Midterm Advanced 11

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Question 1

25 / 25 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the questions
Animal Intelligence

1. Are animals intelligent? If they are, which

animals are the most intelligent? These are
not easy questions to answer. No one is quite
sure what intelligence is. We often say that
intelligence means being able to solve
problems Some animals seem able to do
this. For example, dogs and cats often find
their way home from long distances. To do
this they have to use their intelligence.
Remembering and thinking are processes
they have to do. But many birds find their
way over long distances, too. They travel
thousands of kilometers every year when
they move from cool to warmer countries. We
are not thoroughly sure how they do this but
we are certain that they don’t use their
intelligence. They do not remember places
and direction and then make decisions.
Actually, young birds are able to make these
journeys without help as soon as they can fly.
They are born with this ability. Certainly, this
can't be classified as intelligence. A much
more accurate name is instinct.
2. Often, we cannot be sure whether an animal
is acting intelligently or instinctively. When a
dog hears a strange noise, it barks. This is
instinct. It cannot stop itself doing this. But
supposing a house is on fire and the dog
barks outside its master's bedroom until he
wakes up. Is the dog using intelligence? Is it
solving the problem by waking its master or
is it simply barking instinctively because it is
afraid? Often, we cannot be sure. Many
animals, however, can be taught to solve
problems, especially when they are given
rewards. Rats have been taught to press a
lever to get food. Pigeons have been taught
to peck a disc for the same reason.
3. Even an octopus has been trained to know
the difference between a square and a
rectangle! Animals in circuses have been
taught to do all sorts of tricks to amuse an
audience. In all these cases we may say that
animals are using intelligence. It is saying,” If
I do this, I will get a reward. Therefore, I will
do it.” This may be thought of as a low kind of
intelligence. Some animals however, show a
much higher kind of intelligence: they solve
problems without any help. Chimpanzees, of
the ape family, are much more intelligent
than other animals. A chimpanzee will use a
stick as a tool to reach a banana outside its
cage. A chimpanzee once did something
more intelligent. He didn’t have a stick. He
had 2 short tubes. Neither of the tubes was
long enough to reach the banana but one
was wider than the other. He jammed the
narrow tube inside the wider tube and in the
way made one tube long enough to reach the
banana. In other words, he didn’t simply use
a tool, which itself is intelligent: he made a

1. According to the text when birds move long distances ... [ Select
] ["They don’t use their intelligence.", "None of the above.", "They
learn how to do it.", "They don’t use their abilities."]

2. According to the text these animals use their memory to do what they do.
[ Select ] ["Chimpanzees", "Birds", "Dogs", "None of the above."]

3. In paragraph 1, THEY TRAVEL….,” they” refers to… Birds

4. According to the text, which one is FALSE? [ Select ]

["Rats can learn to do specific tasks.", "Dogs show intelligence when they bark at
their owner if there is a fire.", "It is not clear when an animal is acting by instinct or
intelligence.", "Chimpanzees show the smartest intelligence."]

5. According to the author, when pigeons are taught to peck a disc means…
[ Select ] ["They do it because of what they will obtain.", "They clearly
show signs of intelligence.", "They merely show signs of instinct.", "None of the

Answer 1:
They don’t use their intelligence.

Answer 2:


Answer 3:


Answer 4:

Dogs show intelligence when they bark at their owner if there is a fire.

Answer 5:

They do it because of what they will obtain.

Section I-B: Reading Comprehension

To recognize hedging language


Question 2

0 / 10 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the questions

Although duration of smoking is also important when

considering risk, it is highly correlated with age, which
itself is a risk factor, so separating their effects can be
difficult; however, large studies tend to show a relation
between duration and risk. Because light smoking
seems to have dramatic effects on cardiovascular
disease, shorter duration might also be associated with
a higher than expected risk.


1. What hedging language does the author use? [ Select ]

["It is highly correlated with age, which itself is a risk factor.", "Smoking seems to
have dramatic effects.", "Smoking is also important when considering risk."]
2. The author uses this hedging language to show that he does not know...
[ Select ] ["the importance of light smoking on cardiovascular
disease.", "the importance of age as a risk factor.", "the importance of the duration of
smoking when considering risk."]

Answer 1:

It is highly correlated with age, which itself is a risk factor.

Answer 2:

the importance of age as a risk factor.

Section II: Skills for Writing

Restating the author's idea


Question 3
10 / 15 pts

Read each quote and the paraphrases below. Choose the best paraphrase for
each quotation.

[ Select ]
["Mario explained that he
1. Mario said, “I need to needed to start an activity to
begin a project to research on animals’
investigate animals’ abilities.", "Mario said that he
skills.” needed to begin a project to
investigate animals’ skills."]

[ Select ]
["Roger said that
2. Roger said, “The reward-based training method
advantage of advantage is want he wants to
reward-based training do.", "Roger said that a
method is that animals positive aspect of the
will do what we want reward-based training method
them to do.” is that it makes animals
perform actions we intent to try
with them."]

The employee wrote he

wouldn’t have opportunities to
3. The employee wrote be promoted even if he
in his blog, “Even if I obtained 100 on the final
got 100 on my exam, I evaluation.
would not have
chances to get

Answer 1:

Mario said that he needed to begin a project to investigate animals’ skills.

Answer 2:

Roger said that a positive aspect of the reward-based training method is that it
makes animals perform actions we intent to try with them.

Answer 3:

The employee wrote he wouldn’t have opportunities to be promoted even if he

obtained 100 on the final evaluation.

Section III: Written Expression

Identifying and extracting main ideas from a text to write a

Question 4

50/50 pts

Now, write a summary paragraph about the article in Section I. Remember

your summary must have a thesis or main idea. Do not include many details or

Your Answer:

In the article, the authors describe how some animals could show intelligence in
different situations. First, cats and dogs can remember how to get home and they
have to remember the way back. However, birds travel much longer distances but do
not use their memory for this, birds have an instinct that allows them to move around
different times of the year. Another example that is debatable on whether an animal
uses intelligence or is merely instinct is when a dog barks in the face of a problem
such as a fire, we could not guarantee that the dog barks to alert its owner or
because it is simply afraid. There are animals that develop a type of response to a
reward such as food, this is the case of circus animals. Chimps are one of the most
intelligent animals, they can solve problems, even make a tool with what they are
given. To sum up, an animal has intelligence depending on the problem it encounters
and when its species develops.

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