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1. Acceptance (Noun) - The act of receiving or agreeing to something. Sample Sentence: Her
acceptance of the award was met with thunderous applause.

2. Accommodate (Verb) - To provide space or make adjustments for someone or something.

Sample Sentence: The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests in its luxurious suites.

3. Embarrass (Verb) - To cause someone to feel self-conscious or awkward. Sample Sentence: He

didn't mean to embarrass her with his unexpected compliment.

4. Irrelevant (Adjective) - Not connected or applicable to the matter at hand. Sample Sentence:
The off-topic comments were deemed irrelevant to the discussion.

5. Supersede (Verb) - To replace or take the place of something or someone. Sample Sentence:
The new digital edition will supersede the old print version of the magazine.

6. Mischievous (Adjective) - Playfully naughty or causing minor trouble. Sample Sentence: The
mischievous kitten knocked over a vase while exploring the room.

7. Conscientious (Adjective) - Showing great care and thoroughness in one's work. Sample
Sentence: The conscientious student always submitted assignments on time and well-prepared.

8. Argument (Noun) - A reasoned discussion or debate about a specific topic. Sample Sentence:
Their argument about politics lasted for hours, but they both learned from the exchange.

9. Privilege (Noun) - A special advantage or benefit that is not available to everyone. Sample
Sentence: The opportunity to travel abroad is a privilege not everyone can afford.

10. Exaggerate (Verb) - To represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it actually is.
Sample Sentence: She tended to exaggerate the difficulties she faced during her travels.

11. Definitely (Adverb) - Without a doubt; certainly. Sample Sentence: We will definitely be
attending the concert on Saturday night.

12. Occurred (Verb) - Past tense of "occur," meaning to happen or take place. Sample Sentence:
The accident occurred at the intersection during rush hour.

13. Separate (Adjective/Verb) - Not joined or united; to set apart. Sample Sentence: They decided
to live in separate apartments for a while but remained good friends.

14. Committee (Noun) - A group of people appointed to perform a specific function or task. Sample
Sentence: The committee members met to discuss the event's logistics.
15. Maintenance (Noun) - The process of preserving or keeping something in good condition.
Sample Sentence: Regular maintenance of the car is essential to prevent breakdowns.

16. Disappointed (Adjective) - Feeling let down or unsatisfied due to unmet expectations. Sample
Sentence: She was disappointed when her favorite team lost the game.

17. Occurrence (Noun) - An event or incident that takes place. Sample Sentence: The occurrence of
earthquakes in the region is relatively common.

18. Believe (Verb) - To accept something as true or real. Sample Sentence: I believe in the power of
positive thinking.

19. Correspondence (Noun) - The exchange of letters or messages. Sample Sentence: The
correspondence between the two writers continued for years.

20. Occasion (Noun) - A particular event or moment in time. Sample Sentence: The wedding was a
joyous occasion for all who attended.

21. Aberration (Noun) - A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected. Sample Sentence:
The anomalous behavior of the study participants was considered an aberration in the research

22. Benevolent (Adjective) - Showing kindness and goodwill. Sample Sentence: The benevolent
ruler implemented policies to improve the lives of his citizens.

23. Cacophony (Noun) - A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. Sample Sentence: The cacophony
of conflicting opinions in the debate hall made it challenging to follow the arguments.
24. Dichotomy (Noun) - A division or contrast between two things that are represented as being
opposed. Sample Sentence: The professor explained the dichotomy between individual rights
and societal interests.

25. Empirical (Adjective) - Based on observation or experience rather than theory. Sample
Sentence: The scientist gathered empirical evidence to support her hypothesis.

26. Fungible (Adjective) - Interchangeable or replaceable with another of the same kind. Sample
Sentence: Money is often considered fungible because one dollar bill is equivalent to another.

27. Hegemony (Noun) - Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group.
Sample Sentence: The empire sought hegemony over the entire region, extending its influence
through diplomatic and military means.

