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Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

Study on transport characteristics of saliva droplets produced by

coughing in a calm indoor environment
Shengwei Zhu, Shinsuke Kato, Jeong-Hoon Yang
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan
Received 15 March 2005; received in revised form 6 April 2005; accepted 24 June 2005


In this paper, the transport characteristics of saliva droplets produced by coughing are examined in a calm indoor environment.
Three subjects are studied, with results indicating that more than 6.7 mg of saliva is expelled at speeds of up to 22 m/s during each
individual cough, and that saliva droplets can travel further than 2 m. In addition, the dispersion processes of saliva droplets of
different diameters expelled during coughing are analyzed using the Lagrangian equation. The results indicate that the transport
characteristics of saliva droplets due to coughing change with size. The effects of gravity or inertia on droplets of 30 mm or less are
negligible due to their small sizes, and therefore their transport is mostly influenced by the indoor flow field. Droplets of 50–200 mm,
which are significantly affected by gravity, fall as the flow-field weakens. Droplets of 300 mm or more, which are affected more by
inertia than gravity, fall difficultly. Moreover, the analytical results also indicate that the droplets’ transport is greatly influenced by
the spatial relationship between the air-conditioner and the subjects. Finally, based on the experimental and analytical results,
droplet infection by saliva droplets due to coughing is examined.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Subject experiment; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD); Lagrangian equation; Particle image velocimetry; Saliva droplets

1. Introduction diseases due to the viruses adhering to their surfaces [6].

When considering the infection routes and preventive
Coughing is symptomatic of infectious respiratory measures for infectious respiratory diseases in an indoor
diseases such as SARS and influenza, and much research environment, transport of viruses via saliva droplets due
has been carried out in the fields of physiology, to coughing cannot be neglected. The purpose of this
pathology, and epidemiology, etc. This research has study is therefore to clarify the transport characteristics
examined the coughing mechanism by considering it as a of saliva droplets due to coughing in a calm indoor
common physiological phenomenon [1], and examined environment.
the relationship between coughing and its associated To achieve this purpose, a number of subject
diseases [2–5]. However, there have been few detailed experiments and numerical analyses were carried out.
studies on how air and saliva are expelled from the The first subject experiment was performed to determine
mouth and dispersed into the surrounding air by the initial velocity of the coughed airflow. Particle image
coughing. Saliva droplets coughed out by patients with velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the velocity
infectious respiratory diseases are considered to be the distribution around the mouth of the coughing subject.
main transporters in the droplet infection of these Next, saliva coughed by the subject was collected using a
mask, and the mass of the saliva was assessed with an
Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 354 526 434; electronic balance. Finally, flour was used as a tracer to
fax: +81 354 526 432. visualize the dispersion of saliva droplets expelled
E-mail address: (S.W. Zhu). during coughing, and the extent of the flours’ range

0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1692 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

Nomenclature Cd drag coefficient

F~dr drag force (N)
Ap droplet cross-sectional area (m2) F~g gravity (N)
dp droplet diameter (m) mp droplet mass (kg)
F pressure force (N) Rep droplet Reynolds number
k turbulence energy (m2/s2) u local airflow velocity (m/s)
P pressure (Pa) Vd droplet volume (m3)
t time (s) s standard deviation
up droplet velocity (m/s) m molecular dynamic viscosity (kg/m/s)
rf air density (kg/m3) rp droplet density (kg/m3)

was observed. In the numerical analysis, we firstly boundary conditions for the following numerical simu-
analyzed the indoor flow field assuming coughing and lations.
respiration to be steady phenomena, and using the
maximum initial velocity of the coughed airflow 2.2.1. Outline of the PIV system
determined by the PIV experiment as the boundary The PIV system used in this study is outlined in Table
condition. We subsequently analyzed the transport 2. As shown in Fig. 1, a cross section of a flow field is
process for droplets with diameters of 30, 50, 100, 200, irradiated at very short intervals using a high-powered
300, and 500 mm using the Lagrangian equation to show pulsed laser, and the image frames of the particles are
how saliva droplets were expelled from the mouth by recorded as digital data by a CCD camera synchronized
coughing, dispersed in the air, and finally attached to with the laser. The wind velocity vectors are then
surfaces. Based on the results, the transport character- calculated using the pattern correlation method by
istics of saliva droplets produced by coughing are detecting the peak of the correlation coefficient, which
investigated in a calm indoor environment. corresponds to the amount of particles’ movement [7].

