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Định nghĩa
- Mạo từ là từ đứng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy nhắc đến một đối
tượng xác định hay không xác định. 
- Chúng ta sử dụng 'The' khi danh từ chỉ đối tượng/sự vật được cả người nói và
người nghe biết rõ đối tượng nào đó. Ngược lại, khi người nói đề cập đến một
đối tượng chung hoặc chưa xác định được thì chúng ta dùng Mạo từ bất định
A, An.
1. Các loại mạo từ
Có 2 loại mạo từ chính thường gặp nhất trong tiếng Anh
- Mạo từ xác định: The
- Mạo từ không xác định: A/An
2. Cách sử dụng mạo từ
USE 1: Mạo từ A dùng trước danh từ đếm được, số it và bắt đầu với một âm
phụ âm
 She is a teacher
 She doesn’t own a car
 I saw a bear at the zoo
USE 2: Mạo từ An dùng trước danh từ đếm được, số ít và bắt đầu với âm
nguyên âm
 He is an actor
 She didn’t get an invitation
 I saw an eagle at the zoo
*Nhớ rằng A/An nghĩa là “một” và không dùng với danh từ số nhiều
USE 3: Nếu có sự kết hợp của một tính từ hoặc trạng từ-tính từ trước một danh
từ, A/An sẽ được dùng cho âm đầu tiên của tính từ hoặc trạng từ-tính từ đó
 He is an excellent teacher
 I saw a really beautiful eagle at the zoo
*Sử dụng A trước những từ như là “European” /ˌ jʊr.əˈ
piː.ən/ “University” /ˌ
vɝː.sə.t̬ i/ vì âm tiết đầu tiên là một phụ âm (dù chùng bắt đầu bằng một chữ cái
nguyên âm)
 She has a euro
 The number is a “1”
*Dùng An trước những từ như “hour”  /aʊr/ vì âm tiết đầu tiên là một nguyên âm
(dù chúng bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm)
 I only have an hour for lunch
 Does his name begin with an “F”?

 Article: Điền A/An hoặc không điền gì vào chỗ trống

1. ___bed 11. ___very sad story
2. ___chair 12. ___web site
3. ___egg 13. ___ Internet conference
4. ___fish 14. ___extremely large dog
5. ___answer 15. ___light meal
6. ___song 16. ___fantastic answer
7. ___vacation 17. ___unusually small head
8. ___investigation 18. ___funny joke
9. ___computers 19. ___expensive purse
10. ___old letter 20. ___hard lessons

1. I have ___ two sisters and ___brother. My brother has ___ son. That makes
me ___ uncle.
2. Would you like ___orange? Or would you prefer ___ banana? We also have
___ strawberries.
3. Does anyone have ___cellphone? I need to make ___emergency phone call.
4. Larry doesn’t own ___car. He rides ___ motorcycle to work.
5. Today, you ate ___ ice cream cone,___piece of pizza,___burrito and
___doughnuts. That’s not exactly___healthy diet.
6. Let’s go see ___movie. There’s___adventure film that I have really been
wanting to see.
7. Is there___Internet cafe around here? I need to send___important email.
8. Instead of making___traditional turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, she
baked___enormous chicken.
9. It looks like it is going to be___rainy day. You should take___umbrella.
10. Phil and Debbie took___amazing vacation to Switzerland last year. They
even climbed___mountain near Lucerme.
1. ___heavy suitcase 11. ___unhappy person
2. ___hamburger 12. ___university student
3. ___honest mistake 13. ___union
4. ___hungry man 14. ___underground garage
5. ___hourly wage 15. ___European hotel
6. ___H 16. ___experienced teacher
7. ___S 17. ___educated men
8. ___B 18. ___8
9. ___R 19. ___4
10. ___Z 20. ___84


1. Because there was   huge rainstorm, the flight was delayed for more
than   hour. The airport was full of   angry passengers.

2. You said that he was   well known player on   European

football team, his name started with   "E", and his jersey had   
"18" on it. I don't know who you are talking about.

3. That company makes   app to let you instantly translate   

things with   iPhone. That's   useful tool for   frequent


4. Is this   phone number? It's really hard to read. Is that   "1"

or   "7"?

5. With gas prices at   all-time high, I wish I didn't drive   SUV. I
think   small compact car would be   much more cost-effective
way to get around.

6. "Photo" doesn't start with   "F"; it starts with   "P". And "write"

starts with   "W", not   "R".

