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S.Y. 2022-2023

NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:_____________ SCORE: ____________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item comprehensively. Choose and write the letter of your
answer in the space before the number.

______1. What is the highest heart rate per minute of an individual that is still considered
within the normal range?
a. 180 b. 200 c. 220 d. 240
______2. What is the term that refers to the distance between the floor and the top of the
a. agility b. height c. speed d. weight
______3. What is the term that refers to the heaviness and lightness of a person?
a. balance b. height c. power d. weight
______4. What is/are the misconception/s about drug abuse?
a. Drug abuse helps in the digestion of food.
b. It will make the person alert and full of energy.
c. Drug abuse removes shyness and inhibitions.
d. All of the above
______5. A kind of drug that has similar effects to alcoholic intoxication when sniffed or
a. depressants b. hallucinogens c. inhalants d. narcotics
______6. A significant short term effect of alcohol in the body.
a. brain damage b. coma c. kidney failure d. slurred speech
______7. What procedure should be administered when the victim is unconscious, and
has a life threatening conditions?
a. CPR b. primary survey c. RICE method d. secondary survey
______8. Which of the following injuries is intentional?
a. dislocation b. fracture c. strain d. verbal abuse
______9. Which of the following materials must NOT be used to separate a person from a
live wire?
a. broom b. steel bar c. stick d. twigs
_____10. In transporting a victim to a safer place, which of the following factors are you
going to consider the most?
a. height and weight b. nationality c. physical appearance d. status of life
_____11. What is the best one-man transport to be used specially in a limited space
where the first aider must crawl?
a. blanket drag b. fireman’s drag c. pack strap carrying d. piggy back
_____12. Which of the following conditions DOES NOT describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment.
b. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs.
c. Insufficient community projects and infrastructures.
d. All of the above.
_____13. Which of the following environmental problems causes climate change?
a. economic loses c. control of communicable disease
b. feeding program d. improper garbage disposal
_____14. Which of the following problems is the leading cause of environmental
a. deforestation b. illegal quarrying c. oil spill d. soil erosion

_____15. Which is NOT an effect of climate change?

a. Dead trees from oil spillage.
b. Increase risk of drought, fire, and floods.
c. More health related illness and disease.
d. All of the above.
_____16. Which of the following best describes drug abuse?
a. Loss of concentration
b. The use of substance in coherent.
c. Drugs commonly abused.
d. All of the above
_____17. Which of the following is the long term effect of stimulants?
a. coma c. loss of body balance
b. muscle cramps and pain d. paralysis of the muscles
_____18. What is referred to as inconsistent intake of drugs with the prescribed dosage or
frequency of use?
a. drug of abuse b. drug dependence c. drug misuse d. drug tolerance
_____19. Which of the following procedures is correct in treating for open wounds with
severe bleeding?
a. Ask the person if he/she is choking.
b. Control the bleeding by applying direct pressure, and elevation
c. Transport the victim to a cool place.
d. All of the above
_____20. For wound first aid, which of the following best describes dressing?
a. A forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues.
b. A piece of sterile cloth that covers a wound to prevent infections.
c. It is used to apply pressure and provides support for immobilization.
d. None of the above
_____21. If you are being bullied in school, what is the best thing for you to do?
a. Ask help from your friends for possible vengeance.
b. Confront the bully and tell him that you don’t like what he/she is doing.
c. Do not do anything; anyway the bully will stop soon.
d. Report him/her to the school authorities.
_____22. What kind of “transportation or lift-and-carry” is used to rescue a light and
smaller victim?
a. blanket drag b. fireman’s carry c. fireman’s drag d. piggy back
_____23. Which of the following did the Dangerous Drug Board listed as one of the signs
and symptoms of drug abuse?
a. improves memory c. revitalized the skin
b. positive outlook of life d. uncontrolled irritations
_____24. It is the act of taking one’s own life.
a. domestic violence b. kidnapping c. parasuicide d. suicide
_____25. Which of the following programs promotes community health?
a. maternal health c. child health care
b. primary health care d. control of communicable disease
_____26. How will you take care of your wounds to avoid infections?
a. Seek medical health c. Apply cold compress
b. Apply hot compress d. None of the above
_____27. Which is the possible solution to stop or lessen the rising incident of drowning
in the community?
a. Do not let the minors to go out permanently.
b. Give them gadgets to refrain them to go out
c. Parents should be the direct responsibility to their children specially minors.
d. None of the above.

_____28. Which of the following conditions is a long term effect of narcotics?

a. nausea b. weight loss c. chill and shaking d. overdose leading to coma/death
_____29. Which of the following crucial situations needs a quick response and immediate
a. Sprain c. Strain
b. Simple wound d. Life threatening emergency
_____30. You noticed that you are always followed by someone whom you don’t know and
you are very much worried about it. What will be your best response to solve
your situation?
a. Run away and hide.
b. Nothing; he/she is just a harmless admirer.
c. Tell your parents or other authorities you can trust about your problem.
d. None of the above.
_____31. The “Primary Health Care” is subsidized by the government. What does this
statement imply?
a. Primary health care is a basic need.
b. Primary health care will attract foreign investors.
c. Primary health care are available and must be given for free.
d. None of the above.
_____32. Which of the following statements regarding “Environmental Health Issues” is
a. Solid waste management requires discipline.
b. Adopt the 3R’s to sustain healthy environment.
c. Take personal responsibility of our own garbage disposal.
d. All of the above.
_____33. Which of the following statements is a myth regarding drug addiction?
a. As time passes, you may need larger doses of drug to get high.
b. The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug.
c. As your drug use increases, you may find that it’s increasingly difficult to go
out without drug.
d. None of the above.
_____34. Which is not a first aid procedure for food poisoning?
a. Check the mouth if obstruction is not cleared.
b. Give him something to drink.
c. Encourage him to cough.
d. None of the above.
_____35. What is the most important characteristic to make carrying and transporting a
victim easier and comfortable?
a. Mental awareness and accurate movements.
b. Being competent in treating emergency situations.
c. Always be ready and open to designate or distribute works.
d. All of the above
_____36. Which is a risk factor of suicide attempt?
a. Solving problems as one family.
b. History of trauma and abuse.
c. Strong connections of the family.
d. All of the above.
_____37. Which of the following situations is correct regarding use of alcohol and drugs?
a. Drug addicts are bad people.
b. It is okay for students to use cigarettes and alcohol.
c. Drug addiction is a choice. The user could just stop if they wanted to.
d. Continuous intake can lead to drug dependence, a state of physical and
psychological dependence on dangerous drug.

_____38. Which of the following procedures improves efficiency of solid waste

a. collection b. composting c. disposal d. processing
_____39. What is the best method in treating different kinds of wounds?
a. Apply CPR instantly.
b. Call a doctor in all situations.
c. Form organizations to produce budgets.
d. None of the above.
_____40. What is/are the sign/s of drug use?
a. Negative outlook in life.
b. Identification with known drug users.
c. Declining interest in studies and work.
d. All of the above

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