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Heading: How fashion is ruining our lives. Fo「 a Iong period oftime, the trend offashion is something that has

幸e n 「emained within mankind’s culture. It is we= known that, ifyou look styiish, PeOPle w紺respect you mo「e"

However言S it something bad wearing expensive cIothes in a書0ng te「m?

Both in the past and nowadays, the appearance of someone has been something that peopIe shou!d take into

account, However, it is something

POPu!ation take a step fu巾her and end up investing a great deal of

money in orde「to Iook gorgeous〇   六o の碓勘ii

高相                   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄〉串㈱
puttin。 afPrice on cIothe羅a wa,±望主立he c-othes that a「e not In the t「end any -on。erhgrthe cIothes

Which are on the top of the spike, Additiona=y, Since peopIe spend a large amount of moneyノ壁面gh-P「iced
/(二         __臆-臆 7生

CIothes, then it is likely that you might only find few ofthem.

圏国 劇
Nevertheless, it is something that ma頭hi鴫 WOrSe. For the last twenty years, it h。。P。萌hat 。e。。一e,

especia=y young people, tend to feel ashamed dueiei垣t they camot afford buying their desirable c10thes,
s左言霊… S。me 。f,h。m,
Consequent-y′ they tend to be軸eジフ苦e言;n二三Ofthem t’

之      で信5し短が    _一〆一- ㌔

While p「omoting harm帥deasうthe fashion indust「y has p「oved its Ioathing behavio「 towa「ds anyone but rich

PeOPIe"   ゎ謹¥色

For these brands that belong j#’the。industry, PeOPle’s appea「ance is their main importance and as a resuIt, yOu

Can See the d肝e「ence in the number of models that a「e not pa巾Ofthei「 beauty standard, Whether they are

f「om a d酔e「ent race, Size,暁子COme tO a POint where jt can-t be named no other thing than disc「imination and
’王で.                                 ・- 千- 一〇  へ  へ、 /」 ・-・音○○」一( / ̄-  ̄

i,'s su。h 。 Sh。m。,hat m。n繕畿v。 。aSS。d7e宣言註言言霊笠霊碑誹

With more b「ands growing and making their way into this competitive industry, the pricing of cIothing has set

Off considerab!y and ・its become clea「 that they on!y have one ta「get audience w.固PeOPie from the working

c,。SS。nd。。l。W。。董詰d,。。。。。a.t。fr訊笹崎でタカ 掴串
Diet cuItu「e can be seen in a-most eve「y program about fashtotyteaching our newe「 gene「ations to starve just

to fiten a dress is something that needsto stop right away,

In conclusion, the fashion indust「y鏡n and wi= not disappea「 randomIy but it s帥needs to change its ways

and make a曲er effect on everyon3eSPeCia-Iy those脚Zing it・’’

祥 7の)ゝ語ら叩呼5涌」ノY〇・ 生レうで」へてこ〆
主 の両船隼}上砂′王ゝ
弾7 -ア0J碓○て硬明証㌦
ノ/ ̄ ̄〆)

The輔車SOCIety is characterize:少eeh霜ugy in constant deve-opment and sociaI networking・ In this

書芸諸富嵩誓書。V。nu。 H。f詰ns 。f 。。。。,。
across the world and produces m冊OnS Of do=a「S eaCh year. Moreover, it is also believed that this lucrative

business can make known and sp「ead the cuitu「e of a city,画and p「omote a bette「 mutua!
一事雪露=雷章r    -一一一一〇〇〇〇


However′ for those who are not imp「essed or motivated by numbe「s and numbers, the fashion indust「y is

。。serv。d 。S 。n。 Wh。 Se。。「。t。S individu。,s′ is。 a,,n。 th。S。 Wh。 d。 n。t.。m。一, W,,h盤ws and man。at。S. In
addition, the prices of fashion items are not only un「ealistic, but are estimated to be money・better spent on

more pressing issues Iike pove直y and hunger,

In my opinion,/艇fashion indust「y as it istoday has a negative impact because it vaiues a mino「ity ofindividuals

in detriment ofthe majority, However′ it has such a wide range that′ if used optimaliy, it can save lives.’’

4              食レ`買恥巧に雄ゆ雄弁で?