7. He's quite   unique salesman. He has   unusual gift for

keeping   customers happy, and he has   honest face which

convinces   people to buy things.

8. I buy my music from   online music store. They charge

Americans   dollar for   song and Europeans   euro. You

can choose to download the song as   MP3 or in several other formats. If

you purchase ten songs, they will even send you   CD.

9. No, no, Margaret isn't   secretary; her husband is. In fact, he is

quite   efficient secretary. He works for 

 well known law firm downtown.

10. Dr. Perez is   professor at Stanford University. She has   Ph.D.

in biology from Yale and   MBA from Harvard. She is quite   

educated lady.

USE 4: Không dùng A/An cho danh từ không đếm được như: information, air,
advice, salt, fun

 She gives a good advice.Not correct
 She gives good advice.Correct

 Article: Điền A/An hoặc không điền gì vào chỗ trống (4)

1.   elephant 11.   police

2.   milk 12.   pencil

3.   trouble 13.   vitamin

4.   magazine 14.   advice

5.   information 15.   violence

6.   biology 16.   table

7.   passport 17.   furniture

8.   flower 18.   computer

9.   flour 19.   weather

10.   sleep 20.   idea

 Article: Điền A/An hoặc không điền gì vào chỗ trống

1. This is   amazing dance club, but you don't look like you are enjoying
yourself. Aren't you having   fun? Is there   problem?

2. Vegetarians don't eat   meat, they eat   vegetables

and   fruit. Don't make him   greasy hamburger; make
him   healthy salad instead.

3. We finally found   apartment, but we don't have   furniture yet.

There is   furniture store just around the corner and they have   
pretty good selection of beds. I think we'll start there.
4. Samir works for   Egyptian company which specializes in   
information technology. He is going to   European conference next month
to discuss   research on online sales in North Africa.

5. I love   chocolate, but my husband doesn't. I want to get   cat,

but he hates   cats. We don't agree on anything, but I still think we
make   great couple.

6. While I was in Japan, I stayed in   hotel with walls made of   
paper. We ate   rice with every meal. It was quite   unique

7. I wanted to buy   new smartphone, but the salesman didn't

have   information on the model I wanted. I need   help
making   decision before I buy anything.

8. How much does   ticket cost? Unfortunately, I don't have   

money with me right now. Can I pay with   ATM card? What
about   credit card?

9. He won   award for his new science fiction novel called "Launch".
Evidently, it's about   astronaut who gets trapped in   space for
more than   year. It sounds like   incredible book.

10. He loves   classical music, so he went to   university where he

could study the violin. That's   unusual major, but he is so good I'm sure
he'll find   work as   concert violinist
USE 5:

A/An là mạo từ không xác định. “Không xác định” nghĩa là “không cụ thể”. Sử dụng A/An khi đề

cập đến cái chung, KHÔNG PHẢI CỤ THỂ.


I need a phone. Not a specific phone, any phone.

Mark wants a bicycle. Not a particular bicycle, a bicycle in general

Do you have a driver’s license? In general

Sử dụng mạo từ A/An khi đề cập đến cái gì mới, được giới thiệu lần đầu tiên trong câu. A/An

cũng được sử dụng khi hỏi về sự tồn tại của cái gì đó.


I have a car. The car is being introduced for the first time

Tom is a teacher. This is new information to the listener

Is there a dictionary in your backpack? Asking about the existence of the dictionary

USE 6:

The là một mạo từ xác định. “Xác định” nghĩa là “cụ thể”. Dùng THE khi nói về một điều mà người

nghe đã biết trước đó hoặc sự vật, sự việc đã được nhắc đến, giới thiệu hoặc thảo luận trước



I have a cat. The cat is black

There is a book in my backpack. The book is very heavy

Do you know where I left the car keys? The listener knows which specific car keys you are

talking about

Do you own a car? Is the car blue? You assume they do have a car after asking about it in the

first sentence

Nobody lives on the Moon. The Moon is known to everyone.

*THE được sử dụng với cả danh từ số ít và số nhiều
USE 7:

Nhiều và cụm mệnh đề khiến người nghe biết sự vật hoặc sự người nói muốn đề cập: Hãy xem ví dụ

phía dưới:

Can you give me the book on the table.

Chúng ta sử dụng THE ở trong câu này vì cụm “on the table” nói cho người nghe về một quyển

sách cụ thể. Chúng ta không nói về những quyển sách khác mà nói về một quyển sách cụ thể mà

người nghe thấy hoặc đã biết trước về nó. Học cách dùng những mệnh đề và cụm đã được xác định

sẽ giúp bạn dùng THE một cách chính xác.


