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2. Semana 6
3. Ejercicio Presente y Pasado Contínuo

Comenzado el Sunday, 3 de July de 2022, 17:05

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Sunday, 3 de July de 2022, 17:10
Tiempo empleado 4 minutos 59 segundos
Calificación 10,00 de 10,00 (100%)
Pregunta 1
Se puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose from the list the correct present continuous sentences using the words for
each case.. (Positive, negative, or Question)
She is singing now
she - sing - now Respuesta 1  
he - watch - the game - right now Respuesta 2 He's w atching the game right now
I'm not talking now
I - not - talk now Respuesta 3  
walk - he - not He is not w alking
Respuesta 4  
you are not singing
you - not - sing Respuesta 5  
Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: she - sing - now → She is singing now, he - watch - the
game - right now → He's watching the game right now, I - not - talk now → I'm not
talking now, walk - he - not → He is not walking, you - not - sing → you are not

Pregunta 2
Se puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose from the list the correct past continuous sentences using the words for
each case.. (Positive, negative, or Question)
dogs - the - not -
play - father - Respuesta 1
The dogs w eren't playing inside w hen the father arrived.
arrived - inside -  
We - watch - four Respuesta 2
o' clock - game We w ere w atching the game at four o' clock
Elizabeth - read -
not - when - in Respuesta 3
Elizabeth w asn't reading in her room w hen the pizza guy arrived.
her room - guy -  
pizza - arrived
not - work - in -
his - department - Respuesta 4
Manolo w asn't w orking in his department w hen the taxi came.
taxi - when -  
came - Manolo
The - maid - not -
clean - the - Respuesta 5
The maid w asn't cleaning the floor yesterday.
yesterday - the  
Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: dogs - the - not - play - father - arrived - inside - when →
The dogs weren't playing inside when the father arrived., We - watch - four o' clock
- game → We were watching the game at four o' clock, Elizabeth - read - not -
when - in her room - guy - pizza - arrived → Elizabeth wasn't reading in her room
when the pizza guy arrived., not - work - in - his - department - taxi - when - came
- Manolo → Manolo wasn't working in his department when the taxi came., The -
maid - not - clean - the - yesterday - the floor → The maid wasn't cleaning the floor

Finalizar revisión
◄ Lectura: El pasado continuo
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