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Due: 15/10/2022

Unit 1: My Friends

Word Class Meaning

affect v ảnh hưởng

annoy v làm bực mình, quấy rầy

bald adj hói (đầu), trọc (đồi)

blond adj vàng hoe (tóc)

character n tính cách, tính nết

curly adj quăn, xoăn (tóc)

different adj khác biệt

east n phía đông

extremely adv cực kỳ, vô cùng

fair adj trắng (da), vàng nhạt (tóc)

generous adj hào phóng, rộng rãi

humorous adj hài hước, khôi hài

introduce v giới thiệu

joke n lời nói đùa, chuyện đùa

local adj (thuộc về) địa phương

Mars n sao Hỏa

Mercury n sao Thủy

moon n mặt trăng

neighbor n hàng xóm, láng giềng

orphanage n trại trẻ mồ côi

outgoing adj cởi mở, thân thiện, dễ hòa đồng

peace n sự yên bình, sự hòa thuận

photograph n bức ảnh

pleasure n điều thú vị, niềm vui thích

principal n hiệu trưởng

reserved adj kín đáo, dè dặt

rise v mọc (mặt trời), nhô lên

seem v có vẻ như, dường như

silly adj ngớ ngẩn, ngốc nghếch

slim adj thanh mảnh, mảnh dẻ

sociable adj chan hòa, hòa đồng

straight adj thẳng

volunteer n tình nguyện viên

volunteer v tình nguyện

west n phía Tây

Unit 2: Making Arrangements

Word Class Meaning

agree v. đồng ý, bằng lòng

appointment n cuộc hẹn

arrange v sắp xếp, sắp đặt, thu xếp

assistant n người giúp đỡ, người phụ tá

band n ban nhạc

commercial adj (thuộc) buôn bán, thương mại

concert n buổi trình diễn âm nhạc

conduct v tiến hành, thực hiện (nghiên cứu, thí nghiệm ...)

corner n góc

countless adj vô số, không đếm xuể

customer n khách hàng

deaf mute n người câm điếc

delivery n sự phân phối, phân phát

demonstrate v chứng minh, trình bày, ...

device n thiết bị, dụng cụ, máy móc

directory n danh bạ (điện thoại)

downstairs adv xuống cầu thang

emigrate v di cư

exhibition n cuộc triển lãm, trưng bày

experiment n cuộc thí nghiệm

fax machine n máy fax

fishing rod n cần câu

furniture n đồ đạc trong nhà, nội thất

inside adv bên trong

invention n sự phát minh, vật phát minh

message n thông báo, lời nhắn

novel n tiểu thuyết

outside adv bên ngoài

patient n bệnh nhân

public n công chúng, công cộng

questionnaire n bản thăm dò ý kiến

racket n vợt (bóng bàn, quần vợt)

service n dịch vụ

stationery n văn phòng phẩm

transmit v truyền, phát (tín hiệu)

upstairs adv ở trên gác, lên cầu thang

I. Choose the best answer.
1. you like a cup of tea? Yes, please.
a. Could b. Do c. Would d. Will
2.My brother is studying very .
a. hardly b. hard c. good d. harder
3. Would you _______ cleaning the floor for me?
a. like b. please c. mind d. rather
4. It is difficult ________ all these things. remember b. remembering c. remember d. remembered
5. Motorbikes _______ in China are cheap.
a. make b. made c. makes d. making
6. ________you mind if I smoked?
a. Could b. Don’t c. Do d. Would
7. John is interested ____ the history of Vietnam.
a. in b. with c. to d. on
8. Milk bottles can be after being cleaned.
a. recycle b. thrown away c. broken d. refilled
9.......... you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?
a.. Can b.. Could c.. Do d.. Both A & B are correct
10.Ba loves watching football, .......... he doesn’t like playing it.
a. and b. but c. so d. because
11. I enjoyed listening ………..the radio when I was a child.
a. to b. on c. up d. at
12. The girl sitting ……….my father and Michael is my little sister.
a. on b. next c. between d. in
13. In Britain, people drive ……….the left………..the street.
a. at / in b. to / of c. in / in d. in / of
14. She used to ………….part in social activities.
a. take b. taking c. took d. takes
15. Can we ……….at your house and go to the party together ?
a. meet b. come c. see d. find