Did you read the book which I gave you?

He didn’t like the movie that you suggested

He loved the dessert with chocolate and cherries

The phone on my desk belongs to Ken

Did you know the man who was talking to Leonie?

*Tuy nhiên: Không phải mệnh đề hoặc cụm nào cũng khiến người nghe liên tưởng đến một sự vật,

sự việc cụ thể. Một vài mệnh đề hoặc cụm từ chỉ mang tính chất miêu tả, cung cấp thêm thông tin

mà không đề cập đến một sự vật, sự việc cụ thể.


He bought the house with a big backyard. This combination tells the listener which specific

house he bought.

He bought a house with a big backyard. This combination tells the listener what kind of

house he bought, but not the specific house he bought.

 Article: Điền A/An hoặc the vào chỗ trống (5,6)

1. My mother is   doctor and my father is   author.

2. Cindy recommended   good dentist, but   dentist doesn't have any

openings for two months.
3. Mt. Hood is   volcano in Oregon. It's   very beautiful mountain.

4. Sam recommended   book to Lisa. She didn't like   book at all.

5. Do you have   vacuum? I dropped   piece of cake, and I need to

clean it up.

6. Honey, where's   vacuum? I can't find it. It was in   closet, but
now it's not there.

7. Do you have   dictionary? I don't have one, and I need to look

up   word.

8. Do you have   passport? You need   passport to travel outside

of   country.

9. There's   big bear in   backyard. I think   bear is looking

for something to eat.

10. Do you have   computer? I have   laptop and   iPad.

 Articles: Điền A/An hoặc The vào chỗ trống (5,6)

1. A: What's wrong?
B: I have   bad headache.

2. A: Why was today's class cancelled?

B: Because   teacher is sick.

3. A: What does he do?

B: He's   engineer.

4. A: What did Tom buy?

B: He bought   new camera.
5. A: How long does it take to get there?
B: It takes about   hour.

6. A: I want to change the channel.

B: OK,   remote control is over there.

7. A: Why can't Shelly travel?

B: She doesn't have   passport.

8. A: Where does Barbara live?

B: In   apartment on 5th Avenue.

9. A: Oh no, where is it?

B: Don't worry,   key is in my pocket.

10. A: I don't understand what this word means.

B: You need to buy   dictionary.

 Điền A/An hoặc The vào chỗ trống (5,6)

1. Did you see   movie about Dian Fossey's work with mountain gorillas? It
was   amazing film.

2. I love   good movie about historical figures or historical events. I thought

"Lincoln" was fantastic. And Daniel Day-Lewis was great in   film.

3. I would love to take   luxury cruise next year to   exotic location
such as Indonesia or Panama.

4. Jimmy did not enjoy   cruise to Alaska because it was too cold and rainy.
The weather ruined   entire trip.

5. Let's find   place where we can just sit for   couple of hours, drink
some coffee, and have   good chat.
6. That is   place where Sidney proposed to Meryl. Isn't that   
beautiful location?

7. Suddenly,   password Sandra always used to log in to her email didn't

work anymore. Somebody had hacked in and changed   password.

8. When Nick was on safari in Tanzania, he saw   cheetah hunting prey. He

took some beautiful video of   cheetah.

9. Did you enjoy   book I recommended to you? Wasn't that   

exciting novel?

10. I need   smartphone which allows me to check my email and use

Facebook. I really want   phone with good battery life.

 Điền A/An/The hoặc không điền gì vào chỗ trống (1-6)

1. John bought   new car last week. Unfortunately,   car broke down
after just two days.

2. We went to   movie yesterday. Even though it got   good

reviews,   movie was absolutely terrible. I was so mad, I went to   
box office and asked for my money back.

3. Our teacher gave us   test today. It was   really hard test. There
were   questions on there which I didn't even understand.

4. Excuse me, is there   post office around here? I need to buy   


5. We have   beautiful lake behind our house. Every winter,   lake

freezes over and we can go ice skating. When I was   kid, I used to
spend   hours skating back and forth across   ice.
6. Carrie works for   amazing organization;   organization
provides   food and   supplies for children in   developing

7. A: Is there   water on   Moon?

B: Yes, scientists have discovered   ice there.

