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Subject SCIENCE Grade 10 Level JHS Q3 Wk 4 SLHT 4

MELC: Explain how protein is made using information from DNA.

Competency Code: S10LT-IIId-37

K – Explain how protein is made using information from DNA.
S – Trace amino acids coded for mRNA codon using the Genetic Code Table.
. A – Display responsibility to one’s actions and decisions in life.

Name ________________________________ Section ________ Date ________

School ______________________________ District __________________________

A. Readings/Discussions

Engineers uses blue print to build or plan a structure to determine how it looks like after
construction. Sheaf’s utilizes menu guide/ ingredient lists and procedure book to cook a
delicious and nutritious food. Teachers prepare lesson plans to facilitate meaningful and
purposeful learning engagement. In life, careful planning and wise decision making makes
one walk with sense of direction and purpose. Without all of these our work and life
becomes disorganized, disarray and disoriented much like our body systems.
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA contains the information needed to form and control the
physical make-up and chemical processes of an organism. The DNA also influence our
characteristics. The understanding of the DNA structure, explain how DNA replication
takes place, how ribonucleic acid (RNA) is made using the information from DNA, how
information in some genes is translated into proteins, and explain how mutations may
cause changes in the structure and function of a protein. Many studies and scientific
investigations have shown that genes controls the cells and the importance of genes in
the cellular activity. In other words, gene is a portion of DNA that contains the instructions
for the synthesis of specific RNA or protein.
The DNA molecule is composed of three types namely, the phosphate group, sugar
deoxyribose, and the bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine (A, T, C, G). On the
other hand, the nucleotides which are the basic building block of DNA is composed of one
phosphate group, one sugar molecule, and one of the four bases. Across the strands of
the helix, A is always paired with T, and G with C. These complementary structure of the
two strands of DNA allow each strand to serve as template during replication. Which
allows DNA to replicate itself with accuracy.
The Ribonucleic acid or the RNA, like the DNA, is a nucleic acid. However, RNA
structure differs from DNA structure in three ways, as shown in the figures:
1. RNA is single stranded whereas
DNA is double stranded
2. The sugar in RNA is Ribose,
DNA has Deoxyribose
3. DNA and RNA contain four
Nitrogenous Bases but instead of
Thymine, RNA contains a similar base
Called Uracil (U). The uracil pairs with adenine.
The major types of RNA include:
- messenger RNA (mRNA), Figure 1. Comparison of a DNA & RNA Model
- ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and
- transfer RNA (tRNA).

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick
work out that DNA is double helix like a twisted
staircase. The two sugar-phosphate backbones
make up the sides and the base pairs make up
the rungs or steps of the twisted staircase.
Deoxyribonucleic acid is copied during
interphase prior to mitosis and meiosis. Figure 2. Transfer of Genetic Information
It is important that the new copies are exactly
like the original molecule. The process of making copies of DNA is called replication.
When DNA replicates, two identical copies of DNA molecules are produced(s), which are
exactly the same as the original. The following are the events while the DNA copies itself:
- Step 1. An enzyme called helicase breaks the
bond between nitrogenous bases.
The two strands of DNA split.

- Step 2. The bases attached to each strand

Then pair up with the free
nucleotides found in the cytoplasm.

- Step 3. The complementary nucleotides are

added to each strand by DNA polymerase
to form new strands. Two new DNA
molecules, each with a parent strand and Figure 3. DNA Replication
each with a new strand formed. The DNA
replication is known as semi-conservative
replication, because one of the old strands
is conserved in each new molecule.
Engineers tell workers how to make cars, and the workers follow directions to build the
cars. Suppliers bring the parts to the factory so they can be installed in the car. Protein
production is similar to car production. It is the role of the DNA to provide workers with the
instructions for making the proteins, and the workers build proteins. Other known as
amino acids, bring parts to the factory. RNA molecules or the workers for protein
synthesis get the instructions from the DNA on how the protein should be assembled.
Moreover, there are three types of RNA that help build proteins. The RNA molecules that
could be considered to be the workers in the production of protein. They are:
- Messenger RNA (mRNA) brings information
from the DNA in the nucleus to the protein
manufacturing area, the cytoplasm. In the
cytoplasm, the mRNA becomes the template
of information to make proteins.

- Ribosomes, made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA),

and ribosomal proteins hold tightly into the
mRNA using its information to assemble the
amino acids in correct order. Figure 4. Types of RNA

- Transfer RNA (tRNA) supplies amino acids to

the ribosomes to be assembled as protein.


The sequence of nucleotides in DNA directs the order of nucleotides in messenger RNA
in a process called transcription.

- Step 1. Ribonucleic Acid polymerase enzyme binds

and opens the DNA molecule that will be transcribed.

- Step 2. As the DNA molecules opens, the RNA poly-

merase slides along the DNA strand and links free
RNA nucleotides that pair with the nitrogenous
Bases of the complementary DNA strand. Hence,
if the sequence of bases on the DNA strand were
CCG TTA CAT, the sequence of bases on the RNA
strand would be GGC AAU GUA.