28. Ineffable (Adjective) - Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Sample
Sentence: The sublime beauty of the natural landscape was ineffable, leaving the tourists
29. Jurisprudence (Noun) - The theory or philosophy of law. Sample Sentence: Students in law
school study jurisprudence to understand the underlying principles of legal systems.

30. Kaleidoscope (Noun) - A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements. Sample

Sentence: The history of the region is a kaleidoscope of cultures and civilizations.

31. Laissez-faire (Adjective) - A policy of letting things take their own course without
interference. Sample Sentence: The economist argued for a laissez-faire approach to the
market, believing that minimal government intervention leads to optimal outcomes.

32. Machiavellian (Adjective) - Cunning, deceitful, and manipulative in political matters. Sample
Sentence: The politician's Machiavellian tactics were effective but morally questionable.

33. Nefarious (Adjective) - Wicked, villainous, or heinously criminal. Sample Sentence: The
dictator was known for his nefarious schemes to maintain control over the country.

34. Oligarchy (Noun) - A small group of people having control of a country or organization.
Sample Sentence: The political power was concentrated in the hands of an oligarchy, leading to
widespread discontent among the citizens.

35. Pernicious (Adjective) - Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Sample Sentence: The pernicious influence of social media on mental health has become a
growing concern.

36. Quixotic (Adjective) - Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical. Sample Sentence: The
professor's quixotic vision for world peace seemed admirable but lacked practical solutions.

37. Renaissance (Noun) - A revival or renewed interest in cultural, artistic, or intellectual

achievements. Sample Sentence: The Renaissance marked a period of great cultural and artistic
innovation in Europe.

38. Sycophant (Noun) - A person who acts obsequiously towards someone important to gain
advantage. Sample Sentence: The sycophant constantly praised the CEO in the hope of
receiving promotions and favors.

39. Ubiquitous (Adjective) - Present, appearing, or found everywhere. Sample Sentence: In the
modern era, smartphones have become ubiquitous, influencing every aspect of daily life.

40. Voracious (Adjective) - Wanting or devouring great quantities of food; having a very eager
approach to an activity. Sample Sentence: The voracious reader consumed multiple books each
week, demonstrating a passion for literature.

41. Writhe (Verb) - To twist and turn, especially as a result of pain or discomfort. Sample
Sentence: The patient began to writhe in pain as the effects of the medication wore off.
42. Xenophobia (Noun) - Dislike or prejudice against people from other countries. Sample
Sentence: The rise of xenophobia in certain regions is a concerning trend that requires
international attention.

43. Yoke (Noun) - A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and
attached to a plow or cart. Sample Sentence: The farmer used a yoke to harness the
strength of two oxen to plow the field.

44. Zealous (Adjective) - Having great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective.
Sample Sentence: The zealous activist worked tirelessly to raise awareness about
environmental issues.

45. Anachronism (Noun) - Something or someone that is not in its correct historical or
chronological time. Sample Sentence: The use of a typewriter in the office was seen as an
anachronism in the age of computers.

46. Belligerent (Adjective) - Hostile, aggressive, or inclined to fight. Sample Sentence: The
belligerent nation refused diplomatic solutions and opted for military intervention.

47. Cognizant (Adjective) - Having knowledge or awareness of something. Sample Sentence: The
students were cognizant of the importance of studying for their upcoming exams.

48. Debilitate (Verb) - To make someone weak or infirm. Sample Sentence: The prolonged illness
began to debilitate the athlete's physical strength.

49. Ephemeral (Adjective) - Lasting for a very short time. Sample Sentence: The beauty of the
cherry blossoms is ephemeral, as they bloom for only a brief period each spring.

50. Facetious (Adjective) - Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor. Sample Sentence:
His facetious remarks during the meeting were not well-received in the serious

51. Garrulous (Adjective) - Excessively talkative, especially about trivial matters. Sample
Sentence: The garrulous professor would often go off on tangents during lectures.

