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1) Calculate the force of gravity that exists in each of the cases from the mass values.

You will need to convert the mass to kilograms.

Fg (N) m (kg) Gravity (m/s2)
8000 g 9.8
1200 g 9.79
4560g 9.77
987 g 9.34
2390 g 9.81
109765g 9.88
203489g 10
984120g 10
234,45g 10
12789g 9.79
17999g 9.80
3456 g 9.81
5600g 9.81
8888g 9.88
87654g 9.56
90876546g 9.99
9087645g 10
435729,43g 9.81
7890765g 9.81
876545g 9.9
8976540 10
2) Interpret the following concept of gravity.

La gravedad es un fenómeno natural por el cual los objetos son atraídos entre sí.

3) List 15 examples of the force that are manifested in everyday life.

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