- Step 3. When the process of base-pairing is completed,

the RNA molecule breaks away as the DNA strands rejoin.
The RNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the cytoplasm. Figure 5. Transcription

The DNA directs the production of proteins and determines the formation of mRNA. The
order of bases of mRNA determines the protein synthesized. In translation, each set of
three nucleotides in an mRNA molecule codes for one amino acid in a protein. This
explains why each set of three nucleotides in the mRNA is called a codon. Each codon
specifies a particular amino acid. For example, the first codon which is, cytosine-guanine-
uracil (CGU), instructs ribosomes to put amino acid arg (arginine) in the protein. The
sequence of codons in the mRNA determines the sequence of amino acids in the protein.
These are the following events in translation, where the right amino acids added in the
right sequence of codons in the mRNA.

- Step 1. As translation begins, mRNA binds to

a ribosome. Then, tRNA molecules, each carrying
a specific amino acid, approach the ribosome. The
tRNA anticodon pairs with the first mRNA (start)
codon arginine-uracil-guanine (CUG), to form the
initiation complex. The two molecules temporarily
join together.

- Step 2. Usually, the first codon on mRNA is AUG,

which codes for the amino acid methionine. AUG
signals the start of protein synthesis. Then, the
ribosome slides along the mRNA to the next codon.

- Step 3. A new tRNA molecule carrying an amino

Acid pairs with the second mRNA codon.

- Step 4. When the first and second amino acids Figure 6. Translation
are in place, an enzyme joints them by forming
a peptide bond between them.

- Step 5. As the process continues, a chain of amino acids is

formed until the ribosomes reaches a stop codon
(eg. UAA, UAG, UGA) on the mRNA strand. The polypeptide
chain is released. Protein synthesis is complete.

The role of transfer RNA (tRNA) is to bring the amino acids in the cytoplasm to
ribosomes to make proteins. Proteins such as enzymes are mostly amino acids chained
together in a certain order. Each group of three nucleotide bases represent a codon in a
DNA or mRNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid or a start/ stop signal. This code
is picked up by the mRNA and is carried from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The codon
has its complement anticodon in tRNA. Each amino acid that will form a protein molecule
to be synthesized is determined by the triplet code or codon on the mRNA.
B. Exercises

Exercise 1

Directions: A. Match the following events in column A with the corresponding process
in making proteins in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer

Column A Column B

1. Ribonucleic Acid polymerase enzyme binds A. Replication

and opens the DNA molecule that will be transcribed. B. Transcription
2. The bases attached to each strand. Then pair up C. Translation
with the free nucleotides found in the cytoplasm.
3. A new tRNA molecule carrying an amino acid
pairs with the second mRNA codon.
4. DNA molecules opens, the RNA polymerase
slides along the DNA strand and links free RNA
nucleotides that pair with the nitrogenous bases.
5. When the first and second amino acids are in
place, an enzyme joints them by forming a
peptide bond between them.

Directions: B. Fill in the comparison table below.

Basis of Comparison DNA RNA

1. Number of Strands

2. Location in the cell

3. Type of sugar

4. Nitrogenous base

Exercise 2
Directions: Copy and fill in the table with the amino acids coded for by the mRNA
codon using the Genetic Code Table. Refer to the Genetic code Table to identify the
amino acid. (Adopted from the Activity Trace the Code, LM for Science 10)

Order of Base Order of Bases in Order of Bases in Amino Acid Coded

in DNA mRNA tRNA into Proteins
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

For items 1-3: The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule.
1. I f the strand is replicated, which of the following is complementary strand that is
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. T T A C G G T C A C C A
B. A G C A G G C A G G G T D. U C G U C C U C U A G A
2. If transcribed into an mRNA, what would be the resulting strand?
A. U U A C G G U C A C C A C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A G C A G G A G A T C D. T C G T C C G T C T A G
3. During translation, the tRNA sequence of the nucleotides arranged linearly is ___.
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A A U G C C A G U G G U D. U C G U C C G U C U A G

For items 4-8: Each combinations of nitrogen bases on the mRNA molecule is a codon,
which is a three letter code for a specific amino acid. The table shows the
mRNA code for each amino acid. Use the genetic Code Table to answer
4. The codon of a tryptophan is ________.
5. For leucine, there are _____ different codons.
6. The codon GAU is for ________________.
7. – 8. In a stop codon, if the second base is G, the first and third bases are ____ and

Essay: Answer briefly. (2 points)

Why is base pairing essential to the process of transcription and translation?

