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lawrence michael creatives

A Peep Inside The EA Mind

Special Edn.
April 2019-20

What is it?
Business analytics? Lifestyle rec-
ommendations? Relationship Guides?
Do It Yourself Analytics tool for eve-
ryone? A reality filter?

Here's Environmental Analytics or

Environmental Analysis or EA at your
service. While EA is a familiar word
to many around the world by now,
not everyone is sure they know what
it means. Or what it does for them.

That plurality is where we need

reality filters. Plurality has particular The Designer/Engineer is often the better worker.
meanings in locations, people, lan-
Inside this issue: guages, religions, and even art and
literature, etc: often within themselves may mean singularity for many. Yet in
& between themselves. Or even in plural even here. Knowing their reasons
Part of the whole EA 2
shebang. terminologies or what we call descrip- help. Just where the pragmatic EA prism
Philosophy & attitudes 2 tive labels: psychopaths & savants, comes into play.
criminals & police, crime & policing,
Questions & Views 4 hierarchy & anarchy, order & disor-
der, semantics & synonyms, nous &
The Fireworks 5 nuances, etc.

Soft Power in Business 7

Or of regions: Bangladesh &
Pakistan, India & Nepal, Bhutan &
What is National Secu- 7
rity? China, Afghanistan & Iran, Sweden &
Like Them? 9 Switzerland, etc. Seeking universalism
Page 2 A Peep Inside The EA Mind

Part of the whole EA shebang!

How does one use filters like the UNO etc, except that it isn't so. It is as
EA (Environmental Analysis) to sui generis a category as the EU is consid-
measure something as big and com- ered to be, given its range and ambit.
plex as the BRI? Thereby, marking for both individual
EA uses Partnerships Of Equals comparison of states, group compari-
parameter (an EA outflow) to look at sons where applicable; and finally their
states and their embeddedness, in interactions, and the gestalten of it.
The Engineer is often the better globalization as a process. It is relig- Quite a fine mesh, if one looks at it
worker. ion/ideology neutral and has the
before the usage of the various EA pa-
functional basics behind any state to
rameters come in at their own levels.
refer to it, within categories. It also Attendant to the above, of course, is the
simultaneously examines the idea-
context-field idea within which human be-
tional basics or raison d'être of each
haviour is seen.
state viz the ordinary academic views
about the same. This works simultaneously for one's
EA looks at each state within major focus about the psycho-cultural
their self-created filters; compares dynamics that mark greatly for the com-
their hypocrisy index or the disjuncts of parisons, within the dynamics of the
any state viz its own standards, and structural logic & imperatives for each
the reasons for those while compar- individual state. So, how would one look
Know Thyself ing them with the ideals that ordinary at the BRI, using the EA parameter? In-
academic views present viz the sub- teresting. Is it not?
ject. Source: Outlook on the Belt and Road
BRI actually presents an instance Initiative, by World Economic Forum, pub-
akin to global organizations like the lished April 7, 2019. YouTube

Philosophy & attitudes

The next is a discussion over looks at them?
objective morality. Often considered First, it locates such discussions
esoteric a topic, given its complexities within their context-fields and which
and sophistications including nu- includes their claims, disapprovals, dis-
ances, the EA viewpoint is simple. cussions, etc.
The topic of moral objectivity in-
Second, it locates their rationales for
The Business-owner is often the forms interesting discussions. How
better service-provider. being there, including the historical
do you think EA tackles these, or
backdrop(s) to each, and their audience.
Special Edn. Page 3

Philosophy & Attitudes contd...