Nowadays peop!e ca「e too much about how they look and it seems to tu「n out into a probIem fo「 most peop!e,

工t -S一二㌍廟 take care of yourseIf and focus on your image but the problem sta巾S When you become

ObsesS-with you「 appea「ance, it cou!d end up in you havjng a big issue as a low self-Steem.

The fashion industry is one of the principal reasons why this happens a lot. It could be because sometimes

PeOPle w親嵩諜鮮ndards set by this industny specia’ly gi「ls“ They care too much about thei「 Welght and

get obse三悪they are gaining weight or not" Anothe「thing couid be that some people pay a huge amount

Of money only to buy c!othes, Wherl this is not necessary.

In my opinion, the fashion industry has set so many standards that some peopIe are w冊ng to fit and at the

end, it ends up affecting them十一

丁he fashion indust「y has a negative effect on people’s lives。 It has given rise to a consume「 cultu「e where

PeOPte W川buy anything to avoid fee看ing old-fashioned" They do not take into account the prices ofthe cIothes

Or the possible labo「 expioitation.

First′ PeOPle tend to be ve「y conce「ned about thei「 physical appearance, This leads them to consume many

PrOducts. Fo「 example′ Skin ca「e products, jewelry, fashionable cIothes′ etC.

Second, mOSt WelI-known b「ands raise their prices just because they sei看a name. PeopIe can師d the same

quality of cIothing in a sma= company that does not raise its p「ices,

Finaliy, these big companies that produce a Iot of cIothes need a lot of manufactu「ing. What do they usu訓y

do? Labor exp10itation′ Which affects the lives of those empIoyees because they a「e not paid enough for the

WO「k they contjnue to do every day.

To sum up, We have to be aware that the fashion industry has affected our =ves. It brings unhappiness to

everyone, We shouId not worry too much about what is fashionable or not. We should also buy only what we

need so that we do not create a consumer culture〇一’

市有王 らこ高でふ亘仁 {う4納所打て′し↑`も7 C`ン招乞して)少し)て草一三 へに弓- 0く, `クー卑eんノぐ笹と玖しこJ丁.

6 姉珊,重巳年へ∴中側吊乱し姉も粋しけ聖即研均′吐ノし由江し上

The fashion jndustry has negatively or positively而Iuenced peopIe; however, the negative has always stood

Out in society.

First′ the appea「ance of people has a!ways been important, due to the trends that have eme「ged o「 have

「etu「ned to ou「 days, the fashio「=ndust「y has made spec甫C garmentS inspi「ed by the past"

SecondIy, the p「ice ofcIothes is aiso often cont「oversial, for examp看e, Whoever has the economic status to buy

high-Priced cIothes w冊be ab!e to do so quickly, Sometimes the price of cIothes has discounts for seasons of

the year, for example′ Winter cIothes are discounted in summe「

Fina=y, in the fashion industry the「e are brands that stand out more than others, fo「 example, Guess′ Prada,

Calvin Klein.

In concIusion, I do not agree that the indust「y has negatively influenced people, because many times they are

benefited from it, the big ciothing brands especia=y have benefited,

Nowadays, PeOPle take impo巾ance in thei「 looks mo「e than any other gene「ation has eve「 seen" The「efore, I

do beIieve the fashion industry has had an effect on people,

Firstly, eVery PerSOn PayS a壮ention to how other peopIe look ail the time, Whethe「 it wou!d be when out on the

St「eet, PeOPle that appea「 on magazines, SO muCh so that even companies ca「e about their image and wi=

COnSequentIy choose peop看e who fit thei「 beauty standards to rep「esent them,

Secondly, aS designer cIothes a「e expensive, PeOPle have lea「ned to ciassrty success by what their peers wear.

Fo「 instance, SOmeOne Who dresses casually w紺not be seen as someone who cou看d appear on television,

Moreover, SOCial media has intens胴ed the desirab冊y of success, Eve「y now and then′ a neW trend spreads

across social media which may inc看ude some type ofcIothes wom by some modeI and people who wear them

get much mo「e recognition in socia! media than othe「s,

In concIusion, the fashion indust「y has sIowly inco「POrated itseif in ou「 daily lives, from job environmen=o

SOCiaI media affecting not only teenage「s but peopIe who camot afford expensive items〇一一

Nowadays fashion indust「y is aimost pa巾Of everyone-s life. It is noticeab!e that most ofthe people invoIved in

fashion fo=ow some standa「ds. However, is it bad to be part ofthis world?