2.2.2. Outline of test chamber

2. Experimental study on transport characteristics of The experiment was carried out in a styrene-board
saliva droplets chamber (1.8 m  1.8 m  1.8 m) set in a laboratory
located in the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), Tokyo
We initially investigated the transport characteristics University. In order to prevent subjects being harmed by
of coughed saliva droplets in experimental studies. In the tracer gas or laser beams and to avoid any effects of
the experiments, the initial velocity of the coughed the ascending warm airflow (attributable to the subject’s
airflow and the amount of the saliva expelled with each metabolic heat) on the coughed airflow [8], the chamber
cough were determined, and the dispersion processes of was divided by a styrene board with a rectangular opening
saliva droplets due to coughing were visualized. (5 cm  3 cm) at the height of the human mouth (Fig. 2).
The subject and the PIV system were situated on opposite
2.1. Subjects sides of the board in the experiment.

Three healthy male graduate students were used as 2.2.3. Outline of PIV experiment
subjects in the experiments. The physiological data of During the experiment, the measurement area of the
the subjects are listed in Table 1. PIV system was kept in a calm indoor environment,
while the subjects coughed through the opening into the
2.2. Measurement of initial velocity of coughed airflow measurement area. As shown in Table 3, the pulse
interval was set to 0.05 ms in accordance with the
The initial velocity of the coughed airflow was measurement area and maximum wind velocity. Addi-
measured using a PIV system. The result was used as tionally, in order to remove the erroneous vectors in the
resulting vector diagram, velocity-range validation,
Table 1 peak-height validation and moving average validation
Physiological data of subjects were carried out.
Subject Age Weight (Kg) Height (m) Lung capacity (L)
2.2.4. Measurement results
A 28 68 1.75 4.3 Because the PIV system used was incapable of
B 29 67 1.74 3.6
continuous measurement, the flow field around the mouth
C 30 70 1.68 3.5
of the subject was measured repeatedly at intervals of
S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702 1693

Table 2
Make-up of PIV System

Processor PIV 2000 processor of Dantec

CCD Camera Kodac ES1.0, with the Nikon Micro lens of
60 mm (35 mm, F ¼ 5.6)
Laser Plused Nd:YAG laser of New Wave (50 mJ/
pulse, 15 Hz)

Fig. 3. Velocity frequency distriburtion.

70 ms. In this study, wind velocity vectors formed within

5 ms after coughing were selected, and a total of 60
confirmed results were obtained. The maximum velocity
Fig. 1. Concept of PIV system.
in each confirmed result was considered to be the initial
velocity of the coughed airflow. Fig. 3 shows that the
initial velocity of the coughed airflow ranged widely
between 6 and 22 m/s, with the most frequent values being
Styrene board Measurement area around 10 m/s, and averaged about 11.2 m/s. An example
(5mm) of a confirmed result is shown in Fig. 4, which shows the
Laser Sheet
velocity distribution at about 2.3 ms after coughing.
Fig. 4(1) shows that velocities greater than 18 m/s were
Laser restricted to a narrow area, and there was a substantial
velocity gradient from the center to the periphery of the
coughed air mass. Furthermore, as the coughed air mass
Opening: Seeding
proceeded, the frontal flow field was disturbed, and
CC D surrounding air was engulfed in the coughed airflow by
Camera the vortices induced around it (Fig. 4(2)).

