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Dynamic behavior of liquid sheets

Adel Mansour, and Norman Chigier

Citation: Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 3, 2971 (1991); doi: 10.1063/1.857839

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Published by the American Institute of Physics


Disintegration of liquid sheets

Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 2, 706 (1990);

Experimental investigation on cellular breakup of a planar liquid sheet from an air-blast nozzle
Physics of Fluids 16, 625 (2004);

The instability growth leading to a liquid sheet breakup

Physics of Fluids 10, 2188 (1998);

Mechanism of atomization of a liquid jet

The Physics of Fluids 25, 1730 (1982);

The linear and nonlinear shear instability of a fluid sheet

Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 3, 2392 (1991);

Planar liquid jet: Early deformation and atomization cascades

Physics of Fluids 29, 062109 (2017);
Dynamic behavior of liquid sheets
Adel Mansour and Norman Chigier
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie~Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
(Received 17 August 1990;accepted 15 July 1991)
An experiment was conducted to study the aerodynamic instability of liquid sheetsissuing
from a two-dimensional air-assistednozzle. Detailed measurementsof the frequency of
oscillation of the liquid sheet have been made. The measuredvibrational frequencieswere then
correlated with the resulting spray angle. It was shown that the liquid sheet oscillations are
dynamically similar to that of hard spring systems.For each air pressure,three distinct modes
of breakup are distinguished. At low liquid flow rates, the sinusoidal mode of breakup is
dominant. At intermediate liquid flow rates, both the sinusoidal and the dilational modes are
superimposedon the liquid sheet.With a further increasein liquid flow rate, the liquid sheet
oscillations mainly becomeof the dilational type. It was also shown that the effect of
introducing air in the nozzle is similar to the effect of inducing forced vibrations on the nozzle
jaws. Thus, for each air flow rate, there is a specific vibration frequency for the nozzle. The
frequency of these vibrations is proportional to the air velocity. As the liquid sheet natural
frequency approachesthat of the nozzle, resonanceis established.At resonance,the maximum
spray angle is achieved.

I. INTRODUCTION independently to allow independentinvestigation of the liq-

Atomization is a processwhereby a volume of liquid is uid and air sheet thickness.
convertedinto a multiplicity of small drops. Its principal aim The disintegration of liquid sheetshas beenstudied pre-
is to produce a high ratio of surface to mass in the liquid viously. Useful photographic studies on spray formation
phasewhich results in very high evaporation rates. Air-blast have been carried out by Lee and Spencer’and Fraser.’
atomization is a process in which the disruptive action of However, the most important advancesin this area are by
externally applied aerodynamic forces are opposed by the Dombrowski and his co-workers.9-12Their photographic
consolidating influence of viscosity and surface tension evidencesuggeststhat the interaction with the surrounding
forces. Theoretical and/or experimental studies on the air creates waves in the thin liquid sheet which cause the
mechanism of atomization have been carried out by Ray- sheet to break down into ligaments and then into drops.
leigh,’ Tyler,” Weber,3 Haenlein,4 Ohnesorge,’and Castle- Fogler and Kleinschmit, I3 during a study of spray drying
man.6 with swirl-spray nozzles,found that pronouncedwavesmay
The merits of the air-blast atomizer have led in recent form, superimposed on the conical sheet. Fraser et all4
years to its installation in a wide range of industrial and air- found that the spraying of an emulsion of soluble oil results
craft engines.Most of the systemsnow in service are of the in a network of unstable liquid threads causedby perfora-
“prefilming” type in which the fuel is spreadout into a thin, tions in the sheet.Hagerty and Shea” conducted an experi-
continuous sheetand then subjectedto the atomizing action mental and theoretical study on a flat sheet of liquid pro-
of high-velocity air. .- duced by a slender orifice that was subjected to waves of
If the basic mechanismsinvolved in air-blast atomiza- different frequency. They concluded that only two types of
tion were fully understood,then, for any given application, it waves are possible at any given frequency. Either the two
should be possibleto designan atomizer of optimum perfor- surfaces of the sheet are in phase to produce sinusoidal
mance. Unfortunately, knowledge of the air-blast atomiza-
tion process is still incomplete, although, in recent years,
researchin this areahas acceleratedappreciably, largely as a
result of the recognized potential of air-blast atomizers for
minimizing the output of pollutant emissions from air-
breathing engines. -.-- Air

