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SL) UNIDAD 3: La educacién y la vida social LA EDUCACION EDUCATION Sustantivos Nouns alumno/a (m.) pupil, student aprobado (m) pass (in exam) asignatura (f)/ subject ‘materia (f) (1A) aula (£) (el aula) classroom biblioteca (2) brary catedrético/a (m1) professor (esp university) clases (6 pl) extra-escolares.adltional/extra- curricular classes comportamiento (m) behaviour ccomputadora(f) (HA) / computer ordenador (m) (E) cuaderno (m) notebook ceurso / aito (m) academic year académico detrcses (m, pl) homework ensefianza (1) teaching escuela ({) privada independent/private school escuela ({) publica state school facultad (f) faculty; college (university) formacion ((} profesional vocational training fracaso (mm) escolar failure at school horario (m) timetable internado (mm) boarding school Hiceneiavura (1) degiee smaestrofa (m, 1) (primary) schoolteacher nota (1) mark pizarra/pizarrén (f) (NIA) blackboard profesor(a) (m. teacher sedaccién (°) essay; composition rendimiento (m) escolar performance at school tarea(f) task tema (m) de actualidad topical issue Asignaturas Subjects arte (m) ant biologia (1) biology ciencia (f) science dibujo (in) drawing ciencias (f pl) politicas politics jisefio (m) ceducacién (f) fisica fisica (0) eourafia (1) oria (1) informatica (f) matematicas (fp) psicologia (f) quimica (() sociologia (8) Adjetivos analfabeto/a clentifienfa culto/a listo/a (ser) notable obligatorio/a optativoja perezoso/a; vago/a sobresaliente trabajador(a) troncal Verbos. aburrirse aprender aprobar (-ue-) asistira borrar corregir (-i-) ensear equivocarse matricularse / inscribirse repasar / revisar (HA) reprobar (HA) / ssuspender (E) subrayar Locuciones aprender de memoria dar pautas design physical education physics seosraphy history computer science mathematics psychology chemistry sociology Adjectives iterate nents cultured clever (to be) outstanding compulsory, obligatory optional lazy excellent, exceptional hard-working main, core Verbs. to get bored tolearn to pass toattend tocrase to correct toteach to make a mistake to enrol to revise to fail to underline Expressions to learn by heart to provide ‘guidelines darse bien/mal (a+persona) to be good/bad at hhacer una presentacion to give a presentation presentarse a / dar un examen salir adelante ser maleducado/a tomar apuntes to take an exam to succeed tobe rude to take notes LA VIDA SOCIAL SOCIAL LIFE Sustantivos actitud (f) alealde(sa) (m,£) avuntamiento (m) (E): ‘municipalidad (114) barrio (m) barrios (m, pl) bajos campana (0) capital (f) ciudadano (m) comercio (m) concejal(a) (o,f) costumbre (f) democracia (f) cedificio (m) entrada (f) evento (m)/suceso (m) fiesta (0) gitanoja (m,f) gobierno (m) hhabitante (m, 1) inseguridad (f) invitadofa (m, f) ley (0) libertad (9) ‘manifestacién (f) ‘marginadoa (m, ) minoria (f) nacionalismo (m) pandilla (1) Pparlamento (m) paseo (in) patria (1) patriotismo (m) plaza (F) poblacisn (1) poder (m) politica (f) Nouns attitude mayor(ess) town hall district; neighbourhood slums campaign, capital (city) citizen store, shop; trade councillor custom democracy discrimination building ticket; entry; entrance event fanaticism festival; fai fiesta; party Eypsy government inhabitant insecurity guest law freedom demonstration drop-out; marginalised person minority nationalism gang, parliament walk, avenue; ride homeland patriotism square population; town power (eg, political) polities politico/a (mf) protesta (f) pueblo (m) raza (0) sistema (m) sociedad (f) tabi (m) vecinoja (im, f) vecindad (f) votante (mf) Adjetivos autoritario/a divertido/a libre perjudicial poderoso/a quinceafiero/a subdesarrollado/a vecinn/a voluntario/a Verbos acoger celebrar despedirse (-i-) astrurar (de) clegir (-i-) luchar por manifestarse (-ie-) molestar organizar rechazar resolver (-ue-) saludar suceder votar Locuciones al margen de la sociedad derecho (m) al voto hhacer una vis iMucho gust No se moleste (formal) Pase usted (formal) ponerse de acuerdo portarse bien/mal tomar medidas politician protest people; (small) town system society taboo neighbour, resident neighbourhood. voter Adjectives authoritarian, funny; amusing free damaging powerful fifteen-year-old under-developed neighbouring, volunteer Verbs to welcome to celebrate to say goodbye; to dismiss toenjoy to choose, to elect to fight for to demonstrate to annoy; to disturb to organise toreact to reject 10 resolve, 10 solve to greet to happen to vore Expressions. con the fringes of society right to voe to visit Pleased to meet you! Don't worry Come in to agree to behave well/badly to take steps Pee 187

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