2.3. Measurement of mass of coughed saliva

2.3.1. Measurement method
Flow map
Saliva expelled by the subject when coughing 10 times
consecutively was collected using a mask. The average
Fig. 2. Outiline of PIV experiment. amount of saliva produced in each coughing process was
estimated by subtracting the weight of the mask before
and after the coughing, and dividing the result by 10.1
An ultra sensitive electronic balance offering a precision
Past studies indicate that about 95% of aerosols expelled during
Table 3
breathing, coughing, and sneezing are less than 1 mm in size and their
Parameters of PIV system
numbers total about 105–107 droplets/l [11,12]. Assuming that the
Size of field 100 mm  100 mm maximum amount of air that can be expelled in a coughing process is
Time between recordings 70 ms smaller than the lung capacity of each person, that a typical lung
Time between laser pulses 0.05 ms capacity of a male adult is 4 l, and that aerosol density is 1000 kg/m3,
Interrogation area 32pixel  32pixel we can estimate that the mass of the saliva droplets of less than 1 mm
Overlap 25%  25% emitted in a coughing process of a male adult is be 0.2 mg or less. Thus,
Amount of vectors 1722(41  42) the mass of the saliva droplets that pass through the mask can be
considered to be 0.2 mg or less.
1694 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

Table 4
Mass of coughed saliva

A (mg) B (mg) C (mg) Average (mg)

Result 7.7 6.5 6.1 6.7

Fig. 5. Visualization of coughed airflow.

of the infectious respiratory diseases via the saliva

droplets produced by coughing.

2.4. Visualization of dispersion process of saliva droplets

produced by coughing

2.4.1. Measurement method

The experiment was carried out in a calm thermo-
static (3.5 m  3.0 m  2.5 m) chamber set in the labora-
tory mentioned above. In the experiment, flour (tracer)
put in the mouth of the subject was expelled by
coughing, and the movement of the flour was filmed
using a digital video camera (Sony DSR-PD100).2

2.4.2. Measurement results

The flour expelled by coughing firstly traveled at a
high speed over a distance of 30 cm or more, then
gradually disintegrated and dispersed in the air while its
velocity was reduced (Fig. 5). Because some of the tracer
was found to travel beyond 2 m, saliva droplets
contained in the coughed airflow with diameters less
than the diameters of the flour particles are expected to
disperse over a greater distance.
Fig. 4. Velocity distrbution in measurement area: (1) vector velocity
(m/s); (2) scalar velocity (m/s).
3. Investigation into transport characteristics of saliva
droplets due to coughing by numerical analysis
tolerance of 0.001 g was used to improve the experi-
mental precision (Mettler Toledo PR1203), and the Besides the above experiments, four simulations were
mask was measured immediately after the 10 coughs in performed to investigate how the coughed saliva
order to avoid the effect of evaporation. Moreover, the droplets of different sizes were transported in common
subjects were asked to breathe through their nose during indoor environments. In addition, the influence of the
the experiment. spatial relationship between an air-conditioner and the
room’s occupants was examined based on the simulation
2.3.2. Measurement results results. In each simulation, an indoor flow-field gener-
As shown in Table 4, the results varied within a range ated by consecutive coughs by one person in a calm
of 6–8 mg per cough depending on the subject, and room was analyzed using computational fluid dynamics
averaged about 6.7 mg. It indicates that wearing a mask
is a very effective way of preventing the droplet infection Care was exercised to avoid the aggregation of flour with saliva.
S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702 1695

Fig. 6. Room model analyzed: (1) Case 1 and Case 2; (2) Case 3; (3) Case 4.

Table 5
Cases analyzed

Case no. Room model Occupants’ posture Position of air-conditioner

1 Ordinary conference room Sitting+sitting Wall by the side of the coughing person
2 Wall opposite to the coughing person
3 Ordinary bedroom Supine+standing Wall behind the bed
4 Wall opposite to the standing person

