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 Earthquakes are due to what? —dislocation of rocks

 The thickness of the crust underneath the oceans is thicker than underneath mountain- False
 Continents move due to the movements of-Tectonic plates
 These factors determine the rate of exogenic processes, except -Climate
 What is magma called when it does not reach the surface? – Plutons
 There are two magnetic fields in the earth which repels solar wind and protects the earth
from solar radiation – True
 The dust in the atmosphere is not a part of the geosphere – False
 The assembly of minerals in rocks are random – False
 Which is the outermost skin of the earth? – Crust
 Which is never found in granites? – Olivine
 Fred Hoyle, the scientist who proposed the Steady State Theory, believes that the
universe is governed by two principles: the cosmological principle and the imperfect
cosmological principle – False
 What is distrophism? - Building up of surfaces
 The thermosphere is how many kilometers above the earth? – 90km
 Relative dating determines how many years ago the event took place – False
 Crustal rocks are made up primarily of – Granites
 The Mohorovicic discontinuity or the Moho is the lower boundary that separates the
mantle from the core – False
 It was ________ who stated that the universe is still expanding - Edward Hubble
 Laboratory experiments were used to create the Big Bang Theory – False
 The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is not expanding – False
 What are the two types of polarity? – North and Reverse
 The mechanical deformation of rocks is called crystallization processes – False
 What kind of stressors on the rock cause faults? – Internal
 What causes fractures in the lithosphere? – Tensional Stress
 All matter was found in a small space in the beginning of the universe, according to the
Big Bang Theory – True
 The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old? – 15 billion
 The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is expanding, but it also predicts that
new matter is being created enough to fill the empty spaces left behind by the
expansion of the universe – True
 Fred Hoyle, the scientist who proposed the Steady State Theory, believes that the
universe is governed by two principles: the cosmological principle and the imperfect
cosmological principle – False
 Peridotites contain the following - Olivine and pyroxene
 The core is a nickel-rich sphere – False
 The following are stages of the ocean basin evolution, except – Metamorphism
 Marker fossils are also called - Index fossils
 The mantle is found where? – Below the Crust
 Does the mantle undergo convection – True
 The hydrosphere is the layer of air that surrounds the earth – False
 The liquid outer core is how many kilometers thick? – 2,200km
 The building block of silicate materials are what shape? – Tetrahedral
 Sedimentary rocks are derived from igneous rocks – True
 The mantle is a hot, dense layer of solid rock – False
 The mantle is composed of what type of rock? – Peridotite
 Is the creation of the earth thought to be linked to the creation of the sun? – True
 In what section of the atmosphere do space shuttles orbit? – Thermosphere
 Oceans only began to form near the end of the geologic period – False
 The geosphere, also called the lithosphere, is made up of the physical earth, such as
rocks, magma, and soil – True
 Which sphere is made up of living organisms? – Biosphere
 The crust of the earth is brittle and is liable to breaking – True
 Relative dating determines how many years ago the event took place – True
 What is the radius of the core? - 3,741 km
 The size of the earth is how many kilometers in diameter? – 12,750 km
 Geomorphic agents are agents that move rocks – True
 Are caused by strain energy underneath a fault line within the crust of the earth – Earthquake
 What year did Edward Hubble hypothesize that planets and stars are still moving far
away from each other? – 1929
 What kind of activity causes seafloor spreading? – Volcanic Activity
 What are the most dangerous types of liquefaction? - Rapid earth flows
 Life can be loosely defined as "a living being is any autonomous system with open-
ended evolutionary capacities."- True
 What is the registered number on the Richter Scale at which and beyond which surface
faulting occurs? – 5.5
 What is the first function of magnetic field? - To create magnets
 The Big Bang Theory is the most popular theory for the creation of the universe – True
 How many kilometers deep is the mantle? – 2900 km
 Reductionism is the approach of breaking down complex systems into simpler systems
that are more manageable for study – True
 Who proposed the "primordial soup" theory? – Oparin
 Contact metamorphism refers to large areas of rocks that metamorphose – False
 In the beginning, there were no silicates in the center of the earth – False
