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Malaysia NTtT Background

Seeing that this is the first NTtT in Malaysia in a long while, it is good that we evaluate what are the available options for TtT conference format that we should adapt based on AIESEC Malaysia s pool of available facilitators in terms of quantity and quality. Based on international train the trainers, with the objective to train facilitators, a one -to-many approach of a conference with a delegate number amounting to 70+ is not productive. Instead, concentrated small group training is more suitable. An experienced faci leading a group of 7 -9 delegates is a good option. Please take note that a chair is not necessary in TtT as the workshop format simply demands coordination from the facilitators. As long as experienced trainers are brought in, following the training sessions is easily divided among them. The national team can consider positions like Education Coordinator, Agenda Manager, etc instead.

a. Objective
For train the trainers, the objective has always been to ensure that by the end of the training, delegates gain theoretical and practical knowledge to become excellent facilitators. Inexperienced delegates will go to the Basic track so that they have the basic handle of what it takes to facilitate while in the Advance track the delegates will go through situation -specific training and other objectives such as becoming a chair and agenda drafting.

b. Continuation
Due to the fact that this is the first NTtT to be carried out, we also need to draft the agenda so that the delegates can go back to their own LCs and start their own session/training to create more facilitators. On a larger view, the current facilitators need to be trained fo r the next NTtT. As with other NTtTs all over the world, it is not the scale that matters, but the frequency.

B. Faci Profile
For the NTtT we need experienced facilitators as the agenda is subject to change based on the number of delegates applied. The facilitating team needs to have a diversified conference experience (different roles, different conference topic, different country, etc) as training could be

enhanced through sharing of experience. We may consider international facilitators but priority should be given to facis who have gone through TtTs previously.

C. Delegate Profile
Delegates need to be assigned to either the Basic or Advanced track. Usually this is done simply by the pre-requisite of having gone through the Basic track before you are allowed to go to the Advanced track. For our first NTtT, we could decide based on the application form whether they should go to the Basic track or Advanced Track.

An idea that we could use is that the delegates in the Advanced Track will be the co -facis for the Basic track. Although this would require a very creative agenda to balance out the schedule and avoid clashes.

D. Suggested Agenda
The following agenda is the first draft for Malaysia NTtT 2011
hed le

Main lo s To i s to e o ered

Day1 Theoreti al

Day2 ra ti al

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