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Department of Education

Region III

Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

School: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


Science 10 (Q3 - Week 4-5)
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation

I. Introduction

You have learned that no two individuals are exactly alike. Even twins behave
differently. Your characteristics are influenced by the genes in your deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA).

You will work on activities to assess your understanding of the DNA structure;
explain how DNA replication takes place and how mutations may cause changes in
the arrangement and function of a protein; how ribonucleic acid (RNA) occurs; and
how information in some genes is translated into proteins.

This Learning Activity Sheet will help you discover the importance of genes to
cellular activity. In other words, a gene is a portion of DNA that contains the
instructions for the synthesis of specific RNA or protein.

II. Learning Competency

 Explain how protein is formed using information from DNA (S10LT-IIId-37)

 Explain how mutation may cause changes in the structure and function of
a protein. (S10LT-IIIe-38)

III. Objectives
At the end of the learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
a. identify the role of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis;
b. describe DNA replication;
c. relate DNA replication to its complementary structure; and
d. describe transcription and translation.
e. compare the different types of mutations and their possible results.


DNA and RNA Structure

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the genetic material of organisms. It is a

double helix molecule composed of complementary strands of deoxyribonucleotides
units. The hydrogen bonds hold the complementary base pairs of the DNA.

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), like DNA, is a nucleic acid. However, their structure
differs in three ways. First, RNA is single-stranded, whereas DNA is double-stranded.
Second, the sugar in RNA is ribose; DNA has deoxyribose. Finally, both DNA and
RNA contain four nitrogenous bases but, instead of thymine, RNA consists of a
similar base called uracil.

The uracil pairs with adenine, and cytosine bonds with guanine.
The dominant types of RNA include; messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA),
and transfer RNA (tRNA).

Figure 1. DNA Structure Figure 2. RNA Structure

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick worked out that DNA is a binary
helix like a twisted staircase. The two sugar-phosphate backbones make up the sides
and the base pairs make up the rungs or steps of the twisted staircase.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is copied during interphase prior to mitosis and

meiosis. It is important that new copies are exactly like the original molecule. The
structure of the DNA provides a mechanism for making accurate copies of the
molecule. The process of making copies of DNA is called replication. When DNA
replicates, two identical copies of DNA molecules are produced, which are exactly the
same as the original.

Figure 3. Transfer of genetic information

The following are the events while DNA copies itself:

 Step 1. An enzyme called helicase breaks the bond between nitrogenous

bases and the two strands of a DNA split.
 Step 2. The bases attached to each strand then pair up with free nucleotides
found in the cytoplasm.
 Step 3. The complementary nucleotides are added to each strand by DNA
polymerase to form new strands. Two new DNA molecules, each with a parent
strand and each with a new strand form. The DNA replication is known as
semi-conservative replication because one of the old strands is conserved in
each molecule. Figure 4 illustrates the semi-conservative replica of DNA.

Figure 4. DNA Replication

Protein production is similar to car production. It is the role of DNA to provide

workers with the instructions for making the proteins and, the workers build the
proteins. Other workers known as amino acids bring parts to the factory. RNA
molecules or the workers for synthesis get the instruction on how the protein

Three types of RNA that help build proteins.

1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) brings information from DNA in the nucleus to the protein
manufacturing area, the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the mRNA becomes the
template of information to make proteins.

2. Ribosomes, made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and, ribosomal proteins hold tightly
into the mRNA using its information to assemble the amino acids in order.

3. Transferred RNA (tRNA) supplies amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled as


Transcription is the process of replicating data in a strand of DNA into a new
molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA).

How does the information in DNA found in the nucleus move to the ribosome
in the cytoplasm? The following events can help you understand the process of

Step 1. Ribonucleic Acid polymerase enzyme binds and opens the transcribed DNA

Step 2. As the DNA molecule opens, the RNA polymerase slides along its strand and
freely links into the RNA nucleotides that pair with the nitrogenous bases of
the complementary DNA strand. Hence, if the sequence of bases on the DNA
strand were CCG TTA CAT, the sequence of bases on the RNA strand would

Step 3. When the process of base-pairing completes, the RNA molecule breaks away
as the DNA strands rejoin. The RNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the


The DNA directs the production of proteins and determines the formation of
mRNA. The order of bases of mRNA determines the protein synthesized. Proteins
control the activities of the cell, as well as so the life of the entire organism.

