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Dgca Airbus A320 Question Bank

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Air Conditioning/Pressurization/Ventilation

Q 01: Conditioned air is distributed to:

A: Cockpit, cargo ba5s and cabin 
!: Cockpit, f"d and aft cabins
C: Cockpit, a#ionics ba5 and cabin 
$: Cockpit, cabin and %olds 1 and & onl5 

Q 0&: 'ot air fault lig%t illu(inates on t%e air conditioning panel,
A: )%e %ot air press* reg* #al#e opens and t%e tri( air #al#es close*
!: )%e %ot air press* reg* #al#e closes and t%e tri( air #al#es open*
C: )%e %ot air press* reg* #al#e closes and t%e tri( air #al#es close*
$: )%e %ot air press* reg* #al#e opens and t%e tri( air #al#es open*

Q 0+:$oes t%e tri( air pro#ide t%e "ar( air or t%e cold air to t%e air conditioning
A: Cold air 
!: -ar( air

Q 0.: In case of zone controller pri(arE and secondarE c%annel failure, "%at
te(peratures are (aintained bE pack one and pack t"oF
A: 1D deg*C bot% 
!: &D deg*C bot% 
C: &0 deg*C for pack one and 10 deg*C for pack t"o
$: &. deg*C for pack one and 1D deg*C for pack t"o 

Q 0J: In nor(al flig%t in closed circuit configuration, t%e a#ionics #entilation

sEste( controls t%e te(perature of t%e cooling air bE:
A:GAdding air conditioned air to t%e flo" 
!: H2tracting air o#erboard 
C: Adding a#ionics ba5 air 
$: Passing air t%roug% a skin %eat e2c%anger

Q 03: )o enable 4a( air to t%e (i2ture unit, )%e 4a( air s"itc% s%ould be used:
A: At an5 ti(e 
!: 5nlE "%en differential pressure is less t%an 1 psi*
C: -%en pressure is greater t%an 1 psi diff*
$: 5nl5 after outflo" #al#e is full5 opened 

Q 06: Pack controller, pri(arE c%annel failure*

 : )%e secondarE co(puter operates as a backup (ode and regulation is not
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!: )%e secondar5 co(puter takes o#er 7all functions as nor(al8

C: Pack is lost 
$: Pack outlet te(perature is controlled at 1D deg*C 

Q 09: Pack controller, secondarE c%annel failure

 :Ho effect on pack regulation backup (ode is lost
!: Pack is lost 
C: Po effect 7all (odes still a#ailable8
$: Pack outlet te(perature is controlled at 1D deg*CG

Q 00;: Pack controller, pri(arE and secondarE c%annel failure

: Pack outlet te(perature is controlled to bet"een I and +0 deg*C bE t%e
anti<ice #al#e
!: )%e pack is closed 
C: )%e packs deli#er a fi2ed te(perature of &0 deg*C 

Q 10: 'ot air press* reg* #al#e failed open:

A: 5pti(ized regulation is lost 
!: )%e te(perature sta5s at t%e #alue selected 
C: Ho effect
$: Cabin te(perature "ill be controlled at t%e upper li(it +0 deg*C 

Q 11: !leed air supplied fro( t%e AP= 7AP= bleed #al#e open8, t%e pack flo" is
auto(aticallE selected:
 : 'ig%
!: Por(al
C: >o" 
$: Hcon* ?lo" 

Q 1&: )ri( air #al#e, eac% one opti(izes t%e te(perature bE:
 : dding %ot air
!: Adding fres% air 
C: @odulating of pack flo" 
$: Adding re<circulated air 

Q 1+: 'ot air pressure regulating #al#e:

 : 4egulates t%e pressure of %ot air tapped upstrea( of t%e packs
!: Is spring loaded open in t%e absence of air 
C: 5pens auto(aticall5 in case of duct o#er%eat 
$: 5pens auto(aticall5 if t%e cabin tri( air #al#e fails 

Q 1.: Pack flo" control #al#e:

: Is pneu(aticallE operated and electricallE controlled
!: Hlectricall5 operated and pneu(aticall5 controlled 
C: 5pens auto(aticall5 during engine starting 
$: Is spring loaded to open*

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Q 1J: Wngine flo" de(and, "%en t%e %eating or cooling de(and in one zone cannot be
A: )%e (ini(u( idle (ust be increased (anuall5 
!: )%e (ini(u( idle is increased auto(aticallE
C: In an5 case, flig%t idle is sufficient 
$: )%e AP= (ust be used to suppl5 additional air*

Q 13: -%at is t%e Yor(*@a2* cabin altitudeF

 : 9,000 ft
!: ;,DD0 ft Z/< +D0 ft 
C: 1.,000 ft 
$: 900 ft 

Q 16: -%at is t%e @a2* negati#e $iff* pressure for t%e cabinF
A: 0 psi*
!: 1 psi*
C: & psi*
$: 9*3 psi*

Q 19: It is per(issible to use si(ultaneouslE packs and >p ground unit during long
stops in a %ot airfield
A: Bes
!: )o
C: Bes, if e2ternal te(perature is greater t%an J0 deg*C
$: Bes, pro#ided t%e airflo" supplied bE t%e ground cart is less t%an 1*& kg/s

Q 1;: -%at are t%e different sources of air for air conditioning and pressurizationF
A: Hngine bleed air and recirculated air 7onl5 on ground8
!: Hngine bleed air and recirculated air*
C : P n g i n e bl e e d a i r a n d r e c i r c u l a t e d a i r , o r i f se l e c t e d , P= bleed air and
recirculated air*
$: Hngine bleed air onl5*

Q &0: $uring t%e e2terior preflig%t on a "ar( daE, in "%at position "ould Eou e2pect
to find t%e a#ionics #entilation sEste( IY>W) and WX)4AC) #al#es to be inF
A: Closed*
!: 5pen*
C: Closed or open regarding of t%e AP= bleed #al#e*
$: Closed or open 

Q &1: -%at %appens to t%e pack flo" control #al#es during engine startF
A: )%e5 (ust be selected off*
!: )%e5 (ust be selected off on cold da5s onl5*
C: )%e5 (ust be selected off on %ot da5s onl5*
$: )%eE auto(aticallE close*

Q &&: )%e te(perature of eac% aircraft zone is opti(ized bE (eans of:

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A: A '5) AI4 #al#e*

!: A _5PH control #al#e*
C: A PACD ?>5- VA>VH*
$: )4I@ I4 #al#e*

Q &+: -%en does nor(al pressurization occurF

A: After second engine start*
!: Pressurization occurs during ta2i
C: Pressurization occurs during t%e takeoff roll*
$: After rotation*

Q &.: -%en does nor(al depressurization occurF

 A: 100 feet AE> abo#e touc%do"n*
!: It is co(plete 1 (inute after touc%do"n*
C: After flap retraction*
$: 5n landing touc%do"n 

Q &J: =nder "%at conditions s%ould t%e pack flo" controller be set to >5F
: -it% a lo" passenger load to reduce bleed air de(and and i(pro#e fuel
!: -it% a lo" passenger load to increase cabin te(perature 
C: -it% a %ig% passenger load to reduce cabin te(perature 
$: In cold conditions to ac%ie#e a %ig%er cabin te(perature range*

Q &3: -%ic% state(ent is correct regarding illu(ination of t%e a(ber A?) IF5> VA>VW
fault lig%tF
A: Auto(aticall5 closes t%e aft cargo co(part(ent isolation #al#es*
!: @eans t%at eit%er t%e inlet or outlet isolation #al#e7s8 disagrees "it%
t%e s"itc% position*
C: Indicates t%at t%e e2tract fan %as stopped*
$: All of t%e abo#e*

Q &6: Pressurization controllers recei#e inputs fro(:

 :>ECI=, $I4=, ?@EF, and PI=*
!: >ECI=Gs and t%e @C$=*
C: >ECI=Gs and pitot static sources*
$: @C$= and >ECI=Gs*

Q &9: -%at co(puters control t%e cabin and cockpit conditioned airF
A: )"o zone controllers t%at pass infor(ation and reHuests to t"o pack controllers*
!: )"o pack controllers t%at pass infor(ation and reHuests to t%ree zone
C: )%ree zone controllers t%at pass infor(ation and instructions to t"o pack
controllers for t%ree zones*
$: 5ne zone controller t%at passes infor(ation and instructions to t"o pack
controllers for t%ree zones*