52. Hapless (Adjective) - Unfortunate or unlucky. Sample Sentence: The hapless explorer found
himself lost in the dense jungle without a map.

53. Ineffable (Adjective) - Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Sample
Sentence: The emotions he felt upon receiving the award were ineffable.
54. Juxtapose (Verb) - To place or deal with close together for contrasting effect. Sample
Sentence: The artist chose to juxtapose light and dark colors to create a visually striking
55. Kowtow (Verb) - To act in an excessively subservient manner. Sample Sentence: She refused
to kowtow to unjust demands and stood her ground.

56. Labyrinthine (Adjective) - Complicated and confusing, like a labyrinth. Sample Sentence: The
labyrinthine bureaucracy made it difficult to navigate the government processes.

57. Malleable (Adjective) - Capable of being easily shaped or influenced. Sample Sentence:
Children's minds are often more malleable and open to new ideas.

58. Narcissistic (Adjective) - Excessively self-absorbed or self-centered. Sample Sentence: The

narcissistic actor couldn't stop talking about himself in interviews.

59. Ostentatious (Adjective) - Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display to attract attention.

Sample Sentence: The billionaire's mansion was so ostentatious that it drew the ire of the
local community.

60. Parsimonious (Adjective) - Extremely frugal or unwilling to spend money. Sample Sentence:
The parsimonious old man refused to replace his worn-out shoes despite having the
means to do so.
1. Accommodate (Verb) - To provide lodging or make room for someone. Sample Sentence: The
hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests for the conference.
2. Believe (Verb) - To accept that something is true or exists. Sample Sentence: Even though it was
hard to believe, the magic trick amazed the audience.
3. Calendar (Noun) - A system of organizing and measuring time, typically with days, weeks, and
months. Sample Sentence: Mark the date on the calendar for the school play.
4. Dessert (Noun) - The sweet course typically eaten at the end of a meal. Sample Sentence: My
favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream.
5. Embarrass (Verb) - To cause someone to feel self-conscious or ashamed. Sample Sentence:
Tripping on the stage didn't just embarrass him; it made everyone laugh.
6. Fascinate (Verb) - To attract and hold the interest of someone. Sample Sentence: The colorful
illustrations in the book fascinated the young readers.
7. Guarantee (Noun/Verb) - A promise or assurance of quality, or a pledge to do something.
Sample Sentence: The warranty will guarantee the product against defects.
8. Humorous (Adjective) - Funny or entertaining in a playful way. Sample Sentence: The
comedian's jokes were humorous, and the audience couldn't stop laughing.
9. Immediate (Adjective) - Occurring or done without delay; instant. Sample Sentence: In case of
an emergency, take immediate action and call for help.
10. Jealous (Adjective) - Feeling resentment or envy towards someone else's possessions,
achievements, or advantages. Sample Sentence: Sally felt jealous when her friend got a new bike.
11. Knowledge (Noun) - Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education.
Sample Sentence: Reading books helps to expand your knowledge about different subjects.