Third, it locates their fuse, as they seek to turn Source: "Is there an
physical locations (read the world into their own Objective Morality?" Paul
political maps). images and thereby reside Boghossian, published by The
Fourth, it looks at the in the same sewers that Institute of Art and Ideas,
flotsam (do forgive the they do. May 14, 2019 in the You-
usage of the term) that Tube.
Fifth, it uses the
attempt to draw into above to check the par-
these discussions that ticular locales within
uncivil networks (crime-
which the arguments
terror) mark and is a well-
manifest viz their own The Designer/Engineer is often
known and common pat- constitutional logic, the better worker.
tern marking the uncivil
structural imperatives,
groups/networks glob-
and the psycho-cultural
ally. These often seek the
dynamics informing both
dislocated and disparate
the confluences and the
strands to support and
divergences, including the
shore themselves up, as
space(s) within which the
well as to the innocent
discussions take place.
bystander. Their imagina-
Sixth, given the ba-
tions that seek to exploit
sics they need of environ-
and play around the dy- Know Thyself
ment(s), to be able to
namics of conflict and
discuss or participate in
often exacerbate those
those, helps settle those
may get spewed forth in
within what their context-
many an alternative
fields and political infra-
views, seeking to articu-
late something else. A
imperatives viz what the
common confusion but is
confluences and/or di-
true given the flotsam's
vergences suggest.
intrinsic inability for any
discussions, while keenly Something that you
parasiting upon whatever will note is mentioned in
they can lay their hands about how EA looks at
upon. This recognition developments like the
helps in sifting through BRI, for example. What
the noise they can gener- do you think? Interesting. The Designer/Engineer is often the
ate that can further con- better worker.
Is it not?
Page 4 A Peep Inside The EA Mind

Questions & Views

Then a common place occurrence keting industry. Etc. Coffees, pens,
when we seek to find and examine our- and pencils or computers, gradua-
selves, and our times, within certain tion dresses, and capes; certificates,
contexts. Here it is about a violinist in paper, and thus its/their industries,
a US subway during rush hour. Or etc. Each, having for itself and all
"How do we see?" Here's looking at it its constituent parts the unstated
from a EA perspective. Let us begin by query "For?" right with them. As
The Designer/Engineer is often the collecting some wood for the evening the precondition in a free society
better worker.
fire for this, where possibly Joshua the that each individual answers for
violinist in his role here could warm itself. Answering that is considered
himself, or even cook! Or enjoy his a pre-requisite for any need for its
evening drinks. existence, as well as for human
One: People and time. Rush hour freedom.
time. Meanings? The reason, after physical sur-
Two: The Violin or piano or the vival, for humans to live together.
flute or the saxophone or the guitar, Between again scarcity or abun-
etc. and the music. Beautiful inven- dance via need; and the availability
tions. Time and rush hour time. Mean- of resources that make, and mark
ings? markets as well. Purpose? Etc.
Know Thyself When we begin by answering the The one of purpose, in its
two quests for meanings above, we various manifestations as well as
find that we are answering quite a lot. synonyms, will seem recurrent. An-
swering, thereby, the crowd and
One: From the industries that hu-
the haste. Specialization has meant
man population and innovations have
that organization of time as well!
meant (but largely upon money as a
crucial invention as well), to money. Even if increasingly marking
Fuelled quite early by scarcity & re- within it and the available choices,
sources. And their various meanings as a further (de)grading of the human,
well. in terms of scarcity and abundance,
and the human striving to manage
The innovations include the uni-
that. Making organized and well
versities, their specializations that mark
advertised events, within such con-
for informed views (or opinions but
texts etc, not only seem logical but
within the context of this video, a sad
The Business-owner is often the also pragmatic (the divorce be-
better service-provider. replacement), and the publishing in-
tween the two terms may be real.
dustry. Then the advertisement & mar-
Special Edn. Page 5

Questions & Views contd...

Or apparent. Yet have the terms logical and
scarcity & abundance pragmatic.
dictate their meanings,
Source: "A Violinist
and even occurances).
in the Metro" A YouTube
Two: The invention video published by Les-
of the piano, or the vio- sons Taught By Life, on
lin, etc. as in this exam- May 7th, 2019.
ple, and the musical
notes, are from a differ-
ent era including of The Designer/Engineer is often
meanings! Thereby, of the better worker.