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies

Read the article from The NEWS FEATURE 09 SEPTEMBER 2020 The controversial
company using DNAto sketch the faces of criminals: Parabon Nanolabs shot to fame using DNA and
genealogy analysis to solve cold cases. Then it hit a setback. (Carrie Arrnold)

It was May 2019 when Parabon Nanolabs ran into a major controversy. At the time, it was
the most famous forensic-genetics company on the planet. From its headquarters in
Reston, Virginia, Parabon was helping police to crack cold-crime cases almost weekly,
such as the murder of a Canadian couple in 1987 and the case of a young woman who
was sexually assaulted and killed in the 1960s.The company had made its name by
comparing suspects’ DNA to profiles on genealogy databases and piecing together family
trees to track down alleged offenders. But then controversy erupted over a case Parabon
helped to solve, in which a teenage boy had violently assaulted a septuagenarian in a
Mormon meeting house in Utah. The Utah case generated public backlash because of
concerns over privacy.

Genealogists at Parabon had been generating leads by sifting through a database of DNA
tests called GEDMatch, a free-to-use website that allows users to upload test results in
the hope of finding long-lost relatives. At the time, GEDMatch allowed law-enforcement
agencies access to the profiles to help solve murders and sexual assaults, unless users
specifically opted out. The police, aided by Parabon and companies like it, made new
arrests weekly.

But the Utah case was not a murder or a sexual assault — and so was not covered by the
website’s disclaimer. The assailant had left traces of blood at the scene, and the detective
in charge of the case, Mark Taggart, made a personal plea to GEDMatch’s founder, Curtis
Rogers, for access to the database. When it was granted, Parabon, which had initially
refused the case, signed on. The company traced several partial DNA matches to
individuals living in the area, and narrowed in on a suspect, a teenaged boy who was a
relative of one of them. Taggart made an arrest.

Combining DNA samples with family trees is the core of forensic genetic genealogy. The
process rests on the simple statistical rules of genetics. A parent and child, or two siblings,
share 50% of their DNA. Grandparents and grandchildren share 25%. Even distant
relatives share small portions of DNA. This allows consumer genetic-testing companies
such as Ancestry in Lehi, Utah, and 23andMe in Sunnyvale, California, to estimate
relationships between two individuals who have submitted samples, as far out as fourth
cousins (who share a pair of great-great-great grandparents). Anyone can upload the
results of their own DNA test to databases such as GEDMatch.

Rae-Venter found two GEDMatch profiles that looked to be distant cousins of the suspect,
and used that information to work backwards and find their great-grandparents. Then, she
moved forward in time to trace their descendants, focusing on California during the time
the crimes were committed. After two months, Rae-Venter handed the detective the
names of three brothers.

DNA from a cigarette discarded by one brother matched the sample, and on 24 April
2018, police arrested Joseph DeAngelo — in the first criminal case to be solved using the
technique. (DeAngelo pleaded guilty to multiple counts of rape and murder and was
sentenced to life in prison last month.)

Guide Questions:
1. What was the case all about?
2. Who were involved in the case?
3. How the case was resolved?
4. Cite implications on knowing your family genes through DNA structure?


Department of Education, Science 10 Learner’s Material First Edition 2015, pages 263-283
Department of Education, Science 10 Teacher’s Guide First Edition 2015, pages 115- 124
Exploring Life through Science Series, The New Grade 10 (Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.), pages 91-96
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology - New Paradigm in Evolutionary Computation
February 2015
DOI: 10.1109/SYNASC.2014.46
Corina Rotar
"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Prepared by:



Edited/Reviewed by:

Education Program Supervisor-Science

For the Teacher:

Advise the students to read the Reading and Discussion portion before they attempt to
answer the practice exercises. Let the learners go through the parts sequentially to help
them understand the topic easily. The Key Answers are for you to refer during the
checking. Don’t include it in the printing.

For the Learner:

Read thoroughly and understand the Self-Learning Home Task from the first part to
the last part. By doing so, will help you understand better the topic. If you still have enough
time, do it twice for more understanding. You can use a dictionary if you find it hard to
comprehend the science terms. Use a separate sheet for your answers.

For the Parent/Home Tutor:

Assist your child and make sure that he/she reads the Self-Learning Home Task from
the beginning up to end, to ensure proper understanding of the concepts. Don’t feed the
answer to your child. Let her/him do it of his own.

(Note: Pls.don’t include the Answer Key in printing )

ANSWER KEY ( Pls.fill out )

Exercise 1. A.

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C

Basis of Comparison DNA RNA

1. Number of Strands 2 1

2. Location in the cell nucleus Cytoplasm

3. Type of sugar deoxyribose ribose

4. Nitrogenous base A, T, C, G A, U, C, G

Exercise 2:

Order of Base Order of Bases in Order of Bases in Amino Acid Coded

in DNA mRNA tRNA into Proteins
TAG AUC UAG Isoleucine
ATG UAC AUG Methionine
TGA ACU UGA Threonine
ACA UGU ACA Cysteine
AAA UUU AAA Phenylalanine

Summative Assessment:

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. UGG
5. 6
6. Aspartic acid
7. U
8. A

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