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Piper Black

Period 6.

Mrs. Ritter Scarlet Ibis and Doodle Connection Through Symbolism and Foreshadowing.

The Scarlet Ibis is a story depicting a young boy born with physical disabilities, and his brothers’ efforts to

make him a normal kid. Featured in the story is A Scarlet Ibis, which is a red colored bird. The Ibis and Doodle both

were portrayed as weak and fragile through their deaths, they both died after a long gruesome journey, and are

symbolized heavily through the color red. This essay will introduce quotes and evidence to further exemplify their


The Scarlet Ibis and Doodle were both fragile and weak when their represented in the story. “He seemed all

head, with a tiny body that was red and shriveled like an old man's. Everybody thought he was going to die.” From

birth, there was not that much hope for Doodle, and little faith that he would survive, let alone be able to function

properly for the rest of his life. His body was very fragile and would have to be supported constantly. “At that

moment, the bird began to flutter. It tumbled down through the bleeding tree and landed at our feet with a thud” The

Ibis is portrayed as a more fragile animal, considering that it could not keep itself perched on the tree. This is

important how the author portrayed the death because it relates back to Doodle’s situation. Both were portrayed as

fragile characters, showcasing them in a struggling position.

The color red is a very prominent feature throughout the story, especially regarding to descriptions of the

Scarlet Ibis and Doodle. “It lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers” This is in reference to the Ibis, and it

uses a simile to demonstrate the red wings splattered on the ground. This is important to the story because it

foreshadows towards Doodle’s death. “He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt

were stained a brilliant red” The red-stained shirt symbolizes the red wings, and the author uses the color red to

bring a comparison between the deaths.

Both the Scarlet ibis and Doodle had faced extreme challenges and accomplishments right before their

deaths. “How many miles had it traveled to die like this, in our yard, beneath the bleeding tree?” This is in reference

towards the Ibis having traveled from a gruesome journey, just to end up dying in the backyard. “Within a few
months, Doodle had learned to walk well. Since I had succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk, I began to believe in

my own infallibility.” This establishes a comparison to Doodle, who had figuratively “traveled from a gruesome

journey.” For the Ibis, the journey would be its long journey traveling miles and miles, and for Doodle this would be

learning and excelling in walking.

Both Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis were both portrayed as weak and fragile who had worked continuously

and aggressively, just to die beneath the Bleeding Tree. The story also heavily foreshadowed using the color red, to

demonstrate their physical portrayal together.

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