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Forgiveness: A Path for fulfillment and self-satisfaction

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. In high school, I used to
hold grudges against people who mistreated or betrayed me. Whenever they ask for my forgiveness, I’m
not the type of person who will eventually give in and forgive them. I was thinking of giving them the
same amount of pain that they have caused me so that they will know how It feels like to be betrayed or
mistreated. Back then, I just want to get even since I felt like this method is fair and just. Back then, I felt
like this way can make me feel satisfied. In the end, It did not feel good at all. It was even more painful
when you deserve an apology from someone who didn’t even ask for your forgiveness. It felt like there is
no right time to move on since you haven’t received any forgiveness from those who have wronged you.
We always tend to replay the memories of being betrayed and we are always hurt at the end. We often
associate forgiveness with moving on. We felt like being asked for forgiveness is a way of healing
ourselves from the pain we’ve experienced from them. I learned that It is not a weakness to forgive those
who hurt you. It is not a way of telling people that we are weak and can’t stand for ourselves.

It is not a foolish decision to forgive someone who hurt us or our loved ones. It is a sign of
strength to be able to forgive those who have hurt us or our loved ones. Think of it as a way of freeing
ourselves from all those moments that we tend to replay the memories of being hurt. Have you also been
in that situation? In the end, we are only hurting and harming ourselves again and again. If we forgive
those who hurt us, It will give us the kind of peace that helps us go on with our own lives and move
forward. It is important to give unconditional forgiveness to the person who hurt us. Forgiveness helps us
break free from the feeling of bitterness, anger, and revenge. After all, These feelings won’t do good in
our lives. I won’t feel genuinely happy if these feelings are still striving in my heart. I am only betraying
myself and getting stuck at one point and not even moving forward. Forgiveness is a sign of acceptance
and understanding that everyone makes a mistake. Whenever we make mistakes ourselves, we tend to be
more understanding of why a mistake happened. We need to learn and understand their motives and why
they may have acted that way. For example, your significant other cheated on you and you had a hard
time accepting and grasping your own reality. Moreover, you get these negative feelings such as revenge,
bitterness, and anger that clouded your judgment and decision-making. Hence, It has a negative impact on
your life. First, we need to accept the fact that your significant other cheated on you. Then, understand the
motive for why they cheated on you. Even if they say that you are not enough, It was never your fault
since It was their actions that hurt you. We need to forgive ourselves and not take the internal blame we
tend to force on ourselves.

It is important to forgive others and ourselves. God has a better plan for us. I might go through
rough times and be stuck in one position for a period of time. However, I won’t be in the same position
forever. After all, I need to forgive at some point. This is the only way to free me from the internal blame
and the negative feelings that It has caused me. This will only be harmful to me in the long run. I need to
accept my own reality. I need to forgive those who did me wrong. I need to understand that we, humans,
all make mistakes. We are not perfect beings in the end.

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