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8 startlingly: causing a startling discovery ‫بشكل‬
momentary fright, ‫مذهل‬
surprise, or
10 moisture: liquid diffused These flowers grow best with ‫رطوبة‬
or condensed in moisture and shade.
relatively small quantity
13 rustling: to make or The trees rustled in the wind. ‫حفيف‬,
cause a rustle
15 apprehension: suspicion an atmosphere of nervous ‫إدراك‬
or fear especially of apprehension
future evil :
13 reminisce: to indulge in When relatives reminisce about ‫حكى‬
reminiscence my great-grandfather, they ‫ذكرياته‬
almost always precede it with
some reference to his affection
for me.
30 inevitably: as is to be inevitably, it rained ‫حتما‬
45 tangible: capable of These days, an environmentally ‫ملموس‬
being perceived conscious motorist can walk
especially by the sense into a Toyota or Honda dealer
of touch : PALPABLE and snap up an efficient
gasoline-electric hybrid, but the
omega point of green driving—
the pollution-free hydrogen
fuel cell vehicle—is so elusive
that one wonders if it will ever
become tangible.
51 fragile: easily broken or a fragile vase ‫هش‬
52 irrefutable: impossible irrefutable proof ‫ال يدحض‬
to refute :
58 deceive: to cause to deceiving customers about the ‫خدع‬
accept as true or valid condition of the cars
what is false or invalid
60 prodded: to thrust a She prodded him in the ribs to ‫محثوث‬
pointed instrument get his attention.
into : PRICK
80 deceitfulness: having a charged the store owner with ‫خداع‬
tendency or disposition such deceitful practices as
to deceive or give false inflating the list prices for items
impressions: only so he could put them on
sale at drastically reduced
83 elusiveness: tending to But for all their influence, D.C. ‫مراوغة‬
elude lobbyists have failed to attain
one elusive goal: public
86 plapable: capable of palpable lymph nodes
being touched or felt :
no 23 pleading: advocacy of a I'm tired of their begging and ‫مرافعة‬
cause in a court of law pleading.
no 30 remperament: a nervous temperament
characteristic or habitual
inclination or mode of
emotional response
no.30 essence : the permanent The perennial debate about ‫قلب‬,
as contrasted with the nature and nurture—which is
accidental element of the more potent shaper of the
being human essence?—is
perennially rekindled.
no.30 scenery: the painted She designed the scenery for ‫ديكور‬
scenes or hangings and the play.
accessories used on a
theater stage

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