The process of converting the information in messenger RNA into a sequence

of amino acids that make a protein is known as translation. Each set of three
nucleotides in an mRNA molecule codes for one amino acid in a protein. It explains
why each set of three nucleotides in the mRNA is called a codon. Each codon
specifies a particular amino acid. For example, the first codon is cytosine-guanine-
uracil (CGU) instructs the ribosome to put the amino acid arg (arginine) in the
protein. The sequence of codons in the mRNA determines the sequence of amino
acids in the protein.

But how are the right amino acids added in the right sequence to match the
sequence of codons in the mRNA? The following events in translation can help you
understand the process:

Step 1. As translation begins, mRNA binds to a ribosome then, tRNA molecules, each
carrying a specific amino acid, approach the ribosome. The tRNA anticodon
pairs with the first mRNA (start) codon arginine-uracil-guanine (AUG),
forming the initiation complex, soon the two molecules temporarily join

Step 2. Usually, the first codon on mRNA is AUG codes for the acid methionine, AUG
signals the start of protein synthesis. Then, the ribosome slides along the
mRNA to the next codon.

Step 3. A new tRNA molecule carries amino acid pairs with the second mRNA codon.

Step 4. When the first and second amino acids are in place, an enzyme joins them
by forming a peptide bond between them.
Step 5. As the process continues, a chain of amino acids forms until the ribosomes
reaches a stop codon (e.g., UAA, UAG, UGA) on the mRNA strand. The
polypeptide chain is released. Protein synthesis is complete.

MUTATION: Changes in the Genetic Code

A mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA. These Mutations may
affect only one gene, or they may affect whole chromosomes. Factors called mutagens
induce mutations commonly in the form of toxic chemicals and harmful radiation.

Mutations can occur in two different types of cells: reproductive cells and body
cells. Only mutations in sex cells pass on to the offspring. Mutations in body cells
affect only the individual and are not discharge to the offspring. There are two types
of mutations that can occur in sex cells: Gene mutation is a permanent change in
the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.

 Chromosomal mutation occurs at the chromosome level resulting in gene

deletion, duplication or rearrangement that may occur during the cell cycle
and meiosis. It may be caused by parts of chromosomes breaking off or re-
joining incorrectly.

Kinds of Chromosomal Mutations

1. Translocation occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and connects to
another chromosome.

2. Inversion involves the breakage of a chromosome in two places in which the

resulting piece of DNA is reversed and re-inserted into the chromosome.

3. Deletion refers to the loss of a segment of DNA or chromosome.

Chromosomal mutations can lead to a variety of genetic disorders. Human

examples are the following below:

a. “Cri du chat” is caused by the deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome
5. “Cri du chat” is French, and the condition is so named because affected
babies make high pitched cries that sound like a cat.

b. Down’s Syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21

(trisomy 21)

c. Edwards syndrome, which is the second most common trisomy after Down’s
syndrome, is a trisomy of chromosome 18.

d. Jacobsen syndrome is also called terminal 11q deletion disorder. This is a very
rare disorder. Those affected have normal intelligence or mild mental
retardation, with poor or excessive language skills.

e. Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY). Men with this condition are usually sterile and
tend to have longer arms and legs to be taller than their peers.

f. Turner’s syndrome (X instead of XX or XY). Female sexual characteristics are
present but underdeveloped. They often have short stature, low hairline,
abnormal eye features and bone development and a “caves-in” appearance to
the chest.

Human Karyotyping
A karyotype is an individual's collection of chromosomes. The term also
refers to a laboratory technique that produces an image of an individual's
chromosomes. Karyotypes may reveal the gender of a fetus or test for certain defects
through examination of cells from uterine fluid.

Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is a modern biotechnology that produces transgenic or
GM crops of organisms. Scientists have developed methods to move genes from one
species into another. When DNA from two different species are joined together, it is
called recombinant DNA. This process uses restriction enzymes to splice the DNA
fragment into plasmid or viral DNA.

