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1.1 Topic
To this research we have as topic, the impact of discrepancy of spelling and pronunciation
in English language: the case of stud, Teacane secondary school grad 10 streams B in

1.2 Limitation of the stud

The topic proposed, is limited in the following way: the impact of discrepancy of spelling
and pronunciation in English language

1.3 Background to the problem

Old English was spelt essentially as it was pronounced while present English is extremely
variable. it means, old English was read as was writen.but today English language is read en
differently from the spelling.
That why, we get the following question:
What are the impacts that result of discrepancy of spelling and pronunciation in English
1.4 Justification
The choosing of our topic justify itself by the simple reason, in English language the
spelling and pronunciation does not correspond exactly. And I love to investigate many
items related about spelling and pronunciation,
That why we felt pertinent to choose this topic.
One of the importances of this topic is to continue developing the capacity in analyzing,
description of English language and to fortify the unification of the language. And
Not every one or each land with her way of pronunciation.

1.5 Objectives
The objectives of our research are divided into two: general and specifique objectives.
1.5.1 General objective
Analyze the impacts of the discrepancy of spelling and pronunciation in English language.

1.5.2 specific objectives

 Identify some disadvantages of the discrepancy of spelling and pronunciation;

 Identify he teaching/learning difficulties in English language;
 Show the diversity in pronunciation of the word.

1.6 Hypothesis
In order to give an answer to the problem above, the researcher proposes tree following


2.1 Place of the research
This research too place at Teacane secondary school and the same school is located at
occident of Nampula-city at municipal administrative post of Natiquire, occupating a where
of 10.625. So we find:
North……………………occupied area
South…………………..street number 4264
East……………………..occupied area
Oust……………………..occupied area.
2.2 The date of the research
The data collection had time on august during two days separated.
In other words, after have constated the problem, we profited to collect dates.
2.3 type of the research
2.3.1 Type of the research according to the objectives
In the research according to the objectives is there that we find exploratory research,
descriptive and explicative research.
Then, our research is exploratory.

2.3.2 Type of research according to the procedures

The type of this research is qualitative.
Dawson (2002; 14), explains qualitative research as collecting, analyzing and interpreting the
data by observing what people do and say.

2.4 Population
This research was conducted at Secondary school with eighty students of grad 10 and English

2.4.1 Sample population

This research used 10 students of grad 10 stream A and tree teachers of English language one
of the grad 10 and one of the grad 9.

Distribution of data collection:

Target population Male Female Total
Teachers 2 1 3
Students 5 5 10
Grand total 7 7 13

2.5 The instruments of data collection

According to Nkpa (1997:37), the instruments of data collection are materials which
researchers use to collect data in the field.
Then, for this study, were used three instruments, as: classroom observation, questionnaire
and interview.

2.5.1 Observation

According to Richardson: 2012 (2259-260), observation is classified, traditionally, as a

qualitative method, being in the dependence. Into the aspect of direction being given in the

2.5.2 Questionnaire

The questionnaire was used in order to collect students’ and teacher' opinions about the
impact of discrepancy of the spelling and pronunciation in English language. Was presented
into languages: English to the teachers of English subject. And in Portuguese to the leaner’s,
in either to get best data.

2.5.3 Interview

2.5.4 Bibliographic research

2.6 Procedures

The students were conducted during regular class time and during a month of august. The
students were informed about the research. A determinate number of students were
interviewed. We mean the questionnaire was applied as interview, having closed and opened

3.1 Rules of pronunciation-spelling correspondence

Once learners have mastered the basic sound-symbol correspondence they may in some
languages be immediately any written text-or, correctly, write down a spoken one.

In others, it may not be so simple. They may need a whole set may of extra sound-symbol
rules: e.g. that-ition at the end of a word in English is usually pronounced

Words or sets of words with unusual pronunciation or spelling you may need to teach and
practice on their own-some ideal follow at the end of the unit.

3.2 Pronunciation and spelling activities

Some ideas that practice pronunciation-spelling correspondences may be found in

pronunciation books, such as listed under further reading; Books on spelling usually just give
rules, lists of words and then suggest practicing through dictation and spelling tests.

3.3 The R- pronouncing regions of England

MCCRUM (2005; 15), there are at least four different ways pronouncing the r in words like '
farmer' and 'Friday', in the regions stretching from the south-east to the north-west
( excluding Kent and Lancashire), the post-vocalic r is not pronounced in the first syllable of
'farmer'. The same absence of the post-vocalic r is found in those parts of the north-eastern
United States by puritan refuges from the eastern countries.

3.4 American English before 1776

Robert NCCRUM (2002:119), the settlement of he thirteen colonies along the Atlantic
seaboard ran from main in the northern of Georgia in the south, a narrow strip of territory that
can be divided into three main speech areas;

Massachusetts and the states of new England; New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and
the south Atlantic states.