12. Leisure (Noun) - Free time, especially when not occupied by work or other responsibilities.
Sample Sentence: During his leisure time, he enjoys playing video games.
13. Millennium (Noun) - A period of a thousand years. Sample Sentence: The year 2000 marked the
beginning of a new millennium.
14. Necessary (Adjective) - Required or essential. Sample Sentence: Wearing a helmet is necessary
for safety while riding a bike.
15. Occasionally (Adverb) - At irregular intervals or infrequently. Sample Sentence: We
occasionally go camping during the summer.
16. Pronunciation (Noun) - The way in which a word is spoken. Sample Sentence: Learning the
correct pronunciation of words is important for effective communication.
17. Quantity (Noun) - The amount or number of something. Sample Sentence: The recipe calls for a
small quantity of sugar.
18. Restaurant (Noun) - A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served
on the premises. Sample Sentence: Let's go to a restaurant for dinner tonight.
19. Separate (Adjective/Verb) - Not joined or united; to set apart. Sample Sentence: Use separate
containers for recycling and regular trash.
20. Temperature (Noun) - The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment. Sample
Sentence: The temperature outside dropped significantly during the winter.
21. Unnecessary (Adjective) - Not required or needed. Sample Sentence: Buying that extra toy was
unnecessary; he already had enough.
22. Vacuum (Noun/Verb) - A space entirely devoid of matter; to clean using a vacuum cleaner.
Sample Sentence: She used the vacuum to clean the carpets in the living room.
23. Weird (Adjective) - Strange or unusual in a way that is difficult to explain. Sample Sentence:
The weird noise coming from the attic scared the children.
24. Exaggerate (Verb) - To represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it actually is.
Sample Sentence: Don't exaggerate your accomplishments on your resume.
25. Yield (Noun/Verb) - To produce or provide; the amount produced. Sample Sentence: The apple
tree will yield a bountiful harvest in the fall.
26. Pharaoh
1. Pronunciation: fay-roh
2. Definition: A title used for ancient Egyptian rulers.
3. Sample Sentence: The pharaoh's tomb was filled with treasures and hieroglyphics.
27. Fahrenheit
1. Pronunciation: fah-ren-hite
2. Definition: A temperature scale where water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at
212 degrees under standard atmospheric pressure.
3. Sample Sentence: The weather forecast predicts a high of 90 degrees Fahrenheit
28. Committee
1. Pronunciation: kuh-mit-ee
2. Definition: A group of people appointed for a specific function, typically to make
decisions or investigate.
3. Sample Sentence: The committee met to discuss the budget for the upcoming
29. Rendezvous
1. Pronunciation: rahn-day-voo
2. Definition: A meeting or gathering at an agreed time and place, typically between
two individuals.
3. Sample Sentence: The lovers had a romantic rendezvous at the park.
30. Reservoir
1. Pronunciation: rez-er-vwahr
2. Definition: A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
3. Sample Sentence: The city gets its drinking water from a nearby reservoir.
31. Paraphernalia
1. Pronunciation: par-uh-fuh-ney-lee-uh
2. Definition: Miscellaneous articles, especially equipment needed for a particular
3. Sample Sentence: The detective found drug paraphernalia in the suspect's