V. Activities
Activity # 1:

Getting to Know the DNA and RNA Structure

Compare the structures of DNA and RNA molecule

1. Fill in the comparison table below.

Basis of Comparison DNA RNA

1. number of strands
2. location in the cell
3. type of sugar
4. nitrogenous base pair

Guide Questions:
1. What are the components of the DNA and RNA molecule?
2. What is the structural difference between DNA and RNA?
3. What nitrogenous base is found in RNA but not in DNA?

Activity # 2:
Trace the Code

Identify the amino acids coded for by the mRNA codon using the Genetic
Code Table.

 Genetic Code Table
 Activity sheet

1. Copy and fill in the table.
2. Refer to the Genetic Code Table to identify the amino acid.

Order of bases Order of bases Order of bases Amino Acid

in DNA in mRNA in tRNA Coded into
(codon) Proteins

3. To determine the order of bases in the first column (DNA), the second column
(codon) and the third column (anticodon), consider the complementary base pairs
in DNA: adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. While in
RNA, adenine pairs with uracil, and guanine pairs with cytosine.

4. To identify the amino acid, look at the bases in the mRNA codon, e.g., AUG using
the Genetic Code Table. Look for the first letter of the mRNA codon on the left
side of the genetic code table (A), the second letter of the mRNA on the second
letter column (U), and the third letter on the right-side column (G). AUG codes for
amino acid - methionine.

5. Do the same with the other codons in the chart.

Genetic Code Table

Guide Questions:

1. Why is specific base pairing essential to the processes of transcription and


2. How many codon/s codes for one amino acid?

Activity 3

I. Choose the correct answer from the words in the box. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

Mutations Edward’s syndrome inversion

Recombinant DNA Genetic engineering Karyotype
Chromosomal mutation Down’s syndrome Gene mutation
Translocation Deletion

1. It is modern biotechnology that produces transgenic or GM crops of organisms.

2. It is a change in the base sequence of DNA.
3. It occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and connects to other
4. It is when DNA from two different species join together.
5. It refers to a laboratory technique that produces an image of an individual's
6. It refers to the loss of a segment of DNA or chromosome.
7. It is usually caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21)
8. It involves the breakage of a chromosome in two places in which the resulting
piece of DNA reversed and re-inserted into the chromosome.

9. Chromosomal mutation occurs at the chromosome level resulting in
gene deletion, duplication or, a rearrangement that may develop.
10. Gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a

VI. Assessment
A. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule:


1. If this strand is replicated, which of the following is the produced

complementary strand?
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. T T A C G G T C A C C A
B. A G C A G G C A G G G T D. U C G U C C U C U A G A

2. If transcribed into an mRNA, what would be the resulting strand?

A. U U A C G G U C A C C A C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A G C A G G A G A T C A D. T C G T C C G T C T A G

3. During translation, the tRNA sequence of nucleotides arranged linearly

is ______________________.
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A A U G C C A G U G G U D. U C G U C C G U C U A G

B. Each combination of nitrogenous bases on the mRNA molecule is a

codon, a three-letter code for a specific amino acid. The table shows the
mRNA codon for each amino acid. Use the Genetic Code Table to answer
the questions.
4. The codon for tryptophan is ________________.
5. For leucine, there are _________________ different codons.
6. The codon GAU is for _________________.
7. In a stop codon, if the second base is G, the first and the third bases are
________ and ________.

C. Sequence the following steps in protein synthesis from first to last (1-6)
__________ A. Transcription
__________ B. tRNA – amino acid units link to mRNA
__________ C. Amino acid separates from tRNA
__________ D. Polypeptide chain assembled
__________ E. mRNA links to ribosome
__________ F. Stop codon encountered in mRNA

D. Given the list of amino acids, determine the sequence of bases in the codon
of the mRNA that codes for these amino acids. Use the table for the Genetic
1. Methionine 6. Asparagine
2. Leucine 7. Valine
3. Arginine 8. Glycine
4. Threonine 9. Aspartic acid
5. Lysine 10. Glutamic acid

VII. Reflection
A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

1-2. DNA molecule consists of _________ strands of nucleotides, while

RNA molecule consists of __________ strand.