First, it is often seen how wo「ried people a「e about their appearance, The truth is that no matte「 how classy o「

CaSual you wea「, yOu「 POSitive a田tude towa「ds you「 C!othes is what rea=y makes you shine in f「ont ofanyone.

Second, iow prices cha「acterize cu「「ent fashion onIy. Moreover, this is known for se冊ng cIothes for five dolla「s.

This type of ciothes last参勤辞because they wi!i be soon no 10nge「 a t「end"

Finally′ nOt eVerything about fashion is bad as it ente巾ains people-s Iife. Some individuaIs are rea=y into

matching cIothes or sewing them and it is whatthey do fo「 a living.

In conclusion, fashion is what makes people feel comfortable with thei「 bodies and it does not always have a

bad 。ffect 。藍div,dualIs life as一。ng 。S th。y kee。 。 balan。。 Wi,h it.'・

The fashion industry is impo巾ant in people’s lives because impo巾ant events can i「洞uence fashion trends.

Therefo「e, in this essay′ I w掴COmment On how now the fashion industry, instead of doing good, is causing

more harm.
There is great relevance in appea「ance as people wi= t「eat you according to how you 10Ok,丁his can limit

PeOP!e’s personai style which can make them feei suppressed as they fo=ow trends.

Nowadayithere is a 10t Ofvariety in the prices of high ̄fashion′ Iow_COSt fashion′ and fasトfashion. Hig旧ashion

is too expensive for middle-CIass peopIe so they opt for low-COSt Or fast-fashion whe「e the quality is bad and

makes people haveto spend more -n the -ong run・    べ⊂しO千両)


The main p「oblem with fast-fashion is t it,C6uses a lot of waste that affects the planet, CIothes

Cheap and low qu訓ty′ SO after wea「ing

苗 few times they no Ionger look good and have to be repiaced b活
new one, CauSing the cycIe to repeat itself.

The fashion indust「y is a dominant facto「 in environmental damage, but people need to be educated to raise

awa「eness on -SSueSthat affect us aIl" l-     j誇‘畔n中位S ‘‘ -?


宣0        坊∴了’/

丁he fashion industry nowadays is becoming ve「y popula「 by the wa#hey are trying to be mo「e inclusive into

not excluding and having a bad effect on people’s live, Here, I wi= a「gue about beauty standards and

aPPearanCeS′ how affordable -t -S and the frequent change offashlOn Sty!es"   / ’¥

Th「Oughout different time℃芹eOtyPeS in the fashion industry have changed and estab圃ed ’

Standards about how someone shouid Iook taking people’s appearance into a new IeveI of impo巾ance,

Compared to the past′ nOWadays we have a very broad range ofc-othing sty-es and prices・ HoweveJfashion is

COnStantly changing and o馴屯attng people to spend thei「 money mo「e frequentiy than before,
Fashion trends change very fast and make people fee=nsecure about themse!ves because ifthey do not fit into

What is t「ending, beside feeling insecure, they feel excluded f「Om the fashion indust「y.

。再が          偉   功迫
Fina=y, the fashion industry is verY dominant in peopIe’s l暗Most of the time the influence of。trend and。uSe

Ofthe same type of modeis to advertise fashion may have a bad effect on people’s mental heaIth and lives。

宣量              子/へ主_ ∴

丁he fash-On lndustry is one ofthe most g胴一y s-gnlficant topICS′ eVen though舞bel eVed曲一t

rea=y helps the state economica=y by creating trends that support the labor force; however,it’s thought to

have negative effects in the society詳弼.

困 し如5〔二二二三三ゝ lいつ竹上て年にイレ
In the fashion indust「

fact, it-s believed that 窪 le with unique features are exposed; Cute faces’Slim and e10ngated bodieiL │

don’t possess these characteristics are not att「ac出ve at al看. It aiso crea

Of m-SCOnCePtion of beau岬at is daTaglng PeOPIcts mental health′ aS S些少COnStant-y compa二壇f "

里SO Crea夢藍ept

s。C。nd, th。 C。n.。Pt 。f l。。king罷tt言tive薗s based 。n th。 。。,h。S y。u Wear 。n a d。ily basis′ it me。nS th。t

有ere芽坤ecIfic些事that ma砂ou different" However′ these tend to be so expensive that not eve「yone

碑n露 岩盤∩:誓霊露信雄,
Fina=y, the world of fashion can be conside「ed as something astonishing, however, it is quite the opposite,

