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Theme 1: Business Opportunities and Models

1. Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives in

The smartphone market is becoming more competitive (competitive) than ever.

This new restaurant offers the most unique (unique) dining experience in town.
Our company's products are more innovative (innovative) than our competitors'.
The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic (dynamic) markets globally.
The demand for sustainable products is higher (high) than before.
Our latest software update is the most user-friendly (user-friendly) version we've released.
This new online platform is more efficient (efficient) than the previous one.
Our team’s performance this quarter was the most good (good) of all the teams.

The company's profits have been highest (high) in the last fiscal year.
The marketing campaign was more successful (successful) than we expected.

Our customer service is the most responsive (responsive) in the industry.

2. Business Models Business Opportunities

Opportunities are chances for people to start their own businesses or make money in different ways.
Business model are like a plan that explains how a company makes money. It's like a map that shows
the way to success.

3. Identify the four different market sectors or industries mentioned in the podcast. Business


4. Students brainstorm potential business opportunities within their chosen industry or
As entrepreneurs we can identify ….
online shopping
as entrepreneurs we can identify dropshipping, mobile commerce apps and marketplace platforms in
the online shopping sector

5. Now, listen to four different dialogues in different sectors, identify the unmet needs in each.
Clothing 1

Parenting 1

Healthcare 1

Education 1

6. Then, once you got the unmet needs, think of a kind of business each situation requires.

Clothing 1: difficulty to find a good dress piece of clothes(virtual stage)

parenting 1: children are addicted to cell phones(parental control)

healthcare1: medical services are very busy(communication app)

education1: students find it difficult to learn(new ways of studying )

7. Read the following scenarios and answer the questions based on them.

Scenario 1:
You are considering starting a business selling eco-friendly cleaning products. Research shows that
there is a growing trend of consumers preferring environmentally friendly products.


How would you characterize the market for eco-friendly cleaning products based on the research?
What potential customers do you think would be interested in your products?

Scenario 2:
You notice that there is a lack of affordable childcare services in your area, and many working parents
are struggling to find suitable options for their children.

What market opportunity does this situation present?
offer babysitting service for parents in the area

How can you take advantage of this market and meet the needs of working parents? Good price,
experience and a good place to care for them

8. Match the Business Model:

Description Types of Models

Customers pay a recurring fee at regular ( a) a. Subscription Model

intervals to access a product or service.

Revenue is generated through ( c ) b. Freemium Model

displayed to users.

Basic services are provided for free, but ( b ) c. Advertising Model

premium features require payment.

Products or services are sold online through ( d ) d. E-commerce Model

a digital platform.
9. Find examples of each model by looking for information on the web.

10. Then, choose a sector and a business opportunity to develop an idea.

11. Now, you know what business models exist, select the model that best match with your

12. Now, make a presentation of your innovative project by including logo, slogan, image,
description, features, how it meets unmet needs, target users, business model, sector.

When finding opportunities on market it´s important to make research on target

demographics, competitors, market size, and potential demand for their product or service.

Demographic Profile Chart

Demographic Category Description Example Data

Age Range

Income Level

Education Level

Demographic Category Description Example Data

Geographic Location

Market Size and Growth Chart

Historical Market Projected Growth Rate Forecasted Market Size (in

Year Size (in millions) (%) millions)







Competitor Analysis Grid

Competitor Service Pricing Marketing
Name Offerings Strategy Target Market Tactics Weaknesses Opportunities Threats


Competitor Service Pricing Marketing
Name Offerings Strategy Target Market Tactics Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Pre-Reading Activities:

Vocabulary Preview:
Define the following key vocabulary words related to business opportunities and market dynamics:

Market trends
Consumer preferences
Emerging technologies
Sustainable products
Target market
Market research
Business growth
Discussion Prompt:

Understanding Market Trends and Consumer Preferences

Market trends and consumer preferences play crucial roles in the success of businesses. Market
trends refer to the direction in which a market is moving or evolving. For instance, if there's a growing
interest in eco-friendly products, that's a market trend. Consumer preferences, on the other hand, are
the choices individuals make regarding what they buy or use. They're influenced by factors like
quality, price, and brand reputation. For example, some consumers prefer products made from
sustainable materials because they care about the environment. Understanding these trends and
preferences helps businesses develop products and services that meet the needs of their target
Entrepreneurship involves identifying opportunities within market trends and consumer preferences to
create innovative solutions. Entrepreneurs use market research to gather information about their
target market's preferences and behaviors. They analyze emerging technologies to develop
sustainable products that align with consumer demands. As their businesses grow, they adapt to
changing market trends to remain competitive. Successful entrepreneurship requires a deep
understanding of market dynamics and a willingness to innovate to meet evolving consumer needs.

Match each term with its corresponding definition:

Sustainable products ( ) a. The direction in which a market is moving or evolving.

Consumer preferences ( ) b. Choices individuals make regarding what they buy or use.

Target market ( ) c. New and developing technologies that have the potential to
significantly impact the market.

Emerging technologies ( ) d. Products designed to have a minimal environmental impact

throughout their lifecycle.

Market trends ( ) e. The specific group of consumers at which a product or

service is aimed.
Now, answer the following questions:

What are market trends?

a) Choices individuals make regarding what they buy or use
b) The direction in which a market is moving or evolving
c) The price fluctuations in the market

What influences consumer preferences?

a) Quality, price, and brand reputation
b) Market research methods
c) Emerging technologies

How do businesses use understanding market trends and consumer preferences?

a) To develop products and services that meet the needs of their target market
b) To ignore the demands of consumers
c) To reduce their production costs

What is entrepreneurship?
a) Developing products without considering market trends
b) Identifying opportunities within market trends and consumer preferences
c) Ignoring consumer demands to create innovative solutions

What do entrepreneurs do to remain competitive?

a) They avoid adapting to changing market trends
b) They ignore emerging technologies
c) They adapt to changing market trends and innovate to meet consumer needs
During Reading Activities:
Listen to the reading passage and take notes on the key points discussed by each speaker.
Use the provided template to organize your notes.

Speaker Main Idea Supporting Details

Speaker 1

Speaker 2
Speaker Main Idea Supporting Details

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Listening Comprehension Questions:

Answer the following questions based on the reading passage:

1. What are some key aspects of identifying business opportunities mentioned by Speaker 1?

2. How does Speaker 2 illustrate the importance of staying ahead of the curve?

3. Why does Speaker 3 emphasize the significance of understanding the needs of the target


4. Provide an example of a business opportunity discussed by Speaker 4.

5. According to Speaker 5, why is it important to assess your own strengths and passions when

identifying business opportunities?

Post-Reading Activities:

Reflection Writing:
Reflect on the reading passage and write a brief paragraph summarizing the key takeaways about

identifying business opportunities and understanding market dynamics. Relate the concepts to real-

life examples or personal experiences.

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