(CFD), assuming the unsteady airflows produced by constantly. In case 2, the human model on the side
coughing and respiration to be steady. The resulting away from the air-conditioner was assumed to cough
dispersion process of the saliva droplets due to coughing consecutively, and the human model closer to the air-
was subsequently analyzed using the Lagrangian equa- conditioner was assumed to inhale constantly. In cases 1
tion in the flow field based on the steady models. and 2, only half the room area was simulated because of
Because the steady models assign a larger momentum to the spatial symmetry in the Y-direction.
the air than in reality, care should be exercised when In cases 3 and 4 (Figs. 6(2)–(3), Table 5), the room
comparing the analytical results with the actual situa- was assumed to be an ordinary bedroom, with a bed
tion. Moreover, to regenerate the warm ascending air placed in the center of the room adjacent to a wall, the
stream around the human body caused by metabolic human model lying on the bed was assumed to cough
heat, human models of complex shape (including consecutively, and another human model standing next
detailed features such as limbs, chests, and jaws), were to the bed was assumed to inhale constantly. An
used in the numerical analyses. air-conditioner is set on the wall behind the bed in
case 3 and on the wall facing the standing human model
3.1. Room model in case 4.
In the model of consecutive coughing, the maximum
Four cases were analyzed for an air-conditioned room velocity of the coughed airflow (22 m/s) obtained in the
(3.5 m  3.0 m  2.5 m) with an ordinary wall-mounted aforementioned PIV experiment was used. The steady
air-conditioner. The air-conditioner had an inlet open- inhalation model assumed a constant inhalation rate of
ing with an area of 0.035 m2 (0.05 m  0.7 m), from 0.0004 m3/s through the nose.3 Moreover, the area of the
which air flowed horizontally at 26 1C at a speed of mouth opening of the sitting and supine human models
0.4 m/s. was 3.5 cm2, and that of the nose opening of the sitting
In cases 1 and 2 (Fig. 6(1), Table 5), the room was and standing human models was 3.3 cm2 [9].
assumed to be an ordinary conference room, with a desk
placed in the center of the room, and two human models
seated on either side of the desk. The distance between 3
the mouths of the two human models was about 1.54 m. In this study, the respiration phenomenon was assumed to be
steady inhalation. The inhaled volume was determined from the
In case 1, the human model closer to the air-conditioner metabolic rate of 1.3 met [13]. Thus, as shown in Fig. 15, we assumed
was assumed to cough consecutively, and the human that a person would inhale constantly at 10 l/min (inhalation of 10
model on the other side was assumed to inhale times/min and a volume of 1 l per inhalation).
1696 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

Table 6 Table 7
Numerical methods Boundary conditions

Turbulence model Standard k– e model Supply opening Velocity: 0.40 m/s, Temperature:
Algorithm SIMPLE 26 1C,
Space scheme Velocity terms: MARS; scalar Turbulence intensity: 10%,
terms: first order up wind Turbulence scale: 0.05 m
Model for particle simulation Lagrangian model Size: 0.05 m  0.7 m

Exhaust opening Velocity: free slip, Temperature:

free slip
Size: 0.05 m  0.7 m
3.2. Outline of simulation
Wall boundary (including the Velocity: generalized log law
3.2.1. CFD method surfaces of bed and desk) Temperature: generalized log law,
As shown in Table 6, the CFD analyses were
performed with the Standard k– e model, and the Human body
implicit algorithm, SIMPLE method, was used. More- Human surfaces Velocity: generalized log law
Temperature: generalized log law,
over, the monotone advection and reconstruction convective heat transfer: 33.8 W
scheme (MARS) [10] and the first-order upwind schemes (sitting human model: uniform
(UD) were, respectively, used for velocity and scalar heat flux of 23.0 W/m2, standing
terms. human model: uniform heat flux of
In cases 1 and 2, the number of spatial grids was 23.1 W/m2, standing human model:
uniform heat flux was given by
447,801 and the total number of surface grids of the considering the distribution
sitting human model was 4620. The numbers of spatial characteristicsa).
grids in cases 3 and 4 were 572,146 and 572,331,
Mouth openings of coughing Velocity: 22 m/s, Temperature:
respectively. In both cases, the total number of surface persons 32 1C
grids of the standing human model was 13,520 and the Turbulence intensity: 10%,
total number of surface grids of the exposed part of the Turbulence scale: 0.01 m
supine human model, which was partly covered with a Moreover, droplets are randomly
blanket, was 2860. expelled at 22 m/s
Table 7 shows the boundary conditions. A generalized Nose opening of inhaling Airflow flux: 0.0004 m3/s (about
log-law wall function was applied for the airflow near persons 1.3 met)
the wall, and the amount of convective heat transfer was Turbulence intensity: 10%,
Turbulence scale: 0.01 m
given at the surfaces of the human models.4 Moreover,
the temperature of coughed air was assumed to be 32 1C. a
This distribution was obtained through an experiment using a
thermal manikin laid down and covered with a blanket. Sensible heat
dissipation in a sensible heat state of sleeping (metabolic rate of
3.2.2. Lagrangian model 0.7 Met) was allowed. The temperature distribution on the blanket
The dispersion processes of saliva droplets in a steady measured with a thermo-viewer was given as reference data [14].
flow field obtained by CFD analysis were determined
from the Lagrangian equation. For saliva droplets, the
following motion equation is given by considering the Here, gravity F ~p , and drag force
~g , pressure force F
effects of Stokes drag, gravity, and pressure variation.5 ~
F dr , are respectively given by Eq. (2), (3), and (4):
u ~
d~ ~p þ F
~g . F~g ¼ V d ðrp 2rf Þ~ g ¼ ð0; 0; 9; 8Þ m=s2 Þ,
g ð~ (2)
mp ¼ F dr þ F (1)
4 F~p ¼ V d r p, (3)
Regarding the heat transfer from the human body, only the
convective heat transfer was calculated in the numerical analysis in this
study. Since the CFD simulation is not coupled to the radiation F~dr ¼ C d rf Ap j~
u~ u~
up jð~ up Þ. (4)
calculation, there is no radiative heat reception and convective heat 2
release on the wall surfaces, and the driving force to achieve uniformity The value of the drag coefficient Cd is given by
in the room through convective heat transfer becomes rather weak. As (
a result, vertical temperature distribution may become slightly greater 24ð1 þ 0:15Re0:687
P =ReP ; ReP p103 ;
than in reality while vertical dispersion through buoyancy may be Cd ¼ (5)
suppressed [15]. 0:44; ReP 4103 :
Since the purpose of this study is to investigate the transport
characteristics of the saliva droplets due to coughing of different sizes, The Reynolds number of droplets is given by
various complicated phenomena, such as collision, splitting, and
rf j~ uP jd P
evaporation, which actually occur during the dispersion processes of Rep ¼ . (6)
the saliva droplets are not taken into consideration. m
S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702 1697

uÞ of the airflow in which droplets are

The velocity ð~
transported is given by adding a random perturbation to
the local average velocity
~ u~ þ ~
u¼~ u0 . (7)
The variable velocity component is chosen randomly
from a Gaussian probability density function with the
standard deviation s below.
s ¼ 2k=3, (8)
! Fig. 7. Scalar velocity distrbution in Case 1 (m/s): (1) in section
0 1 u0
~ ABCD; (2) in region A (enlarged).
u Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  2 .
Gð~ (9)
2ps 2s

Saliva droplets of 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500 mm in

diameter were used here. The calculation assumes that
saliva droplets are randomly expelled from the mouth at
a velocity of 22 m/s and that they adhere to a wall
surface upon impact.6 Moreover, the numbers of saliva
droplets of each size are 5000 in cases 1 and 2, and
10,000 in cases 3 and 4.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. Airflow field