Since it causes fear in people’s physical appea「ance,

In conclusion, I beiieve that
宣董重義 Shouldn-t be given so much impo軸塀nce it doesn-t bring

POSitive aspects to society, it on看y generates damage and prejudices, ’‘


Fashion Industry’s de亡「iment to people’s lives

Nowadays, the constant need from c「owds to catch on with fashion trends is clearly visible. Moreove「′ this

tendency has become a public phenomenon, Starting to ha「m peoplels lives, He「e, I w紺a「gue that w剛e the

Fashion Industry gives people a way to exp「ess themselves, it also c「eates ste「eotypes that impai「 thei「 well-


Firstly, W剛e dressing acco「ding to the occasion and taking ca「e ofour appea「ance regu!arly is we= seen′ PeOP!e

Should not become too obsessed wjth this as the「e are more relevant matte「s to take into account, SuCh as ou「

mental and physical health.

However, regular advertisements from the Fashion Industry showing perfect faces and incredible bodies

COntrOVe「Sia=y dressed have jeopardized the way people see themseives, C「eating unnecessary concem about

the way they look.

The「efore, tO 100k identical to their fashion idoIs from TV and magazines, they spend my「iad amounts of money

in shopping ma=s, deprioritizing thei「 health expenses.

工n conciusion, the「e is nothing wrong with expressing yourselfth「ough the way you dress and take care ofyou「

Skin′ aS 10ng aS yOu reCOgnize that the「e are more important things to take ca「e of′ for instance: yOur health

and athleticism.”

Cu「rentIy′ the fashion indust「y has g「own hugeiy due to peop看e giving bunch oqsignificance to appea・anCe.

Some resea「chers say "一Fashion industry is a= ove「 the wo「ldI and its biggest partner is sociai media…・ It has

an inadequate effect on peop-e's =ves since they fo「get aspects such as the p「ice of c10thes′ lack of selト

COnfidence, and damage to the environment.

To begin with, Physical appea「ance seems to be so cruciai nowadays′ thanks to sociaI media川eOPle have got

used to compa「ing themselves with famous peopIe. The main problem with this remains in lacking con舶ence,

and as a result′ anXiety, Sadness, and othe「 menta=ssues.

Second, this gene「ation is we一一一known as a consumer society that buys tons ofthings that in some cases′ do

not serve a pu「pose,丁he prices of ciothes are too steep that people spend all their savings just to give a fake

appea「ance of owning expensive things・

Last but not ieast, COnSuming requi「es p「oducing′ Which has been affecting the environment fo「 a long time.

丁herefo「e, the more new factories in the fashion indust「y a「e born′ the mo「e use of ou「 natural resources・

To summarize, It is paramount to be awa「e of ou「 actions in our da=y腫actions′ SOme Ofthem do not

necessa「ily have an impact at that mom誓′一坦as the days pass′ We rea-ize that all that we have been doing

’S tO make ’ndust「-eS rlChe「 than ev管制ur ’一VeS and our曲at wh看Ch lS t軸’’

14         車。t。gy ,n 。,ass.。。mS N。W。d。,S and s,n。e油島。g, has mad。 a 。,g ,m。a.t ,n 。u.
daily routines" There is no exception for education′夢technoIogy has been申em。nted脚。 by柵。 in

Ou「 Classrooms. The「e a「e plenty of technoIogjcaI tooIs used during t:he Iearning p「ocess for example web

PageS′ aPPS′ Visuai aids Iike videos′ Pictures′ gameS′ et:C" A冊ese tooIs a「e appIied when introducing a

neW tOPic′ eXPIaining the cIass, Or eVen When

rejnforcing t:he info「mation given during the c-ass in any

Subject in order to makd有IO「e interactive

亡he cIass nd catch the student′s attention' In Ecuador;

teChnoIogica! resour⊂eS are mos亡一y used jn private institutions than in pub庸ones.

Conciusions and re⊂Ommendations: I high-y re⊂Ommend the tea⊂her to attend the c-asses of the FacuIty of P刷osophy

and Education because in that section′ PeOPIe know how to take advantage of the resources avaIfabIe. Authorities

Shouid look fo「 the addition of as many technologica圧oo-s as possib`e to improve the quaIity of Ecuadorian education.
Heading‥ The da=y dose ofmusic that you deserve!