8. When I turned on my new laptop,   screen exploded! Luckily, it

has   good warranty. Either they will replace   broken screen or send
me   brand new laptop.

9. A: I know   great new restaurant called Mumbai on 8th Avenue.

It's   Indian restaurant with   incredible food.
B: Oh yeah, I know that restaurant;   chef is   good friend of mine.

10. Wow, I can't believe how much   gallon of gas costs these days.
If   price keeps going up, I'm going to buy   electric car
 Điền A/An/The hoặc không điền gì vào chỗ trống

1. They are building   new mall downtown. I heard that   mall will
have   movie theater,   great restaurants, and   ice skating

2. We went to   awful party last night. Ugh,   music was

bad,   people were boring, and   food was terrible. I had   
terrible time.

3. A: Excuse me, do you have   time? I'm supposed to meet   friend

here at 8 PM but   friend hasn't arrived yet.
B: I'm sorry, I'm not wearing   watch, but I think there is   clock at
the entrance to this building.
4. I didn't know you had   tattoo. Is that   spider? That's   
weird thing to have tattooed on your arm. Did it hurt when you got   tattoo?

5. I have   awesome recipe for chocolate cake. My grandmother gave

me   recipe, and it goes great with   big scoop of   vanilla ice

6. A: Hello, I'd like to mail   postcard.

B: OK, that will be 33 cents. Oh! You forgot to address   postcard.
A: Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you noticed that. Can I borrow   pen?

7. I'm reading such   interesting book. It's about   man who decides
to leave society and walk into   wilderness in Alaska. It's called "Into the
Wild", and they made   book into   movie. I love   stories like

8. A: What is   "capital city"?

B: Well,   "capital city" is   political center of   country.

9. A: What is   capital city of Canada?

B: Ummm, I think   capital is Ottawa.

10. We stayed in   extraordinary hotel room in Las Vegas. Not only
did   hotel room have   Jacuzzi and   huge flat-screen TV, it
also had   large terrace with   unbelievable view over   city.

USE 7:
A/An được dùng như từ “per” với ý nghĩa là “một”
 Apples currently cost $1.30 a pound
 Cheetahs can run 60 miles an hour
 You want $150 a person for the tour?
USE 8:
Dùng THE với các cụm: The first, the second, the third, the next, the last,
the previous, the following..
 This is the fifth day of our conference
 I’ll pay the next time we have dinner
 Don’t forget the following rule
Dùng THE với so sánh nhất: the best, the biggest, the most important, the least
 This is the best day ever
 That is the most expensive hotel room I’ve ever heard of in my life
 He told the funniest joke
Dạng so sánh hơn, như là “bigger”,”better”,”more” được sử dụng với cả A/An và
The và tuân theo cách dùng thông thường của mạo từ
 I like the bigger roller coaster
 He has a more expensive car than I do
*Tuy nhiên: THE thường được với dạng so sánh hơn (bigger) hơn là so sánh nhất
khi so sánh hai vật với nhau. Cụm thường được dùng trong trường hợp này là “the
bigger of the two”
 Jessie and Shauna are both smart. But I think Shanna is the smarter of the
 Between Jason’s son and his daughter, his daughter is the better athlete
 Articles: Điền A/An/The vào chỗ trống(7-8)

1. Do you have   bigger room in the hotel? In fact, I'd like   biggest
room you have available. How much would that cost   night?

2. Honestly, this is   last time I am going to tell you to clean up your room.
You are   messiest kid on the planet.

3. He's   much fitter person than I am; he jogs at least five times   

4. Fred always says dogs make   best pets. But between his cat and his dog,
his cat is   more loyal of the two.

5. I think this is   worst idea you have ever had. We need to find   
better way to do this.

6. Tomorrow, we will take   second train from Suzhou to Shanghai,

and   following day, we will fly to Beijing.

7. That brand of organic coffee costs $85   pound! That's   most

outrageous price I've ever seen. I think I need to look for   cheaper brand.

8. The computer science instructor thought Fikret was   more gifted

programmer than most professionals she had worked with. In fact, she told me he
was   most gifted programmer she had taught in many years.

9. I bought   lightest backpacking tent the company makes. It's made

of   much stronger material than my last tent.