The Fireworks
Want a quick check upon how EA trust upon those (excluding decep-
looks at economies or rather states? Rather tions that already count in its hy-
states. Emphasized. GDP? Growth? pocrisy indices including that of
What is that? data manipulation, quality of life
No. Calculation of it comes much and the safety indices that include Know Thyself
later after one applies some basic filters. the qualitative ones of security and
the sense of it viz the safety indices
1. The state and its stated raison d'être.
- with the UDHR or the Universal
This primary filter helps calculate the
Declaration of Human Rights
state's legitimacy scores viz its actual hy-
forming the basic parameter here
pocrisy indices that its realities indicate
for judicial redressal mechanisms as
via functional logic, imperatives and the
well) and the general quality of Hu-
psycho-cultural dynamics at play juxta-
man resources indices based upon
posed with its structural logic and impera-
these basics that necessarily include
awareness, adherence and respect
2. The estimated costs viz the most for it. The last informs its psycho-
developed state viz infrastructure & gov- cultural dynamics and necessarily
ernance [read basics only like Power, has to be in accordance with any
Telecommunications, Transportation/ state's structural logic and impera-
roads, law & order {this includes the effi- tives. Not contrasts as some post- The Designer/Engineer is often the
cacy and speed of judicial redressal colonial states show and the mis- better worker.
mechanisms, average public and global
Page 6 A Peep Inside The EA Mind

The Fireworks contd...

-match is a serious failure index for or 10 billionaires for every remaining
backwardness of any state: in its first 9,990 paupers figures pretty low in EA
failure to educate its populace of itself index while indicating serious governance
and adds to the cost}, for starters and issues. b. A state with a healthy distribu-
then you can subsequently build over tive index with a population of 10,000
it yourself]. and a GDP of 5 billion is definitely better
This simply means that states off than a state with a population of
The Engineer is often the better compete amongst themselves and 100,000 but a GDP of 10 billion and a
worker. thereby claim their standards and rank- healthy distributive index.
ings. The costs of matching up with 4. Natural resources viz human re-
the basics viz the most developed state sources and extractive/polluting indices.
gets deducted from any and every This simply means that a state sitting
claim of a state viz its GDP figures. upon natural resources (oil as an example)
Growth is merely an addition upon the and lives off that (what it can scarce re-
basics in qualitative terms of better- produce) is a parasite state and counts
ment and improvement - thereby lead- low upon the state's rankings, given it is
ing to a better quality of life & living shockingly ignorant and insensitive to
of the average populace & not of its what never was its to begin with. Natural
alleged leadership or ruling cartels etc. Resources, within EA, is seen as a com-
This helps any state know where it mon global good and has strict ecological
Know Thyself stands at any point of time it or its security and sustainability parameters
populace wish to do a quick calcula- built into it.
tion. 5. Environmental Security and sus-
3. Third is the proportionality tainability indices include the greening of
index with several inbuilt parameters- planet earth and restoration of its natural
forming a pleasant family of indices on bio-diversity, including cleaner fuels and
its own. This is useful in calculation of technological access to those. These add
actual distribution of wealth (equality to the costs for any state and gets de-
is a key political as well as an EA ducted from its otherwise growth claims
value), opportunities, education, health some economists like flaunting, minus the
care, etc. This is seen viz the distribu- EA filters!
tion amongst states, within states and
their micro filters as well. a. This sim-
ply means that a state with a GDP of
10 billion (post filters one and two)
The Business-owner is often the with a population of 10,000 people
better service-provider.
shows a distributive index of 10:10,000
Special Edn. Page 7

Soft Power in Business

Trust worthiness is a critical as- thus market shares; and relatively
pect in the IT industry. Given the longer periods of continued sense of
various levels of trust that profes- security and safety. Apart the com-
sionalism entails and guarantees that petitive quality of the product(s) and
go into any industry, IT industries service(s). Even though MNCs and
nearly multiply that need for guaran- TNCs abound - gifting its locale of
tee. This is where brand image comes profits it benefits off it, as well as
into play that more often may mark their own sense of pride - in hosting
between successes & failures much it as well!
more than the product itself. Interesting, is it not? How glob- The Designer/Engineer is often
Given the often virtual realm alization helps build a global commu- the better worker.
within which the IT industry func- nity. Safe. Secure. Sustainable. Safe.
tions, and its services used - from the Secure. Sustainable. The EA mantra
desktop publishing units to super- for branding. Cyclical. There! We
computers, to the so-called AI just solved the curiosity about how
(Artificial Intelligence), the need for EA looks at both commerce and in-
secure guarantees begin from step dustry - in accordance with life and
one to the last step. In multiples of living, and sticking to the present as
the sense of security & safety than in much as we can.
other ordinary industries! This helps Know Thyself
rub off in the general tenor of ro-
bustness of the related state's brand
image as well. Making branding a
process that occurs over relatively
shorter periods of gaining trust, and

What is National Security?