An experimental study has been conducted on a two-

dimensional twin fluid atomizer in which a liquid sheet is x - Liquid
“sandwiched” between two sheets of high-speed air. This
configuration allows high-speedphotography and imaging - Air
of the air-liquid interface region. The two-dimensional vari-
able geometry air-blast atomizer is shown in Fig. 1. A liquid
sheet emergesfrom a central slit with a high aspect ratio.
High-velocity air impingeson both sidesof the liquid sheetat
the nozzle exit. The liquid and air gap sizes can be varied FIG. 1. Two-dimensional variable geometry air-blast atomizer.

2971 Phys. Fluids A 3 (12), December 1991 0899-8213/91 /I 22971-l 0$02.00 @ 1991 American Institute of Physics 2971
waves, or they oscillate out of phase to produce dilational quires the use of four different nozzle jaws having different
waves.For low ambient pressure where the liquid density to dimensions. The various combinations of air and liquid gap
gas density is high, it has been shown that the growth rate, sizes, with the experimental conditions are presented in Ta-
ps!,,for the sinusoidal wave is always greater than the growth ble I. l?or this investigation, only one combination has been
rate, fid, for .the dilational wave of the same frequency. Thus studied, fRrr- 1.45 mm and tIiq”id = 0.254 mm. Throughout
all disturbances measured experimentally were of the sinu- the investigation, the nozzle was mounted horizontally on an
soidal wave character. xy positioner with an accuracy of 1 mm in all directions, and
Particular attention has been paid to the atomization of the liquid sheet was horizontal.
flat sheetsbecauseoftheir simplicity and becausethey pro- Applying isentropic flow assumptions, an analysis has
vide a convenient model for both experimental and theoreti- been made of the flow conditions in the converging air noz-
cal study. These sheetscan be produced in a variety of ways zle. Specific air mass flow rate can be expressedin terms of
by the impingement of liquid streams or by their impact on a air properties at the nozzle exit (John” 1, i.e.,
solid! stationary or rotating surfacE A simple method is to
use the fan nozzle, a device $&&enabies the proper!tiesand fwl.,‘A, = P4fL,/~,
dimensionsof the sheet to be easily controlled by varying the in which A representsthe nozzIeexit area, and the nozzleexit
approach passagesto the nozzfe orifice. r6 Mach number &fl is given for a perfect gas by
Detailed studies ofjet and sheet disintegration are of MB =:J~P~[[2/(y- l,]
fundamental interest and importance, So far, ,.there is no !2!
agreementon the mechanics ofatomization. Conflicting the- where POdenotes stagnation pressureand the subscript “‘1”
ories have been proposed regarding the effect of vibrational refers to properties at the nozzle exit.
frequencieson the disintegration of liquid jets and sheets.In The discharge coefficient for the liquid nozzle is deter-
this study, measured vibrational frequencies are correlated mined from the expression, Cd = Vi’V,,, where V is the
with spray angle. Previous studies have been conducted by mean flow velocity obtained from the mean flow rate mea-
subjecting the sheet to forced oscillations at the nozzle exit, surement and r<,, is the potential velocity calculated from
This paper describes natural phenomena without resorting the inlet water pressure. The expression, E:,, = JmF, is
to-forced vibrations. Microphotography was used to deter- used where P is the inlet pressureand p is the water density.
mine the global structure of the sprays, and a light attenu- The calculated values for the discharge coefficients for the
ation technique was employed to measurethe frequencies of liquid flow are in the range 0.728-0.9 11.
oscillation. The discharge coefficients for the air nozzles are deter-
mined from the expression, C, -= U,/ V, isen,where Us is the
Il. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: THE TWO- mean flow velocity obtained from the air volumetric flow
DIMENSIONAL AIR-BLAST ATOMIZER rate measurement, and URisenis the mean flow velocity de-
The two-dimensional air-blast atomizer is shown in Fig. termined from the stagnation pressure (P, ) and the stagna-
1. A liquid sheet emergesfrom a central slit with an aspect tion temperature ( To ) by means of isentropic flow assump-
ratio of 120:1. High-velocity air impinges on both sidesof the tions. The calculated values for the discharge coefficients are
sheetat the nozzle exit with a convergenceangle of 48”. The in the range 0.861-Q.942.
liqnid sheet is “sandwiched” between two sheets.of high-
speedcotlowing air jets. Although most practical atomizers 111;FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE
have$oncentric nozzle configurations, the two-dimensional The experimental technique used to perform the study
researchatomizer has the advantage of allowing a direct ex- utilizes the attenuation of a collimated laser beam passing
amination of the air-liquid interface region. The nozzle is through the liquid sheet in the transverse direction (i.e., the
equirjped with interchangeable jaws ta aliow independent Y direction in Fig. 111.The optical system is shown in Fig. 2.
investigation of the variation of liquid and air sheet thick- The intensity of the laser beam is measured using a photo-
ness. The liquid gap size is adjusted by the four screws diode which produces a current groportional to the incident
mounted on the nozzle body. The air gap size variation re- radiation. This current is converted to a voltage in the range

