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The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the principal historical dictionary of

the English language, published by Oxford University Press (OUP). It traces the
historical development of the English language, providing a comprehensive
resource to scholars and academic researchers, as well as describing usage in its
many variations throughout the world.
The Collins English Dictionary is a printed and online dictionary of English. It
is published by HarperCollins in Glasgow.
Merriam-Webster, Inc. is an American company that publishes reference books
and is especially known for its dictionaries. It is the oldest dictionary publisher
in the United States.

Dictionary entry Oxford Collins Merriam Webster

Dictionary Dictionary
noun 1 Freedom from 1 If countries or
disturbance; a: freedom from
groups involved il disturbance
‘he just wanted to in a war or
drink a few beers violent conflict Peace and order
in peace’ were finally
are discussing
1.1Mental or restored in the
peace, they are
emotional calm. town.
‘the peace of talking to each
mind this other in order to b
insurance gives
try to end the
you’ : a state of
2 A state or security or order
period in which Peace talks broke within a
there is no war or up without community
a war has ended. agreement last provided for by
‘the Straits were law or custom
Leaders of some
to be open to rival factions
warships in time signed a peace a breach of the
of peace’ agreement last peace
3 ‘’the peace’’ A They hope the
treaty will bring 2
peace and
handshake or kiss stability to the : freedom from
region. disquieting or
exchanged during
Synonyms: truce, oppressive
a service in some ceasefire, treaty,
thoughts or
Churches (now armistice More emotions
Synonyms of
usually only in peace
2 If there is peace I have been in
the Eucharist),
in a country or in perfect peace and
symbolizing the world, there contentment
are no wars or
Christian love and violent conflicts
going on. — J. H. Newman
The President
See also kiss of spoke of a shared 3
peace at kiss commitment to
world peace and
‘The : harmony in
incomprehensible development. personal relations
sermon was long ...the Nobel
past, and the Peace Prize The sisters are at
3 If you peace with each
handshake of
disapprove of
peace was next.’ other.
nuclear weapons, 4
you can use
peace to refer to a
campaigns and
other activities
intended to : a state or period
reduce their of mutual concord
numbers or stop between
their use. governments
Two peace
were accused of There was a peace
causing damage of 50 years before
to an F111
war broke out
nuclear bomber.
He campaigned again.
for peace and
against the b
spread of nuclear
: a pact or
agreement to end
hostilities between
those who have
been at war or in a
state of enmity

offered the
possibility of a
negotiated peace

— New York
Exclamation 1 US informal
Used as a friendly

1.1 also peace

outUsed to
express good
wishes on parting.

2 archaic Used as
an order to remain

verb informal US (intransitive) peaced; peacing;

peace out mainly obsolete peaces
● Leave. to be or become
silent or still

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Ukrainian Academic peace

Explanatory Dictionary
1. Lack of disagreement, The earth with
enmity, quarrels; everything that exists on
consent (in 4 meanings). it; world. And over the
Holy truth and love The black Colosseum, As if
dawn of the world has because of the smoke,
risen! Both peace and Floats a round face. And
joy [joy] brought to the the pristine world
earth to people (Taras Rested in the bosom of
Shevchenko, II, 1963, the night (Taras
282); [Ataman] went to Shevchenko, II, 1963,
Nicholas, apologized to 294); Stepan Fedorovich
him kindly; and they Gamza had a feast for
reconciled and drank the the whole world (Panas
quarrel and peace with Mirnyi, IV, 1955, 157).
the Mogorichs Another world is the
(Nechui-Levytsky, II, afterlife; that world. As
1956, 250); - Yes, if weights were hung,
strange old man. I left The whole head was
and did not say occupied ... The thought
goodbye. As with of another world Only
someone else. No, we remained alive! (Paul
probably won't make Grabowski, I, 1959, 53).
peace with him. This is
how we will walk away
from each other
(Hryhoriy Tyutyunnyk,
Vir. 1964, 78); *
Figuratively. [Antonio:]
Life and dreams do not
happen in harmony and
fight forever, although
they seek peace (Lesya
Ukrainka, III, 1952,
To live in peace is to
live peacefully,
amicably. [Varenyk:] He
says that his father and
son live in peace, they
are masters (Marko
Kropyvnytsky, II, 1958,
225); In addition to
Lina, he has two other
daughters ... but he is
more in conflict with
them now than he lives
in peace (Oles Honchar,
Tronka, 1963, 165);
Peace, in meaning. adj. -
peacefully, without
quarrels and disputes.
When the sun sets, the
herd takes the trembita
out of the flock and
blows triumphantly on
all the desert mountains,
which ended the day in
peace (Mikhail
Kotsyubynsky, II, 1955,
326); - I once saved you
and Morozenko, then
feel sorry for people! -
the man breaks his anger
and pride, still hoping
that it is possible to
make peace with the
master (Mikhail
Stelmakh, I, 1962, 421)