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Q 06: Infor(ation fro( t%e L1 V54 recei#er "ill be displaEed:

A: 5n t%e captGs P?$ "%en t%e captainGs V54 bearing selector is selected to V54*
!: 5n t%e capt Ys H$ "%en t%e capt Ys V54 bearing selector is selected to
C: V54 L1 course infor(ation is a#ailable on t%e captainGs P?$ and P$ "%en t%e
captainGs I>F pb is selected 5P*

Q 09: -%at causes a displaE unit 7$=8 to go blankF

A: >oss of po"er*
!: $ispla5 unit internal failure*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 0;: -%at causes a $= to displaE a black screen "it% a "%ite diagonal lineF
 : $@C failure*
!: Po po"er*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 10: )%e (a2i(u( speed to select ne2t %ig%er flap setting is indicated bE t"o a(ber
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q 11: V54, I>F, and Y$! ra" data infor(ation is displaEed on t%e Y$ in "%ic% of t%e
follo"ing (odesF
A: V54, 4@I and P$! infor(ation (a5 be displa5ed in t%e A4C or 45FH PAV (odes*
!: V54 and I>F infor(ation can be displa5ed in t%e 45FH V54 and 45FH I>F (odes
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 1&: )%e presence of V541 in red on t%e Y$ indicates:

A: )%e V54 station currentl5 tuned is out of range*
!: )%e V54 station currentl5 tuned is out of ser#ice*
C: )%e L 1 V54 recei#er is inoperati#e*
$: )%e V54 station currentl5 tuned is out of range*

Q 1+: -%at is t%e (eaning of M;000N in blue at t%e top of t%e altitude scaleF
 : It (arks t%e ?C= selected altitude*
!: It (arks t%e airfield ele#ation*
C: It (arks t%e transition altitude*
$: It (arks t%e decision %eig%t*

Q 1.: 'o" (anE $@CGs are t%ereF

A: 1
!: & 
C: +
$: . 

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Q 1J: After a single $@C failure, %o" could a cre" (e(ber reco#er t%e displaE unitsF
A: It is done auto(aticall5*
!: 5nce a $@C %as failed, t%e infor(ation is unreco#erable*
C: 4otate t%e PIF $@C s"itc% on t%e s"itc%ing panel to replace t%e failed $@C
"it% $@C L+*

Q 13: -%ere is infor(ation displaEed bE $@C L1 and $@CL&F

A: $@CL1 supplies data to P?$L1, P$L1, and lo"er HCA@* $@C L& supplies data to
P?$L&, P$L&, and upper HCA@*
!: $@CL1 supplies data to P?$L1, P?$L&, and upper HCA@* $@C L& supplies data to
P$L1, P$L&, and lo"er HCA@*
C: $@CL1 supplies data to P?$L1, H$L1, and upper PC @* $@C L& supplies data
to P?$L&, H$L&, and lo"er PC @*
$: $@CL1 supplies data to P?$L1, P$L&, and lo"er HCA@* $@C L& supplies data to
P?$L&, P$L1, and upper HCA@*

Q 16: If t%e lo"er WCA@ $= fails, is t%ere a "aE to retrie#e t%at infor(ationF
A: !5 pressing and %olding t%e related s5ste(s page pus% button on t%e HCA@ control
 panel, t%e page "ill be displa5ed on t%e =PPH4 HCA@*
!: !5 rotating t%e HCA@/P$ X?4 s"itc% on t%e s"itc%ing panel, t%e lo"er HCA@ page
"ill be transferred to eit%er t%e Captain or ?5Gs P$*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 19: If t%e =PPW4 WCA@ $= fails, "%at "ill be displaEed on t%e lo"er unitF
A: F5ste( displa5 page*
!: Pngines and -arning page 7P/-$8
C: Ftatus page*

Q 1;: -eat%er radar can be displaEed in "%at (odes on t%e Y$F

A: A4C and 45FH PAV (odes onl5*
!: 45FH V54 and 45FH I>F (odes*
C: 45FH V54 and 45FH I>F (odes*
$: ll (odes e2cept plan*

Q J: 4YAV position infor(ation is displaEed on t%e Y$ in "%ic% of t%e follo"ing

 : 4 C a n d 4 5 F P H V ( o d es o n l E*
!: 45FH V54 and 45FH I>F (odes*
C: A4C, 45FH and P>AP (odes*
$: 45FH V54 (ode*

Q &1: 5nce t%e cre"(e(ber %as co(pleted #ie"ing a specific sEste(, "%at is t%e
correct procedure for clearing t%e screen and returning it to a nor(al presentationF
 : Press t%e respecti#e sEste( pus% button again*
!: It goes a"a5 b5 itself 
C: Press C>4 on t%e HCA@ control panel*
$: Press t"ice C>4 on t%e HCA@ control panel*
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Q &&: After t%e engine s%utdo"n, Eou obser#e a pulsing F)F (essage* -%at does it
A: It is an indication t%at at least one s5ste( reHuires cre" attention*
!: It is an indication t%at t%e aircraft %as not been s%ut do"n correctl5*
C: It is a re(inder t%at t%e status page %olds a (aintenance (essage*

Q &+: )%e upper WCA@ $isplaE =nit 7$=8 %as failed* Bou "ant to see t%e $554/5XB
page* 'o" can Eou see itF
 : Bou %a#e to press and %old t%e $554 keE on t%e PCP
!: Bou %a#e to s"itc% t%e HIF $@C to CAP)+ 
C: Bou %a#e to press and %old t%e 4C> ke5 on t%e HCP*

Q &.: !ot% WCA@ screens %a#e failed* Is it possible to get W/-$ indicationsF
A: Bes, t%e H/-$ is auto(aticall5 transferred to one of t%e P$s*
!: Po* )%e H/-$ is lost until t%e aircraft can be repaired*
C: Bes, to get P/-$ infor(ation* It (ust be (anuallE transferred to one of
t%e H$s*
$: Bes* H/-$ infor(ation is auto(aticall5 transferred to t%e t%e ?/5Gs P?$ in t%e
e#ent of an HCA@ "arning*

Q &J: 'o" are t%e ?@As displaEed on t%e P?$F

 : )%ere are I colu(ns and + ro"s*
!: )%ere are + colu(ns and D ro"s*
C: )%ere are + colu(ns and & ro"s*
$: )%ere are . colu(ns and & ro"s*

Q &3: In case of a double ?-C failure (aster caution lig%t, (aster "arning lig%t,
aural "arnings and WCA@ cautions and "arnings are lost*
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q &6: 'o" did t%e PY? cancel t%e caution for t%e YAV I>F 1 ?A=>) before calling t%e
F)A)=F page on t%e WCPF
 : !E pressing t%e P@P4 C HC pus%button*
!: !5 pressing t%e C>4 ke5 
C: !5 pressing t%e F)F ke5 
$: !5 pressing t%e A>> ke5*

Q &9: 'o" can t%e I>F 1 ?A=>) be restored fro( being a CAYCW>>W$ CA=)I5YF
A: !5 resetting t%e appropriate circuit breaker*
!: !5 pressing and %olding an5 C>4 ke5 for (ore t%an + seconds*
C: !5 pressing t%e H@H4 CAP pus%buttton for (ore t%an + seconds*
$: !E pressing and %olding t%e 4C> keE for (ore t%an + seconds*

Q &;: V>F is t%e lo"est speed t%at t%e autoflig%t sEste( 7autopilot or A/)'48 "ill
flE t%e aircraft* )%is is a dEna(ic speed corresponding to an Angle 5f Attack 7A5A8*
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A: V>F "ill c%ange "it% "ing configuration c%ange*

!: -it% speedbrake e2tension, V>F "ill increase 
C: Abo#e ?>&00, V>F "ill pro#ide a 0*&g buffet (argin 
$: ll of t%e abo#e*
7Pote: V>F infor(ation is in%ibited fro( touc%do"n until 10 seconds after liftoff*8

Q +0: )%e Fpeed )rend Arro" is a dEna(ic infor(ation displaEing t%e speed t "%ic%
t%e aircraft "ill be in SSSSS*
A: D seconds*
!: 9 seconds 
C: 10 seconds
$: 1+ seconds*

Q +1: 5f t%e t%ree tEpes of WIF displaEs, "%ic% one %as t%e lo"est prioritEF
 : )%e H$
!: )%e P?$ 
gC: )%e FH$ 