TABLE I. Nozzle dimensions and experimental conditions.

Dimensions of Nozzle
Air gap (mm) Total air flow area (mt) Liquidgap(mm) Liquid flow arra cm”)
1.45 0.887 x 10 - * 0.254 0.777 x 10 - 3
(gap length for nozzle: 30.6 mm)
Ranges of Experimental Conditions
Liquid flow rate: 6.31-126.18 g/set
Liquid exit velocity: 0.812-16.234 m/see
Air exit velocity: 17.73-l 19.62 m&c
Aii stagnation pressure: 101.574-111.66i”kl?sr
(1.00-41.55 in. water]

2972 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1991 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2972
FIG. 2. Optical system.

Current to Voltage Converter

A-D Converter

O-1.3V. A Nicolet digital oscilloscopeis usedto visualize the determined from many photographs. Numerous tests were
signal. The waveform is then transferred to an IBM PC/XT performed by translation of the laser beam along the intact
for data analysis and storage. A fast Fourier transform length. The bandwidth of oscillation frequencies was r&
(FFT) routine is used to transform the waveform from the duced as the laser beam was translated in the downstream
time domain to the frequency domain. The power spectra of direction along the intact length. Spurious modesof oscilla-
oscillations are then displayed in graphic form. tion disappear as a dominant frequency emergeswhich is
The beam was positioned 2 m m upstreamof the breakup sustainedby the liquid sheet. It should be mentioned that,
region, which varied from near nozzle exit to about 70 m m even if the breakup length recedesto the nozzle exit, this
downstream dependingon the flow conditions. This method method still proves to be reliable. Experimental uncertain-
ensuresthe sampling of the most dominant frequency, that ties were estimated to be & 10% for breakup length and
which results in the breakup of the liquid sheet. Figure 3 f 2”for spray angle.
showsthe meanbreakup length, the distancefrom the nozzle Two types of waveform are possible depending on the
exit to the disintegration point of the liquid sheet,which was location of the laser beam with respect to the 2 coordinate.

FIG. 3. Mean breakup length.

0 10 20
Liquid Velocity (m/s)

2973 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1991 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2973
Starting from the centerline, if the position of the laser light when it is located at a Iocation closer to the centerline [Figs.
is changed in the normal d&&ion to the jet direction, the 4(a) and 4(b), respectively]. Figures 4(b) and 4(c) show
oscilloscope traces have the waveforms shown in Fig. 4. the waveforms when Z,,, = 0 and Z,;,, = l/U, respec-
When the distance of the laser light is more than the ampli- tively. Particular attention has been paid to the Z location of
tude of the wave, then the waveform on the oscilloscope the laser beam because,as shown in Fig. 4, sampling at Z = 0
screen disappears. The wavefol’m corresponding to Z = !l would lead to a vibrational frequency that is double the actu-
(.A being the amplitude oscillation at the measuring loca- al frequency of the liquid sheet.
tion) ‘is obtained just before the waveform disappearson the Rgure 5 shows the actual waveform sampled when the
oscilloscopescreen,as the laser light is moved away from the breakup length recedes to the nozzle exit. Tn this case the
jet centerline. The value of A dependson the breakup length signal:is produced by ligament shedding. It is shown from
for the particular test condition, since it is measured just the physics of liquid sheet disintegration (see Ref. 13 for
before breakup. However, the frequency measurements details) that the breakup occurs when the amplitude of the
show that frequency does not depend on either the axial, or waves reachesa critical value and h-aif-wavesare torn off the
the transverse-measurementlocations; Z;,,,, does not affect liquid sheet.These half-waves rapidly contract into unstable
the frequency, but it affects the relative widths of crests and ligaments under the action of surface tension. It is the liga-
troughs. When the laser beam is located at A, the time that ment shedding frequency that is measured in this case. Fig-
the beam is attenuated by the sinusoidal jet is-shorter than ure 6 shows the power spectral densities of the liquid sheet
vibration. Figures 6(aj-6(d) correspond to Figs. 4(a)-
4(c) and 5, respectively.