Have you ever fe!t

囲 the sensation tha*music is not the same when you are not in the mood?
WeIl′ it's quite common. In fact′ djd you know that depending on you「 emotional state, SOme muSic

maybehe岬tomakeyoufeelbe壮er? ,包Å

MusIC is something that mak垂eople feeI refax些, O「 SOmetim。S ,t m。k。S ,。u S輔。 th。 State 。f

awa「eness and concent「ation" We町t happened to me a few months ago, When I had to deal with

alarge Iist of chores, What put me back on the t「ail was classicaI music,

It is scientifica=y p「oven that classicai music can help you to reiieve tension and feeI more focused

On difficult things・ F「om my expe「ience′ listening to it passiveIy whi e I was doing chores or

Studying helped me to put bad thoughts ofsu「rende「 away f「om my mind。

Have you eve「 given music a shot? If not′ I absolute!y suggest it・ Not on-y might it heIp you to

SOme diffjcult ac帥ties′ but also it can give you a powerfu! dose of happiness in your life,

I consider that music is the best thing ever c「eated because you can =sten亡O it anytime you want

w-thout 「est「-Ct-OnS′ aS t-me has passed虹echno-ogy has become mo「e present In Our I-Ve芦

g「owth of st「eaming services is something that has heiped us a= a lot!

I listen to musjc every day whet:he「 it is when doing homework′ eXerCISlng, O「 t「aVe看jng晋ee。ike it

has become a big pa「t of me =OW" I Iove making playlists an掴stening to them acco「ding to my


I have a selection of my favorite music to listen to whenever I want to" You may wonder how can I
Choose wha剛sten to within aII those se-ecti# and胡StS and the answe「 is simpl誓JuSt Put

m申ked songs on shuff-e and skip if I have to坤hen I‘m sad川sten to even sadder song5When

I’m happy I Iisten to even happie「 songF主hat’s how I make it work・

In conc!usion′ !istening to music ca= help you th「ough a iot′ and making playlists is an amazing

Way tO gO th「ough yourtime, Don’t you ag「ee?

Music‥ my iifestyle  栂6

Music is my good f「iend, I

囲 been fond ofmusicfor a long time since I was little. Can you
im“agine a Iife without music?

Music can chee「me up and it isalso a kind ofrelaxation for me. Not onIy me′ muSic is aIso a kind

Of re!axation for many peopIe" When I am downhearted, I usua=y stay at home and =sten to music

alone in my room′ OrWhen I’m fee!ing good I put music out # on thetv′ SO that ±聖e IistenS

Ge鮮藍, I p.ef。. P。P muS,C t。 C,ass一。al mus 。 。,ass,。。一mus,。 。ften g,VeS me a f。。,,n。 。f

me-an。h。一陣誹霜嵩。。Ver,一is,enin。 ,。 S。me muSi。 Whi。h荒蕪s。X。。h。ne 。S ,h。 。.inci。a,

一nSt.umen, ,S a看s。 m, fav。「,,e. I a,s。睦dev。一。畠。。d ,。Ste ,n S。,s。 muS,。′ 。e。。uS。 my fath。.

and my grandpa are big fans・ Since 。§騎to saisa music, I,ve lea「nt some moves that I can-t wait

to showon the nextfami!yparty,己描腫ら握れ帝

I don’t know you guys but music in general makes fee! so many emotions at the time′ What do you


When you fee川ke you a「e drowning′ the on!y thing you have to do is listen to you「favo「ite song!

It could sound rldlCu!ous but fo「 me -t-s l-ke that・ I l-Sten tO muSIC eVe声I can because -t

relaxes me and helps me to sta「tthe day in a good mood. There-s no righttime to =sten to music′

川ke a一一genr夢v music, fo「that reason I choose what I want to listen depending on my mood of

the da, Or mOm。nt"丁he b。St thin。鐘詰s that ,。u 。an 。。nn。。t With s。m。。n。 b財g 。n-y 。n

thei「taste in music" Ai圧he friends I have became cIose「 to me when we sta「ted talking about the

mus,C W。 ,is,en ,。,.it w。S magn,諸島了

Don’tjudge peopte because oftheirmusic they like, it couid mean a lotf即・ them because it can be

the way they express their feelings,

Drawing course

I needed to take this course to improve my d「awing sk用s for my careerG「aphic Design. The