Today these are normally referred to as the northern, midland and southern areas of American
English, each with many local subdivisions. (The new Englanders, who mainly come from
the south and east of England, still preserve the r –less pronunciation of words like car,
Harvard and yard.

Virginia settled from the r pronunciation west country, still sound the r in words like turn
and heard –as do most Americans today.
UR 222; 56-58. In most languages there is a fairly, clear correspondence between sounds and
symbols: certain ways and if there variations these are governed by consistent rules.

E.g. when the letter C in English is pronounced /k/ or /s/; When the letter lam of the definite
article in arable is not pronounced.

There’re of course, languages could not be logically predicted from their spelling, and vice
versa –English being an example.

3.5 The alphabet

The basic sound symbol correspondence is learned at the stage of learning the alphabet. In the
alphabet is a totally new one, then thee is a lot learn, but it is a clear that every new symbol
needs to be its pronunciation.

If however, the learner is actually using more or less the same alphabet but the letters
represent slightly –or very- different sounds (as in the case of English speaking learners of

E.g. you may have a more subtitle teaching problem.

Questions: (both questions bellow apply only if all your students have same mother tongue.)

1 if our target language uses the same alphabet as the mother tongue of your students, which
are the letters which will be pronounced very different from native version?

–which will be pronounced only slightly differently?

- Are these any each exactly the same?

- - if your target language uses a different alphabet, can you dived it into letters whose
sounds have close parallel symbols in the learners' mother tongue.
- E.g. Greek delta and English d) which not?

Varieties of English pronunciation

According to Petter Roach (2009:161) the difference between accents are of two main:
phonetic and phonological.

When two accents differ from each other only phonetically, we find the set of phonemes in
both accents, but some or all of the phonemes are realized differently. They may also be
differences in stress or intonation, but not such as cause a change in meaning.

E.g. Australian English has the same set of phonemes and phonemic contrasts or BBC
pronunciation, yet Australian is so different from that accent that it is easily recognized.
Many accents of English also differ noticeable in intonation without the difference being such
as would cause a difference in meaning.

e.g. some welsh accents have a tendance for unstressed syllables.

Such difference is, again, a phonetic one.

Difference in stress would be the stressing of the final and northern Irish accents.

'Relies' [riә'laiz]


In many parts of the world, the fundamental choice for learners of English is whether to learn
an American or a British pronunciation, though this means true everywhere.

The most important difference GA (general American) and BBC the distribution of the r
phoneme, GA being rhotic ( i.e. r occurs in all positions).

E.g. Spelling Pronunciation




'Fear' /fiә/ /fir/

'Care' /keә/ /ker/

'tour' t


Is essentially, the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language? It is
in effect, based of what every speaker of a language, Yule (2010:42.)

From this definition or citation, we can affirm that phonology is the description of how the
sound s are listened by the speakers.

Phoneme and allophones

Each one of these meaning sounds in a language is described as a phoneme. When we learn
to use alphabetic writing, we are actually using the concept of the single stable sound type
which is represented by a single written symbol.

e.g. /t/ /k/ /a/

While the phonemes the abstract unit or sound type produced in actual speech ("in the
mouth"). We can describe those different versions as phone.

Phones are phonetic units and appear in square brackets.


When two sound segments occur in sequence and some aspect of one segment is taken or
"copied" by the other, the process is known as assimilation Yule (2010:47).

If we think of the physical production of speech, we relies that this regular process happens
simple because it’s quicker, easier and more efficient for our articulators as they do their job.

E.g. have /hæv/ by it self, then think of how it is pronounced in the phrase I have to go in
every speech.

In this phrase as we start to say the /t/ sound in to, which is voiceless, we tend to produce a
version of the preceding sound, resulting in what sounds more like /f/ than /v/.


In the environment of a preceding nasal /n/ a following nasal /m/, we simple don’t devote
speech energy to including the stop sound /d/.

This isn’t laziness, it is efficiency. There is also no d sound in the every ay pronunciation f a
word like friendship /frεn/.

This process of not pronouncing a sound segment that might be present in the deliberately
careful pronunciation of word in isolation is described as elision.

In consonant clusters, especially in coda position /t/ is a common causality in this process, as
in the typical pronunciation /æspεks/ for the word aspects, or in /himәsbi/ for the phrase he
must be.

To demine this problem, the teachers at secondary school have to exile the best pronunciation
in English language. And the learners or students have to read many texts written in English.

To know exactly how the words are written and to try o apply the good way of pronunciation
that the teacher explain in the classroom.

So, these texts that the English learn how to read, not English books used in the classrooms.

They have to read any English book (newspapers, review, bibles, short stories, novels, etc).

It means, they have to read many books written in English. Another way, they have to
practice the language with many speakers using the correct pronunciation learned in the

The teacher must have a best way of pronunciation and spelling. If the teacher uses the best
way f pronunciation, then the leaners will learn nicely. And then, using the language in the
society, other English speakers can profit to improve their pronunciation.

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