Q +&: As Eou approac% a selected altitude, "%en "ill t%e Eello" altitude "indo"
start flas%ingF
  : s E o u ap p r o a c % " i t % i n 6 I 0 f t o f ? C = s e l e c t e d a l t i t u d e a n d s t o p " % e n i t i s
"it%in &I0 ft*
!: As 5ou approac% "it%in 1000 ft of ?C= selected altitude and stop "%en it is
"it%in 1D0 ft*
C: As 5ou approac% "it%in D00 ft of ?C= selected altitude and stop "%en it is
"it%in 1D0 ft*
$: As 5ou approac% "it%in ;00 ft of ?C= selected altitude and stop "%en it is
"it%in &00 ft*

Q ++: )%e ?lig%t Pat% #ector 7?PV8 represents t%e lateral and #ertical trafectorE of
t%e aircraft "it% respect to t%e ground* 5n t%e lateral scale, it indicates t%e
aircraftGs track* 5n t%e #ertical scale, it indicates t%e aircraftGs flig%t pat%
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q +.: -%en does t%e Fide Ftick 5rder indicator displaEF

A: After first engine start and disappears "%en passing .00 feet 4A
!: f t e r f ir s t e n g i n e s t a r t a nd d i s a p p e a r s a f t e r r o t a t io n
C: After second engine start and disappears "%en passing .00 feet 4A
$: After second engine start and disappears "%en passing .00 feet 4A

Q +J: -%en is t%e YEreen $otG displaEedF

 : 5nlE "%en flap %andle is t%e zero position*
!: 5nl5 "%en flap %andle is t%e zero position, abo#e ?>90 
C: 5nl5 "%en flap %andle is t%e zero position, belo" ?>90 
$: 5nl5 "%en flap %andle is t%e zero position, belo" ?>9D 
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Q +3: -%at does Ereen $ot representF

A: @aneu#ering speed in clean configuration 
!: @aneu#ering speed in clean configuration "%en speed is (anaged*
C: )%e ne2t flap e2tend 7V?H8 (a2 speed 
$: )%e flap e2tend (in speed fro( clean configuration 
7Pote: It s%o"s t%e speed corresponding to t%e best lift<to<drag ratio*8

Q +6: )%e green YFG of t%e speedtape is t%e @ini(u( Flat 4etraction Fpeed* It is
onlE displaEed "%en t%e flap %andle position is in position 1
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q +9: -%en "ill t%e P?$ 'eading tape re#ert to )4=W %eadingF
 : Hort% of 6+T Hort% or Fout% of 30T Fout%
!: Fout% of 6+T Port% or Port% of 30T Fout%*
C: Port% of 90T Port% or Fout% of 6+TFout% 
$: Port% of 69T Port% or Fout% of 69TFout% 

Q +;: Is t%e Fide Flip indicator al"aEs Eello"F

A: Bes*
!: Ho, it turns blue "%en it beco(es a beta target 7displaEing opti(u( side
slip for a gi#en configuration8
C: Po, it turns orange "%en it beco(es a beta target *

Q .0: -%en "ill t%e ?lig%t $irectors bars flas%F

A: -%en a re#ersion occurs*
!: -%en loss of >5C or E/F signal in >AP$ (ode*
C: ll of t%e abo#e*

Q .1: )%e ?lig%t $irector bars are out of #ie" "%en !ank angle e2ceeds 36T*
A: )rue 
!: ?alse*
7Pote: -%en bank angle e2ceeds .DT 7"ill return "%en bank is k .0T

Q .&: If t%e ?PV 7?lig%t Pat% Vector8 sE(bol is rig%t of center, "%ere is t%e "ind
co(ing fro(F
A: 4ig%t*
!: >eft*
C: It depends of t%e )rack follo"ed 

Q .+: If t%e ?PV is abo#e t%e %orizon line, "%at is t%e aircraft actuallE doingF
A: $escending*
!: @aintaining ?>*
C: Cli(bing*
$: Cannot sa5*

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Q ..: )%e Elide slope inde2 "ill flas% continuouslE "%en t%e de#iation e2ceeds
A: 1/& dot belo" 1&0 feet 4A
!: 1 dot abo#e 100 feet 4
C: 1 dot abo#e 30 ft 4A
$: 1/& dot belo" 100 feet 4A*

Q .J: !ot% >5C and glideslope "ill flas% if, after capture, t%e signal is lost*
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q .3: )%e lo"er end of a red and black strip along t%e speed scale defines t%e V@AX
 : It is t%e lo"est of t%e follo"ing V@5 7or @@58, V>P, V?P
!: It is t%e speed corresponding to t%e stall "arning 7VF-8
C: It represents t%e speed corresponding to t%e angle of attack at "%ic% alp%a
 protection beco(es acti#e*

Q .6: )%e F$ displaEs t%e Eross -eig%t 7E-8 in green as soon as t%e second engine is
A: )rue*
!: ?alse*
7Pote: As soon as t%e first engine is started* )%e last t"o digits are das%ed if
accurac5 is degraded** 5n ground, t%e indication is replaced b5 blue das%es, if no
co(puted data is a#ailable*8

Q .9: In case of P?$= failure, t%e P?$ i(age is transferred to t%e Y$=:
A: @anuall5 
!: uto(aticallE
C: Hit%er (anuall5 or auto(aticall5 
$: )%e P?$ i(age cannot be displa5ed on t%e P$*

Q .;: -%at is t%e basic role of t%e $@Cs:

 : )%eE co(pute and elaborate displaEs
!: Eeneration of audio "arnings 
C: Eeneration of a(ber "arnings 
$: Eeneration of s5nt%etic #oice (essages 

Q J0: $o t%e C%eck A))* @essages appear on bot% P?$s at t%e sa(e ti(eF
 : Bes
!: Po 
C: @essage onl5 appears on t%e H-$ 
$: @essage onl5 appears on HCA@ 

Q J1: ?ACs calculate speed trend and V>F* )%e e2tre(ities of t%e trend #ector and
V1s seg(ent indicate respecti#elEK speed #alue at t%e ne2t 10 seconds and 1*&+ Vs 1
g "it% present configuration* Is t%is correctF
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 : Bes 7for bot% cases8

!: Po 7for bot% cases8
C: Po because V>F is not 1*&+ Vs 1g 
$: Po because t%e tip of t%e speed arro" is not t%e speed in 10 seconds ti(e 

Q J&: -it% radar selected on, "%at can Eou read on Y$ about antenna settingF
A: )ilt angle 
!: )ilt angle and gain (ode
C: 4oll angle and tilt angle 

$: Pot%ing 

>anding gear

Q 01: -%ic% %Edraulic sEste(7s8 supplE pressure to t%e landing gear sEste(F
 : Ereen
!: !lue 
C: Bello" and !lue 
$: Ereen and !lue*

Q 0&: )%e braking (odes are:

A: Ereen "it% anti<skid, Bello" "it%out anti<skid, Parking brake*
!: Ereen or Bello" "it% anti<skid, Bello" "it%out anti<skid, parking brake
C: Ereen "it% or "it%out anti<skid, !lue "it%out anti<skid 

Q 0+: If t%e brake sEste( auto(aticallE transitions to alternate brakes "it% t%e
A/FDI$ J Y/- F)4E s"itc% in t%e 5Y position, "%ic% of t%e follo"ing "ill be
A: Auto brakes and anti<skid*
!: 5nl5 auto brakes*
C: !rakes, auto brakes, anti<skid*
$: nti<skid*

Q 0.: -%at is indicated bE t%e autobrake $WCW> lig%tsF

A: Airplane deceleration is &DO of selected rate*
!: Airplane deceleration is D0O of selected rate*
C: Airplane deceleration is 100O of selected rate*
$: i r p l a n e d e c e l e r a t i o n i s 9 0O o f s e l e c t e d r a t e *

Q 0J: 5n t%e W/-$, Eou notice t%e Y- F)4E $IFC (e(o* -%at does it (eanF
 : )%e nose "%eel steering %as been disconnected bE ground personnel*
!: A failure in t%e nose "%eel steering s5ste( %as been detected*
C: )%ere is a discrepanc5 bet"een t%e t"o nose "%eel steering %and"%eel positions 
$: )%e nose "%eel steering co(puter %as finis%ed its self test*
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Q 03: $uring pus%back, Eou start engine L&* Bou obser#e t%e Y- F)4E $IFC (e(o %as
c%anged to a(ber* -%EF
A: )%e P- F)4E disconnect (ec%anis( %as failed*
!: )%e 5ello" %5draulic s5ste( is no" pressurized and t%e a(ber caption is a
"arning not to (o#e t%e %and"%eel
C: )%e nose "%eel steering is being reconnected b5 ground personnel* It is a(ber
because t%e pin is re(o#ed*
$: )%e (e(o %as beco(e a(ber because one engine is running*

