions, there is a need for a leader and good management good in the realization
of proper Islamic education. Institution leader Islamic education must also be able to resolve
problems or conflicts they are facing, such as self-conflict, conflict between leaders, conflict
between madrasa leaders and teachers, conflicts between madrasa leaders with the chairman of
the committee (the issue of funding for madrasah operational financing).19
a.) Modern Islamic Education Modern Islamic education referred to here is education that not
leaving the sunnah and following the times, where now is the era society 5.O, all modern
infrastructure and learning using the best method, not centered on the teacher, but student-
centered student centered. So modern here in terms of learning methods, learning media,
infrastructure, the building according to the era, which is now the era of society 5.O.

3. Implications of Islamic Education Leadership and Management

The form of a leader and management figure in Islamic educational institutions is principal or
director or leader according to the name agreed upon in the school that environment. The
principal/leader of the school has the authority and full responsibility for organizing all
educational activities in his school environment.
a). Constraint.
In the implementation of an institution will find many obstacles, Among these obstacles are:
1) Public skepticism.
2) Weak institutional vision and mission.
3) Overloaded curriculum.
4) The low competitiveness of graduates of Islamic educational institutions
5) Inadequate and left behind facilities and infrastructure
6) Less professional educators and education staff.20
From some of the obstacles above, it shows how important the figure is good leader and perfect
management and keep updating and updated.

Husaini dan Happy Fitria, Manajemen Kepemimpinan Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, (Jurnal
Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari-Juni 2019), hlm. 48
b). Portrait of Leadership and Management at Al Wafi IBS
Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic education school which is modern where
modern here is good from the learning model, media the learning process, the infrastructure, and
the supporting tools are modern and new technology. And also includes following the era of
society 5.O, this thing clearly visible during the pandemic, learning and student activities
continue to run even though students are at home, the education base uses IT, and IT is a
part/tool for students, so even in the virtual world, but feels like a physical space.21 Where the
era of Society 5.0 is a concept Human-centered and technology-based society (technology based)
which was first developed by Japan.
Leadership at Al Wafi consists of Mudir General, Deputy, Bureaus supporters, Mudirs,
Principals, etc. The leadership tends enter the mix type categorized above, namely Participatory
leadership and Free, where Participative leadership when it requires a decision that vital or
decisions that concern many people's needs, and enter freely when members are considered to
understand and are able to walk on their own. Next in terms of structured management from
planning to evaluation. From some of the explanations above, Al Wafi is an Islamic educational
institution modern education that is far from the public's view of lagging Islamic education


Leadership is someone who is able to influence his members to achieve the vision and

mission of an Islamic educational institution he leads, which where with visionary skills,

personal risk, sensitivity, broad insight, charisma, communicative, exemplary, not egotistical.

Furthermore, management is an art in complete projects, activities with an epic collaboration and

understand what you want to do and then do it the way effective and efficient. That way the

leader is very urgent for the institution Islamic education, and a leader must have good

management to create a modern and best Islamic educational institution for students, so that

good students are formed who will become future golden generation.

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Yogyakarta: Zahir Publishing.
Adlin, M. 2018. Tantangan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Dalam Menghadapi Era
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Ansori, Hoerul. 2018 Solusi Gaya Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam di Era Modern.
ALFAHIM Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam.
Bashori, dkk. 2020. Peran Kepemimpinan di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam. Prokurasi
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Didin Hafidudin dan Hendri Tanjung. 2003 Manajemen Syariah dalam Praktik. Jakarta:
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Eacott, Scott. 2015. Educational Leadership Relationally: A Theory and Methodology for
Educational Leadership, Management and Administration, (North Sydney: Sense Publishers.
Elvi Rahmi. 2018. Leadership-Manajerialship dalam Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Tadris,
Vol. 13, No. 2, Desember. DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v13i2.1674.
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Nawawi Hadari dan Martini M. 1995. Kepemimpinan yang Efektif. Yogyakarta: UGM
Sheryl Boris Schacter dan Sondra Langer. 2006. Balance Leadership. New York:
Teachers College Press.
Syafar, Djunawir. 2017. Teori Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam.
TADBIR: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Vol. 5, No. 1, Februari.
Syafi’, Moh. Agus Syairofi. “Model Pengembangan Karakter Leadership Siswa: Studi
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Undang Ahmad Kamaluding dan Muhammad Alfan. 1994. Etika Manajemen Islam.
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Ushansyah. 2016. Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam. Ittihad Jurnal Kopertais
Wilayah XI Kalimantan Volume 14, No. 26 Oktober

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