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What is a brainstorming?

Brainstorming Is the way of gathering ideas of a topic, think of a storm: thousands of drops of rain
falling down together.

Brainstorming of things to do at the beach

 play with sand

 play football on the sand
 go to fishing
 go to swimming
 take pictures
 build up a castle of sand
 eat fried fish
 meet people
 speak with tourists
 go to surfing

brainstorming of my country

 small land
 good people
 many beautiful places
 the best typical dress
 Panama canal
 Beaches
 Typical food
 Independence day
 Beautiful history

What is free- writing ?

When you free-write, you write whatever comes into your head about your topic, without

My country

My country is of f the most beautiful countries in Latin America, I think that if it had a better
government it would be the best country of Latin America because Panama has many
resources, one of the most important resources that Panama has is the Panama canal and also
its geographic position. Its geographic position give us a strategic point for business and in
other topic its position protect us of hurricane and storms, another topic is that Panama has
many beaches and you can travel to those in one day. Panama has to Colombian in a side of
its and costa Rica in the other side.
Are many around
the country

Strategic for
Very visited place
Protect us of

Beaches Geographic

My country


Sancocho Panama canal

Arroz con pollo The ruins of

Panamá la vieja
how can you edit your writing?

After you have gathered plenty of ideas, you will need to go back and edit them. This is the time to
choose which ideas are the most interesting and which are the most relevant to your topic.

What are the parts of a paragraph? Define each other.

The topic sentence: this is the main idea of a paragraph

The supporting sentences: These are sentences that talk about of explain the topic sentence.

The concluding sentence: this may be found as the last sentence of a paragraph.

Do the rest of exercises from page 13 to 16

2 read the paragraph about Switzerland in exercise on page again. Circle the topic sentence,
underline with one line the supporting sentences and with two lines the concluding sentence.
Put a tick next to the group of sentences that makes a good paragraph. Why are the other groups
of sentences not good paragraphs?
I thing that the paragraph A has supporting sentences that do not have relation with the main

And the paragraph C is very short and does not explain the main idea very well.
e: playing a guitar es my favorite thing to do

d: spaghetti is one of the most favorite food in my family.

a: my bedroom is the best place to sleep and feel relax.


a: topic sentence-paragraph-indented -topic

b:main idea

c:supporting sentences

d:concluding sentence

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