Q 06: >anding Eear position is indicated bE:

A: 5ne panel on center instru(ent panel, one panel on o#er%ead panel
!: HCA@ onl5 
C: 5ne panel on center instru(ent panel and PC @
$: 5ne panel on center instru(ent panel, HCA@, #isual (eans on t%e "ing*

Q 09: If t%e landing gear "as gra#itE e2tended using t%e %and crank on t%e center
pedestal, landing gear position (ust be #erified t%roug%:
A: )%e landing gear #ie"ers*
!: )%e landing gear indications depicted on t%e PC @ and, if a#ailable, t%e
center panel >$E EP 4 indicator panel lig%ts*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 0;: >anding gear operation is in%ibited at speeds:

A: !elo" 100 knots*
!: bo#e &30 knots A/< I knots*
C: belo" 100 knots and abo#e &30 knots*
$: Abo#e &D0 knots*

Q 10: Can t%e gear be e2tended abo#e &30 kts if necessarEF

A: Pe#er*
!: Bes, but onlE (anuallE
C: Bes, but t%e ulti(ate li(it is &9D kt CAF 

Q 11: 'o" can t%e brake accu(ulator be re<pressurizedF

 : -it% t%e Eello" electric %Edraulic pu(p*
!: -it% t%e blue electric %5draulic pu(p*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 1&: Bou are readE to ta2i* Bou applE t%e toe brakes on t%e rudder pedals and
release t%e PA4D !4D* )%e !4ADWF pressure falls to zero* -%at s%ould Eou doF
A: )%is s%ould not %appen and 5ou (ust assu(e t%at t%e !4ADHF pressure indicator
%as failed*
!: Hot%ing as t%is is nor(al* )%e !4 DPF pressure indicator onlE indicates
alternate 7Eello"8 brake pressure*
C: Bou (ust re<appl5 t%e PA4D !4D and call for (aintenance personnel as t%e (ain
s5ste( pressure %as failed*
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$: )%e indication is nor(al because once t%e A=)5 !4D is set to @AX t%e !4ADHF
indicator is b5<passed*

Q 1+: -%ic% %Edraulic sEste( supplies pressure to t%e nose "%eel steeringF
 : Ereen
!: !lue 
C: Ereen and !lue*
$: Bello"*

Q 1.: )%e anti deacti#ates "%en ground speed is less t%an SSSSSS*
A: 10 kts*
!: &0 kts*
C: &D kts*
$: +0 kts*

Q 1J: If t%e !FC= detects a brake sEste( (alfunction in flig%t "it% t%e A/FDI$ J Y/-
F)4E s"itc% in t%e 5Y position:
A: )%e cre" "ill be notified "it% an HCA@ (essage after touc%do"n if t%e brake
s5ste( does (alfunction*
!: )%e cre" "ill be notified "it% an PC @ (essage*
C: )%e cre" (ust (anuall5 select alternate brakes*
$: All of t%e abo#e*

Q 13: -%at is reHuired to ar( t%e auto brakesF

 : Ereen %Edraulic pressure a#ailable, anti<skid, no failures in t%e braking
!: >anding gear le#er selected do"n and selection of an autobraking rate*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 16: -%at does eac% turn of t%e gra#itE gear e2tension %andle doF
A: 5pen gear doors, unlock gear, drop gear*
!: 5pen gear doors, drop gear, s%ut doors*
C: F%utoff %Edraulic pressure, open doors, unlock gear*
$: 5pen gear doors, s%utoffs %5draulics, unlock gear, drop gear*

Q 19: 'o" (anE turns are reHuired on t%e gra#itE e2tension %and crank to e2tend t%e
landing gearF
A: & 
!: +
C: D 
$: 3 

Q 1;: 'o" do Eou (anuallE e2tend t%e landing gearF

A: >ift t%e red %andle and turn anticlock"ise . turns*
!: >ift t%e red %andle and turn anticlock"ise a (ini(u( of & turns*
C: >ift t%e red %andle and turn clock"ise a (ini(u( of . turns*
$: >ift t%e red %andle and turn clock"ise a + turns*
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Q &0: If t%e >anding Eear "as gra#itE e2tended using t%e %and crank on t%e center
pedestal, "%at ot%er sEste(s "ill be inoperati#eF
A: Pose "%eel steering and auto braking*
!: Hose "%eel steering onlE*
C: Anti<skid and auto braking*
$: Pose "%eel steering and anti<skid*

Q &1: Auto brake (aE be ar(ed "it% t%e parking brake on*
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q &&: Can nor(al landing gear operation be restored after a gra#itE e2tension if
green %Edraulic pressure is a#ailableF
A: 4estoration is al"a5s possible*
!: It (aE be possible if t%e gra#itE e2tension "as not caused bE a failure of
t%e landing gear (ec%anis(*
C: Po, onl5 (aintenance can restore nor(al operation*

Q &+: -%en t%e landing gear is gra#itE e2tended, "ill nose "%eel steering be
A: 5nl5 if t%e A/FDI$ J P/- F)4E s"itc% is selected 5P*
!: Ho*
C: >i(ited nose "%eel steering is a#ailable onl5 t%roug% t%e captainGs rudder

Q &.: Auto brakes, if selected, "ill onlE be acti#ated bE:

A: )%e "%eels spinning up*
!: )%e struts being co(pressed*
C: )%e brake pedals being depressed*
$: )%e ground spoiler e2tension co((and*

Q &J: )%ere are t"o triangles for eac% gear on t%e WCA@ -'WW> page* -%at do t%eE
A: Hac% triangle represents one "%eel on t%e gear*
!: Pac% triangle represents t%e position detected bE one of t%e t"o co(puters
C: Hac% triangle represents one of t%e braking s5ste(s a#ailable for t%at gear*
$: )%e front triangle indicates t%e position of t%at gear and t%e back triangle
indicates t%e status of t%e brakes for t%at gear*

Q &3: -%at sEste( pressure does t%e ACC= P4WFF and !4ADWF pressure indicator
 : Bello" brake accu(ulator and Eello" brake sEste( pressure to t%e left and
rig%t brakes*
!: Bello" brake accu(ulator and green brake s5ste( pressure to t%e left and rig%t
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C: Bello" brake accu(ulator and green or 5ello" brake s5ste( pressure to t%e left
and rig%t brakes*
$: !lue brake accu(ulator and green brake s5ste( pressure to t%e left and rig%t

Q &6: )%e nor(al brake sEste( uses SSSSS %Edraulic pressure and t%e alternate brake
sEste( uses SSSSS %Edraulic pressure backed up bE t%e %Edraulic brake accu(ulator
A: Ereen n !lue 
!: Bello" n !lue 
C: Bello" n Ereen 
$: Ereen < Bello"*

Q &9: -%eel page of WCA@: if Eou see a green arc s%o"n o#er a "%eel indication:
 : It (arks t%e %ottest brake "it% a te(perature of (ore t%an 100T C*
!: It indicates an abnor(al %ig% te(perature*
C: )%e A/FDI$ s5ste( is auto(aticall5 releasing t%e pressure of t%at brake*
$: )%e >/E control s5ste( %as detected a lo" tire profile*

Q &;: Yose "%eels and (ain "%eels %a#e fusible plugs t%at pre#ent t%e tires fro(
bursting if t%eE o#er%eat*
A: )rue*
!: ?alse*
7Pote: 5nl5 t%e (ain "%eels8

Q +0: -it% t%e A/FDI$ J Y/- F)4E s"itc% in t%e 5Y position, if t%e !FC= detects a
brake sEste( (alfunction and/or nor(al braking is not a#ailable
A: )%e cre" "ill be notified "it% an HCA@ (essage onl5 if after touc%do"n t%e brake 
s5ste( does actuall5 (alfunction*
!: )ransition to t%e alternate brake sEste( is auto(atic*