Figures 7(aj and 71b) show two different views of the
liquid sheet when the nozzle is operated at the same experi-
mental conditions. The wave motion of the Iiquid sheet ap-
pears in these photographs immediateIy in the vicinity of the
nozzle exit, and the wave amplitude increasesalong the flow
direction. Both the upper and lower surfacesof the thin sheet
vibrate periodicalIy in the same phase:Although the figures
show oilly the sinusoidal wave, this does not imply the ab-
senceofa dilational wave on the liquid sheet. Components of
both types of waves could be imposed on the sheet at the
nozzle exit. The sinusoidal wave grows faster, however, and
masks the dilational wave.
The specific energy of air per unit volume of’liquid flow
rate is decreasedas the liquid flow rate is increased. At low
Iiquid Row rate, corresponding to the high specific energy of
air per unit volume of liquid, it is postulated that the energy
transf& by shear is sufficient to lead to sinusoidal mode os-
At intermediate liquid flow rates, the sheet starts oscil-
lating in the combined mode. This condition is characterized
by amall wave growth. Figure 8 shows two different views of

FIG. 4. Typical waveforms [PO = 2 in: water (101.823 kPal;

qqui,, = 15.77 g/secJ; (a) Z,..,, = A (amplitude d oscillation): (b) FTG. 5. TypicaI waveform when breakup length recedes to the nozzle exit
2qB, - 0; Cc) z,,,, = l/U. Gs,, = 4; PO = 12in. water f104.312kPa!; mfiquld= 15.77 giseci.

2974 Phys. Fluids A. Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1991 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2974
(a) ’ Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)


,013 1084
(b) ’ Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIG. 6. Power spectral density; (a) Z,,,, = .4; PO= 2 in. water ( 101,823kPa); mliquid= 15.77g/sec*f= 508 Hz; (b) Z,,,,, = 0; PO = 2 in. water ( 101.823
kPa); mliqurd= 15.77g&c-f= 1013HZ; CC) Z,,,,, I l/2 A; P,, = 2 in. water (101.823 kPa); mliquid= 15.77g/sec=$j’= 506 Hz; (d) Z,,,, = A; PO = 12
in. water (104.8312 kPa); mliquid= 15.77 g/sec3f= 1084 Hz.

the liquid sheetwhen the nozzle is operatedin the intermedi- kinetic energy of the air is transformed into potential energy
ate range. A high-frequency wave is superimposed on a of oscillation.
seemingly sinusoidal wave. There is evidence to show that Figure 9 shows the oscillation frequency of the liquid
dilational waves may be initially establishedat the nozzle sheet as a function of liquid velocity for different air pres-
exit. However, sinusoidal waves generated a little farther sures.Figure 9 is divided into three distinct subregionssepa-
downstream will grow faster and mask the dilational waves. rated by the jumps in frequency. In regions A and B, the
The rapid burst, or growth, farther downstream of the noz- frequency of the liquid sheetis highly stable.A sampling rate
zle is an indication of this phenomenon.The sinusoidal mode of 20 000 Hz with a time duration of 0.1 set was sufficient to
will dominate only when enough energy is transferred to the ensureperfect repeatability. In thesetwo regions, the band-
sheet due to air shear. width of oscillation frequenciesis very narrow, and a perfect
At very high liquid flow rate, the specific energy of air spike similar to that of Fig. 6 was recorded.The clarity of the
per unit volume of liquid is very low. Therefore, the sheet signal displayed in these regions is due to the fact that the
will only oscillate in the dilational mode. instrument is very sensitiveto wave amplitudes: the greater
From the abovearguments,it can be concluded that the the wave amplitude, the better the signal.
sinusoidal mode of oscillation is the energy consuming In region C, secondarymodesof oscillation appear,and
mode. This is in agreementwith previous theoriesi which the transition from region B to region C is accompaniedby a
state that the growth rate of the sinusoidal mode is greater widening of the bandwidth of oscillations and a considerable
than the growth rate of the dilational mode. Some of the increase in the measured frequencies.The repeatability in

