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Questionnaire for victims of Gender based violence trauma and stakeholders in the GBV

department in Kilifi County.

This questionnaire seeks to establish the Prevalence and management of gender-based violence
trauma in Kilifi county. The answers given will be treated with utmost confidentiality; for
anonymity do not write your name or significant other names.

Section A: Demographic characteristics

 How old are you?(Years)ssgP

a) 30 years and below [ ] b) 31-40 [ ] c) 41-50 [ ] d) Above 50 [ ]

2. Sex


Duration of marriage in (Years)

a) Six months and below [ ] b) 6 months –year [ ] c) 1 year -3 years [ ]

d) 3 years and above [ ]

3. What is your level of education?

a) No education [ ] b) Primary [ ] c) Secondary [ ] d) Tertiary [ ]

4 .Which type of crime were you detained for?

a) Sexual [ ] b) Capital offense [ ] c) Drug related [ ] d) Financial crime [ ]

e) Anger crime [ ] f) Others specify [ ]

5. Why did you commit the crime?

a) Poverty [ ] b) Anger [ ] c) Peer pressure [ ] d) Influence of drug [ ]

e) Other specify [ ]

6 .How many times have you been detained/ imprisoned?

a) Twice [ ] b) More than twice [ ]

7. Have you ever been imprisoned in another facility other than Kilifi G.K Prison?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
Section B: Rehabilitation programs offered in Prison

Section B 1. Vocational Training offered in Prison on recidivism

This section is concerned with establishing how vocational training offered in prison determines
reoffending in Kilifi G.K Prison.

Please mark in the box which best describes your agreement or disagreement on each of the
following statements.

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
1 2 3 4 5
Therapeutic, religious and moral
support offered in prison helps one
think and evaluate life positively
after release
Education and vocational training
offered while incarcerated is
enough to alleviate criminogenic
needs once released
Resources are enough to cater for
every inmates’ need for vocational
and educational training
Trainers and instructors are
adequately equipped and trained

In your opinion does vocational and educational training offered in Kilifi G.K prison determines
the rate of re-offending?

a) Yes [ ]

b) No [ ]

If the response is yes, to the above questions, to what extent does vocational Training offered in
prison determines re-offending rate in Kilifi G.K Prison?

a) Great extent [ ] b) Moderate extent [ ] c) Low extent [ ]

Section B; Effects of social factors, personal attributes and personalities on recidivism

This section is concerned with ascertaining how social factors, personalities and personal
attributes determines reoffending rate in Kilifi G.K Prison and at PACS department.

Please mark (x) in the box which best describes your agreement or disagreement on each of the
following statements.

statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
1 2 3 4 5
Strong familial ties help one
stay out of crime after release
from prison
Antisocial associates and
criminal thinking i.e
association with criminal peers
leads to relapse
Inability to control anger, rage
or aggravated situations causes

In your opinion, does social factors such as one’s environment and personal attributes have an
effect on the rate of reoffending in Kilifi G.K Prison and at PACS department?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

If yes, to the above, to what extent does social and environmental factors have an effect on the
rate of reoffending in Kilifi G.K Prison and at PACS department?

a) Great extent [ ] b) Moderate extent [ ] c) Low extent [ ]

Section C: Length of Incarceration

This section is concerned with determining the effect of length of sentence on reoffending in
Kilifi G.K Prison and at PACS department?. Please mark (x) in the box which best describes
your agreement or disagreement on each of the following statements.

statement Strongly Disagre Neutra Agree Strongl

Disagree e l 4 y Agree
1 2 5
Short duration of sentence has effect on
Long duration of sentence have great effect on
prisoners future behavior and relations with
others after release
Leniency or lack of leniency sentencing has
effects on reoffending

In your own opinion, does duration of sentence have effect on reoffending?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

If yes, to the above question, to what extent?

a) Great extent [ ] b) Moderate extent [ ] c) low extent [ ]

“Thank you for your time and contribution”

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