Q +1: Bou %a#e fust set t%e parking brake %andle to 5Y* Is it still possible to
c%eck t%e (ain brake sEste( using t%e toe brakesF
A: Bes* As soon as 5ou press t%e brake pedals t%e !4ADHF indicator "ill read (ain
s5ste( pressure*
!: Po* It is not possible to press %ard enoug% to obtain an accurate reading*
UUUC: Ho* -%en t%e P 4D !4D is set, t%e ot%er braking (odes are deacti#ated*

Q +&: If t%e accu(ulator on t%e alternate brake sEste( is Eour onlE source pressure,
"%ic% of t%e follo"ing "ill be a#ailableF
A: Auto brakes and antiskid*
!: Antiskid*
C: Fe#en applications of t%e brake pedals*
$: )%ree applications of t%e brake pedals 

Q ++: )%e gear doors re(ain open after a (anual e2tension*

 : )rue*
!: ?alse*
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Pote: Bou %a#e to e2pect decreased perfor(ance in t%e e#ent of a go<around*

Q +.: )%e steering %and"%eels, "%ic% are interconnected, can steer t%e nose "%eel up
to SSSSS in eit%er direction*
!: 3DT
C: 6IT
$: ;0T

Q +J: )%e green $WCW> lig%t on t%e autobrake pus%button illu(inates "%en t%e actual
airplane deceleration corresponds to "%at percentage of t%e selected rateF
 : 90O
!: ;0O 
C: ;&O 
$: ;DO 

Q +3: Wac% (ain "%eel %as an antiskid brake*

 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q +6: )%e parking brake accu(ulator is designed to (aintain t%e parking pressure for
at least SSSSSS*
A: 3 %ours*
!: 1& %ours*
C: 19 %ours*
$: &. %ours*

Q +9: )%e autobrake "ill ar( if at least one A$I4F is functioning

 : )rue*
!: ?alse*
7Pote: )%e s5ste( needs also:< Ereen pressure a#ailable*< electric po"er on
antiskid< Po failure in t%e braking s5ste(*8

Q +;: -%at %appens to t%e ot%er brake (odes "%en parking brakes are appliedF
A: )%ere is no c%ange*
!: l l o t % er b r a k i n g ( o d e s a n d a n t i s k i d a r e d e a c t i # a t e d *
C: Antiskid (ode onl5 is deacti#ated*

Q .0: @a2i(u( speed for landing gear retraction is:

A: &00 kts 
!: &&0 kts
C: &+D kts 
$: &D0 kts 

Q .1: Yose "%eel steering is a#ailable "%en:

A: Eear doors open 
!: All gear doors closed 
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C: )%e Pus% button on eit%er steering %and "%eel is depressed 

$: Hose gear doors closed

Q .&: Yose "%eel steering is controlled bE:

A: >ECI= 1*
!: !FC=
C: >ECI= & 
$: >ECI= 1 or & 

Q .+: -%en is pressure in t%e nose "%eel steering sEste( s%ut offF
 : -it% to"ing le#er in to"ing position or bot% engines are s%ut do"n or t%e
/FDI$ J H/- F)4E s"itc% is 5??
!: $uring ground to"ing "it% one engine s%ut do"n or "%en aircraft speed is R30 kts 
C: -%en t%e aircraft is on t%e ground "it% speed abo#e 100 kts 

Q ..: 'and "%eel and pedals are operated si(ultaneouslE:

A: 'and "%eel %as priorit5 
!: Pedals %a#e priorit5 7depending on speed8
C: !FC= transfor(s t%ese orders into nose "%eel steering angle 7signals are
(at%e(aticallE added8
$: 'and "%eel input "ill not be affected b5 pedals*

Q .J: Yose "%eel steering bE rudder pedals is li(ited to:

A: Z/< 3 degrees under all conditions 
!: Z/< 6D degrees 
C: Z/< ;0 degrees 
$: @a2i(u( A/< 3 degrees depending on aircraft speed

Q .3: -%en bot% %and "%eels are operated si(ultaneouslE, t%e signals:
A: ?ro( t%e first pilot acting on %is %and "%eel %a#e priorit5 
!: Co(ing fro( t%e captain %a#e priorit5 
C: re algebraicallE added
$: ?ro( t%e ?/5 %a#e priorit5 

Q .6: Yose "%eel steering is a#ailable:

A: Aircraft speed belo" 60 kts, bot% engines 7reHuired to be8 running, )o"ing le#er 
in nor(al position, aircraft on ground*
!: Aircraft speed belo" 60 kts, bot% engines 7reHuired to be8 running, )o"ing le#er 
in nor(al position, aircraft on ground or in t%e air 
C : i r c r a f t s p e e d b e l o " 6 0 k t s , o n e e n g i n e 7 r e H u i r e d t o b e 8 r u n n i n g , ) o " i ng
le#er in nor(al position, aircraft on ground*
$: Aircraft speed belo" 60 kts, bot% engines 7reHuired to be8 running8, )o"ing
le#er in standb5 position, aircraft on ground*

Q .9: After )/5 t%e left (ain landing gear s%ock absorber is stuck in t%e co(pressed
A: )%e gear can be retracted under all circu(stances 
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!: )%e gear cab be retracted pro#ided t%e nose gear is centered 

C: )%e gear cannot be retracted, gear le#er is blocked 7interlock (ec%anis(8
$: )%e gear can be retracted once t%e nose "%eel steering is centered 

Q .;: Is it possible 7sEste( "ise8 to lo"er t%e gear bE gra#itE abo#e &30 ktsF
 : Bes
!: Po 
C: Bes, but onl5 if green %5draulics a#ailable 
$: Bes, but onl5 if 5ello" %5draulic a#ailable 

Q J0: FEste( page M-%eelN* >/E position indicators 7triangles8, first line s%o"s
green triangles, second line be%ind s%o"s a(ber crosses* Is t%e landing gear do"nF
 : Bes
!: Po 
C: 4ig%t %and gear onl5 is do"n 
$: >eft %and gear onl5 is do"n*

Q J1: $uring t%e approac% Eou get (aster "arning and WCA@ MEear Yot $o"nN* )%e
reason is:
A: >anding gear is not do"n locked and flaps + or full and bot% radio alti(eters
!: >anding gear is not do"n locked, flaps at + and radio %eig%t lo"er t%an 6D0 ft 
C: ll of t%e abo#e
$: Pone of t%e abo#e*

Q J&: )%e alternate brake sEste( uses:

A: )%e Bello" %5draulic s5ste( 
!: )%e %5draulic accu(ulator 
C:)%e Bello" %Edraulic sEste( and t%e %Edraulic accu(ulator
$: )%e !lue electric pu(p*

Q J+: )%e antiskid sEste( gets its reference speed fro(:

 : )%e $I4F
!: A "%eel tac%o(eter 
C: )%e >ECI=Gs 
$: )%e !FC=Gs 

Q J.: )%e principle of t%e anti<skid is:

A: Co(paring t%e speed difference bet"een t%e four "%eels 
!: Co(paring "%eel speeds "it% aircraft reference speed
C: Co(paring "%eel speeds bet"een left and rig%t landing gear 
$: Co(paring left and rig%t "%eel speeds on t%e sa(e landing gear*

Q JJ: ?ollo"ing failure of all + A$I4F, is antiskid a#ailableF

 : Bes
!: Po 
C: 5nl5 "it% Bello" %5draulics 
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$: 5nl5 "it% Ereen %5draulics 

Q J3: Alternate braking using t%e Bello" sEste(* Autobrake is:

 : >ost
!: Ftill a#ailable "it% anti<skid 
C: Ftill a#ailable "it%out anti<skid 
$: Ftill a#ailable pro#ided Bello" s5ste( %5draulic pressure is a#ailable*

Q J6: Autobraking is initiated bE:

A: 4e#erse t%rust selection 
!: Pose gear oleo co(pression 
C: @ain gear oleo co(pression 
$: Eround spoilers e2tension

Q J9: )%e brake J Accu(ulator pressure gauge s%o"s pressure fro(:

A: )%e Bello" %5draulic s5ste( 
!: )%e Accu(ulator onl5 
C: )%e Ereen %5draulic s5ste( 
$ : ! ot % B e ll o " b ra k e s E st e ( a nd t % e ! r a k e ccu(ulator

Q J;: @a2 braking %as been selected* )akeoff being aborted, engines in re#erse, Eou
%a#e forgotten to ar( t%e ground spoilers* Is autobrake acti#atedF
UA: Po because spoilers "ill not deplo5 if not ar(ed 
U!: Bes, pro#ided speed is less t%an 6& knots 
UC: Bes, but onl5 if Bello" %5draulic pressure is a#ailable 
U$: Bes, because spoilers "ill still deplo5*

