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Cy Unidad 4: Los medios de comunicacion tradicionales y su impacto Sustantivos actor (mm) actriz (f) agencta (f) antena (f) nuncio / aviso (118) (mm) aparato (m) audieneia (1) boletin (mm) informativo ‘camara (F) Nouns actor actress agency aerial advertisement machine; set piece of, equipment audience, spectators ‘news bulletin camera canal (m) / cadena (esp E) (TV channel caprtuto (mm) censura (F) comedia (1) concursante (m,f) concurso (m) corresponsal (0, cortameteajo (oH) culebrén (m) dexcanso (0) / pasa (0) 0 (mm) tnujos (em) animados difusién disco (m) doblaje (m) documental (m) ceditor(a) (m. ) editorial (7) «jemplar (m) cemisién (f) ‘emisora (f) entrevista (f) episodio (m) escéndalo (m) espacio (m) espectaculo (m) estreno (m) cexposicion (1) film(e) (mm) episode, chapter censorship comedy; play (theatre) quiz competitor quiz correspondent short film soap opera pause; break (daily) newspaper dissemination documentary publisher publishing house copy (of a book) broadcast sav station episode scandal programme; TV time slot show first appearance; premiere exhibition film fin (on) foco (m) foto (f) fot6grafo/a (m, f) Fowoperlodista (m, f) geabacién (1) grabador (m) guid (1m) guionista (m, f) ta (f) hes aja (F) imagen (9) informativos (mp!) informe (m) largometraje (m) locutor(a) (mf) mando (m) a distancia (£); control (m) remoto quay smaquillaie (im) ‘medios (m, pl) de comunicacién noticias (F, pl) / noticiero (m) (HA) foyente (m, 1) pantalla (f) pelicula (f) ico (m) periodismo (im) petiodista (mf) pereonaje (m) pila (f) plats (1m) (F) portada (1) premio (m) prensa (0) presentador(a) (mf) privacidad (f) programa (m) ci6n (Ff) icion (1), od spotlight photo photographer phowjournatist recording, recorder script scripuwriter tool sheet image report feature film remote control make-up media microphone listener film newspaper journalism journalist characte (i film, etc) battery set (cinema, TV) front page prize press presenter privacy programme (list of) programmes prohibition rotagonista (m, f) prueba (0) publicidad (1) pubtico (m) radio (f) redaccién (f) redactor(a) (m.) reportaje (m) reportero/a (ef) revista (1) senal (1) de television serie (f) de television sonido (mm) subtitulo (m) tarima (P) telediario (m) telenovela (0) telespectador(a) (m,£) televidente (m, f) tclevisor (m) titular (m) tragedia (f) transmisi6n (F) Adjetivos aburridoja aficionado/a (a) cémico/a creativo/a divertidoja entretenido/a escandaloso/a ficticioja informativo/a medistico/a polémicoa radial (11A) semanal subtitulado/a televisivo/a Verbos actuar adaptar pagar protagonist test tial poblicity, advertising: advert pubic radlo drafting editorial stall editor report news reporter magazine TV signal TV series/serial sound subtitle platform TV news soap (opera) (1V) viewer (1¥) viewer television (se) headline tragedy Adjectives bored; boring keen on creative ‘entertaining, funny entertaining scandalous fictitious informative (of the) media controversial (6f) radio weekly subtitled televised, (of) television Verbs woact to adapt to advertise to switch off to censor competir (-i-) con conectar difundir airigir divertir (-ie-) doblar durar emitir cencender (~ie-) / render (IIA) ensayar cemuretener (-1e-) entrevistar escuchar estrenar(se) filmar grabar influir fnfornar interpretar poner (E) / (pasar) (114) {un programa) representar Locuciones cto caja (0) tonta (E) controlar los medios de comunicacién desempenar un papel libertad (0) de expresién ocio (m) pausa (f) comercial prensa (f) amarilla / sensacionalista regulador (m) / erro (m) guardian (12) revista (9) del corazon rueda (£) de prensa sacar tomar / hacer una foto to compete with, to connect, to broadcast; to disseminate to direct to entertain to dub (lm) tw last Pere cr to broadcast to switch on. CDE to rehearse toentertain to interview tolisten to be shown for the first time wofilm wo record to influence to Inform to interpret; to perform, { put onto show (a programme) {o prohibit, co forbid to publish to edit to draft to represent; to play (apart) to see, to watch (eg television) Expressions live (programme) live (programme} “the box™ to-control the media to play apart freedom of speech leisure time commercial break guuter press watchdog, lossy magazine press conference to takea photo 189

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