II-Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. a. scout b. proud c. bought d. council
2. a. canoe b. crop c. shock. d. hot
3. a. victim b. revive c. bite d. tight
4. a. you b. your c. young d. my
5. a. ambulance b. bandage c. damage d. patient
6. a. crutch b. school c. chair d. handkerchief
7. a. resort b. hotel c. except d. rescue
8. a. first b. victim c. facility d. notice

III- Choose the one word or phrase that would not be appropriate:
1. Would you mind if I sit here ? -No, of course not.
2. They played for the school team since last year.
3. Old car tires can be recycle to make pipes and floor coverings.
4. We didn’t wanted to go to the beach.
5. Would you like coming to my birthday party?

IV: Choose the best answer to complet the passes.
In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1)_______every year. But tires can be (2)__________to make pipes
and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. In Britain, the
milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then
(3)__________and refilled. Every milk bottle can (4)__________thirty times. People throw
(5)___________billions of cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government made a new law
several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans .The (6)___________is returned
when people bring the (7)___________back for (8)____________.
1. A. throw away B. threw away C. thrown D. thrown away
2. A. recycling B. to recycle C. recycled D. recycle
3. A. cleaned B. to clean C. cleaning D. clean
4. A. be reuse B. are reused C. be reused D. be recycled
5. A. out B. away C. off D. on
6. A. deposit B. law C. drink cans D. money &deposit
7. A. law B. drinks C. cans D. all are correct
8. A. use B. using C. recycle D. recycling

V-Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
1. They send two million books to America every year. (passive voice)

2. They will open the new hotel next year. (passive voice)

3. The house is very beautiful. It was built last month. (Use past participle)

4. We turned off the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity. (Use so as (not) to )
 ………………………………………………………………………………..

VI. Read the following passage and answer the questions. (2ms)
Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy road, I saw an accident. A woman was knocked down when
she crossed the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped to offer their help. A policeman arrived and
asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some
people tried to stop the bleeding. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held
it tight. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and
the woman was taken to the hospital.
1. When did the accident happen?

2. Where was the woman knocked down?

3. What did they do to stop the bleeding?

4. How long did the ambulance arrive?

VIi. Read the following passage and answer the questions.


It was the first lesson after the summer holidays at a small school in England. The lesson was about the seasons
of the year. “There are four seasons in the year”, said the teacher. “They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and
Winter. In Spring it is warm and everything begins to grow. In Summer it is hot and there are many flowers in

the fields and gardens. In Autumn, there are many vegetables and much fruit. Everybody likes to eat fruit. In
Winter, it is cold and it often rains. Sometimes there is snow on the ground.”
Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils, “Stop talking, Tom” he said. “Now listen to me. Can
you tell us when is the best time of apples?”
“Yes, sir,” answered Tom. “It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden.”
1.1 True (T) or False (F) questions.
a. The lesson took place at a small school in England.
b. In the summer it is cold and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens.
* Answers:
a. b.
1.2. Answer the questions.
1. Where did the lesson take place?
2. What was the lesson about?
3. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?

VIII. Choose the best anwser to complete the sentence.

1.We have __________ in Sa Pa since 2012.
A. live B. lived C. living
2. Yesterday was Sunday, I _____________ a day off and went out with my friends.
A. had B. has C. having
3.Hello! I want to ______________ this pacel to Nha Trang.
A. receive B. get C. send
4.Some people learn any new words they come……….
A. by B. to C. across
5. She isn’t old _______________ tobe in this class.
A. old B. good C. enough
6. My father __________ on a farm when he was a young boy
A. use to living B. use to live C. used to live

IX. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting
1. He is enough strong to carry the heavy luggage.
2. My brother is going to studying in New York next month.

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