10. Last week was   first time that I had ever played golf, and I really felt
like I was   worst player ever. But this week, I played with my boss and
he's   even worse player than I am. It may be shocking, but between me
and my boss, I think I am actually   better player.
USE 9:
Không dùng mạo từ với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được số
 Curiosity is a great trait. Uncountable
 Water is an important resource. Uncountable
 Vegetables are good for you. Plural countable
USE 10:
THE + Danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm các thú vật hoặc đồ vật
- Musical instruments (the piano, the guitar, the flute)
- Plants (the coconut palm, the saguaro, the baobab)
- Animals (the leopard, the elephant, the lowland gorilla)
- Inventions (the steam engine, the plane, the light bulb)
- Currencies (the dollar, the euro, the yen)
- Body parts (the head, the eye, the ear)
 I play the piano
 The sequoia tree is native to California
 The dolphin is a very intelligent animal
 The Wright brothers invented the airplane
 Right now, the euro is stronger than the dollar
 Cheryl got poked in the eye
 Articles exercise: Choose A, AN, THE or (/) for “no articles” for each blank

1. Can you play   musical instrument? I play   piano and   


2. Do you own   guitar? Someone left   old guitar sitting on the


3. These days,   apples are really expensive. And   lettuce costs a

fortune! Why do   fruit and   vegetables cost so much?

4. Diana thinks   creativity and   innovation are something you can't

teach, but I disagree.

5. Dr. Preston told me that   pronghorn is the fastest land animal on the
planet, but I think he was wrong. I'm pretty sure   cheetahs are faster.

6. The environmentalist argued that   clean air should be   universal

"human right". He discussed the effects of   pollution on   human

7. Cheryl thinks   cats make the best pets, but I think   dogs have
more personality.
8. The documentary discussed whether   cat was domesticated in ancient
Egypt or in an earlier period. I have   cat, so I was very interested in the

9. I wish I could play   violin. I love string instruments like   violins

and   cellos.

10. I read that   bristlecone pine is the longest living tree in the world. And I
also read   sequoias are the biggest trees in the world. Amazingly, both
trees are found in California!
USE 11: “a few” và “a little” có nghĩa “some”, có một chút hoặc đủ để làm gì
 He always carries a few dollars for emergencies
 He had a little difficulty with his homework
 She has a few friends who can help her move
*Tuy nhiên: “few” và “little” nghĩa là “not much”, rất ít hoặc không đủ để làm gì
 Unfortunately, I had little time to enjoy New York because I had to work so
 Sadly, he has few people in his life
 They have little money, so their daughter cannot pay her tuition
*Ghi nhớ: khi “only” hoặc “just” được dùng trong câu, “a few” và “a little” cũng
được dùng để nhấn mạnh ý nghĩa “not much”
 Unfortunately, I only had a little time to enjoy New York because I had to
work so much
 Sadly, he just has a few people in his life
 They only have a little money, so their daughter cannot pay her tuition
 Articles exercise: Choose A, AN, THE or (/) for “no articles” for each blank

1. If you need to borrow a couple of dollars, I have   little money in my


2. The family is so poor that they have   little money for food or education.
3. I'm sorry, I can't lend you any money. I just have   little left, and I still
need to pay for this dinner.

4. Clarence has   few friends. He needs to get out and start meeting more

5. Mr. Jackson is a VERY busy man. He has   little time for such distractions.

6. Cindy is not creative at all. She has   few ideas which could really change
this company.

7. Laura is really creative. She has   few ideas which could really change this

8. Tom's business is not doing very well. He just has   few clients, and he
isn't earning very much.

9. Do you have   little time to help me translate this letter?

10. Ned has   little interest in running his family's hotel business. He would
much rather move to Hollywood and pursue an acting career. He has already
made   few contacts in the movie industry who might be able to help him
get started.

USE 12: Mạo từ không dùng khi nói về bệnh tật

 Dr. Smith visits schools and universities to educate students on AIDS
 Oncologists are doctors who specialize in treating cancer
 There are several medications that can be used to treat malaria
*Tuy nhiên: Một vài bệnh phải dùng “THE”
 The measles
 The flu
 The mumps
 The bubonic plague
*Ngoài ra: có một vài tình trạng sức khỏe (aches, pains, growth, attacks)
hoặc bệnh tật có thể sử dụng với cả A/An/The và tuân theo quy tắc chung
của mạo từ.

- A cold
- A heart attack
- A stroke
- A wart/tumor/growth/etc
- A sore throat/sore back/sore foot/etc
- A headache/toothache/backache/etc
 John has a cold. The cold was pretty bad
 Nancy had a heart attack. The heart attack seriously weakened her heart
 Deb had a sore throat. The sore throat made it hard to talk
 Articles exercise: Choose A, AN, THE or (/) for “no articles” for each blank

1. Laurelle had   cold for several days last week. She said she
cured   cold by drinking ginger tea.

2. Michael J. Fox, the famous actor from "Back to the Future", is a well known
advocate for people with   Parkinson's disease.