The initial velocity of the coughed airflow was Fig. 8. Scalar velocity distrbution in Case 2 (m/s)): (1) in section
ABCD; (2) in region A (enlarged).
constant at 22 m/s in each case. The velocity of the
coughed airflow decreases rapidly around the mouth,
and the area with highest velocity distribution (48 m/s)
is limited to a very small region near the mouth. The the wall due to its collision with the airflow from the air-
whole room was generally kept in a calm state with flow conditioner (case 3), the maximum wind velocity at the
velocities of 0.2 m/s or less. center of the EFGH section in case 3 was more than
In cases 1 and 2, the coughed airflow was traveling at twice that in case 4. Moreover, the coughed airflow in
a high speed, pulling and involving the surrounding air case 3 was deflected away from the standing person by
in it, and impacting on the face of the opposing person the warm ascending airflow around the person. In
at a speed of about 1.2 m/s. Because the ascending warm contrast, in case 4, the coughed airflow was deflected
airflow caused by natural convection along the human toward the standing person by the airflow from the air-
body was intersected by the coughed airflow, no conditioner.
significant rising thermal plumes were observed above
the two human heads (Figs. 7 and 8). 3.3.2. Transport of saliva droplets due to coughing
The velocity distributions of the airflow fields in cases In each of the four cases, after coughing, the saliva
3 and 4 are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. They droplets traveled through the air as conglomerates,
show that, although the standing person was not directly regardless of their sizes, at a velocity of 22 m/s. The mass
impacted by the coughed airflow due to the warm rising then gradually disintegrates as its velocity reduces, and
airflow (as a result of natural convection) mixing with the saliva droplets disperse in the air, eventually
the coughed airflow, there was no significant rising adhering to the wall surfaces.
thermal plume above the head, and the airflow velocities The results of cases 1 and 2 are shown in Figs. 11 and
around him are mostly 0.2 m/s or less. Contrastingly, 12, respectively. According to Figs. 11(1) and 12(1), the
because the coughed airflow was deflected away from saliva droplets of 30 mm in diameter were mostly
transported by the coughed airflow. After being
Because saliva droplets are mainly formed by water and incapable coughed out, the droplets were soon affected by the
to rebound with elasticity in case they collide with a wall surface, we indoor flow field, and consequently dispersed through-
assume that when saliva droplets collide with a wall surface, they will out the room. These droplets remained airborne in the
adhere to that surface. Moreover, since the attention of this study is
primarily into the dispersion processes of saliva droplets, the various
room for a prolonged period, and their final point of
physical phenomena, which may be generated when a saliva droplet is adhesion cannot be predicted. Figs. 11(2) and 12(2)
adhering to a wall surface, are not taken into consideration. indicate that some droplets of 50 mm in diameter
1698 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

Fig. 9. Scalar velocity distrbution in Case 3 (m/s): (1) in region A(enlarged); (2) in section ABCD; (3) in section EFGH.

Fig. 10. Scalar velocity distrbution in Case 4 (m/s): (1) in region A(enlarged); (2) in section ABCD; (3) in section EFGH.

impacted on the face and neck of the person opposite, dispersion of saliva droplets of 300 mm in diameter was
while the remainder passed by and then dropped to the limited to the area above the pillow (Figs. 13(2)–(5) and
floor. Figs. 11(3) and 12(3) show that among the saliva 14(2)–(5)). For the droplets of 500 mm in diameter, their
droplets of 100 mm in diameter, more than 80% velocity did not decrease significantly after being
impacted on the lower neck area of the person opposite, expelled from the mouth, and they impacted directly
while the remainder dropped to the floor soon after with the ceiling (Fig. 13(6) and 14(6)). Moreover, in case
passing their body. Figs. 11(4) and 12(4) show that the 3, saliva droplets of 50–300 mm fell some way from the
saliva droplets of 200 mm in diameter started to fall standing person because of the effect of the warm
before reaching the person opposite, and nearly 100% of ascending airflow resulting from natural convection. On
these droplets impacted on the chest of the person the other hand, in case 4, droplets of 50–300 mm fell
opposite. However, as shown in Figs. 11(5) and 12(5), closer to the standing person because of the effect of the
the saliva droplets of 300 mm or more in diameter did air-conditioner’s airflow.
not descend significantly, and nearly 100% of them
impacted on the neck of the opposite person. Figs. 11(6) 3.4. Discussion on transport characteristics of saliva
and 12(6) show that most saliva droplets of 500 mm in droplets due to coughing
diameter impacted on the face of the opposite person
with little or no observable gravitational effect. Based on the above results, we examined the transport
The results of cases 3 and 4 are shown in Figs. 13 and characteristics of coughed saliva droplets after
14, respectively. As shown in cases 1 and 2, although the affirming the feasibility of the assumption of consecutive
saliva droplets of 30 mm in diameter were dispersed coughing. Moreover, the influence of the indoor
throughout the room and adhere randomly to the ventilation situation on the droplets’ transport and
surfaces (Figs. 13(1) and 14(1)), the extent of dispersion the droplet infection via coughed droplets will be
narrowed in droplets of 50 mm or more, and the investigated.
S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702 1699

Fig. 11. Saliva droplets’ dispersion (simulation results of Case 1): (1) D ¼ 30 mm; (2) D ¼ 50 mm; (3) D ¼ 100 mm; (4) D ¼ 200 mm; (5) D ¼
300 mm; (6) D ¼ 500 mm.