2975 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1991 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2975
FIG. 7. Characteristic development of liquid sheet (sinusoidal mode of os- FIG. 8, Characteristic development of a liquid sheet (combined mode of
cillation); PO = 2.75 in. water (102.015 kPa1; ftiIiqUla= 22.67 g/see; (a) oscillation); PO = 2.75 in. water (102.015 kPa); mliquld$230.28 gPsec*(a)
side view: (bl top view, side view; (b) top view.

2976 Phys. Rtcids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1991 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2970
Air Pressure

30 -

-j;25 -
b15 -

10 -

0 10 20
Liquid Exit Velocity (m/s)
0 ,250
Frequency (Hz) 10000

FIG. 9. Vibration frequencyof the liquid sheetas a function of liqtiid veloc-

12 , I
ity for six different air pressures.(P, = 2.75, 5.5625,9, 12, 27.7,41.55 in.

region C of F ig. 9 is poor, and a maximum discrepancyof

about 1 5 % betweeneachrun was recorded.The data points
of region C correspondto the arithmetic m e a n of five differ-
ent runs, all of which havea samplingrate of 20 000 Hz and a
tim e duration of 0.1 sec.Region C is characterizedby small
wave growth and, thus, small wave a m p litude at the measur-
ing location. The signal in this region deterioratesconsider-
ably since,at the measuringlocation, the wave a m p litude is
the same order of m a g n itude as the laser b e a m diameter
(0.68 mm). 1246 18.36
Frequency (Hz)
(b) ’
F igure 10 showsthe power spectral densitiesof the liq:
uid sheet vibrations for an air pressure of 9 in. water FIG. 10. Power spectral density (a) in region B of Fig. 8: Z,,,,, = A; PO= 9
(103.565kPa) and two different water flow rates. F igures in. water (101.565kPa); m, = 44.16g/secz$f= 1250Hz; (b) in region C
10(a) and 10(b) correspondto data points sampledin re- of Fig. 8: Z,,,,, = A; PO -9 in. water (103.565 kPa); m, = 56.78
g/sec*f= 1836Hz.
gions B and C, respectively.F igure 10(b) shows that while
the primary m o d e which correspondsto region B [see F ig.
10(a) for detail] still exists, a secondarymore powerful It is also shown in F ig. 9 that, for low air pressures[i.e.,
m o d e with a higher frequencyis present. Pai, = 2.75, 5.5625, 9, 12 in. water (102.015, 102.704,
Photographic visualization of the liquid sheet shows 103.565,104.312kPa) 1, the frequencyof oscillation of the
that in regionsA and B, both the upper and lower surfacesof liquid sheet in regions A and B undergoescyclic increases
the thin sheetvibrate periodically in the samephase(seeF ig. and decreases as the liquid velocity is increased.However, as
7 for details). In the transition betweenregions B and C, the air pressureis increasedbeyond 12 in. water (104.312
secondarymodes of oscillation appear,and a profusion of kPa), the frequency curve exhibits a monotonousincrease
higher harmonics is superimposedon the liquid sheet.F ig- with increasesin liquid velocity.
ure 8 showstwo different views of the liquid sheetwhen the In order to understandthe jump phenomenonrecorded,
nozzle is operatedin the transition region. In regionsA and a separatetest was conductedto measurethe spray angle.
B, the sinusoidal m o d e of oscillation d o m inatesthe liquid The criterion for measurementof the spray angle was to
sheetvibrations. In the transition betweenregionsB and C, follow the crestsof the m a jor disturbances.The surrounding
both types of wave exist, and in region C, the liquid sheet droplet m ist was not generallyconsidered.It shouldbe men-
oscillations are predominantly of the dilational type. tioned, however, that when the breakup length recededto
F igure 9 showsthat for eachair pressure,the frequency the nozzleexit, the droplet cloud was globally consideredfor
of oscillations of the liquid sheetundergoessuddenbut con- spray anglemeasurement.
tinuous jumps as the liquid flow rate is increased.It is also F igure: 11 shows the spray angle measurementsas a
shown that thesejump points are displacedto the right asthe function of liquid velocity for three different air pressures.It
air pressureor the air velocity is increased.In general,there is shown that, for each air pressure,the spray angle under-
is a direct correlation betweenthe air stagnationpressure(or goesan increasefollowed by a decreaseasthe liquid flow rate
air velocity) and the vibrational frequencyof the liquid sheet or the liquid velocity is increased.It is also shown that the
exceptnear the frequencyjump betweenregionsB and C for spray anglecurvesand the curves’maxima are displacedto
103.565and 104.312kPa air pressures:the higher the air the right as the air pressureis increased.Thesemaxima di-
velocity, the higher the vibration frequency. m inish with increasesin air pressure.