Classes were face-tO-faceI tWO hou「s a dayI tWice a week" At the beginning of the cou「se, We did

SOme interesting exercises to test ou「 d「awing sk冊s. Fo「 example, d「awing =nes and ci「cles,

drawing with both hands at the same time′ and so on,

Then′ We Started with topics such as quick drawing, P「OPO「tions, St「uC亡u「e with basic shapes, =ghts

and shadows′ a=d fina=y′ We Started with featu「es ofthe human face and body・ The most

interesting of what I mentioned were the exe「cjses of ‖ghts and shadows・ The teacher expIained

about that topic using many theo「etical resources and showing exampIes f「om paintings and even

from movies and series,

I wouid recommend it to eve「yone who aIready has a basic leveI ofd「awing, You w帥definitely

improve since I was given a lot of homewo「k. In this course you practice a 10t,

Music is an art that is pa「t ofourda時Iife today, We Can listen to it in d肝e「ent ways, Whethe「 on

the 「adio, television, O「 Ou「 Ce=phone, Today there are different musical genres that have evoIved

OVe「 the cou「se of histo「y.

You can listen to music wheneve「 you want and whenever possible, fo「 example =jsten to music

When I do my homewo「k because it a=ows me to concentrate better and generates mo「e

enthusiasm to complete it. I also =sten to music when I want to dist「act myself f「om ce「tain

Pe「SOnal p「oblems, Which helps me not to get depressed o「 think about it too much.

What you listen to at certain times depends a Iot on you「 mood, because ifyou a「e sad, yOu mOSt

likeiy want to =sten to songs that compIement your mood, Fo「 exampIe, When I’m happy I can’t

lis,。n ,。 Sad s。n。S be。auS。 ,hey d欝m, m。。d,  生す

To conclude, muSic he!ps a lot

筋he 。m。ti。na一。a「t 。f 。e。。Ie andk ev。n S。ientifi。。"y 。「。Ven.

A Life Companion,.Music,

Music is one of the greatest things that has eve「 come out of human evolution, ifyou stop to think

about it′ We listen to music almosta!l day! ±T When we go to a shopping maIl #里the


Pe「sona=y, I choose to listen to music to accompany me th「oughout the day, Whether I’m doing

homewo「k, Or doing house chores, muSic is a!ways there, And, because my mothe「 has always

listened to music eve「ywhe「e she goe計think it naturally stuck to me too"

圏圏 圏回国圏 ¥

Howeve「, I don-t

th「ough phases wh

a specific music gen「e depending on my mood上I’ve ofcourse gone

I wou!d =sten to onIy one specific gen「e′ but those days are le仕behind.

Whether Itm feelln轟der the weather or ext「emely happy川sten to a m-X Of my favorite songs"

丁o sum up, I enjoy listening to music a= day′ 「ega「dIess of my mood, I get immersed into the song

and its meaning and me!ody a旧he time" So how about you? How do you experience music?

Music tends to be a special subject for most ofthe people around me. That moment in which I can

feel myselfshive「ing is almost a heaven expe「ience" In fact, I don’t know anyone that doesn‘t have

a favourite tune,

My perfect time to Iisten to music is when I have spare time" Nothing to do guides me to Youtube

and to play every music video I love. It actual看y reiaxes me mo「e than doing nothing・ Mo「eover, it鳴

also fun to teach myself cho「eog「aphies.

When I choose what I wou看d like to listen to′ it reaily depends on which type of music it’s been

t「acking on my mind du「ing the day" Sometimes I feel I wantto dance so I play a Britney Spea「s一

Video. Most of the time I want to sing

声and fee一一嵩書冊erefore I sing tO ABBA
In conclusion, muSic is an outstanding pa「t of my life, A叩排出ng has touched my heart more than

the mel。d,。S I・v。 g.。Wn u。癌I ,,Sten t。 a S。n。巌 bad day, it w紺surely make it better.

There’s definiteiy nothing =ke music fo「 me,

Re!ease you「 ene「gy,

You can do this by.dancing acco「ding to the rhythm of the music and gaining discip=ne by fo=owing

On Sa亡u「days声m 9 am to I pサattended dance c-asses whe「e we p「acticed some rhythms such

as ba=et, jazz, be=y dance and hip hop, The group had one hourfor each class and teache「s who

We「e dedjcated to their specialty.