3. Many childhood diseases, including   measles,   chickenpox,

and   mumps, are becoming less common due to widespread immunization.

4. Scientists all over the world are studying the causes of   cancer. A friend
of mine researches   lymphoma, which is a type of   blood cancer.

5. Jed had   stroke last year. Although he lived,   stroke did affect
his speech and movement on the left side of his body.

6. During the Middle Ages,   bubonic plague swept through Europe killing
millions of people.

7. Did you know that   malaria is one of the leading causes of death in the
developing world?
8. Whenever I go swimming, I end up with   earache, which always causes
me to get   headache!

9. Every winter,   flu sweeps across the United States. That's why many
doctors recommend immunization shots to prevent   flu.

10. The medical conference included lectures on a range of diseases from   

Down syndrome to   encephalitis to   heart disease.
USE 13:
Nếu từ chỉ phương hướng (north, west, southeast, left, right) theo sau trực
tiếp là một động từ, không dùng mạo từ
 We need to walk south
 They drove north all day
 At the stop sign, turn left and walk three blocks
*Tuy nhiên: nếu từ chỉ phướng hướng theo sau bởi một giới từ, phải dùng THE
 We need to walk to the south
 Our house is in the north
 The grocery store is on the right
*Ngoài ra, dùng THE với từ chỉ phương hướng khi đề cập đến chúng như là một
vùng, miền
 We love the South
 Have you ever visited the East?
 The West has better national parks
 Articles exercise: Choose A, AN, THE or (/) for “no articles” for each blank

1. To get to the train station, walk   south until you see the big church,
turn   left, and walk until you see the sign. The station is on   right.

2. The hurricane hit Miami from   southeast. From Miami, it moved   

north towards Fort Lauderdale.

3. Ali is from   Middle East, so he was used to warm weather. When he first
came to Canada, he hated living in   north because it was so cold.

4. The door on   left leads to the lounge. If you are looking for a toilet, just
go   right.

5. Many visitors to the U.S. love   South, but I think I prefer   

Northwest. I love Seattle.

6. Every spring, the local birds migrate   north. In the fall, they fly   
south again.

7. My Spanish teacher told me that many people in   east speak Catalan; I
would love to go   east and experience the region.

8. Do you see the tiger? It's on   left. It's lying to   right of the big

9. The lost hikers wandered   south until they reached a large river.
To   east, they saw high mountains, so they decided to head   west.

10. The river flows   south and then disappears into the swamplands
in   west.

USE 14:
THE + tên gia đình số nhiều để nhắc đến gia đình như là một tập thể
 The Robinsons love to vacation in Florida
 The Shinoharas are originally from Japan
 My brother lives next dỏo to the Jacksons
USE 15:
THE được dùng với một vài tính từ để gọi tên cho một nhóm người có những
đặc điểm chung như là “the blind”, “the elderly”,”the rich”, “the French”
 He is elderly. Adjective
 The organization helps the elderly.Elderly people
*ghi nhớ: Cách dùng THE này đặc biệt quan trọng để phân biệt giữa người dân
trong nước đó và ngôn ngữ của đất nước đó. Trong những trường hợp như vậy,
THE được sử dụng để nói đến người của đất nước đó
 I like French. Language
 I like the French. The French people
*Lưu ý: khi nói đến người dân trog một nước mà có đuôi là “ans”, ví dụ như
“Americans”, “Mexicans”, “Hawaiians” thường không dùng THE
 Americans watch a lot of TV
 Germans drink a lot of water
 Choose THE or (/) for no articles for each blank below

1. We donated to a charity which provides assistance to   elderly

and   poor.

2. Mr. Johnson is   elderly and   poor, so the government provides

him with financial assistance.

3. There is still some disagreement over the new free trade treaty. According to
news reports,   British and   Dutch supported the treaty, but other
nations were undecided.

