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Part A

1. Define risk priority number?

The Risk Priority Number is the product of the severity (S), occurrence (O), and
detection (D) rankings. RPN = (S) x (O) x (D). This measure may be viewed
as a relative measure of the design risk. Values of the RPN can range from 1 to
1,000, with 1 being the smallest design risk possible. For items with a relatively
high RPN, the engineering team must make efforts to take corrective action to
reduce the RPN

2. Draw the sample diagrams for the following:

ii. Scatter diagram
iii. Check sheet

3. What is the use of prioritization matrices?

It is a tool that prioritizes issues, tasks, actions, etc. based on weighted criteria
for effective decision making. It uses a combination of Tree and Matrix Diagram

4. Define Benchmarking
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can measure
themselves against the best industry practices. It helps them learn how the “best
in class” do things, understand how these best practices differ from their own,
and implement change to close the gap. The essence of benchmarking is
borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain competitive advantage. It is a tool for
continuous improvement.
5. Draw Pareto diagram
6. What is meant by FMEA?
+ FMEA is a technique to identify foreseeable failure modes of a
product/process, their effects, identify actions to eliminate or reduce the chance
of failures, and document this process for future reference. FMEA is a “before-
the-event” action. Its early and consistent use in the design process allows
engineers to eliminate failures and produce safe, reliable, high quality products
that will lead to customer delight.
7. Define Affinity diagram
8. List the seven traditional tools.
The seven old statistical tools are: (1) Check sheet, (2) Histogram, (3)
Scatter diagram, (4) Control chart, (5) Pareto chart, (6) Cause-and-
effect diagram, and (7) Process flow chart.
9. Draw a Cause and Effect diagram.
10. What are the new seven management tools of quality?
The seven new management tools are: (1) Affinity diagram, (2)
Relationship diagram, (3) Tree diagram, (4) Matrix diagram, (5)
Prioritization matrix, (6) Process decision program chart (PDPC), and
(7) Activity network diagram.
Part B
• Discuss about the new seven management tools of quality
• Draw the general structure of house of quality and indicate the constituents.
• Explain FMEA in detail with suitable example
• (i) Six Sigma concept can be applied to non manufacturing processes. Do you
agree with this statement? Justify your answer with a suitable example.(12)
(ii)Illustrate the Cause and effect diagram with a simple example(4)
• Describe the traditional seven QC tools and their merits and demerits
• Why benchmarking is required in an organization. Illustrate the different types of
benchmarking process. Write down the general procedure for benchmarking

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