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NPS International School

Name: ___________________ Subject: English

Date: ________ Grade: VI____

Task: Role Play (Group Activity)

Perform a role play inspired by the story of Thank you Ma’am.
You will have to enact a situation wherein you show sympathy or kindness and try to
help someone who has done something wrong. Your story must have a clear resolution.

 Form groups of 4 – 5. (You could divide your group into actors, narrators, props
and ppt developer)
 You will need to prepare in advance for the performance. One period will be
allocated for writing the script and rehearsing it. If you require more time, do get
together with your group mates online or during break time in school.
 Scripts must be submitted on the day of the performance.
 Costumes and props used should be something that can be easily worn over the
school uniform and lightweight.
 The duration of the role play should be between 4 to 5 minutes.

NPSI/Version 1.0/22-23/Eng/06/08
NPS International School

Rubric for Role 4-3 2 1

Content The details of the story All the details in the story A number of errors that
that are included in the are not conveyed or may hamper smoothness in
script are creative and contain errors.  flow of plot. 
show kindness or Ideas may not always flow Audience has difficulty
sympathy towards a smoothly. The resolution understanding the role
wrong doer.  was satisfactory. play because the sequence
Ideas are clearly of the events is
conveyed. A clear unclear. Missing
resolution was resolution.
3 2 1
Characterisation  Convincing Adequate communication Limited communication of
communication of of character’s feelings, character’s feelings,
character’s feelings, situation and motives.  situation and motives.
situation and motives.  Speaks  Presentation is not clear.
Speaks clearly  somewhat clearly. There is Little or no intonation n
and loudly when  some voice intonation and and expression used. 
presenting using voice expression used. 
intonation and

3 2 1
Costume & Demonstrates the story Demonstrates the story Costume barely
Props setting and character. setting and character to demonstrates the story
some extent. setting and character.

NPSI/Version 1.0/22-23/Eng/06/08

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