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Shadowing a Conversation

Directions: As you listen to the Shadowing a Conversation video,

use this script to help you as you repeat the speakers’ dialogue. Circle
or highlight the sounds that are most difficult so that you can focus
on these when you practice.

Horrible Class

Olivia: Hey, Oscar. /

Oscar: Hi, Olivia. / How’s it going? / I haven’t seen you since / Professor
Townsend’s criminal law class we took together. /

Olivia: Oh, that horrible class. / Don’t remind me. /

Oscar: Remember how much homework we had? /

Olivia: Yes. We wrote essays one after another / and that annoying textbook
always made me want to cry. /

Oscar: Yeah, but our, our study group really helped. / You know, you guys / and
a bit of dumb luck are what helped me pass that class. /

Olivia: That’s actually true for me too. / Well, I have an appointment, / so I have
to get going, / but I’m really glad I saw you. / We should get together
soon. /

Oscar: Yeah, cool. Let’s do that. / Alright, well, bye Olivia. /

Olivia: Bye!


Criminal (n): A person who does crimes or who breaks the law

Horrible (adj): Very bad; terrible

Annoying (adj): Causing someone to feel a little angry

Dumb luck (idiom): Something lucky that happens completely by chance, with no

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