2. Absence of armed Everything lives,

struggle between two or everything that
more peoples, states; the surrounds us. God
opposite war. Were you forbid pig horns, the
born in heaven, or whole world is
destiny? Are you lucky slaughtered (Nomis,
or swearing at us? (Ivan 1864, № 3826); Outside,
Kotlyarevsky, I, 1952, the sun set and warmed
201); - Ordinary people the whole world
need peace between (Kvitka-Osnovyanenko,
nations! Who wants II, 1956, 318);
war? .. (Peter Kolesnik, // The same as people 2.
At the front .., 1959, 9); From the world on a
Peace to the people! thread - a naked shirt
This word was written (Nomis, 1864, № 4490);
by Vladimir Ilyich in the The doors of the house
first decree of Soviet stood wide open: one
power in 1917 went and came to the
(Vitchyzna, 1, 1956, house of peace -
122); whoever wanted (Marko
// Peaceful work. Vovchok, I, 1955, 164);
Blacksmiths forge - Peace stands, as if at
weapons for peace. He Easter near the church
strives not to serve the (Yuri Yanovsky, I, 1954,
accursed wars. 35);
The World Peace // which. People of a
Council is an certain territory, social
international public group, etc. Then the
body of the world peace whole world of Kharkiv
movement, established gathered from the south
in 1950; Dove of Peace to Goncharivka, because
see dove; The cradle of everyone probably
peace is a symbol of hoped to see it [Tick]
reconciliation, the here
cessation of war (Kvitka-Osnovyanenko,
(according to the II, 1956, 314); A
customs of some terrible, hitherto unheard
peoples, former enemies of plague has befallen
burn the cradle our land. For a long time
together). * In .. the baptized world
comparisons. We ate a was anxious, waiting for
beautiful melon, which an imminent, abrupt
united us like a pipe of death (Ivan Franko,
peace (Yuri Yanovsky, VIII, 1952, 332); In
II, 1958, 55). front of all the collective
farm, the world In the
hot, hard days Peter
became my foreman,
My daughter and I -
members (Stepan
Oliynyk, Vibr., 1959,

3. Agreement between the The same as the

warring parties on the community 1. Peasant
cessation of hostilities; farmers who were part
peace treaty. "Come on, of the neighboring
tell Edward how you community, the Eastern
heard this language." If Slavs were called
he does not agree to smirks, and the
peace, we are ready for community itself was
battle again (Lesya called peace (in the
Ukrainka, I, 1951, 360); north) and verv (in the
The military clerk gave south) (History of the
him the terms of peace, USSR, I, 1957, 30 );
and Hetman The whole world
Ostryanytsya, taking a gathered near the team
goose feather, raised it (Mikhail Kotsyubynsky,
to the parchment and II, 1955, 77); [L
thought for a moment pebble:] Let the world
(Alexander Dovzhenko, decide what to do with it
I, 1958, 274); After this (Stepan Vasilchenko, III,
defeat, which was called 1960, 53);
the "Ice Battle", the // In general, the
knights hurried to make community; people
peace (History of the (mostly about peasants).
USSR, I, 1957, 78). - Yes, we still have
peace. One there, the
other there, in the
village, outside the
village, maybe someone
will find [Tatiana]
(Stepan Vasilchenko, II,
1959, 109); [Marusya:]
He insults me, he is
proud of me like the
wind of a mountain! ..
In front of the whole
world he mocks me and
mocks me in the eye
(Marko Kropyvnytsky,
I, 1958, 94); The lazy
ones hid from the new
head of the farm in all
the holes, like gray mice
from a cat. But the
starry Prots angrily
shook them out of there,
pulled them by the
hands - the eyes of the
world, spiked with evil,
merciless laughter
(Vladimir Bablyak,
Cherry Orchard, 1960,
Peace; The whole
world, in meaning. adj. -
all together, together.
And in order to arouse
the Hiren will, it is
necessary to make
peace, to become a
community (Taras
Shevchenko, II, 1963,
320); [Barbara:] The
whole world will wash
them [thistles], because
the state is all of us
(Alexander Korniychuk,
II, 1955, 302); The
whole world is going to
a terrible war, to the
enemy of February
(Grigory Tyutyunnik,
Vyr, 1964, 277); In
peace - among people,
in the presence of
people. - I see he is
afraid to be alone. No
wonder the old people
said: Peace and death
are red (Yuri Zbanatsky,
Edina, 1959, 41).

4. Peace, quiet. We go free. Life of the laity; secular

Silently wanders the Eye life, as opposed to
length and breadth, As if monastic. Father
we feel sorry for nature Palladium in peace was
Disrupts the world (Ivan called Father Pavel
Franko, XIII, 1954, Andrievsky
181); Peace flew to my (Nechuy-Levytsky, III,
soul (Ivan Mykytenko, 1956, 367); [Mother
Incense Burner, 1959, Humen:] Maybe some
37); Above it is written of you have an idea to
forever: "Humble sinner, ask for peace - leave that
Dmitry Larin, Lord's opinion. Great work
servant foreman, Bites awaits you without
peace in this grave" peace (Panas Mirnyi, V,
1955, 75); *
Congratulations to you,
dear Ostap, in peace the
bridegroom Paul!
(Maxim Rylsky, III,
1961, 92).
♦ To let (let go) the
world - to lead to
poverty, to the position
of a beggar. [Young
woman:] [The man
himself] ran away
without a word, and he
let me go around the
world with small
children (Panas Mirnyi,
V, 1955, 129); To walk
(go, etc.) around the
world is to ask for alms,
to beg. [Ivan] walks
around the world with
Odarka, gathers enough
pieces of bread ... and
eats with his daughters,
and then goes to gather
again (Hrytsko
Hryhorenko, Vibr.,
1959, 59); We left our
settlement and went
around the world in
peace (Danilo
Mordovets, I, 1958, 44).
4.Wikipedia - Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second largest
country in Europe after russia,] which borders it to the east and north-east.
Ukraine also shares borders with Belarus to the north; Poland, Slovakia, and
Hungary to the west; Romania and Moldova to the south; and has a coastline
along the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. It covers about 600,000 km2 (230,000
sq mi),with a population of about 40 million. The nation's capital and largest
city is Kyiv. The official and national language is Ukrainian.
Encyclopedia Britannica - Ukraine, country located in eastern Europe, the
second largest on the continent after russia. The capital is Kyiv (Kiev), located
on the Dnieper River in north-central Ukraine.
In my opinion, Wikipedia is more convenient and contains more information.
More people know about Wikipedia and use it more.

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