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abuse (verb): - abuse something to make bad use of something, or to use so much of

something that it harms your health He systematically abused his body with heroin and
- abuse something to use power or knowledge unfairly or wrongl She abused her position as
principal by giving jobs to her friends.
- abuse somebody/something to treat a person or an animal in a cruel or violent way,
especially sexually The boy had been sexually abused.
- abuse somebody to make rude or offensive remarks to or about somebody The referee had
been threatened and verbally abused.

Anti-royalist (adjective)Not believing that a country should have a king or queen

Applaud (verb) - to show your approval of somebody/something by clapping your hands (=

hitting your open hands together several times) He started to applaud and the others joined
-to express praise for somebody/something because you approve of them or it applaud
something We applaud her decision.

atheist (noun) a person who does not believe that God or gods exist

bogus (adjective) pretending to be real or true, false a bogus doctor/contract

challenging (adjective) -difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability challenging

-done in a way that invites people to disagree or argue with you, or shows that you disagree
with them She gave him a challenging look. ‘Are you really sure?’ she demanded.

Charade(noun) a situation in which people pretend that something is true when it clearly is
not Their whole marriage had been a charade—they had never loved each other.
-a game in which one player acts out the syllables of a word or title and the other players try
to guess what it is Let's play charades.

Coat (noun)-a piece of outdoor clothing that is worn over other clothes to keep warm or
dry. Coats have sleeves (= parts covering the arms) and may be long or wear a coat
-a jacket that is worn as part of a suit
-the fur, hair or wool that covers an animal’s body a dog with a smooth/shaggy coat
-a layer of paint or some other substance that covers a surface to give the walls a second
coat of paint

Coincidence (noun) -the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a
surprising way a strange/an extraordinary/a remarkable coincidence
-the fact of things being present at the same time the coincidence of inflation and
-the fact of two or more opinions, etc. being the same a coincidence of interests between the
two partners

Convict:to decide and state officially in court that somebody is guilty of a crime be convicted
(of something) He was convicted of fraud.

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