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Chance Johnson

Mrs. Zehentner

Independent Study Mentorship

07 October 2022

Introduction and Purpose Paper

I am Chance Johnson and for this semester I have taken on a mentorship in business with

Mohammed Raya at Auto Boutique in Alvin, Texas. In this mentorship I am specifically

studying the area of car dealing, so my final product will sum up everything I have learned. In

my final product I will be educating others on the process of buying a car, providing background

information on car dealerships, additionally explaining the departments involved in car

dealerships. The reason I chose this specific mentorship was due to my interest in the business

industry, and I chose my product topic because I felt educating people on the process would

make it easier for people in buying cars. In completing this mentorship, it will give me insight of

what going into the business industry looks like if I were to chose this as my career path or major

in college.

For my mentorship product I wanted to educate the people all about car dealerships. For

my target audience I want to educate mainly anyone in the market that is shopping for a car and

is ready to buy. Another audience I plan to target are young adults like myself who might not

know anything about the process of buying a car. I intend on delivering my final product and

information through a booklet and a website all in which I plan to construct myself. The way in

which I plan on completing these products are with the help of my mentor, Mohammed Raya and
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his knowledge no business as a car deals man. Another source I plan on using for my product is

detailed and deep research on this topic making sure I hit every point and get every detail for my

audience. My product will mainly consist of the pamphlets serving to give out the background

information and facts about car dealerships, while my website will give out general information

on the process of buying a car also what departments in a car dealership makes up the business.

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