Fig. 12. Saliva droplets’ dispersion (simulation results of Case 2): (1) D ¼ 30 mm; (2) D ¼ 50 mm; (3) D ¼ 100 mm; (4) D ¼ 200 mm; (5) D ¼
300 mm; (6) D ¼ 500 mm.
1700 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

(l/s) Air flow/s

Actual pattern (1 l for each inhalation and exhalation)
Average value of for one breath cycle (24 l/min)

2.5s 0.5s 2.5s 0.5s 2.5s 0.5s Time (s)

One breathing cycle (6.0s)

Model used in this study (steady inhalation at 24 l/min)

Fig. 15. Assumption of steady inhalation.

appeared overestimated, but qualitatively in agreement

with the experimental results. We will ignore the
quantitative differences in the flow fields here, because
the primary purpose of this study was to investigate
transport characteristics of saliva droplets of different
sizes due to coughing.
Fig. 13. Saliva droplets’ dispersion (simulation results of Case 3): (1)
D ¼ 30 mm; (2) D ¼ 50 mm; (3) D ¼ 100 mm; (4) D ¼ 200 mm; (5)
D ¼ 300 mm; (6) D ¼ 500 mm. 3.4.2. Transport characteristics of saliva droplets due to
It indicates that the transport characteristics of saliva
droplets due to coughing change with size. According to
the analytical results of cases 1 and 2, saliva droplets of
30 mm or less expelled from the mouth soon dispersed
throughout the room because of the indoor flow field,
without significant influence from gravity or inertia.
Saliva droplets of 50–200 mm were most affected by
gravity, and fell by gravity as the coughed airflow
slowed down. Saliva droplets of 300 mm or more were
affected more by inertia than gravity within the travel
range concerned, and traveled further, especially saliva
droplets of 500 mm, which impacted directly on the
opposite person.7 In relation to the adherence locations
of the saliva droplets, those of 30 mm or less adhered
randomly to all surfaces, those of 50 mm mostly dropped
to the floor, and about 18% impacted on the person
situated opposite. The majority of those with diameters
of 100 mm and over impacted on the opposite person.
Fig. 14. Saliva droplets’ dispersion (simulation results of Case 4): (1)
This indicates that there is a high risk of droplet
D ¼ 30 mm; (2) D ¼ 50 mm; (3) D ¼ 100 mm; (4) D ¼ 200 mm; (5) infection of infectious respiratory diseases via the saliva
D ¼ 300 mm; (6) D ¼ 500 mm. droplets due to coughing at short distances even in a
calm indoor environment.
As in cases 1 and 2, the transport characteristics of the
3.4.1. Validity of assuming consecutive coughing saliva droplets due to coughing changed with diameter
In the preceding section, we carried out numerical in cases 3 and 4. As the diameter of the saliva droplets
analysis by assuming that coughing, which is actually an increased, the effect of the flow field diminished and the
irregular phenomenon, is a steady phenomenon. Ac- effects of gravity and inertia increased, with the extent of
cording to the simulation results, the area of high
velocity (1.8 m/s or more) was limited to a very small 7
The ratio of inertia and gravity applied on a droplet is directly
area near the mouth, and velocities decreased rapidly proportional to the square of the velocity difference between the
away from the mouth. The whole room was generally droplet and the local flow field ðDuÞ2 , and inversely proportional to its
kept in a steady state with velocities of 0.2 m/s or less. diameter (dp). For the droplets at diameters of 300 mm or more,
because the velocity of the coughed airflow decreases more rapidly
Comparing the flow fields obtained by the CFD analyses than that of the droplets, the ratio is becoming greater along with
with those observed in the PIV and visualization ðDuÞ2 . For example, for the droplet of 500 mm, the ratio is about 105 in
experiments, the analytical velocities of saliva droplets its later travel.
S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702 1701