Q 30: )%e 'ot lig%t on t%e brake fan pus%button illu(inates "%en brake te(perature
A: &D0 deg*C 
!: +00 deg*C
C: +D0 deg*C 
$: .00 deg*C 

Q 31: 5n "%eel page of WCA@, Autobrake is flas%ing green* -%at does it (eanF
 : utobrake is disengaged
!: Autobrake failure 
C: Anti<skid failure 
$: Autobrake in operation 

Q 3&: 5n t%e ra(p "it% AP= running, park brake is set on, (essage on WCA@ (e(o s%o"s
Park !rake*
 : In Ereen
!: In Bello" 
C: In -%ite 
$: In -%ite or Bello" 

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Q 3+: )%e landing gear indicator panel recei#es t%e infor(ation fro( (icro s"itc%es
and pro2i(itE detectors connected to:
A: !FC= 
!: >ECI= & 
C: >ECI= 1
$: !FC= and >ECI= & 

Q 3.: )%e red arro", near t%e landing gear le#er illu(inates "%en:
A: >anding gear is not up locked after retraction 
!: >anding gear is in abnor(al position 
C: >anding gear is in transit 
$: >anding gear is not do"n locked in approac% configuration

Q 3J: >anding gear indicator panel =Y>D lig%t illu(inates red if

A: Eear is e2tended b5 gra#it5 and doors are not closed 
!: Eear is e2tended nor(all5 and doors are not closed 
C: Eear is not locked in selected position
$: Eear is not selected do"n b5 1,000 ft 4A*

Q 33: )%e (a2i(u( speed "it% landing gear e2tended 7V>W8 is:
A: &30 kts / @*3D 
!: &90 kts / @*36
C: +00 kts / @*60 
$: +&0 kts / @*6& 

Q 36: -%ic% A$I4F close t%e safetE #al#e of t%e green %Edraulic supplE "%en speed is
R &30 kts*
A: A$I4F 1 J & 
!: $I4F 1 J +
C: A$I4F & J + 
$: A$$I4F & or + 

Q 39: -%at is t%e (a2i(u( tEre speedF

A: 19D kts 
!: 1;I kts
C: &0D kts 

$: &&D kts 


Q 01: 5n "%ic% WCA@ page could t%e flig%t cre" c%eck t%e e2act pressure of t%e
o2Egen cElinderF
A: )%e P4HFF page*
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!: )%e $554F page*

C: )%e C5P$ page*
$: )%e F)A)=F page*

Q 0&: -%at is indicated bE a (issing green t%er(al plug during an e2terior

 : n o2Egen sEste( o#erpressure or t%er(al disc%arge*
!: )%is is nor(al indication, t%e green t%er(al plug onl5 appears if t%e o25gen
c5linder is lo"*
C: )%e cre" o25gen bottle is e(pt5*
$: An e2ternal fire disc%arge %as been acti#ated*

Q 0+: Appro2i(atelE %o" long are t%e passenger o2Egen generators able to produce
 : 1I (inutes*
!: &0 (inutes*
C:&D (inutes*
$: +0 (inutes*

Q 0.: -%at is t%e (ain difference bet"een t%e cre" and t%e passenger o2Egen sEste(F
A: )%ere is no difference: bot% are ser#ed b5 o25gen c5linders*
! : C r e " i s s u p p l i e d f r o ( a n o 2 E g e n c E l i n d e rK p a s s e n g e r s a re s u p p l i e d b E
c%e(ical o2Egen generators *
C: !ot% t%e cre" and passengers are supplied "it% o25gen fro( c%e(ical o25gen
$: )%e cre" %as an o25gen bottle for an e(ergenc5 back<up suppl5*

Q 0J: -%at is t%e purpose of t%e C4W- F=PP>B pus% buttonF

A: -%en selected to 5P, it supplies o25gen to t%e Captain J ?/5 onl5 7qu(pseats are 
not supplied8
!: -%en selected to 5H, it allo"s t%e flo" of lo" pressure o2Egen to t%e
cre"Gs (asks*
C: In case of lo" c5linder pressure it allo"s t%e cre" to tap into t%e passenger
o25gen s5ste(*

Q 03: -%at %appens "%en t%e (ask is used "it% t%e selection at 100O positionF
A: @ask is supplied "it% diluted o25gen on de(and*
!: @ask is supplied "it% undiluted o2Egen on de(and*
C: @ask is supplied "it% undiluted o25gen continuous flo"*
$: @ask is supplied "it% diluted o25gen on de(and*

Q 06: At appro2i(atelE "%at cabin altitude s%ould t%e passenger o2Egen (asks dropF
A: 10,000 feet 7Z100, < D00 ft8
!: 1&,D00 feet 7Z or < D00 ft8
C: 1.,000 feet 7A0, < I00 ft8
$: 1D,000 feet*

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Q 09: -%at does an a(ber 5XB on t%e WCA@ $oors (eanF

 : )%e cre" supplE s"itc% is turned off and/or o2Egen pressure is less t%an
.00 psi*
!: )%e cre" suppl5 s"itc% is turned off 
C: 525gen pressure is less t%an 3D0 psi*
$: 525gen pressure is less t%an +00 psi*

Q 0;: Illu(ination of t%e FBF 5Y lig%t is an indication t%at:

A: )%e cre" (ust depress t%e @AFD @AP 5P pb in order to deplo5 t%e (asks*
!: Plectrical po"er %as been sent to deploE t%e (asks, eit%er (anuallE or
C: )%e cre" o25gen c5linder is e(pt5*
$: All of t%e passenger (asks %a#e deplo5ed*

Q 10: )%ere are o2Egen generators in eac% aircraftGs galleE*

 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q 11: -%at "ill depressing t%e guarded @AFD @AY 5Y pb acco(plis%F

A: A signal is sent to t%e c%e(ical o25gen generators to start t%e flo" of o25gen
to t%e (asks*
!: It (anuallE sends a signal to open t%e o2Egen (ask doors*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 1&: -%en does passenger o2Egen flo" startF

 : -%en t%e (ask is pulled to"ard t%e seat*
!: -%en t%e o25gen doors open*
C: -%en t%e o25gen button is pus%ed*

$: -%en cabin altitude e2ceeds 1.,000 ftG


Q 01: Wngine bleed air te(perature is controlled bE:

A: Hngine oil*
!: pre<cooler t%at uses fan air*
C: Conditioned air fro( t%e (i2ing unit*

Q 0&: If !@C1 fails !@C& takes o#er all (onitoring functions e2cept:
 : Pngine 1 and P= leak detection*
!: 5#er%eat detection*
C: Auto(atic crossbleed #al#e control*

Q 0+: !leed air nor(allE co(es fro( t%e SSSSSSS of t%e engine*
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A: 'ig% pressure stage*

!: Inter(ediate stage*
C: >o" pressure stage*

Q 0.: In flig%t if t%e air pressure is insufficient e#en "it% t%e 'P #al#e open:
 : )%e engine spools up auto(aticallE*
!: Hngine po"er %as to be increased b5 t%e pilot*
C: Pus% t%e 'ig% Pressure P/! on t%e o#%d panel*

Q 0J: )%e pressure regulating and s%utoff #al#e "ill close if SSSSSSS pressure is
SSSSSSS or SSSSSSS airflo" occurs
A: $o"nstrea( / lo" / re#erse 
!: $o"nstrea( / 'ig% / re#erse 
C: =pstrea( / lo" / re#erse

Q 03: )%e crossbleed #al#e %as t"o electric (otorsK one for t%e auto(atic (ode and
one for t%e (anual (ode:
 : )rue
!: ?alse 

Q 06: )%e o#er%eat detection sEste( uses a single loop for:

 : )%e pElons and P=*
!: )%e "ings and p5lons*
C: )%e "ings and fuselage*

Q 09: )%e AP= !>WW$ ?A=>) lig%t illu(inates a(ber for an AP=:
A: 5#er%eat*
!: @alfunction*
C: !leed leak*

Q 0;: )%e A=)5 position of t%e X !>WW$ selector opens t%e crossbleed if:
A: An engine bleed #al#e is open*
!: )%e P= bleed #al#e is open*
C: -%en engine start is selected*

