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New product development starts with……

Idea generation
2. The consumer market is made up of which of the following?
Both individuals and households who acquire goods and services for personal consumption
3. Culture is the most basic cause of person’s want and behavior
4. Demographic variables are so frequently used in market segmentation because they
easier to measure than most other types of variables
5. Which of the following is NOT a type of factor in a company’s macroenvironment?
6. four common sources of internal data include the accounting department, the customer
service department, operations, the sale force and the
Marketing department
7. Under pure competition, the market consists of many buyers and sellers trading in a
uniform commodity, such as wheat, copper, or financial securities.
8. Buying center and the buying decision process are influenced by internal organizational,
interpersonal, and individual factors as well as external environmental factors. EXCEPT
self-concept factors
9. When circuit town electronics sets its televisions at three price levels of 600 700 and 800,
it is using…..
Market-penetration pricing
10. A brand extension involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or
modified products
11. ABC Kid’s world
Supplier search
12. when consumers can not judge quality because they lack the information or skill, price
becomes an important quality signal
13. A company would like to study the impact of advertising expenditure on sales and sales
revenue. This is an example of ……… research
Causal research
17. the response rate is usually very high for mail questionnaires
18. product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds
more customer value. The most basic level is the ……. Which addresses the question,
“what is the buyer really buying?”.
Core customer value
19. In the BCG matrix, a business classified as a(n)….. has the best change of attracting
fresh investments from the corporation.
Question mark
20. Growth is the product life-cycle period when sales fall off and profits drop.
21. according to the five-step model of the marketing process, a company should….. before
designing a customer-driven marketing strategy.
Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants
22. Millenials represent children of the baby boomers born between 1981 and 1996
23. during strategic planning, a mission should be stated as making more sales or profit
24. what are the two dimensions of product quality?
Consistency and level
25. which of the following forces would marketers be MOST likely able to influence?
Media publics
26. price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue
27. habitual buying behavior involves consumers searching extensively for information
about brands and evaluating brand character
28. business buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of organizations that buy all of
the following EXCEPT
Product purchased for personal consumption
31. Give me an example how we can engage customers
We can use social media such us Instagram and make a poll in stories to let customers choose
some options or additional operations in a company. For example, if it is a café, ask about daily
menu, toppings for this dish and maybe beverage. In that case, customers will realize that they
are a part of the system.

32. give an example that marketing department can not work without other departments
Marketing department can make a marketing plan to do advertisement or something else, but it
can not work without any other departments. For example, financial department is indispensable
part of marketing because people must allocate budget and money. Also, operation department
which will create a product. Marketing department only makes an analysis and plan.

33. dangerous to start new product after old brand

Because they can have different niche in the market, old brand could have a bad reputation and
new product will not be successful. Also, if their specialization would be completely different,
customers can not trust this brand.

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