Among the many thing㌔I

 ̄簿 was ab!e to lea「n in a= the c!asses, What川ked the most was the be=y

dance. I am notve「y fIexible sojazz and ba=etwere not my 高butI am ve.y g。。d 。tWiggIing

my hipstothe rhythm ofthed「um beats inthe beIlydancesongs. ¥¥

籍 ク午
I highly recommend this dance cou「se as it helps you not oniy to release the stress o「energy

accumulated within the work week but aIso makes you enjoy and appreciate the sk帥s you leam

With each teacher.


Do you have a favou「ite play=st′ yOu listen to? Ifyou do′ yOu P「Obabiy feei ve「y happy when

Music is an escape from the rea- wo坤t can make you fee廿「om sad t:O happy" In fac5Studies

Show that music helps to stimuIate someone-s moods and feelings" You do not need a speciaI

OCCaSion to be abIe to =sten to music′ yOu Can listen to music anytime you feel you need to塙魂e輪一つ


What is even bette「 is that nowadays there is music fo「 a= tastes" If you do not know what to listen

亡OI do not wor「y′ it is ve「y easy! You can sta巾by creating you「 own play=st where you can put a=

the music you feeI happy with, anOther with reIaxing music and so on.

Musi。 ,S a討。f f「eed。m, l,St。n t。 What y。u Want 。n。 wh。neVe. ,。u Want,

The aim of this repo巾is to teach fo「eign students how technoIogy is used for educationai


Teaching with technoIogy

The Intemet today not oniy piays the role of entertaining society, it aiso has the purpose of

educating young minds in an autonomous, Creative and motivational way th「ough resources such

as video games that make studying subjects easy and fun,

」essons where technoIogy is being used

壬。 lessons where its use can be observed a「e in the compute「 and robotics class「ooms whe「e

young people Ieam aboutthe wonde「ful worid ofnetworks・ In addition, they develop the ab冊y to

C「eate neW SyStemSand even fo「matweb pagesfrom an ea「ly age,

下卑he「s and students durin。 th。 t。u. W冊d。rStand and l。a.n m。re ab。ut the w。nd。剛t。。一that

is輝echnoIogy in today・s societ雇e concept of -earning in class w-t島n and 。a。er is a factor

that may not be entirely effective, Since in the network。are mOre e什ective tooIs. I think that

Children f「om a young age should know about the functions and effects of the inte「net.

Music: A way to disconnect f「om the world,

Music is considered one of the fine a「ts because of its capab冊y to express humanity-s thoughts

and fee=ngs beautifuily, In my case, it represents my only way to destress and get away f「om

eve「ything e!se,

Because of its tremendous variety, the「e a「e a 10t Of adequate oppo巾unities throughout the day to

Wea「 yOur headphones and be carried away by the sound of your favorite a「tists. The「efore, I

usua=y take advantage of my time alone to sea「ch for new tunes to hea「, I always have a great

time doing it,

As for my criteria for choosing which genre to hea「 at different times, I would say it a用depends on

my mood, Genera=y, befo「e I play any song, I pay attention to myself and the way I’m fee=ng that

day. The「efore, I am aiways satisfied with the aIbums and singIes that I end up choosing.

In conclusion, the magic of music is that it is so diverse andcsubject that can have a different

meaning to eve「y pe「son,丁he「efore, it can be adapted to aimost any occasion and personality,

Music and Success

At what point in your life would you say music changed you「 life? On my end′ muSic changed my

=fe when I was going through one ofthe ha「dest times when nobody was there fo「 me; Since then,

. g。。n砂ve嘉usi。t露I豊艶的。an make my da, b-u。,

Speaking of when I =sten to music, I don’t have a specific time to do it, Howeve「, I have a schedule

Where I need a bunch of motivation to keep on, I be=eve studying Iong hours requires me to ch冊

Ou亡, SO I have made a play=st of 30 songs, At night, tO SIeep we=, I p「efe「 to listen to soft songs"

Nevertheless, if I have to ove「-Study that night′ Iistening to cheerful songs makes me stay awake.

How and when I listen to musicw冊depend on my mood and which one I need, As a 「esult′ Pa「tOf

my success is thanks to how music has tu「ned gIoomy da† to b「ight ones.

川と草月咋 高時」両言桁花戸/
工 で信んぺ {て ら府ノくり∴ろこ
く・相め て朋「 〕・しし ○もて`尺ル‖J信用了C五・

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