1. Pterodactyl
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: tuh-rod-ak-tuhl
 Definition: A prehistoric flying reptile with membranous wings and a long beak.
 Sample Sentence: The museum displayed a fossilized skeleton of a pterodactyl,
fascinating visitors with its enormous wingspan.
2. Bioluminescence
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: bahy-oh-loo-muh-nes-uhns
 Definition: The emission of light by living organisms as a result of chemical
 Sample Sentence: The ocean shimmered at night due to the bioluminescence of
certain marine creatures.
3. Curriculum
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: kuh-rik-yuh-luhm
 Definition: The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or educational
 Sample Sentence: The school's science curriculum included biology, chemistry,
and physics.
4. Bookkeeping
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: book-kee-ping
 Definition: The activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of
a business.
 Sample Sentence: Accurate bookkeeping is essential for monitoring a company's
financial health.
5. Questionnaire
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: kwes-chuh-nair
 Definition: A set of questions used for gathering information or data from
 Sample Sentence: Please fill out this questionnaire about your shopping
preferences and experiences.
6. Vineyard
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: vin-yerd
 Definition: A plantation of grapevines, typically used in wine production.
 Sample Sentence: The vineyard produces a variety of grapes used to make red
and white wines.
7. Leguminous
 Part of Speech: Adjective
 Pronunciation: le-gyoo-muh-nuhs
 Definition: Relating to or denoting plants that are members of the legume family,
such as peas or beans.
 Sample Sentence: Leguminous plants help to enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen.
8. Queue
 Part of Speech: Noun/Verb
 Pronunciation: kyoo
 Definition (Noun): A line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn.
 Definition (Verb): To wait in line or form a line.
 Sample Sentence (Noun): They stood patiently in the queue for tickets to the
 Sample Sentence (Verb): Please queue up behind the others waiting for entrance.
9. Acquaintance
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: uh-kweyn-tns
 Definition: A person one knows slightly but who is not a close friend.
 Sample Sentence: She greeted her acquaintance with a friendly smile at the party.
10. Stethoscope
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: steth-uh-skohp
 Definition: An instrument used by medical professionals to listen to sounds within
the body, especially the heart and lungs.
 Sample Sentence: The doctor used a stethoscope to listen to the patient's
11. Depot
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: dep-oh
 Definition: A place for the storage of goods or transportation vehicles, often a
railway or bus station.
 Sample Sentence: The train depot was bustling with activity as passengers
boarded and disembarked.
12. Debris
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: duh-bree
 Definition: Scattered fragments or remains of something destroyed or broken.
 Sample Sentence: After the storm, debris littered the streets, requiring a cleanup
13. Caricature
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: kar-uh-kuh-cher
 Definition: A picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking
characteristics are exaggerated.
 Sample Sentence: The artist created a caricature of the politician, emphasizing his
prominent features.
14. Piety
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: pahy-i-tee
 Definition: Devotion and reverence to religious beliefs or principles.
 Sample Sentence: Her acts of charity and regular prayers reflected her deep piety.
15. Epitome
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: ih-pit-uh-mee
 Definition: A perfect example or representation of a particular quality or type.
 Sample Sentence: She was considered the epitome of grace and elegance.
16. Bourgeoisie
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: boor-zhwah-zee
 Definition: The middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic
values or conventional attitudes.
 Sample Sentence: The bourgeoisie in the 19th century played a significant role in
societal changes.
17. Asylum
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: uh-sahy-luhm
 Definition: Protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native
country as a political refugee.
 Sample Sentence: The country granted asylum to the refugees fleeing from the
war-torn region.
18. Jinx
 Part of Speech: Noun/Verb
 Pronunciation: jinks
 Definition (Noun): A person or thing that brings bad luck.
 Definition (Verb): To bring bad luck to something or someone.
 Sample Sentence (Noun): The black cat was considered a jinx by the superstitious.
 Sample Sentence (Verb): I hope I don't jinx our chances of winning by saying this.
19. Cache
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: kash
 Definition: A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or
inaccessible place.
 Sample Sentence: The explorer found a cache of ancient artifacts hidden in the
20. Fissure
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: fish-er
 Definition: A long, narrow opening or crack, often in the earth's surface.
 Sample Sentence: The earthquake caused a deep fissure in the ground.
21. Voodoo
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: voo-doo