Q 10: 4ecirculation fans in t%e air conditioning sEste( direct filtered cabin air to
"%ic% areaF
A: )%e pneu(atic ductK upstrea( of t%e packs*
!: )%e a#ionics co(part(ent*
C: )%e @i2ing unit*

Q 11: )e(perature regulation for t%e A+&0 is controlled bE:

 : 5ne zone controller and t"o pack controllers*
!: )"o pack controllers and t%e !@CGs*
C: )%e !@CGs 

Q 1&: F%ould bot% c%annels fail in a zone controller:

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A: )e(perature opti(ization is still a#ailable for t%at zone fro( anot%er

!: )e(perature opti(ization and t%e backup (ode are lost*
C: )%e pack is not affected*

Q 1+: )%e la#atorE/galleE e2tract fan operates:

A: 5nl5 on t%e ground*
!: 5nl5 in flig%t*
C: ContinuouslE "%en electrical po"er is a#ailable*

Q 1.: If bleed air is being supplied bE t%e AP= or if one pack failsK pack flo" "ill
go to "%at rateF
A: >o"*
!: @ediu(*
C: 'ig%*

Q 1J: -%at %appens to t%e outflo" #al#e "%en t%e 4A@ AI4 s"itc% is selected 5YF
A: )%e outflo" #al#e opens i((ediatel5*
!: )%e outflo" #al#e opens if cabin differential pressure is less t%an 1 psi*
C: Por(al outflo" #al#e control is (aintained*

Q 13: -%en eit%er t%e !>5-W4 or WX)4AC) s"itc%es are in 5V4$K air fro( t%e air
conditioning sEste( is added to #entilation air*
 : )rue*
!: ?alse 

Q 16: 'o" (anE (otors are a#ailable for t%e outflo" #al#eF
A: 1
!: & 
C: +

Q 19: )ransfer bet"een t%e t"o cabin pressure controllers is:

A: Acco(plis%ed "it% a s"itc% o#er%ead*
!: u t o ( a t i c a f t er l a n d i n g o r i n c a s e t % e o p e r a t i n g c o nt r o l l e r f a i l s *
C: Auto(aticall5 at eac% takeoff*

Q 1;: )%e (a2i(u( cabin descent rate is li(ited in auto(atic to:

A: +00 ft/(in*
!: 6I0 ft/(in*
C: 1000 ft/(in*

Q &0: )%e t%ird (otor 7(anual8 in t%e pressurization sEste( is acti#ated:

A: Auto(aticall5 if bot% auto(atic (otors fail*
!: In seHuence after eac% landing*
C: -%en t%e C !IH P4PFF @5$P FP> s"itc% is positioned to @ H*

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Q &1: -%en t%e cabin #ertical speed e2ceeds SSSSSSS fp(K t%e #ertical speed displaE
A: 900 / flas%es green 
!: &900 / flas%es green 
C: 1900 / flas%es green

Q &&: )%e pneu(atic sEste( supplies %ig% pressure air for:

A: Air Conditioning, "ater pressurization and engine starting 
!: -ing anti<icing*
C: '5draulic reser#oir pressurization*
$: ll of t%e abo#e*

Q &+: 'ig% pressure air %as SSSSSS sources*

A: & 
!: +
C: . 
$: D 
7Pote: )%ree Fources of 'P air are <Hngine bleed s5ste(s, AP= load co(pressor and
'P ground connection*8

Q &.: -it% bot% engines operating, an WYE !>WW$ pb ?A=>) lig%t "ill illu(inate "%en:
 : )%e #al#e position differs fro( t%at of t%e pus% button*
!: )%e X !>HH$ selector is selected to F'=)*
C: )%e X !>HH$ selector is selected to 5PHP*
$: )%e X !>HH$ selector is selected to 5PHP or to F'=)*

Q &J: Air bleed fro( t%e engines is:

A: Pot cooled prior to being used b5 t%e s5ste(s*
!: Cooled in a %eat e2c%anger bE cooling air bleed fro( ?an section*
C: Cooled using a(bient air*
$: 5nl5 cooled in air conditioning part*

Q &3: If a !leed @onitoring Co(puter 7!@C8 fails:

A: All s5ste(s associated "it% t%e failed !@C also fail*
!: )%e associated bleed #al#es close*
C: )%e re(aining !@C "ill auto(aticallE assu(e (ost of t%e failed !@CGs

Q &6: A leak detection sEste( detects anE o#er%eating in t%e #icinitE of %ot air
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q &9: -%en engine and "ing anti<ice are in use, and a !@C detects a bleed leak:
A: 5nl5 t%e engine anti<ice on t%e associated side "ill be lost*
!: )%e "ing and engine anti<ice on t%e associated side "ill be lost*

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C: )%e "ing anti<ice on t%e associated side "ill be lost, and t%e engine
anti<ice on t%e associated side "ill continue to function*

Q &;: Wac% bleed #al#e is electricallE operated and controlled pneu(aticallE bE its
associated !@C*
A: )rue*
!: ?alse*
7Pote < Hac% bleed #al#e is pneu(aticall5 operated and controlled electricall5 b5
its associated !@C*8

Q +0: If a !@C detects a bleed leak:

A: )%e cre" (ust isolate t%e affected leak*
!: ll #al#es t%at could supplE pneu(atic air to t%e area of t%e bleed leak
"ill auto(aticallE close*
C: All pneu(atic #al#es close auto(aticall5*

Q +1: If one !@C fails, t%e adfacent !@C takes o#er t%e (onitoring of t%e bleed
sEste( to issue t%e follo"ing WCA@ "arnings if necessarE:
A: 5#erpressure 
!: 5#erte(perature 
C: -ing leak 
$: ll of t%e abo#e*

Q +&: !leed leak protection for t%e AP= pneu(atic duct is pro#ided bE:
 : $etection loops associated "it% !@C L1*
!: $etection loops associated "it% !@C L&*
C: )%e AP= !@C*
$: All of t%e abo#e*

Q ++: -it% t%e loss of pneu(atic sEste( pressure, t%e engine bleed #al#e "ill:
A: 4e(ain in its current position*
!: Assu(e t%e (id position*
C: Assu(e t%e open position*
$: ssu(e t%e closed position*

Q +.: Pneu(atic sEste( operation is controlled and (onitored bE:

A: 5ne bleed (onitoring co(puter*
!: )"o bleed #al#e co(puters*
C: )"o bleed (onitoring co(puters*

Q +J: WCA@ !>WW$ page: "%en is t%e EY$ sE(bol displaEedF

 : -%ene#er t%e aircraft is on t%e ground*
!: All t%e ti(e*
C: 5nl5 "%en a ground air suppl5 is connected*

Q +3: In auto(atic (ode, t%e crossbleed #al#e opens "%en t%e sEste( is using AP=
bleed air*
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 : It closes if t%e sEste( detects an air leak 7e2cept during engine start8*
!: It closes if t%e s5ste( detects an air leak 7e2cept in flig%t8*
C: It closes auto(aticall5 if t%e s5ste( detects an air leak*

Q +6: -%at %appens "%en pressure and te(perature are not sufficient to supplE t%e
corresponding engine bleed #al#eF
A: 'P #al#e closes*
!: 'P #al#e opens, if stage closed*
C: 'P #al#e opens, IP stage re(ains in t%e sa(e configuration*

Q +9: -%en additional pneu(atic air is reHuired for anti<ice, engine starting, or
air conditioning:
  : d d i t i o n a l p n e u ( a t i c a i r " i l l b e r e H u e s t e d b E t % e ! @ C t o t % e ? $ PC s o r t % e
!: )%e cre" (ust obser#e (ini(u( P1 li(its*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q +;: -%en selected, AP= bleed air:

A: -ill suppl5 bleed air onl5 if t%e HPE !>HH$ pbGs are selected 5??*
!: 'as prioritE o#er engine bleed air*
C: -ill suppl5 bleed air onl5 if t%e X !>HH$ selector is selected 5PHP*
$: $oes not %a#e priorit5 o#er engine bleed air*

Q .0: -it% t%e AP= running, t%e AP= !>WW$ pus% button selected 5Y and t%e X !>WW$
selector to A=)5, t%e AP= "ill:
A: 5nl5 suppl5 bleed air to t%e left side*
!: FupplE pneu(atic air to bot% sides of t%e aircraft because t%e pneu(atic
crossbleed #al#e auto(aticallE opens*
C: -ill suppl5 bleed air onl5 to t%e left side unless t%e X !>HH$ selector is
selected 5PHP*
$: 5nl5 suppl5 bleed air to t%e rig%t side*