Table 8
Numbers of saliva droplets adhering to standing human body and outlet opening in cases 3 and 4

Case no. Case3 Case4 Case3 Case4

Adhering location (mm) Standing human body Outlet opening

30 52 104 666 938

50 67 233 161 24
100 108 1058 53 0
200 0 82 411 0
300 0 0 5048 0
500 0 0 0 0

saliva droplets’ distribution limited to a small area or more. The results of the weight assessment of the
around the supine person’s head. Moreover, because the coughed saliva indicate that wearing a mask is a very
air-conditioner was on the wall facing the standing effective way of preventing droplet infection of
person in case 4, the coughed airflow rose closer to the infectious respiratory diseases via saliva droplets
standing person under the influence of the supplied due to coughing.
airflow of the air-conditioner, and saliva droplets of (2) We used numerical analyses to investigate the
50–200 mm in diameter fell closer to the standing person. transport characteristics of the saliva droplets due
Table 8 shows the numbers of the saliva droplets per to coughing of each size in a calm indoor environ-
size, which adhered to the standing person and the ment. Since droplets of 30 mm or less in diameter are
outlet opening of the air-conditioner, for cases 3 and 4. very small, the effect of gravity or inertia was
The results clearly indicate that the number of the saliva negligible, and their transport was mostly influenced
droplets that adhered to the standing person in case 4 by the indoor flow field. Saliva droplets of
was greater than that in case 3 for droplet diameters of 50–200 mm, which were significantly affected by
30–200 mm. The number of the saliva droplets that gravity, fell as the flow field weakened. The droplets
adhered to the outlet opening of the air-conditioner was of 300 mm or more were affected more by inertia
greater in case 3 than case 4 for droplet sizes of than gravity. The droplets of 500 mm traveled almost
50–300 mm because the air-conditioner was attached to straight and impacted on the first opposite object
the wall above and behind the supine person in case 3. It within their effective travel range.
is notable that more than 50% of the droplets of 300- (3) Analytical results of cases 1 and 2 indicate that there
mm-diameter were forced out from the outlet opening in was a high risk of droplet infection within short
case 3. The above results indicate that the spatial distances for infectious respiratory diseases, via the
relationship between the air-conditioner and the occu- saliva droplets produced by coughing. Analytical
pants greatly affected the transport of the saliva droplets results of cases 3 and 4 indicate that the spatial
due to coughing. It also implies that droplet infection of relationship between the air-conditioner and the
infectious respiratory diseases can be greatly affected by occupants greatly affects the transport of saliva
the position of the air-conditioner in the room. droplets due to coughing.
(4) In future studies, we plan to perform transient
simulation by modeling actual coughing phenomena
4. Conclusions and further clarify the nature of material transport
by coughing.
In this study, the transport characteristics of the saliva
droplets due to coughing were studied in a calm indoor
environment in detail through subject experiment and Acknowledgements
numerical analysis. Based on the experimental and
analytical results, droplet infection by saliva droplets This study contains part of the results obtained by a
due to coughing was discussed. Moreover, human research task force ‘‘Study on SARS Prevention in View
models of complex shape, including detailed features, of Sanitation in Buildings’’ (conducted by Susumu
were used for the numerical analysis. The primary Yoshizawa, Part-Time Lecturer of Aichi Shukutoku
conclusions of this study are as follows. University) in a Health Science Special Research Project
‘‘Urgent Research on SARS.’’ The present study was
(1) According to the results of the subject experiments, a also partly supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
total of more than 6.7 mg of saliva was expelled on Research (Exploratory Research), Ministry of Educa-
aggregate at a maximum velocity of 22 m/s in each tion, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Shinsuke
cough, and the affected area extended as far as 2 m Kato, as a representative researcher). The authors would
1702 S.W. Zhu et al. / Building and Environment 41 (2006) 1691–1702

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