Then, at the more serious view nomics? Given the ubiquity of scarcity
about policies, etc. here's from a dis- -abundance problematic within which
cussion about National & Economic humans have landed themselves de-
Security. These are intriguing chal- spite the idea of progress, the first fal-
lenges for any analyst, academic, and lacy here usually presents the route to
those interested in liberal democracy. subsequent fallacies. Or the first wis-
1. How does any modern/ dom here promises subsequent wise The Designer/Engineer is often the
actions. The former threatens human better worker.
contemporary state understand eco-
Page 8 A Peep Inside The EA Mind

What is National Security contd...

survival. The latter promises human- they are)? For those do affect human
ity's emergence. lives, and the entire collective planetary
2. When seen as a necessary con- future. Just ideas. The fallacies or wisdom
sequence, the topic further intrigues in those, and their pathologies or clarities
with a). Economic security for whom? born of each!
b). With a point 'a' thereby defining
Source: Discussion featured as a
national (a misnomer and is the state
You Tube(dot)com "Economic Security
The Engineer is often the better in most cases) security. The fallacies or
worker. as National Security: A discussion",
wisdom begin making themselves
with Dr. Peter Navarro. Streamed live
clearer here.
on November 9, 2018. Courtesy: Centre
3. Given people power structures, for Strategic & International Studies
it is a perennial Achilles' Heel, thereby (CSIS).
forming the litmus test for organiza-
tional capacities that include regulatory
mechanisms, etc.
4. Within the conception of the
state (its reification has meant weird
pathologies for many often least aware
of its objectives, functions, etc), we
enter the intriguing canvas of various
Know Thyself
5. Thereby, the academic having
positively overtaken the 'real' in many
cases and mark ideas as the supreme
actors in the human arena. These vari-
ous ideas dictate various trajectories,
creating the various worlds that we
find around ourselves. Constructivism
is the reality manifesting itself in those
varieties, and the various worlds each
has created, or helped create for itself.
Do you find these brief EA
points interesting? How do you think
humans define and decide the futures
The Business-owner is often the of many, as some decide their routes at
better service-provider. each of the cross-roads (that is what
Special Edn. Page 9

Like them? You are welcome...

1. Context Field: The cumulative sum-total of influences and impacts upon an
a. Proxemics or "the study of how man unconsciously structures microspace -
the distance between men the conduct of daily transactions, the organization of
space in his houses and buildings, and ultimately the layout of his towns."
b. Kinesics or "the science of body behavioural comunication." Where
"Communication is a term used to describe the structured dynamic processes relat-
ing to interconnectedness of living systems." Additionally, when "Communication
is a multichannel system emergent from, and regulative of, the influenceable mul-
tisensory activity of living systems."
The Designer/Engineer is often
2. Deep culture or cosmology or the unconsciously or subconsciously held the better worker.
belief systems operative in any particular group.
3. The idea of being qua being, becoming & thus a ‘being’.

Think of the Frankfurter Schule as a good source & thinkers from Heraclitus,
Aristotle, Plato, etc to Theodor Adorno, Habermas, Heidegger, Badiou, Foucault,
etc. for informed opinions upon crucial issues that may interest you. Usage of
terms: self. Ontology as a perennial Heideggerean striving for. Do spare a thought
about the Megaliths & the Pyramids as well please. They hold useful insights.

Know Thyself
Author FactSheet
Amarjyoti Acharya is Lawrence MA & MPhil, School of Interna-
Michael. Also written as Amar Jyoti tional Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Uni-
Acharya or Amar J. Acharya. versity, New Delhi, India. 1998-2004.

Primary & Secondary education: is the

St. Xavier’s School, Sahibganj, Jhark- website & Lawrence Michael Crea-
hand 816109. India. 1987. tives has been active as a non-
commercial venture.
Higher Secondary: The Air
Force School, Delhi Cantt., India. Parents: AD Acharya, MA, NCC
1989. Officer., Suchitra Acharya, BA
(Bengali Honours), Housewife, Man-
Bachelor’s Degree (Privately):
Kakatiya University, Warrangal. In- The Designer/Engineer is often the
dia. 1994. Sibling: Pranab Jyoti Acharya. better worker.
lawrence michael creatives

simplifying life


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