Q .1: -%ic% source controls t%e crossbleed #al#eF

A: Pneu(atic*
!: Plectric*

Q .&: )%e cre" (aE directlE control t%e follo"ing bleed #al#es:
A: Hngine, engine %ig% pressure, AP=*
!: Hngine, inter(ediate pressure, AP=*
C: Pngine, P=, crossbleed*
$: Crossbleed*

Q .+: AP= bleed air supplies t%e pneu(atic sEste( if t%e AP= speed is abo#e SSSSS:
A: 90O 
!: 9DO 
C: ;&O 
$: ;IO
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Q ..: A c%eck #al#e near t%e crossbleed duct protects t%e AP= "%en bleed air co(es
fro( anot%er source:
 : )rue*
!: ?alse*

Q .J: ?ollo"ing an WYEIYW 1 !>WW$ ?A=>), "%E can Eou onlE use one pack if -ing Anti
Ice 7-AI8 is onF
A: 5nl5 one user can be supplied #ia t%e X !>HH$ duct*
!: 5nlE PHE !>PP$ sEste( cannot supplE & packs and - I*
C: If 5ou use -AI, t%e X !>HH$ #al#e is auto(aticall5 closed* )%erefore, pack 1
"ill no longer be supplied*
$: 5ne engine bleed s5ste( can eit%er suppl5 bot% packs or one pack plus -AI*

Q .3: )e(perature regulation is ac%ie#ed bE t%e precooler "%ic% regulates and li(its
t%e te(perature at:
A: 1D0TC 
!: 9DTC 
C: 30TC 
$: &00TC


Q 01: Bou "ant to open t%e cabin door, "%ilst lifting t%e control %andle t%e "%ite
lig%t illu(inates* -%at does it (eanF
A: )%ere is residual pressure in t%e cabin*
!: )%e ra(p is not correctl5 positioned*
C: )%e slide is still ar(ed*
$: Fo(ebod5 is tr5ing to open t%e door fro( outside*

Q 0&: -%ic% situation "ill auto(aticallE illu(inate t%e escape pat% lig%tingF
 : )%e loss of po"er to t%e $C PFF F'P$ bus and )%e loss of po"er to t%e C
bus L1
!: )%e loss of po"er to t%e AC HFF F'H$ bus and )%e loss of po"er to t%e AC bus L1
C: )%e loss of po"er to t%e AC HFF F'H$ and t%e loss of po"er to t%e $C HFF F'H$ 
$: )%e loss of po"er to t%e AC HFF F'H$ 

Q 0+: -%en t%e door ar(ing le#er is in t%e A4@W$ position, opening t%e door fro(
t%e outside "ill:
A: Auto(aticall5 deplo5 and inflate t%e e#acuation slide*
!: $isar( t%e door*
C: )%e po"er assist "ill rapidl5 open t%e door*

Q 0.: -it% t%e W@W4 WXI) >) selector in t%e A4@ position, if AC bus L1 is unpo"ered:
A: )%e escape pat% (arkings "ill auto(aticall5 illu(inate*
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World Best Aviation Social Network  131

!: )%e e(ergencE lig%ts and e2it signs "ill illu(inate auto(aticallE*

C: !ot% are correct*

Q 0J: 5pening an e(ergencE o#er"ing e2it "ill:

A: Inflate t%e slide at t%e leading edge of t%e "ing*
!: uto(aticallE inflate t%e double lane slide off t%e trailing edge of t%e
C: 5nl5 ar( t%e o#er"ing slide*

Q 03: Alt%oug% no busses are unpo"ered, illu(ination of e(ergencE e2it lig%ts in t%e
cabin is desired* -%ic% of t%e follo"ing ans"ers are correctF
A: )%e e(ergenc5 lig%ts, e2it signs and t%e floor pat%s (arkings "ill illu(inate if 
t%e guarded H@H4 HXI) >) pb on t%e flig%t attendant CI$F panel is selected 5P*
!: )%e e(ergenc5 lig%ts, e2it signs and t%e escape pat% (arkings "ill illu(inate if 
t%e cockpit H@H4 HXI) >) s"itc% is 5P*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 06: )%e P!W pro#ides a breat%able at(osp%ere for appro2i(atelE SSSSSS (inutes*
A: 10 
!: 1I
C: 13 
$: 19 

Q 09: -%at are t%e indications t%at t%e P!W o2Egen supplE %as depletedF
  : ) % e % o o d c o l l a p s e s t o t % e po i n t t % a t i t t o u c % e s E o u r f a c e o r b E a
flas%ing red lig%t in addition to t%e flas%ing green lig%t*
!: )%e sound of t%e o25gen flo" stops and flas%ing red and green lig%ts appear*
C: Po 0& suppl5 indications, J lig%ts onl5 indicate ti(e*
$: All of t%e abo#e*

Q 0;: 'o" is cre" o2Egen pro#idedF

 : ?ro( a single bottle*
!: )%ere is one bottle per cre" (e(ber e2cept for qu(pseaters 
C: 525gen generator*
$: 5ne o25gen bottle "it% an o25gen generator*

Q 10: -%at cockpit lig%ting is a#ailable during an W(ergencE Wlectrical

Configuration 7WWC8F
A: All lig%ts are full5 functional*
!: $o(e lig%ts, (ain panel flood lig%ts, and t%e standb5 co(pass lig%t*
C: $o(e lig%t 7rig%t side onl58, (ain panel flood #lig%ts, and t%e standb5 co(pass
$: $o(e lig%t7rig%t side onlE8, (ain panel flood lig%ts 7left t"o colu(ns
onlE8, and t%e standbE co(pass lig%t*

Q 11: 5n t%e cockpit o#er%ead panel t%ere is a t%ree position W@W4EWYCB WXI) >)
s"itc%* -%at lig%ts are associated "it% t%is s"itc%F
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 : P2it signs, e(ergencE lig%ts, and floor pat% lig%ts*

!: H2it signs, e(ergenc5 lig%ts, (ain panel flood lig%ts, and floor pat% lig%ts*
C: H2it signs, e(ergenc5 lig%ts, do(e lig%ts, (ain panel flood lig%ts, and t%e
standb5 co(pass lig%t*
$: H2it signs, and t%e standb5 co(pass lig%t*

Q 1&: -%at is Cre" 52Egen (ini(u( pressure, "%ere can it be readF

A: 9D0 PFI, HCA@ $554/5XB page*
!: ;D0 PFI, gauge on t%e bottle*
C: 1000 PFI, gauge on t%e bottle*
$: 1+00 PFI, PC @ $554/5XB page*

Q 1+: )%ere is no ot%er "aE of deploEing t%e o#er"ing escape slide if it fails to
deploE auto(aticallE on opening t%e e(ergencE e2it*
A: )rue*
!: ?alse*
7Pote < If it fails to deplo5 auto(aticall5 t%e o#er"ing escape slide can be
deplo5ed using t%e red (anual inflation %andle in t%e o#er"ing e2it*8

Q 1.: -%at does '54Y F'=)5?? on t%e WVAC panel doF

A: Cancels t%e HVAC alert 
!: Filences HVAC signals t%roug%out t%e cabin and cockpit*
C: Filences 'orn in cockpit*
$: Hone of t%e abo#e*

Q 1J: )%e 'A>5Y fire e2tinguis%er s%ould be used on "%at tEpe firesF
A: Hlectrical fires onl5*
!: Hlectrical and burning (etals*
C: Plectrical and fla((able liHuid fires*
$: Hlectrical and ordinar5 co(bustibles*

Q 13: -it% t%e W@W4 WXI) >) selector in t%e A4@ position, if $C s%ed bus L1 is
 : ) % e e s c a p e p a t % ( a r k i n g s " i l l a u t o ( a t i c a l l E i l l u ( i n a t e *
!: )%e e(ergenc5 lig%ts and e2it signs "ill illu(inate auto(aticall5*
C: !ot% are correct*

Q 16: 5nce acti#ated, %o" can Eou cancel t%e WVAC alert fro( t%e cockpitF
A: 5?? s"itc%*
!: 5nl5 able to deacti#ate fro( cabin 7L1 ?lig%t attendant8*
C: C5@@AP$ s"itc%*

$: '54P F'=) 5??*

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World Best Aviation Social Network  133

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