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Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) | The Bureau of Linguistical Reality

Shinrin-yoku (森林浴)  

Shinrin-yoku (森林浴)


Definition: A Japanese term that means “forest bathing”. The idea being that spending time
in the forest and natural areas is good preventative medicine, since it lowers stress, which
causes or exacerbates some of our most intractable health issues. The “magic” behind forest
bathing boils down to the naturally produced allelochemic substances known as phytoncides,
which are kind of like pheromones for plants. Their job is to help ward off pesky insects and
slow the growth of fungi and bacteria. When humans are exposed to phytoncides, these
chemicals are scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost the
growth of cancer-fighting white blood cells. Some common examples of plants that give off
phytoncides include garlic, onion, pine, tea tree and oak, which makes sense considering
their potent aromas.

Usage: Jasmine became depressed as she was no longer able to partake in Shinrin-yoku
after they cut down her local forest to make way for new high rise condos.

Origin: Japanese 森林浴 (shinrin-yoku しんりんよく, “forest bathing”), from Middle Chinese
森林 (ʂim-lim “forest”) + 浴 (jowk “bathe”). Existing word.


1 από 2 10/10/2021, 11:41 μ.μ.

Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) | The Bureau of Linguistical Reality

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2 από 2 10/10/2021, 11:41 μ.μ.

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