 Definition: A religious practice involving rituals and beliefs, often associated with
Haitian culture.
 Sample Sentence: Some practitioners believe in the power of voodoo to heal or
22. Suffrage
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: suhf-rij
 Definition: The right to vote in political elections.
 Sample Sentence: The suffrage movement fought for women's right to vote.
23. Misogyny
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: mi-soj-uh-nee
 Definition: Hatred or prejudice against women.
 Sample Sentence: His misogynistic remarks offended many people at the
24. Dieffenbachia
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: dee-fuhn-bak-ee-uh
 Definition: A type of tropical plant often grown as a houseplant, known for its
decorative foliage.
 Sample Sentence: The dieffenbachia plant adds a touch of greenery to the living
25. Bougainvillea
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: boo-guhn-vil-yuh
 Definition: A tropical climbing plant with colorful, papery bracts surrounding its
 Sample Sentence: The bougainvillea in the garden bloomed with vibrant shades
of pink and purple.
26. Roulette
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: roo-let
 Definition: A game of chance in which a small ball is spun within a revolving wheel with
numbered compartments, the players betting on the number at which the ball will come
to rest.
 Sample Sentence: He placed his bet on number 17 on the roulette table, hoping for a
27. Crochet
 Part of Speech: Verb/Noun
 Pronunciation: kroh-shay
 Definition (Verb): To make fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread with a hooked
 Definition (Noun): A needlework technique that uses a hooked needle for creating fabric
by interlocking loops of yarn.
 Sample Sentence (Verb): She loves to crochet blankets for her family during the winter.
 Sample Sentence (Noun): The intricate crochet pattern on the tablecloth was handmade
by her grandmother.
28. Ricochet
 Part of Speech: Verb/Noun
 Pronunciation: rik-uh-shey
 Definition (Verb): To rebound or bounce off a surface after impact.
 Definition (Noun): The motion or instance of a projectile rebounding off a surface.
 Sample Sentence (Verb): The bullet ricocheted off the wall, narrowly missing the
 Sample Sentence (Noun): The sudden ricochet of the ball surprised everyone in the
29. Imeldific
 Part of Speech: Adjective
 Pronunciation: ih-mel-dif-ik
 Definition: Extravagant or ostentatious in style, especially related to fashion or
 Sample Sentence: Her wardrobe was known for its imeldific collection of designer shoes
and accessories.
30. Dysmenorrhea
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: dis-men-uh-ree-uh
 Definition: Severe pain and discomfort that some women experience during
 Sample Sentence: She missed school due to dysmenorrhea, finding it difficult to manage
the pain.
31. Dyspnea
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: disp-nee-uh
 Definition: Difficulty or labored breathing.
 Sample Sentence: The patient's dyspnea worsened after running a marathon, prompting
a visit to the doctor.
32. Snollygaster
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: snol-ee-gas-ter
 Definition: A mythical creature or a person without principles, a charlatan.
 Sample Sentence: The politician was referred to as a snollygaster by his opponents.
33. Pentapopemtic
 Part of Speech: Adjective
 Pronunciation: pen-tuh-po-pem-tik
 Definition: Referring to a five-word phrase or a phrase consisting of five words.
 Sample Sentence: The poet's style often involves pentapopemtic structures in his verses.
34. Cachinnate
 Part of Speech: Verb
 Pronunciation: ka-ki-neyt
 Definition: To laugh loudly or immoderately.
 Sample Sentence: The comedy show made the audience cachinnate throughout the
35. Pogonotrophy
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: po-guh-not-ruh-fee
 Definition: The act of growing or cultivating a beard.
 Sample Sentence: Movember encourages pogonotrophy to raise awareness about men's
health issues.
36. Arachnid
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: uh-rak-nid
 Definition: A class of joint-legged invertebrate animals, including spiders, scorpions,
ticks, and mites.
 Sample Sentence: An arachnid typically has eight legs and a body divided into two parts.
37. Coelenterate
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: si-len-tuh-reyt
 Definition: A phylum of invertebrate animals including jellyfishes, corals, and sea
 Sample Sentence: The biologist studied the anatomy of the coelenterate for her
38. Onomatopoeia
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh
 Definition: The formation of words that imitate natural sounds or suggest a meaning
through sound.
 Sample Sentence: "Buzz," "hiss," and "bang" are examples of onomatopoeia.
39. Hiccup
 Part of Speech: Noun/Verb
 Pronunciation: hik-uhp
 Definition (Noun): A spasm of the diaphragm causing a sudden, involuntary inhalation,
often followed by closure of the glottis, creating a "hic" sound.
 Definition (Verb): To make a "hic" sound due to a sudden involuntary diaphragm spasm.
 Sample Sentence (Noun): His persistent hiccups kept him up at night.
 Sample Sentence (Verb): She hiccupped several times after drinking the soda too
40. Munchkin
 Part of Speech: Noun
 Pronunciation: muhnch-kin
 Definition: A small or diminutive person, often used as a term of endearment for a child.
 Sample Sentence: The little girl with adorable pigtails was often called a munchkin by
her family.

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