2077 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1001 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2977
Air Pressure
I3 102.704 kPa
* 103.565 kPa
I Ill.667 kPa

FIG. 1 I. Flow angIe versus Iiquid ve-

locity for three different air pressures
i.P, =: 5.5625,!?,41.55 in. water).

Id 20

Liquid Exit Velocity (m/s)

Careful examination of Figs. 9 and 11 showsthat for low are presentedin Fig. 12. It is shown in this figure that for low
air pressuressuch as P,,, = 5.5625 in. and 9 in. water air pressures;the liquid sheetoscillation is similar to that of a
(102.704 kPa and 103.565 kPa), the local maxima of the nonlinear, damped, hard spring system.
frequencycurves in region B of Fig. 9 closely correspond to In nonlinear, nondamped hard spring systems, it is
the maxima of the spray angle curve. The reason for this found that the amplitude A undergoesa sudden discontin-
correspondencewill be explainedin subsequentparagraphs. uous jump near resonance.The jump phenomenoncan be
There may be a mechanicalelementin the systemwhich has describedas follows. For the hardening spring system with
a resonant frequency near the maximum frequency dis- increasingfrequency of excitation, the amplitude gradually
played in this region. Near resonance, the spray angle increasesuntil a point “a” in Fig. 13(a) is reached. It then
reachesits absolutemaximum, and the frequeneyof the liq- jumps to a smaller value indicated by point b and diminishes
uid sheetreaches a local maximum. along the curve to its right. In decreasingthe frequencyfrom
In order to demonstrate the phenomenonof resonant point c, the amplitude continues to increasebeyond point b
frequency and its influence on maximizing the wave ampli- to point d and suddenlyjumps to a higher value at point e.
tude, the spray angle was plotted as a function of the vibra- The shadedarea in the amplitude frequency plot is unstable.
tional frequency of the liquid sheet for the air pressures The extent of instability dependson a number of factors such
102.704,103.565,and 111.667kPa, respectively.The results as the amount of damping presentand the rate of changeof

120 , Air Pressure

ii 102.704 kPa
* 103.565 kPa
= 111.66TkPa

,-E so
s FIG. 12. Flow angle versusvibrational
frequency of the liquid sheet for three
5 .SO different air pressures. (P, = 5.5625,
5 9C41.25in. water).

2t; 40



a iouo 2000 3000 4000

Vibrational Frequency (Hz)

2978 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1001 A. ManSOuf and N. Chigier 2978

Air Stagnation Pressure (kPa)

FIG. 14. Resonant frequency versus air stagnation pressure.