 Which is the most destructive natural hazard? – Tornadoes
 These are all characteristics of flood, except - Type of water
 In which layer is the weather found? – troposphere
 In open ocean basins, the source of energy that creates waves is – wind
 Are molecules in the air part of the hydrosphere – True
 It is the vibration of the ground caused by seismic waves – Earthquakes
 How many groups of silicate materials are there? – 6
 The following are parts of the second biography of life, except – Pragmatic
 These are rotary storms that appear as a whirling and advancing funnel or wind
extending downward from a cloud – Tornadoes
 Physical conditions compatible with life, at the barest level, include - Inorganic
 How many elements are in the crust? – 8
 The dust in the atmosphere is not a part of the geosphere – False
 What turned the protosun into a star? – Nuclear Reactions
 It is the vertical distance between the top of the wave and its trough - wave height
 The core is a nickel-rich sphere – False
 The mantle has the following subdivisions, except: - Middle
 What is the speed of a gale force? - 62 kmph
 The depressions on the surface of the earth are where water accumulated – False
 The outer layer, or crust, is thinner than other layers – True
 Geologic events can be taken from – Stratification
 Wachstershauser proposed which compound as the electron and energy source of living
organisms – Pyrite
 It is the large-scale study of DNA sequences – Genomics
 Sedimentary rocks are usually composed of just one mineral – True
 Prebiotic molecules may be terrestrial or extraterrestrial in origin – True
 How many magnetic fields are there on earth? – 2
 The two main pillars that sustain life are - metabolism and genetics
 How are magmatic materials transported to the surface? -Effusion
 The earth is made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen – True/No
 What causes the formation of new seafloor? - Basaltic magma
 This type of biology attempts to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological
system, which are based on the study of the interactions between the parts of the
system - Systems biology
 The movement of cyclones is clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. – False
 The plasma theory observed that ____ of matter is made up of plasma - 99%
 Some cells do not arise from pre-existing cells – False
 The mantle is denser than the core – No
 The most abundant element in the crust is? – Oxygen
 Does the mantle undergo convection – Yes
 These are yellow and orange pigments found in organisms – Carotenois
 These are all pigments involved in photosynthesis, except - Starch pigments
 When was the universe and solar system formed? – 4.6
 What are the two types of crust? - Continental crust and oceanic crust
 The photosynthesis of bacteria does not produce oxygen – True
 The Steady State Theory arose when? – 1940
 Photosynthetic organisms emit light for long periods of time – False
 The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old? 15 billion
 This is where the energy from light is converted to chemical energy - Reaction center
 These are the two types of chlorophyll in plants - Chl a and Chl b
 This is the outermost surface of the cell - Plasma membrane
 The outer layer of the microsporangium is known as – Epidermis
 Fluorescence is the fourth step in photosynthesis - False 
 This is the term for one gene copy – Allele
 Marsupials include kangaroos - True 
 Four pollen sacs are known as – Microsporagia
 The formation of female eggs is known as – Oogenesis
 The flagella functions for – Movement - What transforms into a flower apex-Vegetative
shoot apex
 Parthenogenesis is common in arthropods – True
 Drosophila melanogaster is what type of animal? - Fruit fly
 The plasma theory states that the earth is crossed by electric currents and? -Electromagnetic Fields
 A furniculus is an immature ovule – False
 Gametes that are morphologically similar are termed is isogamous – True
 Phenylketonuria presents as an abnormal synthesis of phenylalanine- True
 The tapetum nourishes the grains of pollen cells - True 
 This is another name for the male reproductive part of flowers – Androecium
 CH2O is the chemical name for what – Carbohydrates
 Traits carried by dominant genes are expressed in the offspring's phenotype – True
 A furniculus is an immature ovule – False
 These are the plant's vegetative parts, except – Flowers
 Plasma is sometimes called the third state of matter – No
 The determination of sex in plants is not determined by its chromosomes – False
 These are all strategies for fertilization used by vertebrates, except-Nulliparity
 This occurs in filamentous algae – Fragmentation
 Spirogyra undergoes two types of reproduction – True
 When offspring remain attached to parents, as in sponges, this is known as – Colony

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