3-4. Adenine always bonds with _______, and cytosine bonds with _________

5. In RNA, adenine bonds with ______________.

6. ______________ is the process of making two identical copies of DNA


7. DNA is located in the _________________ of the cell.

8. ______________ is the process of converting the information in messenger

RNA into a sequence of amino acids that make a protein.

9. ______________ brings information from the DNA in the nucleus

to the protein manufacturing area.

10. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose while that in RNA is _____________.

VIII. References

Acosta, Herma D., Liza A. Alvarez, Dave G. Angeles, Ruby D. Arre, Ma. Pilar P. Carmona,
Aurelia S. Garcia, Arlen Gatpo, Judith F. Marcaida, Ma. Regaele A. Olarte, Marivic
S. Rosales, and Nilo G. Salazar. Science 10 Teacher’s Guide. Pasig City, Philippines:
Department of Education, 2015

Electronic Sources
“Image of DNA structure”

“RNA diagram”

“Replication-Central Dogma”

Order of bases in Order of bases in Order of bases in Amino Acid Coded
DNA mRNA (codon) tRNA into Proteins
TAG AUC UAG Isoleucine
ATG UAC AUG Methionine
TGA ACU UGA Threonine
ACA UGU ACA Cysteine
AAA UUU AAA Phenylalanine
Q1. Specific base pairing is essential to the processes of transcription and translation because
change/s in the sequence of nitrogenous bases in the DNA may cause changes in the kind,
sequence, and number of amino acids of proteins synthesized by cells.
Q2. One codon specifies for one amino acid only.
Activity 2
Basis of Comparison DNA RNA
1. number of strands 2 1
2. location in the cell Nucleus Cytoplasm
3. type of sugar Deoxyribose ribose
4. nitrogenous base pair A,T, C, G A, U, C, G
Guide Questions.
1. The DNA and RNA are made up of three components: namely:
a. sugar
b. phosphate group
c. nitrogenous base
2. DNA and RNA are different in the following:
a. DNA is double stranded while RNA is single-stranded
b. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose while that in RNA is ribose.
c. The nitrogen bases in DNA are adenine(A), guanine (G), thymine
(T), and cytosine (C). In RNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and
3. Uracil
Activity 1
IX. Answer Key
A. 1. A
2. A
3. B
4. UGG
5. 6
6. Aspartic acid
7. U & A
___1__ A. Transcription
1. 2 / double ___3__ B. tRNA – amino acid units link to mRNA
2. 2 / single ___4__ C. Amino acid separates from tRNA
___5__ D. Polypeptide chain assembled
3. thymine
___2__ E. mRNA links to ribosome
4. guanine
___6__ F. Stop codon encountered in mRNA
5. uracil D.
6. DNA replication 1. AUG 6. AAU/AAG
7. nucleus 2. UUA/UUG/CUU/ 7. GUU/GUC/GUA/GUG
8. translation CUC/CUA/CUG
9. messenger RNA 3. AGA/AGG 8. GGU/GGC/CGA/GGG
10. ribose 4. ACU/ACC/ACA/ACG 9. GAU/GAC
Reflection Assessment
1. Genetic engineering 6. Deletion
2.Mutations 7. Down’s syndrome
3.Translocation 8. Inversion
4.Recombinant DNA 9. Chromosomal mutation
5.Karyotype 10. Gene mutation
Activity 3
X. Development Team

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets

Writer: Anette B. Santos
Editor: Cristina L. Dizon, PhD
Reviewer: Ala M. Elagio, Alice Y. Tayag, Marlene Manaluz
Management Team: Ericson S. Sabacan, EdD, CESO VI
Leandro C. Canlas, PhD, CESE
Elizabeth O. Latorilla, PhD
Sonny N. De Guzman, EdD
Cristina L. Dizon, PhD
Elizabeth C. Miguel, EdD

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Mabalacat

P. Burgos St., Poblacion, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Telefax: (045) 331-8143

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