It can be seenin Figs. 9, 11, and 12 that the spray angle

reachesa maximum near the resonantfrequency.For low air
pressures,the local frequency maxima of region I3 in Fig. 8
correspond to the resonant frequency. For high air pres-
sures,the resonantfrequency can be inferred from Fig. 11. It
is interesting to note that the resonant frequency increases
with air pressureor air velocity.
Figure 14 shows the influence of the air pressureon the
WMln resonant frequency and Fig. 15 shows the same data as a
(b) function of air velocity. It is seenin Fig. 15 that the resonant
frequency increaseslinearly with air velocity. For each air
FIG. 13. Amplitude-frequency plot for a hardening spring system. (a) The flow, there is a specific vibrational frequency for the nozzle.
jump phenomenon for the hardening spring (no damping). (b) The jump The frequency of these vibrations is proportional to the air
phenomenon for the hardening spring (with damping). velocity. The effect of introducing air in the nozzle is similar
to the effect of forced vibrations on the nozzle jaws.

In the two-dimensional variable geometry air-blast
the exciting frequency (Thomson” >. atomizer, it has been shown that for each air pressure,the
In the undamped case,the amplitude frequency curves frequency of oscillation of the liquid sheetundergoessudden
approach the backbonecurve (shown dotted) asymptotical- but continuous jumps as the liquid flow rate or the liquid
ly. This is also the casefor the linear systemwhere the back- velocity is increased. It was also shown that these jump
bone curve is the vertical line at w/w, = 1. With a small points are displacedto the right as the air pressureor the air
amount of damping, the behavior of the systemcannot differ
appreciably from that of the undamped system. The upper
curve, instead of approaching the backbone curve asymp-
totically, will cross over in a continuous curve as shown in
Fig. 13(b). The jump phenomenon is also present, but
damping generally tends to reduce the size of the unstable
region (Thomson” ). To summarize, it is seenthat for low z
air pressures,the liquid sheetoscillation is similar to that of a 6 2000
damped, nonlinear hard spring system. E
As the air pressureis increased,Pai, = 41.55 in. water p!
( 111.667kPa), Fig. 12 shows that the jump phenomenonis E 1000
no longer present, and the angle versus frequency curve ap- 0
proachesthat of a linear, dampedspring system.This change 2
in character is due to the fact that, at high air flow rates, the 0
oscillation frequenciesof the liquid sheet show a monoton- 0 20 40 60 SO 100 120

ous increasewith increasein liquid flow rate. The cyclic in- Velocity (m/s)
creasesand decreases,characteristic of low liquid flow rates,
are no longer present. FIG. 15. Resonant frequency versus air velocity.

2979 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1 QQ1 A. Mansour and N. Chigier 2979
velocity is increased.The frequency versus Iiquid flow veloo ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ity plot for different air pressures is divided into three dis- The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support
tinct subregions. It is seenthat in regions A and B the sinu- from NASA Marshall SpaceCenter, Grant No. NAG &-126,
soidal mode of oscillation dominates the liquid sheet and Parker Hannifln Corporation, which provided the
vibrations. In the transition between regions B and C, both atomizer.
the s1nousoidaIand the dilational modes of oscillation are
detectedby the frequency measuring device. In region C, the
liquid sheet oscillations are mainly of the dilational type.
In regions A and B, there is a direct correlation between
the air stagnation pressure (or air velocity) and the vibra-
tion frequency ofthe liquid sheet: t.hehigher the air velocity, ’Lord Ray Ieigh, Proc. London Math Sot. 10.4 f 1879) .
the higher the vibration frequency; As was shown in Fig. 9, ‘F. Tyler, Philos. Msg. 16,504 (1933).
‘62. Weber, 2. Angew. Math. Mech. 1X,2 ( 193 1).
in region C, this conclusion is not applicable. It was also ‘A.. Haenleifi, NACA Tech. Memo. 659 f 1932).
shown that, for each air pressure, the spray angle undergoes ‘W. Ohnesorge, Z. kngew. Math. Mech. 16 /I936).
an increasefollowed by a decreaseas the liquid flow rate or 6R. A, Castelman, NACA Report No. 440,1932.
the liquid velocity is increased. The spray angle,curves and 7 D. ‘tvl Lee and R. C. Spencer, NACA Report No. 454,1933.
aR. P. Fraser, Proceedings oj*the 6th Symposfum on Combustion (The
the curves’maxima are displaced to the right as the air pres- Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1957), pp. 687-701.
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