4. Betty loves   Dutch; it's one of her favorite languages.

5. Have you ever met   Mr. Henderson? He runs a magazine which caters
to   very wealthy.

6. Have you ever met   Wilsons? They are both   very wealthy.

7. The school teaches   blind people to read.

8. Louis Braille created a writing system to allow   blind to read.

9. Have you ever heard of   Maasai? They are a famous tribe in Kenya.

10. Did you know that   Austrians speak   German?

USE 16:
Không dùng THE với tên của thành phố. Chỉ dùng THE trong trường hợp tên
thành phố đó bao gồm từ như là “States” “Kingdom” “Republic” “Emirates”
“Union” “Coast” etc
 I love Italy
 John used to live in Japan
 He lives in the United States
*Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Maldives,
the Bahamas, the Sudan, the Gambia, the Congo
 He lives in the Netherlands
 I visited the Bahamas last year
 Choose THE or (/) for no article for each blank below

1. Germans love to take beach holidays in countries like   Maldives,   

Bahamas and   Dominican Republic. I think that's because those countries
are so much warmer than   Germany.

2. When we visited   England, we spent five days in   London and

then we drove up to   Scotland.

3. I can't wait until we visit   United Arab Emirates. Did you know the tallest
building in the world is in   Dubai?

4. Our cruise makes stops in   Netherlands,   Belgium,   

United Kingdom and   France. It's going to be amazing!

5. In   U.S., there are many immigrants from   Mexico,   

Vietnam,   Philippines and   Ethiopia.

6. A: What did   U.S.S.R. stand for?

B: It stood for   Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

7. I have been to   Quebec and   Alberta, but I haven't been to any
other provinces in   Canada.
8. While Sarah was working in   Ivory Coast, she visited   Ghana
and   Liberia as well. She loves West Africa and hopes to work there again in
the future.

9. The good thing about traveling in   E.U. is that you can use the euro
almost everywhere. There are a few countries, such as   U.K. and   
Sweden, which use their own currencies.

10. Before Yoshiko moved to   United States, she had heard of   
Texas and   California, but she didn't realize those were state names.

USE 17:
Dùng THE với tên của
- Oceans (đại dương): the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian ocean,
the Arctic ocean, the Southern ocean
- Seas (biển): the Mediterranean sea, the Caribbean sea
- Coasts (bờ biển): the East Coast
- Rivers (sông): the Nile river, the Amazon river
- Swamps (đầm lầy): the Okefenokee Swamp
- Archipelagos (quần đảo): the Malay archipelagos
- Collections of lakes: the Great Lakes
- Mountain rage (dãy núi): The Himalayas
- Deserts (sa mạc): the Sahara desert
- References on the globe (liên quan đến địa cầu): the Equator, the North
Pole (cực Bắc)
- Geographic regions (vùng địa lý): the Northwest, the Middle East
- Bridges (trừ Tower Bridge): the Brooklyn Bridge, the Sydney Harbour Bridge
- Pagodas (chùa): the One Pillar Pagoda
- Hotels (khách sạn): The Plaza hotel
- Theaters (nhà hát): the Sydney Opera House
- Museums (bảo tàng)
- Institutes (viện, học viện): the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Skyscrapers (tòa nhà chọc trời)
- The Sun, the Moon
- Extraordinary works of art or architecture: the Mona Lisa, the
Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal)
 James visited the Hermitage, a famous museum in St. Petersburg
 I would love to visit the North Pole
 Nina walked over the Rialto Bridge
USE 18:
Không dùng mạo từ trong các trường hợp:
- Individual lakes: Ho Tay lake, Ho Guom lake
- Individual islands
- Beaches (bãi biển): Sam son beach
- Waterfalls (thác nước)
- Individual mountains (trừ the Matterhorn)
- Canyons (hẻm núi) trừ the Grand Canyon
- Streets (trừ the High Street)
- Public squares (quảng trường): 1-5 square
- Hospitals
- Stadiums
- Malls
- Parks
- Churches
- Temples
- Universities
- Colleges
- Languages
- Religions
- Days
- Months
- Holidays
 Have you ever visited Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris?
 Kenta is Buddhist
 We went camping in King’s Canyon
*Tuy nhiên: THE thường được dùng với “the..of..”
 The University of Cambridge
 The Cathedral of Siena
 Choose THE or (/) for no articles for each blank below
1. I didn't know that   Lake Michigan was one of   Great Lakes until
we went there last year.

2. We stayed at   Plaza, a world famous hotel near   Central Park.

3. I always enjoy driving over   Golden Gate Bridge. It has a lovely view
over   San Francisco and   Pacific.

4. While we were in   Georgia, we went canoeing in   Okefenokee

Swamp and camped along   Suwannee River.

