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NAME: Ralph Justin Darasin DATE: 10 – 10 - 2022

Y/Block#: Crim-1 Block #003

SUBJECT: Mathematics in the Modern World



1. Information and Communication – In our daily life, communication helps us

build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences, and needs, and helps us
connect to others. It's the essence of life, allowing us to express feelings, pass on
information and share thoughts. We all need to communicate.
2. Banking and Commerce – well-functioning financial system is fundamental to a
modern economy, and banks perform important functions for society. They must
therefore be secure. Interests of human being in industries, agriculture or any other
profession is for the purpose of commerce and trade. Because no one is self-
sufficient alone in his needs.
3. Physical Beauty – It may be so important to us because we associate other
positive qualities with a pleasing appearance. For example, attractive individuals are
expected to be happier and to have more rewarding life experiences than
unattractive individuals.
4. Biology – It pervades all aspects of everyday life. People rely on living things and
their products for the food they eat, their homes, their personal care, their fuel and
their medicines. Biological sources make up the ingredients for many personal care
and beauty products.
5. Astronomy – is one of the few scientific fields that interacts directly with society.
Not only transcending borders, but actively promoting collaborations around the
world. In the following paper, we outline the tangible aspects of what astronomy has
contributed to various fields.


Students usually skip their maths classes to play video games. But, do you
know here also they are learning maths? Here, not only while playing, but the
engineers who introduce different games for people also follow the different
mathematical concepts. The applications that involved are; Game Theory,
Probability, Computation, Logical Reasoning, Geometry.


When you’re eating, one thing that you should consider is if you can gain nutrients
on what type of foods you intake, how much should i/you eat? And if I can gain to
much fats from what I eat. These thoughts/series of questions can be consider as
the applications of mathematics, it involves; Logical Reasoning, and Probability.

We set our routine according to our workout schedule, count the number of
repetitions while exercising, etc., just based on maths. It involved the applications
of Basic Mathematical Operations (additions, subtraction, multiplication, and
division) Logical and Analogical Reasoning


Speed, Time, and Distance’ all these three things are studied in
mathematical subjects, which are the basics of driving irrespective of any
mode of transportation. The applications that involved are; Logical reasoning,
Numerical Reasoning, Mathematical Operations.

You know what, maths is the basis of any construction work. A lot of calculations,
preparations of budgets, setting targets, estimating the cost, etc., are all done based
on maths. The applications that involved are; Preparing budgets, Taking
measurements, Estimating the cost and profit, Arithmetic calculations, Geometry,
Calculus and Statistics, Trigonometry.

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