5. On her first day in Paris, Cindy visited   Notre Dame Cathedral

and   Eiffel Tower.

6. Although she hates museums, on her second day in Paris, Cindy visited   
Louvre to see   Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world.

7. A: Have you ever heard of   Malta?

B: Yes, it's an island in   Mediterranean.

8. When we went hiking in   Alps, we saw many famous mountains

including   Matterhorn and   Mont Blanc.

9. When Stan attended   Harvard University, he lived in a small, off-campus

apartment on   Newbury Street.

10. Our trip to   Namibia was so adventurous! We explored   Fish

River Canyon,   Namib Desert,   Skeleton Coast and   Etosha
National Park.

1. We visited   Niagara Falls while we were crossing the border

between   Canada and   United States.

2. Have you ever seen a picture of   Walt Disney Concert Hall? It's not part
of   Disneyland, it is an amazing concert hall located in   Los

3. Dr. Arnold works at   Scripps Research Institute, a non-profit medical

research facility. His wife works at   Scripps Memorial Hospital.

4. Kathmandu was amazing. Our tour included visits to   Durbar Square
and   Swayambhunath Temple as well as a bus trip to viewpoints
overlooking   Himalayas. The mountains were beautiful.

5. White water rafting trips down   Colorado River are very popular because
they pass through   Grand Canyon.

6. While we were staying in   Miami Beach, we drove down to visit   

Florida Keys, the chain of small islands which extends out into   Caribbean.
We also explored   Everglades, the beautiful wetlands which cover the
southern half of the state.

7. The linguist specialized in   Arabic. She spent years studying local dialects
in   Sahara Desert as well as in remote parts of   Middle East.

8. When I went to   Hawaii, my favorite island was   Kauai. I spent

three days hiking along   Na Pali Coast and three days lying on   
Poipu Beach.

9. Explorers first reached   South Pole in 1911, first climbed   Mt.

Everest in 1953, and first set foot on   Moon in 1969.

10. While we were in   New York, we walked across   Brooklyn

Bridge, went to the top of   Empire State Building, attended a basketball
game at   Madison Square Garden, shopped on   5th Avenue, and
visited   Museum of Modern Art.
USE 19:
THE được sử dụng trong một số cụm từ chỉ thời gian
- In the morning
- In the afternoon
- In the evening
- During the night
- During the day
- The day before yesterday
- The day after tomorrow
- The fall
- The summer


 We'll meet in the afternoon.

 Jake loves to go camping in the fall.
 There was a small earthquake during the night.

HOWEVER: In other time expressions, no article is used:

 at night
 at noon
 at midnight
 all day
 all night
 all month
 every month
 every year
 last night
 last Friday
 yesterday
 tomorrow


 Did you sleep well last night?

 I'll see you tomorrow.
 We are meeting for lunch at noon.

MOREOVER: There are some expressions which can take both A(AN) and THE such


 a/the whole day

 a/the whole month
 an/the entire year
 an/the entire decade


 He spent a whole month in Hawaii. I wish I could do that.

 I took last Friday off to go to the doctor. I spent the whole day sitting in his
 When she first moved to Germany, it took an entire year for her to learn
enough German to go shopping.
 Phil hated the '90s. He spent the whole decade in a dead-end job struggling
to pay his rent.
 Choose A/An/The or (/) for “no article”

1. Armadillos are animals which are most active at   night. Sometimes, you
see them during   day, but that's less common.

2. Unfortunately,   yesterday I had to spend   whole day studying for

my biology final. I think I did well on the test, but I won't know until   next

3. I really loved   Christmas when I was a kid. My favorite part was getting
up in   morning and finding all the gifts from Santa under the tree.

4. I'm so stressed out at work; I really need to take   whole month off and
just relax on a tropical beach somewhere. Maybe I can do that   next

5. When I was a kid, I spent   summer on a beach in Florida. Now, I have to

work   every summer.

6. Do you want to meet for dinner on   Wednesday? Or if you prefer, we

could get together   next Monday.

7. My cable television company has terrible customer service! I was on the phone
with them for   entire hour and nobody could answer my question. I
think   tomorrow, I'm going to call them up and cancel my service.

8. The conference started at   noon and didn't finish until late in   
evening. We spent   whole time listening to boring speeches.

9. Have you ever heard of   Halloween? It's a holiday that Americans
celebrate on   October 31.

10. I didn't sleep at all   last night. I spent   whole night lying awake.
And today, I can barely keep my eyes open.

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